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Aberrant: 200X - [200x VOTE] Combat Styles


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This is the vote thread for inclusion of Combat Styles from the New Flesh into 200x. Golden Gunplay and Qi Meng are NOT part of this review. If the Combat Styles are voted in, then we'll open the debate on the Nova-Fu arts.

Voting rules:

Any 200x player gets 1 vote in each of these 4 polls.

I ask that if you vote, you make a short post below saying that you've voted. That's all. You don't need to say how or justify why.

If you haven't voted at all, there is no need to do anything.

Votes that aren't accounted for by supporting posts are discounted. I can't guarantee fairness in which votes get lost, because not only am I human, I'm a mean bastard. So make sure you sign below.

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Voted. Though I would like to add a caveat to the respec, maybe only a certain number of XP, otherwise you can pretty much remake a character. Just not sure what a reasonable number is. Or, as was mentioned in chat, this isn't an excuse to go hog wild just because you can.

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I realize I am only now joining 200x, but you needed a tie breaker, and I think a chance to respec when changing something as fundamental as combat should be allowed for all but the most minor of changes, with moderator approval of any respeced sheets to avoid anyone trying to game the system.

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