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Aberrant: Cognizant Chimera - Cognizant Chimera - The Early Years...


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All the diggers feel the rubble shifting underneith then the remains of the building move seeming almost alive.

Matt-Clone keeps disintegrating the area above where the buried man is supposed to be.

As soon as Matt disintegrates another carefully selected area of rubble, the winds suddenly pick up to almost monsoon levels. Some of the rubble pile move on thier own out. Then as sudden as it started, it stops and the rubble shifts violently knocking all the rescuers to thier feet.

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As soon as Matt disintegrates another carefully selected area of rubble, the winds suddenly pick up to almost monsoon levels.  Some of the rubble pile move on their own out.  Then as sudden as it started, it stops and the rubble shifts violently knocking all the rescuers to their feet.

Matt-Clone climbs to his feet (the other Matt is away from the rubble and doesn't have to). Matt-away says,

"Something really strange going on there." (A bit louder for everyone) "Is anyone doing anything to cause this? He turns to the flame lady and says, "Can your husband move earth or something? Is he trying to get out?"

Matt-away snaps his fingers and two more Matts appear!

In the process of standing up after falling off his feet, David reaches back behind for support, then, "Hey guys, I've got a hand down here!"
Matt-Clone heads over there and says,

"Let's make that easier. If all this stone were paper I bet he'd come right out." (He attempts to transform that area of the rubble into tissue paper).

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In the process of standing up after falling off his feet, David reaches back behind for support, then, "Hey guys, I've got a hand down here!"

He starts gently pulling away the rocks around the hand...

Martha pales for second as she speaks in a small voice.

Oh Lord, I hope it's a live one.

She then focuses her senses in the area as she aids David's efforts.

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  • 4 weeks later...

(Sorry for the Delay on this.. but I had to refocus my aims for the game)

As all the people converge on where the hand is, Matt turns the stone around the body into paper. The Mikes, David, and Martha have very little problem pulling the body out. As believed, the hand belonged to Xander, the rest of him doesn't look quite so well. Xander's clothing is ripped to shreds and his body (where you see it through the clothing) is covered in deep lacerations and ugly dark blackish purple bruises.

Dr. McCord appears almost out of nowhere with a medical bag and checks on Xander's vital signs and then checks for broken bones. The good doctor goes on with starting to clean and bandage the wounds.

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"I'm almost positive there isn't anyone else. All novas and personel accounted for that I know of." Mandy stands to the side of the doctor waiting worriedly for the pronouncement. "Anything I can do, Dr. McCord?" ::confused


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Martha looks very relived that there are no apparent fatalities, and shakes her head at the destruction all around them.

Is there anywhere we can be safe? They gotta start buildin' some tougher buildings, ah guess. ::confused

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  • 2 months later...
"So what's next?"

(OOC Note: For those reading... This story was stopped and is restarting at this point. Some people are making new characters, some people are keeping thier old, and there is even a new person to toss into the mix...)

That was a good question... eventually the novas and scientists were evacuated from the area. News of what happened at the event never made the mainstream media, apparantly the event wasn't 'worthy' enough. The world kept turning... for two weeks... until one day these cards were hand delivered...


You have been selected by Fox Enterprises to attend a special event that will present the attendees with a once in a lifetime opportunity. Each person that arrives with this card will be fairly compensated for thier time with a $50,000 check at the end of the meeting. Please call 555-1234 and they will arrange for all your travel needs.

Where: Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Chicago, IL.

When: This Saturday, 9:00 pm


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Kathleen Morgan strolled across the sun-lit UCLA campus - the discussion about the last lecture was getting intense,

Why shouldn’t I ask questions like that? It is a law degree after all… & we’re all going to be asking those questions soon enough in any case.”

The young Black woman’s fellow law student frowned & shook her head,

Oh come on Kat – you know how annoyed Professor Geller gets when you ask stuff like that! ‘Should anti-vigilante laws apply to homo-sapiens-novus - who can withstand getting shot & are strong enough to toss cars about – who choose to prevent a crime in progress, or would the law see it as their required civic duty to use their powers in such a way?’ You know the Prof isn’t in the business of speculating on stuff like that – there haven’t even been any real test cases yet. Plus… everyone knows you were talking about Michael…”

Kat failed to suppress a small grin. The last few weeks had been strange, to say the least. Herself, she’d never been one to shy away from controversy – after all, she proudly sported the piercings & tattoos that decorated her face & body, & had never tried to conceal her involvement with the fetish scene – but once the news about the novas had come out, & her boyfriend had been – graphically – revealed to be amongst the newly changed… well, things had gotten a little mad, even for her. Even now, just crossing the campus, she knew that groups of fellow students were staring, whispering, speculating – she wouldn’t be surprised if more than one uni’ computer account had been used to log onto the Warlock’s Dungeon site & check out the bat-winged man & his girls…

His girls – that was a laugh. When she’d first met Michael he’d been more like a lost little puppy. It’d been Kat who’d introduced the young student to the fetish scene - & the answers to all his dreams. She’d been into it since her early teens – in small ways to start with, but slowly growing into the whole BDSM way of life. That’d helped prompt her to study law – the scene was always being persecuted by the narrow-mined ‘moral majority’ - & a hatred of discrimination was one of the personality traits which she & Mike shared.

Then there’d been that train ride – a typical crack-down by the military-industrial complex against those they didn’t understand & couldn’t control. Kat still couldn’t believe that the Æon Society had been involved – their pro-human rights record had always been so good in the past. The law student was still lost in thought when she noticed that a change had come over the campus – people were stopping in their tracks, staring, pointing to the sky…

… With a sudden swoosh of air Kat was swept, literally, off her feet & carried into the air. For a moment she felt a nervous panic rising in her chest, but her arms were around Michael’s neck, & she knew he would never let her fall. Mike nuzzled the hollow by her neck, behind the collar bone, & whispered dirty, wonderful, suggestions into her ear. His powerful arms pressed her to his muscular chest, & Kat sighed with satisfied bliss, uncaring of what her professors & fellow students would think of the aerial invasion of their seat of higher learning.

