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Aberrant: 2011 - Questions About Summer/Autumn

Summer Solstice

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Can we have the truth please?

What some characters may or may not know in 2009 is that Solstice has (or had rather) a twin sister. Twelve years ago she was kidnapped and later murdered. The killer was never found and the case was never closed (al a Jon Benet, if you need reference).

The truth of the matter is that Summer and her sister Autumn were identical, right down to blood type. On a genetic level the two girls were identical, a modern miracle and some say the cause behind why they were both latent. The twins were always trading places and purposefully posing as the other either to play games or to annoy.

When their father began taking advantage of them around the age of seven Autumn spoke up and threatened to tell the authorities. Shortly after she came up missing, and was later found murdered. The kidnapping and murder were both the work of their father. The story takes a twist when Summer began adopting a majority of Autumn’s personality traits. Even though the certificate of death states it was Autumn’s body that was found, scientifically there is no way to prove which sister was actually murdered.

So, which sister was murdered? Is Solstice Summer, or Autumn?

No one knows. This question can never be answered considering that Solstice completely believes that she is both. Even complete telepathic probing will reveal so many inconsistencies with her memory that it would be almost impossible to decipher.

Why did we (the players) not know this sooner?

Simple. It happened almost twelve years ago, it’s old news and most, if not all, of the players most likely had no reason to put two and two together. How often on a regular basis to you think of someone or something that happened almost twelve years ago (when most of the 2009 characters were teens or younger) and are spot on with names faces dates and being able to pick them out in a line up? (“Oh, that Summer Astovik! Wow you look just like you did when you were seven… but with boobs!”)

Well, I have absorbed all the knowledge of the Cosmos, certainly I’d know everything there to know about her.

No, you wouldn’t.

Does my character know Solstice is crazy?

Without good reason to suspect so, or know for a fact that her sister was killed years ago (and hence she has to be either one of the other) then, no. Once a character has a good reason to suspect something fishy (which I’ll be the judge of, or a neutral player, or poll) then any one with Medicine 3 (the equivalent of an associates degree) may attempt to begin doing the math. I have yet to determine the difficulty of the roll, or the number of successes to determine if the character has solid enough evidence, but if they possess ‘Psychology’ as a specialty the difficulty will be lowered by one.

Is there any way for characters to gain knowledge of Summer’s/Autumn’s past?

Certainly. All they’d have to do is research. Any library with a new archive or a thorough search on the Op-Net would easily draw up the Astovik history. In game terms to assist players it would take about 10 successes at difficulty 4 to learn the whole story behind the kidnapping and the murder.

The search is difficulty 2 (there is a lot ‘Astovik’ information to sort through) and the case an effective cipher of 2 (it’s over twelve years old, gathering all that info would be a headache in and of itself). Any character attempting to research the case must have a damn good reason to do so (i.e. I have to approve it), people don’t just wake up one day and decide to research 12 year old cases and stumble on the Astovik kidnapping. One roll is permitted every 5 days (gather info, sort it out, categorize it, search for more…) and any player interested should PM me so we may discuss details.

Can I crack the case? Can I solve the Mystery of the Astovik Murder?

Yes. After gathering all the info on the case (see above) you can collect 35 successes at difficulty 9 (Difficulty 5: Twelve-Year-old Police files, mountains of evidence, gaining access to the files. Cipher 4: Their father covered his tracks well, and there is 12 years of dust to brush off.). Once this is done, you’ve solved the murder. This will never solve which sister was actually killed however. This may also only be done with my permission.

If you have other questions, ask.

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Originally Posted By: Autumn Solstice
The truth of the matter is that Summer and her sister Autumn were identical, right down to blood type. On a genetic level the two girls were identical, a modern miracle and some say the cause behind why they were both latent. The twins were always trading places and purposefully posing as the other either to play games or to annoy.

Just wanted to point out that what you've described it basically what identifies identical twins; for them to not have the same genes and blood type is the anomaly, not the reverse. It's for this reason that arguments against biological cloning fall flat; a biological clone would be literally no different than an identical twin sibling.

