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Aberrant: Stargate Universe - The Other Side [Complete]

z028 Riley

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Kyria smiled nervously at the alien, her mind flashing back to the last time she (and the entirety of Earth) had contacted another race. Looks like this time, I'm on my own.

"I'm- We're looking for a man. His name's Maxwell Mercer; he disappeared 92 years ago, so there aren't any records we can find of what happened. I-I was told that you could do a genetic scan of the planet, as long as you had material to go off of? He's my....well, his doppleganger in another timeline is my father. Can you do that? Would my own DNA be enough for it?"

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Heimdall cocked his head to the side listening to Kyria and said in that mild and serene voice they always use, "Yes. Please come forward and place your hand here." He pointed at a place on his console.

The place on the console lit up and felt warm to the touch to Kyria but it went dark again after only a few seconds. The Asgard cocked his head to the side curiously, "These readings are very odd. I detect two distinct paternal lines of DNA but no maternal line. Are you a clone?"

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She started to answer, stopped, then started again, her cheeks reddening at so many people listening to what had been a central secret of her life. "Um, no, well, I guess sort of. I don't have a mother. My father - one of my father's - "

She stopped, took a deep breath and tried again. "I have two fathers. One of them, Michael, used DNA from himself and Maxwell Mercer to create me. I'm not a clone in the traditional sense of a copy of a single organism, but I'm also not a naturally created being."

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Heimdall blinked twice in what was an obvious pause before speaking, "I see. I was not aware that humans had such capability. I would wish to speak with you at a time of your convinced if you are willing."

He pressed a few symbols on the console and addd, "I have initiated the scan, it could take a few minutes."

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"Uh - well, the ones here don't, from what I've seen. Although with nova-level capabilities available to at least the SGC now, along with the other advanced technology they have access to through you and the Stargates, it probably won't take long for the development of technology on par with what I grew up with. And of course, I'd be willing to speak with you whenever you wish, so long as I'm not out on a mission."

She was smiling her inhumanly beautiful smile again, trying not to pester the grey-skinned engineer by asking if it was done already. She wasn't quite sure why the thought of finding Max made her excited, but a small voice in her head suggested it was just longing for anything familiar and familial.

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After a short time Heimdall looked back up from his panel, "I have detected a very small amount of matching DNA in a place called Flagstaff, Arizona. It is too small to be a person, but perhaps it is some remains of the man you seek."

Cam raised his eyebrows at the Asgard's poor choice of words, "I think what Heimdall means is that it is something Max left behind." *I sure hope it is that...*

Heimdall spoke again, "I detect quite a number of life signs surrounding the DNA remnant. I will transport you into an unpopulated area near it's location and then guide you over the communicator to where it is located. Is this acceptable?"

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Heimdall nodded. "Very well, I look forward to speaking with you again Kyria."

The Asgard made a series of touches to his console and the team found themselves transported onto a blacktop road surrounded by tall ponderosa pines on either side. There was a sign just ahead that announced a state park at the next exit. It was about a half mile walk up the road to the exit which turned into the trees. Several cars had passed the group on and a couple had even turned into the park, but no one had stopped. It was an unusual group walking down the road after all.

Heimdall said over the team's comm channel, "Turn right and proceed forward."

As the team moved into the trees down the entrance road to the park they could see that a carnival or circus was set up in the park which was used normally to host rodeos and cowboy events.

As they got even closer the big sign was apparent. "Magnificant McConnel's Carnival of Fun."

A strange chill went down Aradia's spine as she recognized the carnival.

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Kyria frowned, then shrugged; she started to speak over the comm and realized how odd that would look the people walking around the carnival and instead made a polite telepathic request. *Heimdall? This is Kyria. Would it be alright if you could visualize the map of the area with the coordinates marked so we can navigate to the exact location quicker? This place is literally a carnival.*

Click to reveal.. (Telepathy Roll)
1d10=9, 1d10=8, 1d10=7, 1d10=9, 1d10=3

5 total suxx, so 3 with the +2 difficulty (first die is mega-per)

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Yseult had been completely thrilled by the tour of the Prometheus, glad to finally have had a chance to see it first hand.

She had been about to mention that using Kyria's DNA as a basis for a search would result in getting hits on both of her fathers and their children, if any, when Heimdall had made his annoucement. She decided to stay quiet for now.