After several circuits of the campus, Michael alighted on one of the higher-roofed buildings. Kat stood, still marveling, even after these last few weeks, at the impressive physical transformation her man had undergone – before sharing a deep, breathless, passionate kiss which sent the heat rushing through her body…

… It was some time later, Kathleen was lying in Michael’s arms, cushioned from the hard surface of the roof by his large leathery wings. She idly toyed with the ring piercing his left nipple – much to the nova’s delight – as she mused on her last lecture,

They won’t let it go unnoticed forever, you know.”

What?” Michael’s solid-green eyes had been eerie to start with, but Kat had found that she could still judge his moods by them – he knew what she was talking about, but still wanted to ignore the consequences.

You know what, Mike – your patrols. You do know that assault is, technically, still a crime?..”

The winged man sighed & rolled onto his back, drawing the teased nipple out of reach,

Yeah - & so is property damage, breaking & entering, threatening behavior, disturbing the peace, & all the rest of it. What would you have me do? Sit at home & do nothing? Law aside, it’s a pretty simple equation – assaulting a two-bit mugger or rapist is preferable to letting them ply their trade on the rest of the city. I doubt they’d have me on the police force - & in any case, that’s the last institution I’d want to join. I get things done, Kat – because I can, & most everyone else can’t. I’d love to be able to just get on with life – run the web site, do the shows at the clubs, discipline Syn & treat you right… I just can’t… It wouldn’t be right. Not many people get a chance to make a difference like I’ve been given. In any case, you’ve met some of the others – there aren’t going to be that many ‘novas’ who will do the right thing. I bet that half those guys have already joined Uncle Sam’s secret black-ops assassination teams for über-bucks paychecks. Someone has to fight the good fight – deal with the problems that real people face, not the bullshit that the politicians tell you is important...”

A slender black finger pressed against the nova’s lips, followed by a kiss from Kat’s pierced lips,

Shush. I know all this, remember – preaching to the converted isn’t going to help you any. I just don’t want to see you locked away or turned into some lab-rat or something.”

Michael sighed,

Yeah… Sorry babe… It’s just…”

Kat pushed herself up to a kneeling position, a look of concern creasing her brow,

What? What’s happened?”

The bat-winged man shrugged as best he could with his girlfriend kneeling on his wings, then frowned with annoyance – he’d still not got used to the things, no matter how great it was to be able to fly… or glide, he guessed – after seeing how some of those other guys had rocketed about… there were still inconveniences inherent to having a huge pair of leathery wings sprouting from your shoulder-blades. If it wasn’t for Kat & Syn, he doubted that he’d ever be able to get the things washed… In any case, Kat took the hint & stepped off. Sitting up himself, arms wrapped around his knees, wings flexing behind him, Michael thought for a few moments, then finally replied,

It’s another invitation. Like the other one – the train fiasco – but…”

What?!” Kat’s hands were on her hips, she seemed mad… For a moment Mike considered dropping into a subservient role-play – Kat had seldom been masterful since his change & he sometimes missed it – her dominatrix bit was very good… But no, the nova realized that it probably wasn’t the right time…

It’s not like that. At least, I don’t think it is. It’s at a proper hotel, in Chicago. They’re even offering cash – fifty grand. Anyway – you want me to think about the consequences of my actions, right? Maybe some backing would be a good move? It can’t hurt to check it out…” Mike trailed off – even he spotted the bitter irony of his last comment – after all that’s what he’d thought about the last time. Still, he wondered if Kat had noted the cash incentive – the web-site was doing well these days, but his appetite had gone through the roof… & a law degree didn’t exactly come cheap either…

For a long time Kat remained thoughtful, pacing to the edge of the roof & peering out across the campus. Most of the spectators had drifted away by now – only a couple of the more nerdy looking students remained to gawp & point as she appeared. It was obvious that Michael couldn’t go on the way he was at the moment – sooner or later someone would enact new legislation & he’d be stuck back where he was – powerless at the fringes of society… Plus, the money would come in handy – she doubted that Syn’s family would ever speak to them again, let alone grant them the cash the trio needed to live on. Reluctantly she turned back to her beautiful winged man,

Okay… just be…”

Careful. Yeah, I know.” Mike suddenly looked up at his girlfriend & grinned, an attempt to force some of the less pleasant memories of his previous encounters with fellow ‘novas’ out of his mind, “It’ll work out… Trust me.”


Not for the first time Michael Warlock felt a touch of envy towards those novas he’d met who could zoom around the sky like jet-fighters. The first-class air fare was fine & all, but once again the needs of the winged sections of society had been ignored in the design of the seating. A winged man stuck on a plane – there must be some irony somewhere in there. Michael failed to see it & again flexed the wings as best he could – to the continued annoyance of his fellow passengers: a wingspan large enough to support a man tended to take up a lot of room in even a large commercial jet…

… Stepping to the door of the plane after its touchdown in Chicago, Michael took just a moment to breathe the air & look around. Then, ignoring the steps to the tarmac, leapt high into the sky & spread the wings – there was time to work out some of those kinks in his back before the big meeting…

… The clock was just striking nine as the bat-winged man circled the Ritz-Carlton Hotel once, then landed before the front door. As usual he sported tight-fitting leather trousers & heavy, metal-shod, boots. Once again his chest was bare – a side effect of the wings which the nova didn’t mind too much: after all, his body was now a pretty fantastic sight by anyone’s estimates, & he did so like to show off the tattoos of angelic symbols & the piercings which he proudly bore as a fetish fashion-statement. The solid-green eyes glowed as he cast his gaze about him, seeking some evidence of this ‘Fox Enterprises’ set-up, his fingers gently checking that the invitation card was still secure in his back pocket…

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A gentle breeze blows over the still figure lying prone on the hot sand. Golden skin glistens as she reattaches the top and rises, shaking sand from herself and her towel. Looking about at the froliking beach combers and surfers, a sad smile flits over her face as children chase each other into the waves only to run back out again. Packing her things quickly, she rises to walk back to her suite. Ignoring the gentle looks of admiration as she passes through the throngs of people.