If you're looking for something to make Summer and Autumn exceptionally rare as far as identical twins go, I'd suggest their retinas and fingerprints. Even in identical twins, retinal patterns and fingerprints differ.
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I thought: "scientifically there is no way to prove which sister was actually murdered." Kinda helped to sum that up. I'm trying to avoid avoid techno babble and science jargon. If 'weak nuclear forces' is something that people are unclear on I doubt it would be worth going into genetics. smile

But wait! It's impossible for twins to identical retinas and fingerprints!

Not intirely, but if you think about it flight, telepathy, and launching lasers from your finger tips certainly is. I'll adhere to science when everyone else does. It's a game, have fun with it. She and her sister are anomolies, quirky lil mutant babies in a world filled with wonky peeps.

I hope that is better clarified now.

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Dave, here it is. If you want other players to supend their disbelief over clear and blatant holes in your character's back grounds..Then you Can't do what you love to do witch is poke holes in other people's back grounds. Do not even try the do as i say not as I do bullshit.

Even if you do that, then for the love of anything you hold dear, do not then turn around and use the things you are bashing as an excuse for what you are doing.

Yes, if I cloned myself my clone's finger prints would not be the same as mine. But you know what.There are other ways to get around the finger print thing. No I will not tell them to you, because I think this story is retconing and stupid. Really the twin thing is just well so Heroes!

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Catalyst, that wasn't a question, it was an attack. So I'm ignoring (quite literally) you and the majority of your post. I've been doing my damnedest to be pleasant lately, both to you and this place, so please either be decent or don't bother addressing me. Frankly, that goes for anyone. I'm still not to hot on the idea coming back and attempting to 'play' here again and I already have one sorely motivated and poorly written fiction to prove it. So please, either stay off my case or do me a favor and not speak to me at all.

Originally Posted By: Catalyst
Really the twin thing is just well so Heroes!

This part however I'll clear up. I suppose the twin thing could be Heroes, I wouldn't know since I've never seen it. In fact the twin thing could be any number of 100,000 plots that have used the same theme. This particular story line has been used and over used, and now I'm using it and over using it some more.

The idea behind Summer/Autumn actually comes from fictional characters names Jeanette and Theresa. I liked the idea and thought I'd take a shot at having some fun with it. If you do not know who Jeanette and Theresa are, you're missing out. They were a barrel of laughs.

This story line was planned a long time ago, in fact Seph and I PMed a little bit about it nearly three months ago. I've done my best to account for the feelings of other players, hell, this story line is about as interactive as you can get. How many people have given you a murder mystery to solve, actually given you the opportunity to use skills to decipher another character motivations, secrets, or mental health?

I will keep this thread active until next Friday, during that time I'm going leave the subject of Solstice open for anyone to ask questions about. I will answer them honestly and to the best of my ability. The information will all be OOC knowledge.

I will also accept suggestions, story ideas, and even criticism (attacks will be ignored, seriously, I'm not in the mood for it right now, I'm not operating at 100% capacity). One thing should be made clear, this story line will happen with Summer/Autumn, so any suggestions that pertain to me not doing it will be ignored, I'm sorry, I hate to single minded but I'm tapped on ideas and I'm really trying to have fun with this.

God, how sad is that... having to force yourself to have fun among friends.

If you have questions ask.

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Quantum Conversion mostly. By constantly emanating cold from her body (and her tomb) she dropped the temperature. Same concept as a refrigerator, only on a quantum level. Mostly dramatic license, Autumn has not gains any new abilities or skills after her transformation.

Although she may protest that she can do things Summer cannot, it is not true. Autumn is capable of the same things Summer is, she just does them differently (and therefore believes it's something else entirely). This applies to powers as well as her abilities.

No changes to the character sheet have been or will be made (barring the expenditure of EXP of course).

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Originally Posted By: Courier
So you basically erupted into your dead sister... that's pretty clever.

Ahh, sarcasm, cute. And Carver rerupted into Freddy Kruger. Originality is dead.

For clarification, no, Solstice did not erupt into her dead sister. She already suffered from MPD before her eruption, just not as severely. The excessive drug use helped to quiet most of the goings on in her head (like arguments with herself, etc...). During the past 6-9 months however Solstice's node was still developing. During that time Solstice pumped it up full of SOMA which caused her node to aberrate, taking her already present MPD and amplifying it.

