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Aberrant: 200X - Table Talk - General OOC Thread.

Mr Fox

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I had just been reading the scuttlebut between IE.and MCoH. There had been comments about magpies and new shinys. Furthermore, before I left, when these boards were much more active, every time a new game would start everyone (myself included) would flock to them. I think at one point I had 12 or more active characters and I wasn't the most prolific by far.

Anyways, my point is still that id like to play a "regular" abby game and it seems like this is the closest thing still going. I was just saying that I do better with a group and an ST and a plot. Its more fun for me to be able to write my character when I don't know what's going to happen next.

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Hello everyone!

I'm new to the boards, and still coming up to speed a bit on how everything works. Currently I am doing some ground work to get started, but am torn between various games within the Aberrant board section.

I'd like to flex my creativity a bit and try my hand at building a character in the rule/setting set of Aberrant 200X as well, even if just to get a feel for it.

I do notice however that there are various games, and people talking about 2008, 2010, 2018 and so on. Do all these games follow a single set of guidelines?

And if so, is it possible to build a character "on the fly" and see if people are interested in it (have it "adopted" so to say) or is it required to first find a spot in one of the running games?

Dawn and Venus have been of great help to get me through the basics, but perhaps this is something you can help me with.

Thanks in advance!

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Originally Posted By: Anatoly
Hello everyone!

I'm new to the boards, and still coming up to speed a bit on how everything works. Currently I am doing some ground work to get started, but am torn between various games within the Aberrant board section.

I'd like to flex my creativity a bit and try my hand at building a character in the rule/setting set of Aberrant 200X as well, even if just to get a feel for it.

I do notice however that there are various games, and people talking about 2008, 2010, 2018 and so on. Do all these games follow a single set of guidelines?

And if so, is it possible to build a character "on the fly" and see if people are interested in it (have it "adopted" so to say) or is it required to first find a spot in one of the running games?

Dawn and Venus have been of great help to get me through the basics, but perhaps this is something you can help me with.

Thanks in advance!

Read the rules. You've up to 50NP and 77XP to play with. If you want to run your concept by us, go right ahead. smile

And you don't need to be in a game. smile
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Oh I read the rules - assuming that the 200X bible was the one to read. But there it mentioned 50 NP, nothing about the XP (I imagined it simply was the disadvantage of starting later).

I'll get simmering on some ideas and see which one floats to the top, thanks for the info.

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Hi Anatoly,

Small correction to Runa's statement: The current XP total as of 1 March is 72, I believe. Starting characters are given a leg-up to keep them only a little behind the long-running active characters. You gain 3 XP per month if inactive, 7 if active.

The various Open World games you mentioned are for the most part defunct. "2018" was the original N-Prime board. "2010" was a reboot of 2018 that died, and 200X is the reboot of the rebooted reboot. wink There's also Middle Children of History, which is the uber high-powered 2027(?) setting.

With 200X, just make a character and dive on in. Any homebrew powers or enhancements not in the main books or the 'sanctioned' fanbooks (Forceful Personalities, Brainwaves, Breed Apart and New Flesh) have to pass scrutiny, not just by the Mods but from the other players too. You'll notice open posts on the 200X board regarding those.

Lastly, welcome aboard! ARRRRR!

P.S: Yes, Runa, you're 5 XP over. *spank* There. That's what you get. cool

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Oh, one more thing, Runa, and this goes for everyone...

Unlike the other Aberrant games that have been going on here on the site, in 200X, history might not play out like it does in the official metaplot.

Be careful. Have fun, and don't forget your towel.

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Okay, I'm probably going to wrap up Getting Charity From a Stone in the next few days with them taking a tour of The Crush, and ending with having the XWFers (Bombshell, Emperor Narcissist, and Bulletproof Monk) fly down to Stamford, Connecticut (XWF Head Office) to talk to Flair and maybe Bartlett. Anyone already in Getting Charity From a Stone, feel free to post anytime before I close it.

After than, I'm going to start a thread just for small vignettes of various people getting other people to join in the Event. If anyone not already mentioning interest wants to get involved, make a note here, or PM involved parties to work out a way to have them join the fun.

After that, there will be another thread for the Charity Event itself. In game, promotion and participant gathering for the event happens during March and the beginning of April, and the actual event happens sometime in April.

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So, the closing window is on the lead-up to the event, not the actual event itself, true? (Note: A Community Service is a fiction leading to the event. Sakurako will participate. Dunno if Silv wants to join, and I know Ryusei is in there.)

Also I will be on again more than likely the tuesday after the convention (the 5th I believe).

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Right, I'd say the Vignette thread would span the time Community Service is taking place. So we don't have add more for Saku there, unless you want to. It's mostly just a thread so other PCs can get involved, and for PCs to talk to various NPCs to get them involved, and maybe mention some of the various fights and other things up for auction at the Event.

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  • 1 month later...

I still can't see Healing Factor and not think it's completely broken.

It's the fact that's it's free. You look at the Healing power, and you're limited to healing a number of health levels per target per SCENE, and it costs you 1 QP per health level healed regardless of the level. Sure you can heal lots of people... but you'll run out of quantum real fast (as I've learned to my sorrow).

This can heal effectively an infinite number of health levels for free, even if just for you.

There's got to be some sort of cost associated with this, or a per-scene limit on what you can heal. Otherwise it's leagues superior to comparable abilities, and the other one's also a high level power.

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Firstly, fair comment. But I'm not comparing Healing Factor with Healing. I'm comparing it with Invulnerability (Broad) or Armour (Superheavy) or any number of other defensive powers that provide ludicrous soak for little to no cost. The pre-reqs and the fact that Healing Factor is a power rather than an Enhancement (meaning it's Disruptable, mimicable and all the other nasty tricks) makes me willing to give it a test run.