“Miss.. Miss, you smell? You buy?” Brown eyes smile kindly down at the little boy trying to peddle a bouquet of flowers. “Non, sweetie.”

Looking about the crystal blue water and the white sand beaches of the resort, Mandy shakes her head angrily. Is this to make up for blaming an innocent man? Hypocrites. Damned Hypocrites. Turning sharply and heading for the front desk, the wild tangle of blond hair bounces in time to her strides as she settles up her account for the last two weeks.


Tap tap tap tap… The sound of high heeled shoes beat a steady rhythym against the cement of the busy sidewalk.

The slight blonde woman absently, pushes back a fallen lock, sliding it behind her ear as her friendly brown eyes dart up to check the street light. Her slim shoulders hold straight though she stealthily adjusts the little black business skirt. Sliding her polished nails over the worn black leather briefcase at her side, she hugs it closer as she forcefully marches across the street to the Ritz Hotel.

Long slim fingers tap a nervous rhythm on her trim thigh as she seats herself in the lobby and crosses her legs. Nervously biting her full pink lip, she leans forward to shake her nice little gold watch so that the face shows her the time. Squinting slightly as she reads it, she lightly runs her finger around the gold cross resting just beneath the hollow of her throat. Is this disloyal? What in the world am I doing here? Its just a meeting for goodness sakes, Mandy. Relax and listen to what the man has to say. But I work for Aeon... Yes, and they aren't looking all that appealing of late, are they? So what if they were just covering their bases. You KNOW Aaron wasn't responsible. Not worth taking the risk they'll do the same to you. Right, good point. So.. walk your short little self over there and find out where the meeting is!

Rising and walking to the front desk, she rubs absently at her temples to forstall the headache building. It had been a stressfull few weeks despite the Society’s enforcing her free vacation. Looking about anxiously for a familiar face, Mandy’s usually sweetly friendly features scrunch into tense lines of worry and strain. Sliding a slim card from her pocket she fingers it as she faces the politely smiling desk clerk. “A nine o’clock appointment with Fox Enterprises, please.”

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It's been an easy several weeks for Matt.

Out of state from his (ahem) creditors, and his victims, he hung around with the researchers and let them study his powers. He learned what he could do and enjoyed the feeling of being addiction free for the first time in more than a decade. For a man who had learned to stay alive one day at a time, this was paradise. But all good things must come to an end.

*Maybe it's time I stopped thinking of this as a rehab clinic. I walked in here without a monkey and I still don't have one. This isn't really like selling blood either, the Docs don't seem to be learning a lot and I'm not making a lot. They don't really know what is going on, and it's a lot saner out there now. Maybe it's time to go? Surely I can do a lot better than an old army camp.*

Matt glanced again at the card sitting on his desk and made a decision.

*Fifty grand for showing up and listening to a job offer? Whoever it is has the right idea.*

Matt wrote out a 'good-bye' card, packed a sack with his few belongings and disappeared in haze of electricity.

Much later he got off a bus in Chicago, got a map, and then stepped on his now familiar bolt of lightning and rode that to the Ritz.

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*** The Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Chicago ***

As a famed five star hotel the Ritz is an embodiment of luxury that the rich and famous thrive in. The drive up entrance is paved with many different colors of asphalt, in such a manner to catch the eye and lead it to the tall twin gray marble pillars holding up the overhead canopy. Topiaries line the walkway into the building, carefully designed to please the eye and set an amazing first impression.

Once entered there is soft, pleasing music is piped into the exquisite lobby. Straight ahead is an amazing hand carved statue of a crane in flight sitting on top of a large flowing fountain. Light filters in from above, where there is a large skylight whose walls are lined with a circular carved mural fitting in with the beautiful statue. A glance towards the left as the hotel is entered garners a view of the gigantic sitting area, populated by a few patrons sitting in the lavish mahogany chairs and marvelously hand crafted coffee tables. On the opposite side is a long work area for the busy staff of the luxury hotel. Clerks, bellhops, and all sorts of other hotel personnel are present at the front desk area filling the needs of their important clientele.

Down the length of the desk is a sign written in large fine calligraphy plainly stating, “Fox Enterprises check in area. Please present your card here.” Nearby a member of the front desk staff, busily ignores other areas of responsibility, instead scanning each entering guest with his eyes, obviously looking for something or someone.

… The clock was just striking nine as the bat-winged man circled the Ritz-Carlton Hotel once, then landed before the front door. As usual he sported tight-fitting leather trousers & heavy, metal-shod, boots. Once again his chest was bare – a side effect of the wings which the nova didn’t mind too much: after all, his body was now a pretty fantastic sight by anyone’s estimates, & he did so like to show off the tattoos of angelic symbols & the piercings which he proudly bore as a fetish fashion-statement. The solid-green eyes glowed as he cast his gaze about him, seeking some evidence of this ‘Fox Enterprises’ set-up, his fingers gently checking that the invitation card was still secure in his back pocket…

As the leather clad nova walks across the carpeted floor towards the front desk area, a murmuring of quiet voices can be heard from the sitting area. The desk clerk whose eyes were looking at the entering patrons is obviously looking straight at Mike, in what looks like a judging manner. Quickly regaining the lost composure, the clerk walks over moves to cut the nova off from the front desk area, speaking in a firm tone of voice, "Mr. Warlock, I would have to presume. Mr. Fox himself gave a description of you and told to send you straight up to the conference room. If you would please head over to the elevators and go to the fifteenth floor, I'll alert Mr. Fox that you've arrived. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make your visit here more comfortable, all you have to do is just pick up a house phone and ask for the Fox Representative."

