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Big Eyes, Small Mouth (BESM): Nexus Earth - Chapter 12: Echoes of Eternity

Justin OOC

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Shiyu was getting bored, she needed time to think, to plan, perhaps relax more. "Oh hello..." she purred spying an oddity, a hot spring resort, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. If nowhere counts as beautiful mountains, trees, an extensive automated defense system. After preliminary scans, she noted that they were hot, "I wonder....Angelus, deactivate weapons." Angelus' eyes glowed a soft blue now as power was removed from the extensive weapons systems of Angelus. Her intuition seemed to pay off as the automated defenses seemed to go dead as well, "hostile intent, interesting...lets investigate further, perhaps this can work in a double favor."

Angelus flew into atmosphere stopping a couple miles from the resort, "I should go on foot from here Angelus, stay on guard and ready to move should something come for you." She stepped clear of Angelus, who transformed back into a wing wrapped sarcophagus. Nodding to herself she made her way up the path, her wrist computer continually analyzing the area should she need a quick evac.

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Francis knew that the Amaha name had lasted even to his time, but it clearly had spread farther than he'd ever thought. Well, that helped a great deal. Curiousity struck him, and with the glasses still on, he started using sensors to examine the technology of the town as they went in, for mayhaps he could get a sense of what was the source/nature of their goods.

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For Shyiukumei it was odd to be at such a peaceful scene, and when she arrived at the actual resort, A woman with cat ears and a tail greeted her. "Welcome to Hanafubuki Inn, Traveler. Would you like lodging for the Evening?" her size seemed to mean nothing to the woman greeting her, as though it were nothing of note.


For Kai and the others the Village was nice, and relatively peaceful given it's outer look of a fortress. It was much as town had been back the first time they came to Ikaris. Perhaps most notably, there were signs of industrialization, nothing that caused pollution, but the carts were metal not wood, and The homes were lit with electricity, not flame. That was a marked increase over last time, which resembled Earth's dark ages.

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Rebeccak follows behind everyone closely, seeing Shiyukumei go off on their own. Which annoyed her. "Never split the party" She thinks as things move into the town. The baroque technological status of this dimension was quaint... at some point her seeing things here might be a interesting subject of study. It seemed... there was interference with this world's development and it would be interesting to see how they've coped.

She makes a mental note that she should not leave one bit of technology on the planet as a precaution against further interference.

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"We can accomodate anyone here, Miss, with no trouble. That is one of many reasons this place has endured all the changes of this world."

She smiled, and gestured to the doors behind her. Seemingly while they'd spoke, the place grew, sized now for someone of Shiyukumei's height. "We take many forms of currency, monies, and goods are far from the only type accepted. Information can be far more valuable."

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Lily nudged Kai as they walked with the others through the town, and pointed at the electric pump installed over a well.

"It's weird," she said quietly. "They have electrical equipment, but there's no wires. Look around...nothing to carry power from a production plant to the town and distribute it. It's like everything has its own power supply built in...and that's much higher level tech than the use they're putting it to. It's like they figured out how to copy miniaturized reactors without really understanding them. But that shouldn't be possible. Not for technology this complicated, or advanced."

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"Lily... not to intrude... but if you are curious, I can take a closer look." Rebecca whispers. "I can take a look at how the device is constructed and with my know how figure how it functions. Then again I am weary of using my scanners in such a way at the moment. They may take it as an invasion of privacy."

She switches on the infrared scanners, seeing all the people in range appear as white Silhouette on her visor HUD. Luckily that was a passive sensor.

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The people who looked at them, their eyes narrowed when they saw Kai, and most vanished within their homes. The Sigil for his Clan inspired great respect, and obviously fear. He looked to Lily. "What happened in this world, in the last hundred years... Magic was taken and redistributed, but even if people were gathering it again, it shouldn't be like this."

He overheard Rebecca's offer and shook his head. "Best to not offend yet. I agree it's a real curiosity, but perhaps asking is the best tact."

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Francis raised an eyebrow as he listened to the discussion between Kai, Lily and Rebecca. "There's always one classic means of getting information." With a casual grin, he walked over to one of the few bold townsfolk and politely bowed his head. "Good sir, mind telling me where the local watering hole is?"

"The what?"

"Tavern, inn, place to get drinks." Francis explained. Nothing like intoxicants and the elders of a town that loved to tell stories, all they could do or so it seemed.

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"No magic here, unless one of the staff is practicing. You will find This Resort capable to meet virtually all your needs." She was shown to a room sized for her, and the woman nodded. "You may change here, simply open the door when you are ready to be taken to the open air baths."

