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Mutants & Masterminds: Future Imperfect - Table-Talk/OOC-Stuff


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[Forge] 10:21 am: Joani, just out of curiosity, how were mutants classified IG? is there IG criteria that let you know you would be a class V? or is it


[jameson] 10:23 am: yeah, did they have some kind of test that they run on you?

[Forge] 10:24 am: and I'm sure no one is willing to undergo it now, so I doubt we would realize we were class V's

[Forge] 10:24 am: perhaps have a suspicion

[Joani] 10:24 am: Mutants are generally classified after birth via a DNA test. But not all Mutants are/were born in hospitals. There's a larger number

of unclassified Mutants which after the registration act will have to submit to a DNA test which then reveals their class

[Forge] 10:25 am: so most of us wouldn't know we were class V's then

[Carver] 10:25 am: I'm sure they were lining up for that test.

[Joani] 10:25 am: Generally - if you never made a test you should be able to tell fairly well that you are far more powerful than other mutants and

thus must be of higher Class

[Joani] 10:26 am: @Damon - probably, since the news keep saying that the last Class V just died

[Forge] 10:26 am: Carver, back in the day, I'm sure they were, parents would want to know the potential of their children to prepare, if not brag

[Joani] 10:26 am: All Class Vs are assumed to be dead and only a very few Class IVs are still around.

[Joani] 10:26 am: It's likely you don't know your class or if you do, you should better keep it secret

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@Damon - Vet in my book.

@All - Like most know I hurt my knee and have decided to stay home for two days to let it heal better (at work I don't have means to keep it cooled).

Anyway - Currently I've got 2 PCs approved and I'm working on the others as fast as possible to get them done, too.

Next on my plate is the review of the original Preludes and see what I can salvage from those. I cannot tell when we will officially start but I am aiming roughly for the last Week of January (24th), maybe sooner depending on how fast I can get your Sheets reviewed.

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I'm halfway through reviewing the threads. It looks like I can keep most of the Intro/Prelude-Threads and just have to make minor changes at the point when the Robots entered/Aliens attacked.

The actual Chapters will all be dumped (moved into the Archive). Those threads marked (not canon) or (old) are not going to make it over to the reboot (but I won't delete them, they're just being moved to the Archive once Chosen has reinstalled the subforums again).

So basically we're going to keep the preludes and I can safely tell you that you should re-read your threads again, just to get back into character.

I will pick up the threads from the point on when things got out of hand (robots/aliens/Doom) and will spin the story in a different way this time.

Adrian and Rebecca are going to stay major NPCs, though. Adrian simply did too much to ignore it. I will hopefully keep his spirit by interpreting his Character and Rebecca.

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next Update:

The following PCs are reviewed and considered Approved and can start fictions if they want.

Travis Kincaid (Jameson)

Felicienne Devereaux (Asarasa)

May Allman (Dawn)

I'm working on the next bunch of sheets and hopefully will be done this weekend.

I'm still missing sheets from Smax, Kylie and Malachite.

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I must comment on this - so far every submission I've gotten has been really awesome. You guys have put a lot of thought into your Characters and how to make a smooth and fitting port to M&M.

Just wanted to thank you for that.

Now lets review the next sheet smile

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Ok, I cleaned up the Forum a little and moved all the stuff of past into the Archive. I left pointers which will be deleted in 7 days and PM'd all original posters of the fics.

Next up on my List Jaunt and Grav.

Still missing, Smax, the Twins and Damon's Sheet. I hope I haven't forgotten someone this time.

SG - Kevin is practically approved - I'll get a second opinion on monday regarding the different PP-Cost we have.

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Alright - now this is something that caught my attention and I have to share to get your feedback/opinion.

As most of you know I'm using Hero Lab for M&M - I create my own PCs using the software and I manage NPCs and combat with it (if I'm home).

There are many benefits using Hero Lab and I actually learned a few mechanics which were unclear to me before or I lacked the experience to understand (I simulated a few fights using its integrated system to manage combat and it literally opened my eyes).

Anyway - what I actually want to say/ask - I was reviewing Stargaizers sheet and came with a difference of 8 PPs to his favour in my first draft (I forgot some minor adjustments which brought it down to 6 PPs) difference.

The good thing, from my perspective is the validation mechanic of Hero Lab which automatically checks if Powers at a certain Rank can be bought according to PL-Caps and Limits. So it's a fairly good and nice resource I've relied on to make sure submission are ruleswise ok.