Now the process is every six months Solstice hibernates for a day. During this time her node literally rewrites her personality completely. When she awakens, she which ever sister she is scheduled to be.

The other sister is no longer the dominant personality and can only come out for short periods (perhaps an hour or so). Obviously the twins always have convenient excuses why the other is never visible. They do share knowledge however (Yeah... my sister mentioned something about that...).

Oh, one last thing. SOMA no longer works to suppress the insanity now that it’s caused irreparable damage to her node. Summer takes it like it’s a party drug and for the power it provides her. Autumn takes it because she feels it’s a necessity, like medication. The power gained from taking it however is certainly a plus in Autumn’s book however.

Lesson: Don’t do drugs!

If you have questions, ask.
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Originally Posted By: Autumn Solstice
Ahh, sarcasm, cute.
I wasn't trying to be sarcastic. A gal who had MPD erupts and her disease shapes her... raising the issue of whether MPD is a valid term any more (probably not) and totally rendering irrelevant the issue of which sister is “real”. Pre-eruption that question had meaning, now it doesn’t.

Shades of that English weather manip city defender who was a man and wanted to be a woman.

Lesson: Don't do drugs!
Indeed... although I was reading that something like 100% of people with serious mental problems smoke if they have the option, i.e. self medicate. In Summer's case it's a pity that being a nova prevents most drugs from working or she might have latched onto something less extreme. Everything fits together rather well IMHO, well done.
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MPD actually hasn't been a valid term for quite a while. The DSM-IV lists what most people think of as 'Multiple Personality Disorder' instead as 'Disassociative Identity Disorder'. While the validity of this disorder is still a little dodgy, it is generally accepted as part of psychiatric canon at this point. The narrowing of the parameters of the disorder is what called for the change in name, and also what makes it a more tangible disorder.

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Originally Posted By: Catalyst
Just remember that if she is ever caught doing Soma, the shit will hit the fans. Soma requires someoen to die to make it after all.

Why are you stating the obvious?

I've never seen a rule in the books that deals with SOMA and other nova drugs. If there is a legality rule in the books I'll use it. If there isn't, then I'll use modern laws governing possession.

So basically, as a celebrity she'll hire Cochran, get off with probation, wear a tether for a month, and Flicker will stop by and help her invest some money and she'll neve have to worry about living poor... ever...

But seriously, unless the canon book has some way of dealing with SOMA and other drugs (and I mean an actual rule, not player speculation over something that is mentioned in a sidebar) then I will just cross the SOMA bridge when/if I get to it.

If you have questions, ask.
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Is there anyway to tell the sisters apart?

While looking like a baseline, no. Physically they are identical, save for their preferred styles. Summer dresses like a tramp (as you all know), Autumn is rather average (jeans, t-shirt, sweater), although her clothes are always the most expensive available (obviously).

While in their 'nova form' it's rather obvious and clichéd. Summer's skin is red while her hair is blue. Autumn, is the opposite, blue skin with red hair. Regardless of her appearance, Solstice’s eyes are always a brilliant sparkling blue.

How are we going to know which sister you are referring to?

It may sound silly, but it's easy to get confused when dealing with running multiple characters at once. In an OOC capacity I'll (and players are encouraged to do the same) refer to the sisters by their respective names. If I'm discussing the character as a whole (both sisters are the topic, or subjected to an effect) I'll refer to the character as 'Solstice'. It may take some getting used to, but we'll get the swing of it.

How does Solstice deal with her insanity?

Okay, for the most part Solstice's mind knows that two people cannot exist simultaneously in the same spot (i.e. she can't be both sisters at the same time). Her brain compensates by altering her memory and providing her with audio/visual hallucinations.


Autumn having just awoken for the first time (thinking she just got back from california spending time with family) goes into Solstice's shower and turns on the water, ready to relax and forget the day in a long hot shower. She walks out of the bathroom and into her room to get something to wear afterward. Summer has been in control for the last 9 months and quickly Autumn finds that none of the clothes in her closet are hers (remember they have different tastes in clothing). Uh oh... the brain has proof that Autumn hasn't been around in like... ever.

