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Zig-zagging at Zig-Zag

Doing his best to focus & clear his head - trying to ignore the headache - [blows a WP to shake it off] Josh quickly completes his original plan - lobbing the concussion grenade through the open door. He then grabs his two nightsticks & lays into the two guys still in the alley, trying to knock them out before they can start shooting again

Josh throws the grenade into the doorway now spewing tear gas. He thinks he notices something odd as he throws it but then the whole situation feels off. One of the guys in the alley is now running away as the other just crumbles to the ground pleading.

"Please, pleeeaaaase, I'll do anything, pleaaaaaasse!"

A sound reminiscent of the whipping tail of the aliens in Alien movies resounds as a black, whip-like, thing strikes out at the running mans feet, entwining them! He screams in horror and tries to point his gun at Josh only to be lifted in the air by the tendril as another whip sound is heard. A second tentacle rips his gun from his hands and crushes it on the ground! ::nervous

The man kneeling before Josh is now positively losing it as he slobbers during his now becoming incoherent pleadings. *whip* The black tendril which crushed the gun wraps itself around the mans neck as he grabs at it. The tendril shoves him backwards towards a wall and he lands with an 'oomph' before collapsing to the ground, unconcious.

The man held upside down in the air screams. The bass vibes from the club have stopped and Josh hears more screams coming from the inside of the club as well as gathering around the main entrance.

Pure pandemonium...

Joe Rock

He pauses to let that sink in. Somehow just saying it out loud helps. Putting it that way seemed to help even more.

"5 years worth of working out, 50 grand worth of plastic surgery... but other than that I don't feel any different. Well, healthier. Stronger. Maybe even taller. But I'm still the same guy... aren't I?" 

There's a second or two of uncomfortable silence as Alice looks at him with a blank smile.

"Of, of course you are! So, I'll ah, order the pizzas..."

Alice turns her back and starts dialing a number.

Humpty-Dumpty in the PU building

Just lying there breathing for a moment, Lynn flushes in embarrassment then seems to just relax. Giggling slightly, she smiles at them all. "Well, I've heard of kisses knocking a girls socks off.. and being head over heels. You pack quite a punch, hun." Laughing a little harder, Lynn just waits a sec till the humor passes.

Wilson doesn't laugh. In fact, he seems like he's just on the edge of a mental breakdown. Before he actually scratches out his eyes though something pulls him out of it...

"Hold on, buddy. Let's just help her up, ok?" Glancing down at her, he asks, "Uhh...would you like some help getting back to your neck?" Frank does seem genuinely concerned, his earlier discomfort seeming to have vanished, at least momentarily.

Franks low, grating, metallic voice catches Wilson unaware. He stares at the young man before him as Frank help's Lynn's head back up onto her shoulders. Frank can't help feeling mildly disgusted as he picks up the severed head.

Waiting till she safely secured in a chair with her head and arm held in place, she looks to Tink. "All right there, little partner?" Rubbing Tinks back, she checks him over. "Didn't hurt you did I? I think its time this head lolling bit was over. I'm sorry if this includes you, Tink, but I'll see you next time, k

"No Mistress, I'm quite all right, thank you."

Tink nods and looks on as its mistress concentrates on being one...and nothing happens...Sutherland chuckles a bit.

"Not as easy as it seems, is it? It seems that replicating those first effects can be difficult, especially without any guidance. We do have some drugs which have been shown to help new novas control their powers as well as alleviate the initial migraines they all seem to have...It probably won't be long before you're both struck by them. If you wish, we can try that but of course we wouldn't dream of imposing ourselves on you. The choice is yours, both of you. In fact, Frank, in your case it might be best to wait and see if you'll get any headaches...Now, I'm sure you both have many questions."

Meanwhile a woman wearing a white smock puts her arms around Wilson and gently walks him away, trying to calm him down.

NYC street

Closing his eyes just briefly, Steven shakes his head, hoping that maybe his headache was causing him to hallucinate. Upon seeing the scene just the same as he remembered after opening his eyes, Steven decided to play along for now, and then go down to the local free medical clinic for a chekup. He was getting old after all...

Keeping his open hand outstretched, not sure if dropping it might make the bullet start speeding throught the air again, Steven slowly, yet purposefully, walks over the bullet and snatches it out of the air (ala The Matrix). Then, glancing into the squadcar inquires, "Are you officers alright? What was that?", nodding his head in the direction of the now vaporized portal.

Steven tries to snatch the bullet out of the air but it remains fixed in place. In fact, if it were big enough, he could probaby stand on it. The wide-eyed officer staring straight into the bullet's trajectory gulps as Steven handles the bullet. Disappointed with his inability to move the bullet the old man frowns. The bullet suddenly rusts and crumbles to dust before his very eyes, flaying the windshield with red dust! The officers still seem a bit too shaken to answer Steven's enquiries...