Once they were beamed down, Yseult was glad she had passed up on her stiletto heels. Her boots still had a clunky three inch heel, but it was not difficult to maneuver in them on the rough road. She was dressed in a tight pair of flattering, black slacks and a silk blouse of pale turquoise and a stylish leather jacket. Her Prada shades hid her odd eyes.

Yseult raised a fair brow in surprise - she hadn't expected their quest to bring them to a carnival.

"Magnificent McConnel's... Aradie, this is just pure coincidence... correct?" Yseult couldn't believe it to be anything else - hoped that it wasn't anything else.

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Kyria followed the mental trail, waving a hand for others to follow her. The experience was odd and she wasn't sure she could carry on a conversation while connected with the alien mind. Especially the alien mind with 3-D graphics. Coincidentally she didn't register the reactions and conversations going on around her. Instead, she marched resolutely towards her goal and the strongest lead she had on the that would have been her father in a another time.

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Aradia rushed forward and grabbed Kyria's arm, looking pale, and a little shaken.

"I mean - I'm sorry, it's just.. this is my carnival. My group. My family. I can't just show up here - I've been gone for months, no one's known where I went, and I haven't had the opportunity to call and explain, or.. or even lie. I - I can change to someone else, or I can try and introduce us, and we can act like you guys are here with me. Honestly.. I'm really fuckin' weirded out. I'm sorry."

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Kyria stopped, her vague expression giving away that she was really only half there. "Uhh..huh? Your carnival? Um....well, do what you need to do, but I don't know how long I can keep this link up with Heimdall, so please do it quickly."

She blinked several times in Aradia's general direction. "Or you could just wait here and the rest of us could go check it out. Would that work?"

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It was too late. Markie the carnival's manager came running out of the ticket window leaving several people looking completely perplexed. Before he was halfway there he was shouting, "Aradia!!! You're back!" He got only slightly quieter as he got closer, "What happened to you? We thought you had been killed or something. Are you alright?"

He looked at the group she was with and at her nervousness and took on a defensive position next to his long lost acrobat. "Are these people friends of yours?" One of his hands was straying for a pocket where he kept a walkie-talkie in the event he needed to call for backup. The carnival had a few big guys hired for moving gear and setting things up and breaking them down after performances. They doubled as bouncers when necessary.

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Kyria was still moving the direction of her quarry, a little faster now that Aradia had been spotted and had her choice made for her. The telepath was trying to be polite to Heimdall, but holding on to such a wildly different mind that was in orbit to boot was straining for her; to be so close and still have the specter of failure (or at least momentary postponement) tugged at her feet. Besides, she really didn't want to end up fending off some overprotective interrogation and lose her concentration completely.

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Olivia had been drinking in everything on the Prometheus, and with meeting the Asgard. But now that was all set aside as she realized she was needed to help calm the situation.

"Markie!" she squealed, hopping forward and grabbing him in a hug. "Do you still have that people-eating tiger?" He blinked at her; this grown woman was a far cry from the skinny college kid she'd been years ago. "It's Liv, Markie. Don't worry, Aradia's been with us, and we'll explain soon." We'll tell you something, all right...

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Aradia's eyes flickered to Kyria, but Markie was there and she couldn't ignore the older man. She smiled warmly, and threw her arms around him in a hug.

"Hey - no, it's cool, they're friends of mine. You recognize Livy, right? It's been.. really complicated. I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to contact you, I just.. it's hard to explain. It.. has to do with my Dad, kinda. I'm.. so sorry I worried you, Markie."

She took his hands and squeezed them anxiously, hoping the man would understand, or not be too upset. But her eyes flickered nervously to Kyria again, trying to follow the direction that the other woman was headed in.

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Seeing Ari's nervousness melt away and her explanation and the fact that Livy was with her put Markie at ease. He wasn't going to let Aradia out of his sight without an hearing her reason's for disappearing, but that could wait.

"Your young friend is intent to get inside." He called out to Kyria, "Miss, hold up and I will get you all tickets as friends of Ari's."

Looking back to Ari, "So have you returned to us prodigal girl, or is this just a visit and to pick up your things?" He frowned, "I'm afraid your mother threw all your stuff out into the mud when you hadn't returned in a month, but I rescued it and put it in my trailer with..." He trailed off looking uncomfortable. "Uh, actually I need to talk with you if you don't mind, there is something I've been needing to tell you but you disappeared and all and I never got the chance, but we must speak of it while you are here. This instant in fact."