Once Mike is on his way up the elevators, the front desk clerk walks back behind the front desk and looks over to find...

Rising and walking to the front desk, she rubs absently at her temples to forstall the headache building. It had been a stressfull few weeks despite the Society’s enforcing her free vacation. Looking about anxiously for a familiar face, Mandy’s usually sweetly friendly features scrunch into tense lines of worry and strain. Sliding a slim card from her pocket she fingers it as she faces the politely smiling desk clerk. “A nine o’clock appointment with Fox Enterprises, please.”

A smile crosses the face of the clerk as he speaks to the scientist, "Ms. Hughes, I'm sure Mr. Fox will be most pleased to see you decided to accept his invitation. If you would go to the elevators and up to the fifteenth floor, the meeting will be held there in the Boardroom. Would you happen to know if Mr. Jenkins will be along as well? Or is it just yourself that is coming?" The clerk looks to the scientist for some sort of an answer.

*** Meanwhile.. Outside ***

Matt rides his bolt of lightning around the John Hancock building and sees the famed Water Tower building. Using his fast wots, Matt spins into the entrance to the grand hotel.. complete with the gathering onlookers who are intrested in yet another unusual arrival.

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William smiled as he got out of his cab. He took a brief look around, noticing that everyone was...well...noticing him. He looked into the cab ready to pay his fair.

"How much do I owe you?" he says in a professional tone, with a friendly smile.

"Oh no! Dont even think of it! Your the best person I have ever driven! Next time you need a ride, call us and ask for me personally!"

William smiles and nods, then waves as the man takes off. He has been getting a lot of that latley. People making a point to be nice. People giving him rides, meals. He was told that he was a nova, and that this was his power. It sure was everything he ever wanted. Everything he needed to run for any office. Except for cold hard cash...the base of any campaign. Some people would tell you it was the issues that made a campaign, professionals call them fools. Money means more advertising, more people hearing you. Thats the reason for tonights trip, that 50 grand will go well for the next campaign. The one where I will finally win. Heck...I might need to just go for president with my powers! Imagine the good I could do!

William smiles at the onlookers that are gathering as he walks in the front door. Thats the worst thing about these powers.

He quickly makes his way to the desk and smiles at the clerk.

"Hello. My name is William Hamilton. Do we check in first, or is the meeting first?"

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As the leather clad nova walks across the carpeted floor towards the front desk area, a murmuring of quiet voices can be heard from the sitting area...

Smiling to himself at the reaction of the 'vanilla' types, Mike turns, waves, & blows a kiss in their direction. ::devil ::laugh

... The desk clerk whose eyes were looking at the entering patrons is obviously looking straight at Mike, in what looks like a judging manner...

Michael meets the gaze with his own, solid-green, glowing eyes...

Quickly regaining the lost composure, the clerk walks over moves to cut the nova off from the front desk area, speaking in a firm tone of voice, "Mr. Warlock, I would have to presume. Mr. Fox himself gave a description of you and told to send you straight up to the conference room. If you would please head over to the elevators and go to the fifteenth floor, I'll alert Mr. Fox that you've arrived. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make your visit here more comfortable, all you have to do is just pick up a house phone and ask for the Fox Representative."

Looking the man over, the bat-winged fetish-god ::damien shrugs & replies,

"Sure - you can start by telling me what this is all about: I don't want to end up on any more damned trains to concentration camps or anything... Oh, I the ca$h would be nice, too, Mister?.." ::sly

Michael waits for the guy's name & answers to his questions before heading on up to the fifteenth floor.

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Victor covered his mouth and yawned. He had been sitting on the park bench, watching, for quite a while. In order to not draw attention to himself, the little Greek had purpously dressed in non descript clothes with a large hat and bag of feed for the birds. *In order to blend, it's better to be bland than bright*...where did he learn that from?

Shaking his head, Victor tosses out a little more seed, and goes back to watching the Ritz. *First a ManBat, and now a Lightning Surfer. It seems odd that two...?Novas?...would both show up here at the same time as the meeting, unless it has something to do with them. And if it does, what do they want with someone like me? I guess it's time to get a closer look.*

Rubbing his eyes, he gets up and crosses the street, moving toward the Ritz until he sees the 'Fox Enterprises' sign. From there, he slowly moves toward the waiting area, where he can watch the people who talk to the clerk.

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Matt rides his bolt of lightning around the John Hancock building and sees the famed Water Tower building.  ...Matt spins into the entrance to the grand hotel.. complete with the gathering onlookers who are intrested in yet another unusual arrival.
Upon seeing the crowd Matt dons the mask he had created aboard the train. He thinks,

*Not too bright Matt. I'll bet some of these people have cameras and this will make the news. And I'm not ready for that just yet, especially not in Chicago. The money and time saved by flying might cost me later.

Matt walks in and while the crowd outside had been staring because of his lightning bolt, the crowd inside started staring because of his mask.


Matt walks up to the falsely smiling desk clerk and hands him the card. The clerk points out the elevator for "Mr. Matt" and directs him to the 15th floor.

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Having exhausted the excitement of being poked and prodded at an undisclosed location in the middle of nowhere, David Jackson decided to head back home to LA and see if he could rustle up any work...

On his way back home from another meeting, with another producer, about another action film that just HAS to have David Jackson in it, David stops at the community mailbox at his new apartment complex, "Yeah, look Phil. Yes I know you're my agent... yes I know you're looking out for me, but these scripts are horrible... yeah I know I was just a stuntman, but come'on, these are trash... Hold on, what's this? Hey, I'll call you back later..."

David takes another look at the card he got in the mail a couple of days ago, and finishes packing a small duffle bag. Content that he has everything, he tosses the bag onto the back of his Harley, and heads out to Chicago.