I must confess, I'm not good at rules generally and it takes quite some time for me to learn mechanics if I'm not regularly confronted with it. I've got too much other stuff on my mind (bank/finance stuff mostly) to get any proficiency in a short span of time. That's why I love Hero Lab so much, because it really helps me and takes off a lot of trouble from my mind.

I'm still at a difference of 2 PPs now with SGs Sheet and I'm not entirely sure why except for saying that his math is wrong because I trust the software's results.

Now I stumbled over Reven's submission - everything is perfect except the powers. This time the difference is even larger and I'm starting to question if the software is entirely off and buggy or if I did something wrong (forgot extras, ranks etc.) But even if there was a detail forgotten it should end up with 1 or 2 PP difference. In Reven's case I came up with a difference of a whopping 21 PP unspent. I know he forgot to include the Side Effect Flaw in his built I took care of that but 21 PP difference in total (mind you, always to the PCs favour - we are talking of points unspent).

This is in no way meant to critisize Revenant or Stargaizer. Both your submissions are sound and fair and all PP allocations in Abilities, Skills and Advantages are flawless.

But when it comes to calculating Powers there seems to be some trouble in applying how the costs are calculated. I confess I don't check the book and do the math manually on paper - I use the software and trust it's results. After all it is an officially sanctionized program by the developers of the game, it has an official license. Those of you who use it may agree with me, it's an awesome piece of software and I don't want to miss it.

To make a long story short - I'm unsure how to handle this. I'm trying to make a step by step conversion and see where the application of costs is wrong so I can better point it out. Especially since the player submitting his sheet should know and understand why his math is off.

How should I handle this? I spent half an evening with SG to figure out one single power and why his costs was far higher than mine. The closest we have come now is down to 2 PP difference, I got 13 PP in Hero Lab and he got 15 PP based on his math/logic.

I want to avoid trouble in general and things like "it's like that because I say so" - since it is applying the rules from my pov. I would be even more insecure if it were calculations against my players (i. e., you spent too many points) but that's not the case.

What is your opinion on this?

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Hmm, I use Hero Lab too and haven't noticed any problems with it, but I've slso read the book a fair bit too. I've looked over my character again in both Hero Lab and the book and noticed one discrepancy - it came when applying extras to the Damage/Strike power and clicking the box for making it Strength-Based - it doesn't apply extra ranks of the extra for your damage modifier based on Strength.

But that is the only problem I have seen. If SG and/or Revenant are willing, and you are too, Joani, I'd be willing to look over the characters, to try to find the errors, in either math, conversion of paper to Hero Lab, or in Hero Lab itself.

P.S. Another thing, there are a few flaws that have both a rank cost modifier and a flat cost modifier, which is used depends on the power, so that can skew the costs of powers too. Just in case that's an issue.

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Now I stumbled over Reven's submission - everything is perfect except the powers. This time the difference is even larger and I'm starting to question if the software is entirely off and buggy or if I did something wrong (forgot extras, ranks etc.) But even if there was a detail forgotten it should end up with 1 or 2 PP difference. In Reven's case I came up with a difference of a whopping 21 PP unspent. I know he forgot to include the Side Effect Flaw in his built I took care of that but 21 PP difference in total (mind you, always to the PCs favour - we are talking of points unspent).

Jaunt is basically the 'Speedster' template from the rule book. I removed Quickness and replaced it with Teleport an then lowered some of the ratings in other places to help bring the total down to 135 points. Looking at the template in the book might help you a bit in Jaunt's case.

To be honest, I really don't care about the 21 points, Joani. At the most I'd spend about 3 of them on Extras for Teleport and that's about it. Jaunt's fine how he is in my opinion. There's nothing new or fancy that those points could be spent on, so if you want to just drop those extra points and call it even, I'm cool with that. It'll drop him closer to a PL7 character in point totals anyway.
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Please note: Hero Lab's support for Mutants & Masterminds 3rd s currently a beta release. This means that the data files may be complete. Anyone who purchases the beta M&M3 support w given a free update to the final data package when the Hero's Handbook releases this fall. /quote

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The error has been found btw. After extended research and help from Asarasa we found out that HL fucks up the moment the -2 Side Effect is applied. It calculates everything right up until that moment. There must be an error in their code because the error only comes up when there's a switch from 1PP per Rank to 2 Ranks per PP.

Hence the reason for being so off on the results. This means I'll have to recheck a few things (step by step) to make sure the Side Effect Flaw is correctly factored in.

Thanks for the support!

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Given that Adrian's an NPC now, I'd be open to trying to get involved with one or more of the other PC's. Given Juno's background, I'm not sure how that would work.

Though I've been considering the possibility of revising Juno's concept and background...not sure yet if that's something I want to do or not.

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