He took Ari by the arm and started guiding her toward the carnival. "We can talk in my trailer."

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Yseult followed Aradia'a glance towards to Kyria, then gave the wayward carnival daughter a nod. Yseult briskly went after Kyria, trying to look like she wasn't hurrying. She exerted her will and Kyria could feel a formless, invisible mass surround her, not enough to stop her, but enough to slow movements considerably.

"Kyria, wait, un moment, s'il vous plais." Yseult whispered to the young nova, resting a hand on her shoulder as she caught up. "Give Aradie a chance, we will attract less attention this way."

Yseult studied Kyria's distracted expression, her eyes narrowed behind her Prada shades. "You are not using your earpiece," Yseult remarked, still keeping her voice low. "Your are getting direction in way only you can, and it is difficult at this distance?" She barely waited for Kyria's confirming nod before continuing. "Is the data static? If so, you can share the data with either me or Olivie. We can picture it in detail, and you can read the data from us. A much smaller distance."

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"It-it's a map. I-i'd have to let go. Then connect to you. He zooms in for me." Distracted was an understatement at this point. "I-i'll wait. Just hurry? There was something about tickets?"

She'd let Yse stop her, primarily because fighting against her would quickly become a mess in terms of their NDA and SGC's sanction of the mission.

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"I can understand what you are surely feeling Kyria, but a few moments more will make little difference. Take a deep breath, and calm yourself." Yseult's soft voice was full of understanding, and she left her hand on the young woman's shoulder, consolingly. "We are very close, the zoom is not necessary."

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"Yeah.. yeah, sure Markie. Just.. um, gimme a sec, okay? Oh, thanks, Jake."

She took the tickets from one of the bigger guys who had been rummaging around in his pockets at Markie's mention of tickets, and had managed to find a couple. She turned around, closing the distance between her and the other women. Her voice dropped quietly, and she murmured to Kyria and Yseult as she pressed the tickets into their hands.

"Look, this'll get you a pass. I don't know how I'll explain, but I will. Go wherever you need to go, but don't approach anyone or confront anyone just yet, okay? I - I want to be there, and try and figure out what the fuck's going on. Markie needs to talk to me, and I need to figure out what the hell to tell him. So.. Livy's coming with me. She thinks quicker. Yseult, go with Kyria."

The "keep an eye on her" part of that conversation was unspoken, but the beautiful turqoise-eyed beauty could read it in Aradia's expression. She turned around, catching Livy by the arm and leading her over to Markie, murmuring quietly.

"He'll believe me when I say it's okay to talk around you, and you've gotta help me fib my way through this somehow, okay?"

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"Of course, wait just a second," Livy said, hopping over to Kyria. She touched the other woman on the arm and said, "Thanks, might need this." She smiled at Kyria and walked back to Aradia. "Let's go, hon. I'm here for you, and I've got the tools I need to help you to the fullest."

She smiled at Markie as they caught up to him. "Hey, do you mind if I tag along? Whatever you've got to tell Aradia sounds serious, and I think I need to be there for her." It wasn't quite an order, but it was a firm suggestion backed by all the confidence that Olivia could project, thanks to her quantum ego-boosting. When you were so much smarter than everyone else, it was easy to be confident.

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Kyria blinked for the several moments it took for Yse's remarks to sink in, and pretty missed all of what Aradia had said, but she finally came back to herself with, "Oh. Yeah." It took her another moment to pick up on what Livy had done, but she just shrugged and chuckled as the other woman bounded off.

Softly over her comm she said, "Thanks, Heimdall." She glanced down at the tickets and then headed for the entrance to the carnival, sharing the image of the map as they walked.

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Markie hurried the young woman through the carnival and toward the trailers. Kyria and Yseult were heading the same direction but led by the young nova's inner vision, it it weren't so serious someone from the outside might have thought the scene comical. Try as they might to hurry to the objective Kyria and Yseult and the larger group both arrived at Markie's trailer at the same time.

"Ari, I'm sorry to rush you through like this and not give you the chance to say hello to everyone, but your mother went on a serious rampage after you had left and said some things and made some threats that if you returned it would be ugly, and I just want the chance to talk to you before she gets wind of your presence and comes storming over here."