Roughly 36 hours later, David pulls up to the front of the Ritz-Carlton hotel, grabs his duffel bag and meanders his way through the crowd of reporters and incessant questions. Heading to the designated area of the front desk he hands the card to the attendant there, "Hey, I'm David Jackson. Is there a place I could grab a shower? I've been on the road for 36 hours straight..."

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A smile crosses the face of the clerk as he speaks to the scientist, "Ms. Hughes, I'm sure Mr. Fox will be most pleased to see you decided to accept his invitation. If you would go to the elevators and up to the fifteenth floor, the meeting will be held there in the Boardroom. Would you happen to know if Mr. Jenkins will be along as well? Or is it just yourself that is coming?" The clerk looks to the scientist for some sort of an answer

"Oh.. I've no idea. Just me as far as I know." Scratching her head a little confused, Mandy nods politely, takes a moment to smile at the desk clerk and thank him, before walking to the elevator quickly, the tap tap of her highheels as loud in her head as the beating of her heart.

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  • 2 weeks later...

(Sorry for the delay, real life interfered briefly..)

"Sure - you can start by telling me what this is all about: I don't want to end up on any more damned trains to concentration camps or anything... Oh, I the ca$h would be nice, too, Mister?.." 

Michael waits for the guy's name & answers to his questions before heading on up to the fifteenth floor.

The hotel clerk listens to the leather-clad nova, remaining calm despite the numerous people starting gawk at the unusual scene. Carefully forming his words the man says to Michael, "My name is Teddy. What it is all about, I am not entirely in the know about but I do know that Mr. Fox wished to thank you for saving his life. The cash which I can confirm is real, is upstairs in the Boardroom, on the 15th floor. What was this about a concentration camp? I would certainly hope that nothing like that is being planned from this place..."

Michael waits for the guy's name & answers to his questions before heading on up to the fifteenth floor.
"Oh.. I've no idea. Just me as far as I know."

Teddy nods and smiles at the scientist, "Thank you. Just ring down here if you have any problems, my name is Teddy and I'll be handling any aspect of your visit here at the Ritz-Carlton."

Matt walks up to the falsely smiling desk clerk and hands him the card. The clerk points out the elevator for "Mr. Matt" and directs him to the 15th floor.
Rubbing his eyes, he gets up and crosses the street, moving toward the Ritz until he sees the 'Fox Enterprises' sign. From there, he slowly moves toward the waiting area, where he can watch the people who talk to the clerk.
"Hello. My name is William Hamilton. Do we check in first, or is the meeting first?"

The front desk man, looks at the card and hands it back to the politician, "The guest suites reserved by Mr. Fox are already prepared for the guests. If you're staying, I'll be happy to send your bags to your room and your key to the boardroom. Also for any other needs, just pick up a house phone and ask for Teddy and I'll make sure it gets done. Might I recommend that you progress up to the Boardroom on the 15th floor quickly thou, as I am sure Mr. Fox is anxious to get started." The desk clerk directs William to the elevator with a smile.

Heading to the designated area of the front desk he hands the card to the attendant there, "Hey, I'm David Jackson. Is there a place I could grab a shower? I've been on the road for 36 hours straight..."

Teddy looks at the card and then to the dirty stuntman, "Most certainly, sir. Mr. Fox arranged private suites for each of the guests he sent for. Your room is on the 25th floor third room on the right stepping out of the elevator. I will alert Mr. Fox that you will be delayed.. The meeting will be held on the 15th floor and the directions there are clearly marked. If you have any needs that you want met, call the front desk and ask for Teddy. I will make sure that your needs get met as soon as feasible."

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The front desk man, looks at the card and hands it back to the politician, "The guest suites reserved by Mr. Fox are already prepared for the guests. If you're staying, I'll be happy to send your bags to your room and your key to the boardroom. Also for any other needs, just pick up a house phone and ask for Teddy and I'll make sure it gets done. Might I recommend that you progress up to the Boardroom on the 15th floor quickly thou, as I am sure Mr. Fox is anxious to get started." The desk clerk directs William to the elevator with a smile.

He gives the deskman a genuine smile. "Thanks. Here are my bags. Please tell Mr. Fox I will be there momentarily."

He makes his way to the elevator, smileing and nodding as appropriate. Then makes his way to the 15th floor.

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Teddy looks at the card and then to the dirty stuntman, "Most certainly, sir. Mr. Fox arranged private suites for each of the guests he sent for. Your room is on the 25th floor third room on the right stepping out of the elevator. I will alert Mr. Fox that you will be delayed.. The meeting will be held on the 15th floor and the directions there are clearly marked. If you have any needs that you want met, call the front desk and ask for Teddy. I will make sure that your needs get met as soon as feasible."

David grabs his key and heads over to the elevators... Once inside his room, he tosses his duffel bag on the bed and takes a quick shower, throws on some faded blue jeans, a t-shirt, his black leather jacket and leather riding boots.

Ready, he heads to the 15th floor and makes his way to the meeting room.

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Victor had seen enough and it was time to get going, he didn't want to be late. Standing up and doing a bit of a 'cat streach', he then walks over to the front desk man.

"My name is Victor Orpheus, I believe that I am expected." With that he pulls out the card and hands it to the hotel clerk, stairing at him with bloodshot eyes while awaiting an answer.

Teddy looks at the card and hands it back. "Mr. Orpheus, I'm sure Mr. Fox will be most pleased to see you. The guest suites reserved by Mr. Fox are already prepared for the guests, would you like to freshen up a bit before the meeting, Sir?"

"No, I'm fine, thank you, But you could get rid of this for me please. ::smile " And with that, the charming Mediterranean man removes the rather drab coat and shoes to reveal a much more appropriate business jacket and pants, compleat with a new pair of Pennyloafers.

