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Since I finished my degree I'm currently looking for a job in Taiwan to teach English (its not law related but I want to travel one last time before the career kicks in. Besides, if I could learn Mandarin that'd be very cool.) Since the Chinese New Year holiday finishes at the end of January/beginning of February I may be leaving at the start of February which'll mean at least some time off the net (a week or so?). At least unlike sailing this summer I'll probably be able to get a connection soon after leaving and EON will be the piece of home I take with me... ::smile

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Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

Maybe prior to leaving I should find myself an asian child sidekick as well just in case.

(Indiana Jones comes to mind...)

Actually since this is more or less going on a whim, I just hope my karma takes care of me. I keep repeating to myself my two mantras:

"No guts, no glory."


"The road of someday leads to nowhere"

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Well Ezekiel,

you can always study the japanese culture sufficiently to put together a cult for the Forceful Personalities e-book, or put together a Nipontai expansion with first hand insights!!! ::biggrin and if you do not follow it I highly recommend you read up on Mega-Tokyo, its an on-line comic that completely reworked my perceptions of tokyo and its police. ::bigsmile err well not really, but its funny ad about two guys (one who speaks NO japanese, and the other that loves everything japanese)

Best of Luck,


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you can always study the japanese culture sufficiently to put together a cult for the Forceful Personalities e-book, or put together a Nipontai expansion with first hand insights!!!  and if you do not follow it I highly recommend you read up on Mega-Tokyo, its an on-line comic that completely reworked my perceptions of tokyo and its police.  err well not really, but its funny ad about two guys (one who speaks NO japanese, and the other that loves everything japanese)

I could, except that I'll be in China's rogue state, Taiwan...not Japan. (fair mistake though since a hell of a lot of people choose to do the "Teach English in Japan" bit through JET...actually though I haven't said that's more or less what I presumed Terry did before erupting.) The advantage of Taiwan over Japan for TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) is that you can save more money and there're less foreigners. That means I'm more likely to suffer from ulcers due to culture shock which is pretty much what I'm looking for... ::wink

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  • 1 month later...

Congradulations, ezekiel.


Don't let the ulcers get the best of you. We're all looking forward to reports of how awesome Taiwan seems.

*sigh* Makes one rethink being a poor homebody. ::wink


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Thanks ::smile

It might comfort you to know that I have no money since I've just finished my studies (really, no money...) All you need is the will to leave and, once you've found something, you put on a suit and convince your bank to give you some money.

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LOL, my bank's willing to give me money for school, but that's about it. Maybe I'll do Japan after graduation though.


If everyone is going to have such interesting lives, I've got to keep up with the Jones's!!

::ninja ::ninja ::ninja ::ninja

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LOL, my bank's willing to give me money for school, but that's about it. Maybe I'll do Japan after graduation though.

Nonsense! The bank will loan you money if it thinks it can make a profit out of it.(like from student loans) You need to ask for enough money to make it worth their while (1000$ is not enough) and you need to provide either a guarantor or evidence that you'll have the means to repay (like a work contract) If you plan to work in Asia though, you need a Bachelor's for the Work Visa (at least for Korea, Japan and Taiwan. I haven't checked everywhere)

Anyway, I've accepted the contract so unless the Taiwanese dollar crashes or China invades after the elections/referendum this month, I'll be leaving beginning/mid April (I officially start on the 19th though I'll arrive before that). I don't know yet if I'll be connected at home or not but I'll keep you informed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Man I hate this...its 4 am, I'm about to go to bed and I find out that the President and VP of Taiwan were shot. They'll live but what irks me is that I can't get anything on it on TV. News only blurts about Al Qaeda leader surrounded! Iraq this Iraq that! Apparently heads of state getting shot isn't "special report" material...better wait 'til the 6 O'clock news...

Oh well, I've got a few weeks to see if the situation stabilizes. I'll be interested to see who wins the elections tomorrow. I'm under the impression that if Chen (the president) loses his supporters will probably riot now that he's been shot.

anyway, an hour later, I'm still up...better go to bed.

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