Secondly, if you have a comment about a proposed power, drop it into the proposal thread HERE. If you're against it that's fine - we'll have a poll on the matter and decide whether to go ahead with the test run based on a simple majority. smile

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A quick rules question: With Bodyshift, can one change their appearance like with Shapeshift? I mean, if one can sprout horns or turn their blood to acid, then how much harder is merely changing one's appearance?

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Clarification for people involved in the Charity Event:

The Congo fics take place in May, whereas I believe the Charity XWF Event is in March/April (correct me if I'm wrong Bombshell). By all means, include bits of rumored news about rising tensions or political issues. But the events of The Line and Chaos in Kinshasa haven't happened yet.

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Due to the type of story arc and event that Gods of War is supposed to be, I am prepared to referee conflicts, play NPC oppenents, and even throw extra story challenges the way of characters who want their war experience to be a little more edge-of-the-seat. If it goes well, then I'll ST future events the same way.

I realise that this may be shifting 200X from purely OW to semi-ST'd on special occasions, but to be honest I'm fine with that. Anyone can wear the ST hat if all parties involved are willing, so the central nature of this game as being run by all the players remains intact.

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First post for the Charity Event is up. Feel free to make a post showing what your character is up as it starts - or even leading up to it. My next post will be Jason just welcoming people to the show and for their generosity, then getting the Event officially started.

If we can, I'd like each post (or arc in a multi-post fight or whatever) ending with a vague lead to the next one. Sort of like "And now, coming up...." so we don't need to make an official order of events at the Charity. People can post as the desire and inspiration strike them.

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The Charity is underway!

In the Victoria Crush Charity Extravaganza, there is no formal order of events. Just post as you will, though try to get the action done in a single post, if possible.

Note, you can write stuff that doesn't involve your own PCs - there's plenty of stuff lined up for the Charity Event, and by no means is it all Fan demanded XWF matches. It just hasn't been determined yet.

Have fun everyone.

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General Announcement -

The last couple of weeks, the social difficulty modifiers of Taint been raised several times. The general consensus was that Taint penalties affected humans, not other novas. Thanks to Anatoly, who pointed me at the right page (APG p 91), it has now been discovered that Taint penalties affect lower-taint novas in the same way.

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I have another question. I'd once been told that only elites working for DeVries got to capitalize the title "Elite" and that everyone else was lowercase - kinda an "Eff-you" to those not powerful enough to be on DV's payroll. Is this accurate or a misperception? I ask because Morri's been listed as an "Elite", as well as Evo, though neither are DV's beasts.

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I'm considering adding these Backgrounds from Adventure!, making them available as additions to the standard Aberrant Background traits. Unless anyone has any massive objections, this change will 'go live' in 48 hrs. People will be able to retrofit certain Backgrounds they possess to ones that better suit their character - taking Reputation instead of Influence, for example, which suits characters that may be well-known, but not actually be able to sway policy by pulling strings directly.

  • Followers - Yes, I know Aberrant already has the Followers Background. I prefer the scaling and flexibility of the Adventure! variant. It makes Followers more than "1 to 5 more compliant and less skilled Allies". For those that don't have the book in question, the number of followers is as follows: 1 dot - 2 average individuals or 1 exceptionally skilled. 2 dots - 5 average or 2-3 more capable minions. 3 dots - 10 ordinary followers, or a fewer number of exceptional ones. 4 dots - 18 average followers, or again a smaller number of improved ones. 5 dots - 30 average minions, or a smaller number of elite ones.
  • Reputation - This Background can be taken multiple times, as well as earned and lost by a character's actions. Unlike Influence, it doesn't reflect personal pull, but it can add dice in certain Social situations depending on what the Reputation is for. For example, in addition to being an XWF star, Bombshell may have a reputation, deserved or not, for being a 'bimbo nova', whereas Jael Carver has one as a fun-lovin' party girl (Read: giant nova-ho, or so her friend Shelly says wink ). Note that Reputation can be a detriment as well - Having a rep as a hotshot elite means that people buy you drinks in merc bars and that N! raves about you, but it also marks you as a target in battle. Every elite out there wants to be the one to take down Totentanz, even if they rationally might not actually want to fight him.

    The number of dots in a Reputation stat indicate how widespread that particular reputation is. 1 is very localised or in a narrow subculture, whereas 5 is global.

  • Sanctum - A lair. A Batcave. A Fortress of Solitude. The more dots of this Background, the more exotic and useful the place and the harder it is to find, as each level of Sanctum acts as a level of Cipher for anyone trying to find it. 1 dot is a few secret rooms under your house, whereas 5 dots could be a base in Antarctica fully stocked with all sorts of things you need, or a shielded orbital asteroid (provided you have the means to get there).

Background Enhancements: I'm considering allowing these also. We have a decent bunch of players here, and the potential for abuse is easily nipped in the bud by the simple application of the word 'No'. As an aid to good roleplaying, I think that the Enhancements should be earned in story and with XP both. No starting character is to have them.


PS! As a bonus for everyone's awesome work in getting 200x humming along again, I'm flexing my Mod muscle and awarding 3 Reputation points to everyone, to be assigned however you see as appropriate. After all, the NP and XP levels of the PCs make them mid-level movers and shakers at the very least. Additionally, all those taking part in the Crush Charity event gain an extra point of Reputation: Celebrity/Fame, and Bombshell gets 2 for setting the whole thing up. Again, thank you all for taking part and making it fun.

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