Markie bent down and unlocked a storage compartment under his RV and pulled out a box and handed it to Ari. That's most of your stuff, I'm sorry I wasn't able to save it all." He then reached back down and pulled out an older box one that had seen a lot of years. He balanced it with one hand and unlocked his trailer with the other, "Your friends are welcome to come in, I've had the air conditioner running so it should be nice inside. It's up to you, since this stuff is kinda personal."


Inside Kryia's head the image that Heimdall was sending zoomed in and focused on the box in Markie's hands.

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Aradia glanced briefly at Kyria, her brief expression of surprise in a way almost identical to the other woman's. Then she glanced down at the box, looking a bit curiously at it. Very quietly, she murmured to the others in the room.

"Livy and Kyria.. if you could stay with me, please. Could I ask the rest of you to wait outside?"

She turned briefly to the others, her expression a bit of a mystery. Somehow, it seemed as if Kyria was involved. Try as she might though, she couldn't quite bring herself to share whatever Markie was about to tell her with everyone, not without knowing what it was.

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Inside the trailer Markie offered the women seats and drinks which they politely refused, then set the old box on the table and opened it. Inside were what looked like mementos from another time. There was a pipe, a number of framed photos, a small jewelry box and a leather bound journal.

Markie passed over the pictures, "This is a picture of your grandparents Aradia, taken on their wedding day." He cleared his throat obviously choaked up. "I'm sorry that I didn't give this stuff to you years ago, but your mother wouldn't allow it. You know how she is about her parents. She's got a great deal of resentment for them for dying before she was old enough to remember."

((Kyria, the man in that photo is Max.))

Max McConnell loved your grandmother Clarice very much. He was a great man. He was the one that hired me and gave me a chance. He put me in charge of the carnival just before he died of cancer. Your grand mother lived a couple years after his death but she died in an accident.

He chuckled, "That Max, he was a canny old man, he told me when he handed me this box that one day his daughter would have a child and when she was ready I should give this to you. I don't know how he did it but he knew how your mother would turn out. He was a great judge of character though, so I guess he figured she would resent his death, that's pretty common after all."

"Anyway, I think you should have these things. I'll give you a few minutes and try and head off your mother when she heads this way. You girls can take all the time you need."

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Journal of Maxwell Mercer

The first entry is his vision detailed in Thread June 1917.


1923: July 13th

It's been six years since I first had that horrible horrible vision. Since then I have had others, some amazing, filled with beauty and hope, some as terrible as that first. I've become convinced that the fellow, Donnighal, is somehow pivotal in this worlds future. Every time I have a vision of him it is dark and terrible, and yet I cannot bring myself to do the man harm. I have watched him from afar and he seems to have a good heart. In only six years he has graduated and become a doctor; that has to be some kind of record. Still, I can't help but feel there is something sinister in his choice of profession, else why would the visions be so dark?

I am at least grateful that the original vision seems to have been averted by my having disappeared. That at least will never now come to be. Incidentally, I have just returned from Egypt. The dig went swimmingly and we uncovered the metal circle artifact. I've seen to it that it shall be recovered and eventually shipped to America. In the mean time the world is safe from the aliens with the glowing eyes. At least we are for now, by doing what I have done, we will still face the threat, but at least this way there is a chance.

I shudder to remember some of those visions. There are great challenges ahead, but Earth will have a chance. Had it been Donnighal who had uncovered the artifact we would have been doomed indeed.

Enough for now. The journey back to America was very tiring and I need to recover my strength before I go to check up on the Doctor and see what he has been up to while I was away.

1925: August 10th

I started the troupe. From such small seeds the tree of the future grows. Someday, one will arise from among them who will help save Earth.

1927: April 15th

My visions have a practical application although I feel a bit dirty to be putting them to such a use. I can see trends in the Stock Market and we are heading for a national disaster in a couple years. For now, I have made a number of what to others would seem risky investments. To me there is no risk, there is only profit. Bah, the word leaves a bitter taste in my mouth when earned this way. Unfortunately, I need the money to prepare for the future. Something as simple as a little money applied at the right time and right place can in fifty or a hundred years blossom into truly wonderful things. Not all of it is wonderful, but must be done anyway so that the right people will be in the right place at the right time.