So insanity kicks in... hearing the water in the shower running Autumn cries out "Summer, where the hell are my clothes?" From the shower 'Summer' replies "Your bags haven't been delivered yet. Just wear an old t-shirt or something."

Defeated, Autumn selects an old t-shirt to wear and goes to take a shower, finding the Summer was courteous enough to leave it running for her and didn't use all the hot water for once.

Solstice will never see a visual hallucination of her sister in the same room as herself. So she will not talk with invisible people in a crowded room. It is possible for her to switch sisters in the middle of an event, but it will always be while she is out of light of anyone.

Troy: “Is uhh… Summer here?”

Autumn: <sigh> “Hold on, I’ll get her. SUMMER! CAMPBELL IS HERE!” <walks off into her bedroom> “Him? Why? He’s not even cute…” <door closes>

<Moments later Summer walks out, mumbling about how much of a bitch Autumn is.>

Summer: “Hi, Troy… I see you met my sister… sorry.”

What about mirrors?

Yes, Solstice can often see her 'sister' in mirrors; in fact that's how they do most of their 'face to face' arguing. This will only happen in private.

Why MPD? Hasn’t this been done to death?

“Characters shall not be direct copies nor substantial copies of characters already found within other sections of the N!Prime site”

Originally Solstice was going to be twins, basically the same character twice, a dual eruption that led to identical powers. However the charter does not permit any character to be the likeness of any other character currently in play, so that ruled out identical twins.

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Originally Posted By: Johnny Long Pig
Wanna bet?


Hahah Nice. That was so cool, thank you Mr. Long Pig.

But seriously, all this is very confusing to my simple mind. Or something. I doubt I'll be engaging in the this 'Hardly Bros.' adventure. If someone, per chance, finds out that Summer had a little murdered sister and mentions it to Troy for some unknown reason than I'll do something with it then.

Though I am amused to be used as an example. Thanks.
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Ewwww...what an unsettling thought. If Solstice and Johnny ever learn each others' respective secrets, it could be a match made in Heaven. Instead of riding daddy's hog, Solstice can just toss a piece to the Long Pig for her fix.

God, I hate me for thinking these thoughts.

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Flicker is 2017. Sorry, hon.

She'd make an exception for me though... right? smile

Wanna bet?

I was going to say something about this, but really didn't feel like having Catalyst go off on a tangent about how I'm exploiting this rule, or that, or how I'm making things up just because he said something about it.

Like Nova said, well played dude.

Ewwww...what an unsettling thought. If Solstice and Johnny ever learn each others' respective secrets, it could be a match made in Heaven. Instead of riding daddy's hog, Solstice can just toss a piece to the Long Pig for her fix.

One step ahead of you, as always. wink
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Originally Posted By: Dave OOC

I was going to say something about this, but really didn't feel like having Catalyst go off on a tangent about how I'm exploiting this rule, or that, or how I'm making things up just because he said something about it.

Like Nova said, well played dude.

Now whenever you start to think about going off on someone please look at your own words. You are not higher or mightier than anyone else. You are just one of us.Now get the hell out of my store, thank you come again

PS...OMG this sound way to much like heroes.Really even the details.
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What are you trying to accomplish Catalyst? It's obvious that it's not the idea you don't like it's me. Yes, I'm aware that I'm 'just one of us.' I've never claimed to be more, nor have I ever claimed to be better. Are you bothered that I mentioned that you might go off on a tangent about me exploiting rules? I was merely being honest; you've done so already in this thread during an obvious attack against me, and not my ideas. You have some personal vendetta against me, like you're trying to give me a dose of my own 'this is me in asshole mode' medicine. It's cute; in it's own way, honestly. But seriously, I'm not in the mood to argue, fight, or be in asshole mode with anyone right now, especially you. So, knock it off. Please. Pretty please, with sugar on top, knock it the fuck off.