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Sakura was listening to the way things were going here, and at first it seemed like matters were better, but the more she heard the more disturbed she became, even though she did her best to hide it. Magic being regulated or controlled, fear and respect directed their way, this suggested a number of things and not good things to her, oppression, tyranny and injustice being highest on the list. Moving closer to Kai so that she could speak to him quietly she spoke as softly as possible. "Despite our reception, cousin, this situation doesn't fill me with ease, something is wrong."

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Kai nodded. "Tell me about it. I've had the urge to draw Senbonzakura and use her as a shield since we set foot in this town."

They arrived at the Bar, which looked very unassuming. Ryoma held open the door, admitting them all inside. two dozen individuals, mostly men looked at them, then back to their drinks. These men cared nothing for the sigil, or they didn't see it. Kai made his way to the bar, and looked to the bartender, who spoke first. "You got alot of either bravery or stupidity wearing that emblem boy. Nobody's been entitled to it since Emperor Lawrence killed the last of the Imperial house."

Warning flags went up in Kai's mind. "Emperor Lawrence? He can summon giants to fight his battles, has a tail and cat-ears lawrence?"

"OH so you do know him? Must be plenty of stupidity then. He may not rule here, but he's got his spies and assassins looking for anyone of the royal house. I'd change if I was you."

(Those with enhanced hearing can easily hear most of this.)

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Francis heard the conversation, then paused for a moment before his memory of the recorded logs caught up with him. "Lawrence. Ah." Then it caught up again. "Oh. Shite." This was another level of complications added on. "Well, barkeep? Ever seen a fellow with a foul attitude, wings, black hair..." A few of Kazuo's most prominent traits were given out.

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Rebecca's curiosity gets to her. She sits at a table and cradles her helmeted head in her hand leaning foreward a few tables away. With her thermal imager on she zooms in and starts reading body postures, heat signatures, trying to discern what sort of mood the two are in.

Soul Roll
Kamiko *rolls* 2d6: 4+3: 7

[Kamiko] 10:35 pm: oops did that wrong...

[Kamiko] 10:35 pm: Wait... 7+6 = 14...

[Kamiko] 10:36 pm: tehre...

[Asarasa] 10:36 pm: 7+6 = 13

[Kamiko] 10:36 pm: derp 13

[Kamiko] 10:36 pm: I'm getting sloppy.

[Kamiko] 10:36 pm: What to I gather?

[Kamiko] 10:38 pm: writing a post right now.

[Long6] 10:38 pm: not much the bartender is nervous

[Long6] 10:39 pm: Kai looks like he may be what it says he is

This is a new trick for Rebecca... something she's gonna have to practice. The Barkeep looks a bit nervous, but Kai is what he is... calm, cool, and collected. She leans back, and relaxes, but only a little, making sure the seat she took was one where her back could be to the wall she watched. Her pistol and energy swords in their armored holster housings until the need is greatest.

Then hearing Francis' wreckless announcement that they were looking for Kazuo was... an annoyance.

She walks over and taps him on the shoulder. "Way to blow it." in a whisper carefully said to his ear.

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Kai stared at the barkeeper. "He can't be alive. It has to be someone else." He looked to Lily and nodded. "Lawrence is Emperor here, on this world. He sounds alot like our Lawrence."

He looked to Skye. "You have experience with this world, even if it is dated now. Any chance you can shed some light?"

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Lance had taken a seat at the far side of the bar. He watched silently as Kai and Francis had a few words with the barkeep. "Well, it looks like Francis has gotten right to the point," Lance thought to himself as he squinted in the barkeeper's direction. Concentrating briefly, he focused his thoughts on the barkeep's unprotected mind.

The fellow was clearly nervous about something, and it seemed as if he knew more than he was letting on.

Mind Touch Roll:

glyde *rolls* 2d6: 6+4+18: 28

Lance will observe the barkeep's thoughts and mental reactions, and will verify if what he says in response to the others' questions is the truth.

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Lily frowned, trying to dredge up the old memories. "Lawrence? Wait, Lawrence the hiroga? Georgi killed him." She chewed her lip thoughtfully. "But I suppose there ARE cures for that in Ikaris, aren't there?"

She looked at the barkeeper. "Who brought him back to life? There's no way one man could just resurrect himself and become emperor...someone must have helped him."

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The barkeeper looked at Lily. "Legends say he came back on his own after the grail war. Of course he's had help in the hundred years since then. his biggest aid came about seventy years ago, two travelers from another world with amazing artifacts and powers helped him nearly conquer all of Azar."