As he takes the old Coat and shoes, Teddy says "The meeting Is being held on the 15th floor, and I am sure Mr. Fox is anxious to get started." With that the desk clerk directs the latest guest to the elevator. "Thank you, Sir ::bigsmile " and Victor hops as he slides the new shoes on, hurring to catch the next ride up.

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As Michael rides the glass walled elevator to the 15th floor, the demonic appearing nova can see the plush lobby of the hotel moving quickly away from him. Before it sets in how far he's gone, the elevator sounds out a small ding, a few seconds before the metal doors slide open exposing an expansive hallway just beyond them.

Stepping off the elevator, Michael barely has time to look down the hallway before he hears someone approaching behind him. Spinning around, Michael sees bearing down on him a face that seems ever so familiar, yet nothing overly memorible... until he suddenly puts it together and figures out who his benefactor is...

"Michael Warlock! Thank you for coming, I wasn't sure after that fiasco that happened after the train ride to Hades that anyone would bother to show. But then again, offering a bit of cash I'm sure didn't hurt," says the mystery man with his deep voice...

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"Michael Warlock! Thank you for coming, I wasn't sure after that fiasco that happened after the train ride to Hades that anyone would bother to show. But then again, offering a bit of cash I'm sure didn't hurt."

Michael can't help but smile as he shakes the hand of the charismatic man, the fellow's obvious natural charm doing wonders to put the winged nova at ease,

"Xander Fox, right? We sorta' missed the introductions back on the train - when I came in you were threatening that creepy Gabriel guy with legal sanctions - something to do with 'terrorist-like actions against your wife & family', or something. I don't recall exactly, there was a lot going on & it kinda' faded into the background at that point. Speaking of the wife..." Mike pantomimes looking about for the redheaded fire-starter, "... you haven't brought her along have you? I mean, no offense, but she's a bit of a psycho-b!tch, isn't she? You do know she wanted to melt that fallen building into lava - on top of you, & damn any other survivors who may have been trapped down there! Still, I expect the sex makes it all worth while..." ::biggrin ::wink

Glancing at the invitation in his hand, Mike adds,

"I didn't realise you were... well... 'loaded' like this. I know that Dawg guy - the boxer - has a few cents put away (well, presuming the insurance paid out on that mansion of his that is... ::devil ), but the thought hadn't occured to me that others of us may have resources to spare. Who needs Æon, right? With independant backing we could all get together & really change things for the better."

Looking around the fifteenth floor, Michael shrugs,

"Well, I guess we'll get into all that once the others arrive - you did invite some of the others I take it? Who's on your guest list, & when are they going to turn up?"

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He checked his watch, again. Still 2 minutes slow, no matter how many times he took it to the jeweler. Of course, after last week, everything, at least to his perception, was just too damn slow.

Everything had been pretty normal lately, actually. His car had managed not to break down for about a month, thank god; and the girl he'd been seeing hadn't accidentally lost his number yet.

So things were looking up. He'd signed on to do one of those 'Teach-the-World' jobs down in romantic Me-hi-co, and it wasn't too bad. The pay was crap, but he didn't get into teaching for the fat paychecks. Besides, all expenses paid, free trip south of the California border, 2 weeks on the beaches? No problemo.

So, he'd piled into the rental van with all the other teachers who'd volunteered, and off they went. Checkpoint was no problem, and they cruised on down to Ciudad de Mexico. The hotel was a joke, but still, way better than the majority of the buildings downtown, and a goddamn palace compared to the shacks just outside town.

Those poor damn kids...living in hovels, no schools, no teachers. The goverment didn't give a crap. Oh sure, they funded this once a year bit for out-of-country teachers to come down and teach, but come on. Their yearly budget for schools, especially for the poor kids, was ridiculous!

Drowning his frustration with one too many shots of local tequila, Brandt made the mistake of staggering out into the dark streets; a fuzzy idea of walking it off pushing him along. Singing in very slurred Spanish(really just the few phrases he knew), he somehow managed to hop on one the city's excuses for public transporation, an ancient bus that had seen better decades. Fumbling his wallet out, he shoved a twenty at the driver, and sat down.

Watching quietly as the dim streetlights blurred past, the English teacher finally lurched down the aisle and hassled the driver to stop. After a quick trip down the narrow steps, he spent the next few minutes losing his lunch, dinner, and something he'd eaten yesterday.

Wiping his mouth with a burp, he stood up and leaned drunkenly against a nearby newspaper stand. And turned his head just in time to meet an axe-handle.

Staggering backwards with a hand to his now bleeding forehead, the alcohol in his system seemed to vanish as he took in the scene before him. Four men, all with angry sneers and some sort of weapon. Terrified, he raised his hands defensively, shouting for help at the top of his lungs.

"No help for you, gringo. We take everything and make you scream."

Clamping his teeth shut, Brandt's eyes rolled wildly looking for escape, a weapon, anything. A crowbar whistled past his head, missing by a narrow margin as he ducked it. Without thinking, he arced sideways, planting his feet on the wall to his right and leaped into a rolling dodge, coming up clear a good ten feet away. He didn't have time to be surprised.

With shocked and furious shouts in Spanish, the men chased after him...or tried to. In a hearbeat, the frightened schoolteacher was back at home, 500 miles away.

Blinking, Brandt stared at the front door to his apartment. "I've gotta be dreaming." And with that sentence, he was back in Mexico, facing the same angry muggers. "Oh, shit!"

Ducking another poorly aimed swing, this time from a machete, Brandt took off running, desperately trying to find his hotel. Streets passed by in a blur, and stopping, he looked around. A strong scent of fish drew a confused frown, but what was even more bizarre was the fog. *Wait. Fog?!* Eyes straining to pierce the mist, he did notice lights seeming to float in mid-air. Slowly, the fog parted...and the Golden Gate bridge came into view. *What was in that tequila?*

He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to dispel the mirage. And abruptly heard some very eloquent curses from his would-be assailants.