If you're attempting to refer to my strongly opinionated views on silly things we have character do around here then once again I'm afraid you're going about it the wrong way. This story arch is pretty off the wall, hence why I am encouraging players to question and assist me with pulling it off (something that to date not very many players do, they just go ahead and leave us scratching our head). I will admit freely that if another player were to pull this sort of stunt I'd have questions that I'd expect answered.

As far as the Heroes thing: I wouldn't know, I've never watched Heroes. Perhaps I'll ask Carver or someone about that later. I've stated already the inspiration for this particular shred of 2009 insanity. I'm sorry you don't like the idea, but look on the bright side; at least you don't have to interact with the character if you don't want to.

Again let me direct you to what I posted earlier:

Catalyst, that wasn't a question, it was an attack. So I'm ignoring (quite literally) you and the majority of your post. I've been doing my damnedest to be pleasant lately, both to you and this place, so please either be decent or don't bother addressing me. Frankly, that goes for anyone. I'm still not to hot on the idea coming back and attempting to 'play' here again and I already have one sorely motivated and poorly written fiction to prove it. So please, either stay off my case or do me a favor and not speak to me at all.

This is the second time I've had to tell you Catalyst that if all you want to do is attack me then do not bother posting in this thread, I don't want to see it.

I'm trying to be as polite as I can about this matter. There are a million things I could be doing instead of posting in this place and I'd be more then happy to go do those instead. If my ideas, or presence is not wanted around here then please someone just say so and quit wasting my time.

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I was arguing with myself as to whether I was going ask this question or pose this as a problem. Whether you think I may be being an asshole or not, believe me, this is me trying not to be.

When I first read this entire thing I was a little annoyed, and for the reason I am writing this. I waited a while to shake my initial reason for not liking it, so I knew I was being rational. I even talked to Seph about it at length, and that hasn't cleared up my thought/problem.

So, several years back Summer had a little sister who was kidnapped and murdered according to the news. I am unclear as to whether this was a big deal for the news industry or not. If it was at all, than I don't think that finding something about it online would be hard whatsoever. I mean, something that is commonly used as a link on this site, both in and out of character. Seeing as how Summer is on a elite team of super heroes acting as the first line of defense for whatever, I would assume that a Wiki would be up of her. Providing that there is a very, very, very likely chance there would be, I am absolutely positive that it would say something about Summer having a younger sister who was kidnapped and murdered. Its Wiki, it knows everything.

Providing that the Astovik family was wealthy and/or a popular name back than would only feed my suspicion more. And its not like Astovik is particularly common name. (Really, name two things you know about Charles A. Lindbergh)

I went back and looked at your initial post. I know that the roll for finding it out isn't hard, if you have decent stats for that kind of thing, but really. If I am right, using Wikipedia doesn't require a roll. But if it wasn't a big deal in the news, than I can see why such information wouldn't be available on Wikipedia or something.

Or am I just being crazy. Because that is entirely possible.

Edit: Oh, yeah. And Catalyst, quit being an ass. You don't like it, we get it. But quit being ridiculous.

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Originally Posted By: Summer/Autumn/whomever
This story arch is pretty off the wall, hence why I am encouraging players to question and assist me with pulling it off (something that to date not very many players do, they just go ahead and leave us scratching our head).

Sure, I'm game to help you in whatever way you need. Just let me know if I or one of my characters can be a boon.

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I've been considering a story with another player, my only problem is time.

So far the only novas that could have 'access' to Solstice are Utopian ones. She's still under observation so chances are any interaction she would have are those who would have easy access to a Utopian Facility, like the one in New York.

If there is a taker or two let me know and we'll discuss it.

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Originally Posted By: Lina
So, several years back Summer had a little sister who was kidnapped and murdered according to the news. I am unclear as to whether this was a big deal for the news industry or not. If it was at all, than I don't think that finding something about it online would be hard whatsoever. I mean, something that is commonly used as a link on this site, both in and out of character. Seeing as how Summer is on a elite team of super heroes acting as the first line of defense for whatever, I would assume that a Wiki would be up of her. Providing that there is a very, very, very likely chance there would be, I am absolutely positive that it would say something about Summer having a younger sister who was kidnapped and murdered. Its Wiki, it knows everything.