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Francis' turned his attention over to the barkeep, all thoughts of investigation banished. Two travelers with great power and artifacts... they were dead of course, but who could be utterly sure in their case- if it was them. "Those two... did they look like-" He gave a pair of rough physical descriptions that to the group lined up with Hizashi and Takashi. If it's them, we are screwed.

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Rebecca starts watching Francis very carefully. His loose canon behavior has made her even more suspicious.

"Dammit... here we go." she mutters under her breath as she walks with purpose over to Francis and grabs him by the scruff of the collar. "Don't even think about it. If we go ANYWHERE, it's on Kai's say so. Understand?"

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"Oh, for Tsunami's sake," Skye muttered angrily. Leaning close to Francis and Osprey, she hissed, "Francis, shut up! I know exactly who those heroes are, stop asking questions. I'll explain later."

She turned to the barkeeper with a smile. "Good sir," she said, falling back into her habits and speech from her time in Ikaris, "I have not been in this region in a long time, but I have been here before. Is the BoneGate Keep still the seat of Emperor Lawrence's power?"

"Why yes, elf-woman, it is," the barkeep said, torn between recoiling from the elf and leaning closer due to her excessive beauty.

"Then could you please tell my friends and I how to travel there?" Skye asked with a bright smile. She wished she had a silver coin of the realm to casually place on the counter as a clear reward - but all she had was her lovely smile.

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(Lance you've picked up what we discussed.)

The Bartender looked at Skye, panic washing over his face, it was then that everyone noticed the noise in the bar had stopped. Weapons were drawn in an instant, all throughout the bar. "They're agents of the Emperor!" Suddenly the otherworldly travelers were surrounded by two dozen armed men. "They're spies!"

There was an almost guttural growl from the crowd, and Ryoma shook his head. There was a click to either side of him, then the high-pitched whine of paired plasma pistols reaching full charge as his arms raised from his shredded cloak. Kai shook his head. "Don't kill them if you can avoid it. They simply don't know any better."

Ryoma nodded and hell broke loose, as the crowd surged forward.

(Okay, everyond deal with this as you would. Kai doesn't want any fatalities, and would prefer the building to still be standing. I'd say each of you take 3-4 guys and have a little fun working them over. They're slightly better than average humans, They would be better, but alot of them have been drinking.)

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Has she gone insane?

Francis didn't have much time to ponder any more of that, for he had to sidestep a bar of metal that would have cracked his skull and duck under the knives brandished in his face. "Get yourself beaten up if you want, I know they're in that mood for blood!" Sticking to Kai's orders though, he kneed the first assailant of his in the stomach, sending the man wheezing down. Number two got a swift palm socking in the jaw.

The last one, a man with a bristling black beard and the drunkest of the lot, Francis would swear, raised his truncheon, but Francis swept the legs out from under him. The thud when sot met floor was quite audible, and a hell jab to a pressure point was just to ensure the boozer stayed down.

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Seeing a bar attendee break a glass bottle and lunge at her told her things... were past negotiation. At the last moment she pivots on her left leg sidestepping the bottle, then in a series of joint holds disarms the patron and in one motion sens the patoron to their back harmlessly by their own momentum. She puts her helmet back on and grabs her weapons, dodging half drunken barfighters.

"Okay... this is bananas..."

"Kai! Everyone! Let's get out of here before anyone else gets hurt!"

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Lily scowled and turned around to assess the men surrounding them. Quite a few, she thought. In fact, it didn't make sense to think they'd been here all along. Someone must have gone and gotten them. Someone most likely not among them now. But everyone in the tavern was watching...there was no way to tell who among them had gone for help. Rebecca's ruse wasn't bad, but Lily didn't like the idea of even pretending to surrender. It went against a warrior's honor...and she was concerned that suppression collars might be among the technologies brought here by those two powerful beings.

Watch the door...the windows. Whoever this is will be poised to make a quick getaway if the fight goes badly.

That was all she had time to think before the assailants moved in, swords swinging. Lily decided not to use any energy powers, so as not to tip her entire hand. Instead she took the first sword on her forearm, and her gamble was rewarded when the blade, and the strength of the man behind it, was insufficient to cut through her skin. She ducked under the second sword, and jerked her first attacker around to intercept the third...forcing him to parry it with his own weapon or be struck. While she held him in her right hand and forced him to duel his ally, she caught the second one's sword when he thrust it at her, hoping to skewer her. All he got for his trouble though was a broken sword, when she clenched her fist and twisted her wrist; buckling the forged metal like aluminum foil.

And all the while she was watching to see if anyone tried to slip out, perhaps to warn their sinister masters!

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Francis simply had enough at that point. Her idea was more reasonable, but Francis was not in the mood to do it any more than in a temperamental fashion. He forced the armor rather swiftly to teleport and flash out everyone in moments. They were now standing in woods, the town barely visible in the distance.