His eyes popped open just in time to see a huge, dark hole pointed at his head. Wits faster than they'd been for the past few minutes, he recognized it as the business end of a very large revolver. Snapping his hand up, he slapped at the barrel and twisted his body to get out the way. A 'spang' sound caught his attention as the bullet somehow managed to smack into a dumpster 30 feet directly to his right.

"Madre de dios!"

The man with the gun dropped it and ran; after a few seconds of nervous glances, his companions followed.

With a sharp exhalation, Brandt noticed the stinging sensation in his palm. Pulling it to eye level, his eyes nearly fell out his head as he saw the burnt gash across the middle of his hand. It wasn't the gash itself that caused the reaction, but rather watching his flesh stitch itself back together, then close completely. No trace of the wound remained. Even poking the area with a finger, he felt no pain or scarring.

Utterly bewildered at this point, he managed to pull himself together enough to somehow find a cab and get back to the hotel. The next morning was spent trying to avoid the stares of his fellow educators as they watched him eat. He knew there was a problem when the manager approached him and quietly mentioned that he'd bypassed her per diem food quota 20 minutes ago.

Mortified, Brandt looked over the pile of dishes stacked atop each other all over his end of the table. Pulling out his wallet, he'd quickly paid the man and apologized.

If only that'd been the end of it.

Two days later, a car had come tear-assing down the street. Drunk driver, weaving all over the road and going at least 50 down a street barely big enough to fit the car. There'd been a group of nuns...of course it had to be nuns...walking across the street to their church. They were a good three hundred yards ahead of Brandt and the other teachers when the car bounced off a wall and sped towards them. None of them were hit. Instead, with no friggin' clue how he did it, Brandt pulled each woman to safety, depositing them on the sidewalk right where he'd been standing only seconds before.

With one mother of a headache, he smiled as he suffered through their outpouring of thanks and the wide-open eyes of his fellow Americans. They knew what had happened, and now, so did he.

So now he stood there, waiting for the cab to pick him up and take him to LAX. Apparently one of the teachers he'd been with had the foresight, or sheer luck, to have recorded his amazing rescue. Of course, it was impossible to see anything on the video except magically teleporting nuns, but after the tape was sold to one of the major networks for a hefty sum, the editing process had managed to show a very blurry version of him zipping back and forth with black-and-white bundles in his arms.

Thank god, there wasn't enough film for anyone to actually prove it was him. Oh, sure, there were the eyewitness accounts, and his suddenly improved physique, but nothing concrete. So, he'd snuck home...well, ran home instantly like he'd done before, and just hid out. Among the stacks of mail that had somehow piled up in just three days, Brandt had found a very strange invitation.

Finally, the cab pulled up and Brandt tossed his bags in the trunk. He knew he could probably make it to the Ritz and back without breaking a sweat, but right now, all he wanted was to take a plane like normal people.


The flight attendant woke him. "We've arrived, sir." Her smile indicated she might consider him more than a regular passenger. "Do you need anything else?"

Smiling back, Brandt left the plane with a phone number and a promise to meet later for drinks. Hopefully after this meeting, he could afford it. Speaking of which...his wallet was a bit light after the airline ticket, and he grimaced at the thought of cab fare and tip. Walking himself and his bags out of sight around a corner, he glanced about for a moment, then made his decision.

The world disappeared for a second or two, then reappeared abruptly. Blinking, he looked around the spacious hotel lobby and made his way to the front desk.

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  • 2 weeks later...
"Xander Fox, right? We sorta' missed the introductions back on the train - when I came in you were threatening that creepy Gabriel guy with legal sanctions - something to do with 'terrorist-like actions against your wife & family', or something. I don't recall exactly, there was a lot going on & it kinda' faded into the background at that point. Speaking of the wife..." Mike pantomimes looking about for the redheaded fire-starter, "... you haven't brought her along have you? I mean, no offense, but she's a bit of a psycho-b!tch, isn't she? You do know she wanted to melt that fallen building into lava - on top of you, & damn any other survivors who may have been trapped down there! Still, I expect the sex makes it all worth while..."

“You got it even without the introduction,” says Xander with a wide white smile, then he continues on, “Heather isn’t here tonight, but she will be about later if you choose to stay with the company. As for her plans that day, if you would remember, she wasn’t exactly in the best frame of mind to think about other people and she was correct in thinking I’d have survived the heat and flames she was going to produce. But she had the benefit of knowing my powers better than anyone else there.”

"I didn't realise you were... well... 'loaded' like this. I know that Dawg guy - the boxer - has a few cents put away (well, presuming the insurance paid out on that mansion of his that is...  ), but the thought hadn't occured to me that others of us may have resources to spare. Who needs Æon, right? With independant backing we could all get together & really change things for the better."

The nova entrepreneur takes a moment to glance down the hallway a moment before turning his attention fully back towards Michael, “In fact, that was my exact idea. I’ve got money we can use to start something and enough influence to keep us from getting shut down before we have a chance to do any good. That’s why we’re meeting here tonight, to maybe set down some groundwork and discuss things.”

"Well, I guess we'll get into all that once the others arrive - you did invite some of the others I take it? Who's on your guest list, & when are they going to turn up?"

Xander nods, “Yeah, we will be getting into that. Speaking of the guest list, here comes another attendee. In fact it’s someone that should be somewhat memorable to us, says Xander as he gestures towards a nearby door, “Welcome, good Doctor Hughes. If Mr. Warlock and you would progress into the boardroom, it won’t be long until we start.”

One by one the other invitees are greeted by their amiable host and ushered into the lavishly decorated conference room. Laid out in an opened adjoining room is a large buffet table filled with fresh fruits and various finger foods laid out for the guests to enjoy during the brief wait for the meeting to begin. In the conference room is a long mahogany table surrounded by matching, burgundy leather covered chairs, turned invitingly outwards for guests to sit in.