Providing that the Astovik family was wealthy and/or a popular name back than would only feed my suspicion more. And its not like Astovik is particularly common name. (Really, name two things you know about Charles A. Lindbergh)

I went back and looked at your initial post. I know that the roll for finding it out isn't hard, if you have decent stats for that kind of thing, but really. If I am right, using Wikipedia doesn't require a roll. But if it wasn't a big deal in the news, than I can see why such information wouldn't be available on Wikipedia or something.

No Lina, this is a fair question. I've asked people to ask me things so unless your intentionally busting my chops I don't see how you could be an 'asshole' in this case.

I actually agree with you in full about just slapping a Wiki search on Solstice and finding out all sorts of stuff. This where we hit the barrier of reality and fantasy, I hate just handing people anything they want just because they think Wiki is a substitute for research. Also sometimes Wiki doesn't have the answer. As an example if you want to know specifically about the LaBianca murders Wiki routes you to Charles Manson where the murders are discussed, but what if you wanted to know more than what is there? Wiki doesn't have a link specifically for it. Cross-referencing plays a big part in research... any research. This takes time and effort.

Put simply if I sent you a PM about Character X you play in Solstice's place would you buy the "Oh, my character, Hu Tee The Blowfish just looked up everything that is publicly known about your character and his family, if you could PM all that info that'd be great, k thanks." It seems silly to just hand me what I ask for because I hid behind a technological convenience.

Assigning a difficulty to it was my way of saying: "Okay, you wiki'ed it, now sort through all your information... find out what makes sense and what is rumor... do the math... and there is your answer."

Simply put, characters who want to know, can look and do the work… you know actually use their skills instead of assuming that because they’re a hot shit nova that has never failed at anything… ever, that they automatically succeed. Those who don’t are kept from just stumbling upon the info. Perhaps Utopian characters (considering Utopia has her entire factual life on file) could do it at a decreased difficulty with fewer successes, but I’ll have to handle each of those characters on an individual basis.
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I don't see how you could be an 'asshole' in this case.

See, I just assume everyone thinks I am an asshole all of the time because I am so much of the time.

Okay, cool. Thats what I wanted to know, and it makes sense. Thanks.

It still doesn't particularly chance that my characters will probably have nothing to do with any of this, I just didn't want Troy being "Oh shit! If I had only Wikied that girl than I'd have a great conversation starter!"


Also, I do agree about the whole being Utopian for lower successes, but that should really only count if you have access to said files. I mean, I'm sure they don't go handing it out to every Tom, Dick, and Harry low-level employee who are curious enough to ask. But that is just my opinion and/or advice that I am sure you've considered. Good luck with this.
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Originally Posted By: Autumn Solstice

What are you trying to accomplish Catalyst? It's obvious that it's not the idea you don't like it's me. Yes, I'm aware that I'm 'just one of us.' I've never claimed to be more, nor have I ever claimed to be better. Are you bothered that I mentioned that you might go off on a tangent about me exploiting rules?

Let's see because SOMA requires you to kill a nova to get it. Because it is the type of drug that if you wer cought doing the powers that be would not stop until everything about you character was ruined.

But More to the point I don't care if it is off the wall or not. I only care that you do not let others do things that are tame compared to this. THis makes anything else anyone else has done on 2009 even your primal seem reasonable. You still attack other people. If you want to get slake about crazy and stupid ideas you have to give slack to others. You don't. You get upset at Hina, and Ravenshire for things well within cannon and rules compared to part of Utopia giving a member of T2M a drug that is made by killing novas.

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This thread is about Summer/Autumn. Ask questions pertinent to this situation, not hypothetical situations or examples of empty rhetoric.

Keep your invective and your opinions about other characters and storylines out of it. If you want to discuss them, make your own thread.


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Originally Posted By: Catalyst
Velvet, listen to your words then.

I was under the impression that the Moderators were obliged to see that the guidelines of the site, the specific requests of Chosen and the Directors, and the spirit of civility are maintained.

I'm not going to play semantics games with you, and I'm not even asking anymore. You're well aware of what you're doing, so stop.

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