"Got what you asked for Rebecca." He snapped. "And you know what? Do I really have to make some things clear to you all? One, this group has no way to avoid bad attention wherever we go. Two, we came here to rescue Kazuo, not get involved in another war. Three, if Skye is suggesting a frontal assault on this Bonegate, I am tired of those. If she's actually as I suspect, implying she has positive relations with Lawrence, I'm not going to bet that his mad-on for Kai and company doesn't lead to an attack first and ask questions later decision. I would rather I took Skye there, and she can catch up with her old friend, acquaintance, whatever, prod him for knowledge on where Kazuo might be, hell, negotiate mercy for Kai or something. Everyone else should find a place to lay low until we return."

His rant spent, he sighed and stared back. "Sorry. But this is a get in, get out situation, and clumping together as a group and flouncing across Ikaris will get us no where."

Sorry everyone, but this is one of those points where Francis has had enough.
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Being forcefully teleported was nothing new to Kai, Akina'd done it alot. He didn't like it, ever, except that time Lily'd done it. Okay, all the times Lily'd done it he didn't mind. "Well at least no one was injured. Good call on that Francis."

Ryoma looked a little disappointed. He was a brawler and he'd looked forward to that. "I was not planning a frontal assault on Bonegate." Kai looked at Francis. Before he could finish, Ryoma nodded. "I was thinking about going into low orbit though."

Kai shook his head. "We aren't calling the mecha until we know what the hell's going on here. If it really is Lawrence, This world still has rules. Or at least it did. If they're still in effect I think we can resolve this without violence."

His gaze turned to Skye. "I would of course love to hear if you have any pertinent information for us. You are from here after all, at least you were sent to us from here. I'm sure you have a better grasp of things than we do." Something about his inflection, Everyone there could pick up on it, but for a moment, Kai sounded exactly like Hizashi.

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The pointy-eared blonde really wasn't expecting the schiesse to hit the fan quite so fast. Skye yelped as two men grabbed her. One grabbed her arm; the other grab an arm and a breast. So he was the one that got kneed in the groin. As the man gasped and went down the other snapped, "Elven bitch!"

"That's redundant!" Skye shouted and stomped on his foot. He released her to grab his foot and she shoved him away from her. Another man moved toward her, hesitating when Skye clenched her fists and made a mean face at him. It was a rather comical face on the petite blonde, but it stopped him for long enough for Francis to get them out. The woman took a few moments to recover, glaring at first Francis and then Kai as they spoke in turn.

"First, Francis, that is a stupid idea until we know more. Yeah, I was friends with Lawrence... seventy years ago, before I killed the doppleganger who had pretended to be my husband, who was also a close friend of Lawrence's. Frankly, I'm not getting recognized as a hero of the realm anymore, which leads me to suspect that Lawrence won't really recognize me either. And honestly... I'm not sure we want to be known as friends of his. If asking for directions to BoneGate is enough to have us accused as spies, then I don't know if Lawrence is the man I remember. Also, you don't call agents of the Emperor spies unless you're not lawful citizens. So there's some kind of open revolution going on here and we ficken need to know more, as I have said repeatedly! So stop making suggestions with out all the facts!

"And you!" She glared at Kai. "Lose the Hizashi-tude, before we learn you're the next bad-guy-dictator who needs to be put down preemptively." Kai started to protest but Skye didn't let him finish. Her arms crossed angrily below her breasts, she added, "Remember, my information is seventy-ficken years old now. But here it is. The doppleganger and I were the two heroes of legend, not Tweedle-dumb and Tweedle-dumber. We helped Lawrence unite Azar, but it was against the draconic threat. A clan of them got uppity and tried to conquer everything. When it was done, everyone wanted Lawrence to lead them going into the future. He was a good leader, fair and just. I don't know why anyone would support open insurrection against him unless things have really changed. So I'm not sure that waltzing up to Lawrence all buddy-buddy is the right ficken way to handle things! I suggest Rebecca and someone else with a crumb of sense like Lance or Lily go slip back into town and learn some more information."

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"Too late. The earth's already scorched and salted there. I'm not good at stealth ops at all. This bloody situation went way out of hand."

She steps to the fringes of the group and looks about making sure there aren't any suprises. "Quite frankly that whole situation is a cluster-cuss. I'd rather not have any blood on my hands unless it's absolutely necessary."

"Skye, you got your head on straight. I like that. Unfortunately we almost got that wonderful mind of yours forcefully removed."

She sighs and takes the helmet off. "This suit is damned excessive... but seeing what we just stirred up... I have a feeling I might need it."

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