Fifty hard earned dollars invested in August 1917 for example turns into $15,000. That becomes investment capital for a dig in Egypt. That dig results in an artifact being kept out of circulation for thirty years. A young woman, the daughter of the man in charge of the dig will grow up and fall in love. She will lose that love and the artifact will be crated up and stored for another forty years until she has convinced the government to do more research. She will bring in others and just in time they will travel to another world and kill the biggest threat Earth faces, and that event will provide Earth the chance it needs to take the next big step. Of course down that path lies many other dangers, but at least it avoids the certainty of humanity's enslavement.

Oh yes, it's been four years since the last update on Donnighal. I've just been to see him, though as usual he did not see me. The visions still show that if we ever meet face to face this world will suffer terrible harm. He seems to be doing well, but I am disturbed by the direction some of his medical research is taking. He seems to be looking for ways to extend life and cure diseases. That sounds benevolent on the surface, but the visions tell me that if he continues down this path he will eventually become an inspiration to the jackboots in the black uniforms and may well help them win the great war that is coming.

Well that at least is easy to deal with. I purchased the company for which he works and ordered their research division closed. I hate to do it to the man, but I will use my contacts to blacklist him so that he will no longer have easy access to such equipment. No vision as of yet to verify if this action will avert that future.

Sometimes these visions are such a burden, but they drive me on. If only I could simply not care... but then I would be abandoning the people of Earth to a dark fate.

1935: January 3rd

Christmas was pleasant this year. I spent it with the troupe as they entertained the children of a local orphanage. It is good to see the money I earned in such a way going to do some real good in the world. After all these years I still feel as though I am a card cheat or something for having used the visions to game the stock market.

Speaking of the troupe... the visions are clearer now. It will be a girl, I'm sure of it. I had a vision the instant I looked into Clarice's eyes.

1937: May 22nd

I was forced to speak to Senator Jefferies this week. I had another vision of Donnighal. He will try to leave the country soon. He will be offered a distinguished position in one of the German Universities. The Nazi's will then use him and he will reestablish his earlier line of biological research, but worse he will get drawn into they crazy philosophy though god knows how a man of his intellect can be taken in by such a load of claptrap. Or perhaps he will simply be using them and riding the horse as it were. Either way the result is that in the search for mystical artifacts from man's past he will uncover a gold box, but it is what is in the box that is terrifying. From the box will emerge a woman, one who would take Donnighal and make him the father of a new generation of the snake aliens, and between them they would make the Nazi war machine an unstoppable juggernaut. As bad as that fate might be, it pales by comparison the original vision I had in which he brought back a vengeful godlike alien. At least this one has no quarrel with humanity and would just use us.

This should not come to pass, the Senator assured me Donnighal's name would be put on a list of scientists to watch and would not be allowed to leave the country.

1948: November 12th

It took some work, but I managed to find a set of circumstances that should keep Donnighal out of trouble. I've found him a mate, or rather I found a man that fits all of the things that Donnighal is interested in, and best of all he is a returning veteran and will be retiring to his home in Jackson. The trap has been baited with the right cheese. As much as it bothers me, the man looks and even acts a great deal like me, but then that was one of the things that so disturbed me in the visions where Donnighal and I met face to face. Were it not for the visions I don't believe I would have suspected that the man was like that. Not that I have any greivance against homosexuals of course, but being the object of such a man's desire would not be a comfortable position to be in. That is the beauty of this plan. The veteran is also a homosexual and there is a near certainty that when the two meet they will fall in love and move to Jackson. That even eases my conscience since I have so often in the past had to do things that under other circumstances I would never do. It is wrong to direct a man's path the way I have had to do with Donnighal, but had I not done so the whole world would be burning right now. Still, to make the man happy in the second half of his life is at least a comfort and a salve to my soul for what I have done to him.

1950: February 28th

I am in an unprecedented excellent mood. I was able to spend the last three weeks in Jackson with the Troupe and with my love Clarice. How that woman managed to get under my skin and make me fall in love with her as dark as my life has been I will never even with all my visions know. With all that I do it is too rare that I get to spend time with the troupe and my love. I wish there could be more tranquil and blissful times like these.

To put the cherry on top, I was able to confirm that Donnighal has indeed opened a private practice in Jackson and seems to have settled down. He puts on a good show for the public, but for someone who has watched him so long I can see the signs of love. The man is besotted. It feels good to have brought some happiness into his life finally.