Ten minutes after nine, Xander steps into the room and to the head of the conference table. Quickly catching everyone’s attention with his booming voice as Xander starts the meeting, “To start I would like to thank each one of you for coming this evening, at least one of you at great professional risk. What I’ll be proposing tonight, if realized, will most likely put us at odds with those who are quickly becoming the keepers of the “nova problem” with the blessings of larger political bodies. But the need for a group to keep an eye on these keepers has been revealed to be necessary. Not only because of their actions, but their willingness to bury the truth of what has happened recently. “

Xander looks to each guest a brief moment before continuing on, “As soon as we are joined by Mr. Jackson, who should be with us shortly, we can start discussing the real meat of the issue. But I would encourage each of you to discuss how the last month of your life has been spent, it might prove most… interesting.”

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Smiling politely, Mandy quickly eyes Fox in a scientific manner. "Its good to see you are well, Mr. Fox. I had hoped u suffered no ill effects."

Nodding at Michael, she moves to sit gingerly in a chair till the meeting begins. Studying the lush decorations of the room, she does her best not to stare at Mr. Warlock. Crossing her legs and hands in her lap, she gives her full attention to listening to the others as the meeting progresses. Hiding her tension and anger behind a carefully blank face.

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William stands after the invitation is extended.

"Well...I will go first then. My name is William Hammilton. I have been a politician for a while now...but since it happened my career has taken off. It is nice to say the least." he says with a small chuckle. He seems to be a really genuinely nice guy, as you really notice him and hear him. He has a very casual manner and that helps to ease the mood of the room. He seems to ooze confidence as well...he just seems such a...a...you cant quite put your finger on it, but its hart to keep yourself from likeing this guy a lot.

(Turning on Endearing and Mirroring for this.)

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... As for her plans that day, if you would remember, she wasn’t exactly in the best frame of mind to think about other people and she was correct in thinking I’d have survived the heat and flames she was going to produce. But she had the benefit of knowing my powers better than anyone else there.”

Michael frowns slightly,

"Yeah - great for you, not so great for anyone else in the area. That's just the sort of thing we all need to be aware of, Xander - your wife's thoughtless actions could have killed innocent people, if she'd followed through with them. If we start justifying everything we do - even the mistakes we make - then we really are menaces to society. Powers or not, everyone needs to be responsible for their own actions."

“In fact, that was my exact idea. I’ve got money we can use to start something and enough influence to keep us from getting shut down before we have a chance to do any good. That’s why we’re meeting here tonight, to maybe set down some groundwork and discuss things.”

The bat-winged man nods his agreement,

"Good. Somebody needed to do something. Like I said - I'm just glad to find out that one of us is lucky enough to have the resources to take the appropriate steps."

Once inside the conferance room (& not finding any nice brown envelopes full of money waiting there ::sly ) Michael samples the food, then looks over the seats provided. For a few moments he just seems to stare at one of the leather chairs - seemingly not as convinced of its comfort value as the average casual observer - then, eventually, hops up to sit on the back of the thing with his feet on the seat - leaving his wings plenty of empty space behind his back.

When Mandy smiles at him, Michael grins back. Although the be-suited blonde may well try to not stare at Michael, the winged man makes no pretense of hiding his own interest in her - in fact, his all-green eyes take a luxurious few moments to look over her tanned body - from tip-to-toe. It's quite possible that the leather-clad, tattooed, pierced, fetish-god is about to initiate further contact when Xander's entrance interupts him. Instead Mike just offers Mandy a shrug of his shoulders & a wicked gleam in his eye... ::sly

“As soon as we are joined by Mr. Jackson, who should be with us shortly, we can start discussing the real meat of the issue. But I would encourage each of you to discuss how the last month of your life has been spent, it might prove most… interesting.”
"Well...I will go first then. My name is William Hammilton. I have been a politician for a while now...but since it happened my career has taken off. It is nice to say the least."
(Turning on Endearing and Mirroring for this.)

[OOC: You really want fetish-boy Mirroring a casual & confident mood?.. ::blink ::devil Some people never learn... ::rolleyes ::tongue ::wink ]

As William finishes Michael chimes up in a sing-song voice,

"We love you William!" then glances around & grins, "Oh, sorry folks - old AA support-group habit..." ::wink

Shooting a quite glance towards Mandy he adds,

"Maybe we can do the 'group hug' thing later?" ::devil

Turning back to the group as a whole the bat-winged man continues,

"Well, okay - since I seem to have the floor now: I've mostly spent the last month beating the living crapola out of people who deserve a good beating. You know - community work. Since I changed I seem to have become bullet-resistant (not bullet-proof mind you - they sting like the Dickens), & pretty darned strong. I can get stuff done that needs to be done, but which other people can't do - if you get what I mean."

Michael shrugs - a movement which translates to his impressive dark wings,

"Local folks seem to appreciate my efforts - even most of the beat cops, although it'd be more than their jobs-worth to admit it - but there are plenty of people higher-up in the old socio-political pyramid which don't. Oh yeah - I live in LA, so there's no shortage of 'work' for me to sink my teeth into."

For a moment the bat-winged man sighs, then he grins again & goes on,

"I've had a few interviews with fetish mags, but the mainstream media won't touch me with the proverbial barge-pole. My web-site has had a record number of hits though, & my shows at the various local clubs are better recieved than ever. Oh yeah - & the sex is just spectacular - my girlfriend & pet have never been happier on that score." ::devil

Glancing around the assembled people in the room Mike looks thoughtful for a moment, then adds,

"There is a question which has been bugging me a bit though... Well, one in particular: have any of you guys changed physically like I have - you know, the wings & the eyes? From what I saw the last time I met any of you there was a lot of 'whizz' & 'bang', but you all looked pretty much... well... human." ::confused

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