1956: April 26th

Things have gone from bad to worse. I woke up night before last screaming and woke Clarice. Frightened the wits out of her. I hate that, but I have to admit that I was more frightened than she. She has known for years now that I have dreams and some of them are night terrors. She believes it is due to the war, but if she ever saw the things that come to me in the night she would never sleep again. This vision was the worst I've ever had. I don't know how he's done it but Donnighal has managed to come into possession of some Alien device. Within it there is one of the snake aliens. I don't know how but it is somehow the same alien who Donnighal would have invited to Earth to enslave it, and the one that the Military man and the historian kill on that distant desert planet some forty years from now. How can it be the same being? I don't know, but I am sure that it is. It has slept for thousands of years in the little jar and to be awakened by Donnighal is the worst possible outcome. Combining Donnighal's knowledge of the world with the snake's cunning and understanding of the greater universe; the vision I received is so dark that I can't even bring myself to record it. Even now as I sit on the plane recording this, I am in a cold sweat. I can only pray that I will be there before it is too late.

1956: April 28th

I was too late to save Donnighal, he had already been possessed. For the rest of my life I will weep at the memory of what I did. I think it will be a long time before I can look at myself in the mirror. Donnighal is dead and I arranged it. I've never before had to take a life as a result of my visions and though I did not swing the baseball bats that beat him to death, the blood is more surely on my hands than those sick kids who did the deed. I ensured that the snake died as well. I slipped $500 dollars to the coroner and pretended to be a coroner from Chicago. He didn't much buy my story, but I bought him and his silence. In a way it was a relief to actually see the remains of the little creature. I've seen them so often in my visions over the years, but other than their artifacts, I had never actually had proof that what I see is real. Not that I have every doubted my visions, but when a man's blood is literally on your hands... well, if it hadn't been there, I don't think I could have lived with myself.

I ensured that the bodies, were cremated just to be doubly safe.

1966: September 26

Our daughter was born today. She is a truly beautiful child. I have done all I can to make this world a better place and to give her and eventually her own daughter a world free of the evils of the snakes. Even so, neither girl will have easy lives, that much I have seen. My visions have grown cloudy over this last year, but I've seen enough to know that my death will result in my daughter Alice growing up troubled. I can only pray that her daughter will overcome her upbringing. I put Markie in charge of the troupe and I hope he will be able to handle Alice, she's going to be a trial. I wish I could do more, but money isn't what they need, love is. The troupe is like one big family so I hope that the love of the group will be enough for the girls. This will be my last entry in the journal, the cancer will claim me very soon. My biggest regret is <a wet spot on the page has blurred a few words> for them.

Colorado Savings and Loan - box 253 Name on the account - Maxwell McConnell

<there is a small key taped to the page, along with a lock of hair>

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Aradia took the picture Markie handed to her, her face softening as she gazed at the happy looking couple. So many years she'd wondered what her grandparents were like - what they looked like, what they were like, and if they had been happy together. Now, at least, she might have an answer to some of those questions. She was too distracted by the picture to notice the reactions of any of the other women present, and when Markie handed her the journal, her flipped it open quietly and began to read. A slight nod of the head was all that she offered Markie as he left, but he knew her well enough to understand. After a brief moment, she whispered quietly to the other women in the room.

"You should.. both listen. This is what you came for, Kyria."

And with that, she began to read. Not out loud, but she knew the two women in the room would be able to hear every word that she read as if she were speaking it out loud, if they chose to. Her disbelief and astonishment was obvious on her face as she read through the journal of her grandfather's life. Though she didn't necessarily understand the connection between Max and the other man the way Kyria did, everything else sent alternating waves of amazement and disbelief. Finally, after she was done, she sat there holding the journal open to the last page, not closing it. She opened her mouth to speak, and at first no words came out. She stopped then, and cleared her throat quietly.

"So.. how could he know all this stuff.. if he wasn't touched by the artifact, like we are?"

There was no mention of his observations about her being someone that was meant to "save the world". She didn't feel able to wrap her mind around it quite yet, so she was leaving that part of the writing in the back of her mind, and focusing on the more relevant, and confusing question at hand.

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Omar was enjoying the sights and sounds of the carnival and he envisioned himself dressed as a circus strongman. His size and his Middle Eastern complexion were of the stereotypical 'circus strongman'. He realized this visit was as much businesss as it was helping a friend.

The sight of the Asgard was not so much a shock, as it was a reminder of his past in a future time. Memories of his former comrads follded his mind and he smiled at the memory. There were many questions he had for the tiny, frail looking thing. While he was on the ship, he had asked "Heimdall? I would like to speak to you about alternate times and timelines sometime. Like Kyria, I am from another place, and would like to share my experiences."

When Omar was tossed out of the tent for the women of the group, he was insulted. He had known Max for many years, and if this place had information on the man, Omar felt he had a right to know. As Kyria went into the tent, Omar shot her a pleading look. he knew Max and wantred to know what had happened.

His face also flashed indignant irritation at Aradia's blatant sexism. A long time ago, Omar learned to treat men and women as equals and to share equally among them regardless of their sex. There were obviously certain 'male' or 'female' issues that could only be discussed among like sexes appropriately, but that was not the case here. There was no reason to keep the men out of the tent, much less him. Secrets were fine, but when you involved others in something like this, you did not keep them in the dark. He was going to have a long talk with Aradia...and the others about their treatment of team members.

They do not deserve it. They are not ready. Omar shook his head in sad contemplation.

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Kyria was pale, and if anyone looked closely enough they would see the tiny trembles that were chasing through the young nova's body. Her mind was racing through information, but in unsteady, chaotic bursts. Her voice was a hoarse whisper when she finally spoke, "Maybe....maybe Omar was right. Maybe he's something...different? Not-not a nova, not a psiad."

She held out her hands to Aradia for the journal, cradling it gently in her hands. "We...you, I guess-" She stopped and then giggled; there was a touch of hysteria to the sound. "Y'know, in a way, this makes you my niece." She laughed to herself for several more moments, trying to let got of the tense and unhappy memories of the last time she'd discovered unexpected family.

She tried to pull herself together more, but as she handed the journal back to Aradia, her trembling was far past noticeable. "We...we should see what's in the box. If that's alright by you. He left it for you."

She frowned, her brow furrowed, "And do you think he meant a sarcophagus? When he spoke of the golden box. If there's one on Earth the SGA will want to know about it. And it was a good thing he cremated the Goa'uld, then." Focusing on work helped a little. She spoke quietly into her ear-piece, "Heimdall? Do you have a way to scan the planet for a Goa'uld sarcophagus?"

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While still aboard the ship, Heimdall looked up at Omar expression unreadable but appearing serene, "I would enjoy that."


When Kyria contacted the Asgard he responded, "I have detected no sarcophagus on Earth."

Livy of course will realize this was Hathor's sarcophagus that was already discovered and opened, the later destroyed.


Outside by the trailer Cam could see Omar's disappointment at not being invited in and patted him on the arm, "Don't sweat it big guy. We'll learn what's in the box soon enough. Kyria and apparently Aradia need a few minutes."

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Yseult brushed off the small steps up to the trailer, then sat down, a shapely leg crossing over a knee. She eyed the agitated giant pacing in front of her.

"Calmez vous, Omar. Family first, yes? I am sure that they will be telling us what they have learned, once they have absorbed what they have found out."

Behind her sunglasses, Yseult's eyes grew distant, thinking about her own family.

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Omar looked at the two, calmed a bit by their reassurances. "It's just... that I knew the man for many years and he was a friend and colleague. I know he's not the same Max, but..." Omar's voice trailed off.

"...There are a few things that were always constant. Max was one of them. Regardless of what universe he's in, he is a touchstone to my past. He was like family to me as well. in fact, I am the only one who really knew Max."

Omar still paced, but his anger had been replaced by forlorn.

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While back on Prometheus Gwyn started chatting to Heimdell about the functioning of the teleportation device, both theory and technology. Partly this was more of his study of alien technology and partly this was the start of another project. It had been said that the Specialists could in theory learn to do almost anything, and Gwyn had been wondering if that meant that they should be able to duplicate anything that the aliens did with technology. If he could understand how the teleport worked perhaps he could work that into his own Quantum framework in order to be able to teleport himself.

Despite this they both kept an ear out to follow as best they could what was happening at the carnival.

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Olivia shook her head. "It's already been found by the SGC," she said softly, "and destroyed, as it contained the goa'uld Hathor."

She met Kyria's eyes. "There are people who reach toward Ascension on their own. They often display some powers when they do. Mercer could have one, who was partially ascended, who had some powers." She shrugged. "I don't know that we'll ever know, because if there's one thing I've learned since coming to work for Homeworld Security... you never ever should think that you know everything."

She put an arm around Aradia. "You ok, hon?" she asked quietly. "We're here, if you need to talk or anything."

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