Looking through the barrier separating the front and the back of the police car, the Doc laughs shakily and says, "That was a manifestation of my intense desire to see my son again, to get him away from that basement those bastards who were just shooting at us are holding him in. It's also why I'm in New York and under arrest, apparently. Of course, pissing off those self-righteous Utopia pricks probably had something to do with my current predicament as well. " Realizing he's rambling, the Doc pauses for a few moments.

Nodding at the hand holding the bullet, he says still a bit shakily, "So I take it you stopped that bullet. Means you're a nova, right? You don't look like a Utopian. Don't suppose you'd care to give a newly erupted nova like myself a hand here?"

"Well, I'm sure you must have done something wrong to have been arrested..."

Nodding at the hand holding the bullet, he says still a bit shakily, "So I take it you stopped that bullet. Means you're a nova, right? You don't look like a Utopian. Don't suppose you'd care to give a newly erupted nova like myself a hand here?" 

Looking down at his hand, only now really realizing what's going on, "uhh, I have no idea what is going on here... I must be hallucinating... Officers, if this man's son really has been kidnapped, why aren't you helping him find him?"

The sides of the Doc's lips twitch upwards momentarily in amusement, like he's trying to smile, but only for a moment before other emotions cloud his face once more, "What I did wrong was erupting, tearing open a rent in space, like the one you just saw. I was a bit livid with rage at that point, and it was dark, so I didn't notice it. Hit a couple people with my RV as it went through. One of them erupted and apparently saved the other one. Long story short, those Utopia shmucks shanghaied me, I objected vociferously, they had me arrested for attempted murder. Police intereference in the kidnapping of my son could get him killed, I'm not interested in their help. You, however, could help me get out of this car and away from here. I assure you, you're not hallucinating, and I certainly didn't stop that bullet. So c'mon, help me out here, please?"

The cop in the driver seat looks ahead at the street then shares his stares between the two novas.

"We aren't helping him because he tried to avoid any questions about his 'accident'. He still hasn't given us a statement as to who he is and even tried to have his rover towed before we could look at it. Team Tomorrow offered their help and as far as we know he told Pratima to go fvck herself. Though I think he wasn't so nice about it as that..." ::sarcasm

The cop looks through the grating

"Fact is, you can't slam full speed into a couple in the street and expect to walk away no questions asked. You wanted to play hard to get, we're taking you to the station, it's as simple as that. This talk about escaping arrest won't help you much either..."

Steven waits for the information, then turns towards the officers, "Officer, could you please get in contact with Detective David Mason, vice squad, tell him it's Steven, and it's important..."

The cop in the passenger seat nervously nods and starts talking in his radio as the novas discuss the kidnapping.

Booze 'n drugs, woes of movie business.

The big German takes out his cell phone and phones a friend. (OOC dials a contact to recommend an upper end Sport/Gambling Bar. Once one is known, He'll dial it up and use Influence to get a reservation and good seats.)

Done, Schenk gets good seats at the Jake's Dilemma bar.

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"What's your name, what's your son's name? Maybe I can help."

Looking at Steven quizically, "My name's Hagbarad Celine. You can call me Doc. My son's Jason."

The cop looks through the grating

"Fact is, you can't slam full speed into a couple in the street and expect to walk away no questions asked. You wanted to play hard to get, we're taking you to the station, it's as simple as that. This talk about escaping arrest won't help you much either..."

The Doc raises an eyebrow, incredulity and anger apparent on his face and in his voice,"You've got to be kidding me. I came back to give you guys a statement, and I would have too. I just wanted to talk to Slag first, get a few things straight. I didn't get a chance to give you guys a statement, 'cause you arrested me right at the end of my little chat with that self-righteous shm*ck. I could have just as easily left as come back. I didn't, because I knew I needed to give a statement. And Pratima didn't try to help me, she just swept me off to Utopia without so much as a word of warning, without getting my consent first. I don't react well to being kidnapped like that, would you? If you were so concerned about getting a statement from me, someone could have asked me, and I would've been happy to oblige. For some reason though, no one today has asked me if I would do anything. They've just grabbed me and pushed me around. You can't really blame me for wanting it all to stop, now can you? Listen fellows, in the past hour I found out my son's been kidnapped, I erupted, had a car accident, was kidnapped myself, and then arrested for no discernable reason. All I want now is a quiet place away from anyone who might get hurt by my new powers, where I can feel safe enough to try to put my life back together from the pile of sh*t it's suddenly become. I walked to a payphone to arrange that, came back to give you my statement, and now because you've arrested me I almost got you two fine officers killed by accident. Please let me go. I'll give you a statement, contact information, whatever you want. Just let me go, so I can get my emotions under control, try to figure things out, and hopefully avoid any more accidents. Please."

As he says all this, his tone becomes less incredulous and angry, switching to pleading, yet very sincere.

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After he hangs up, Christian turns to Mona. "I do not usually drink this early, but since this was also my first reaction to seeing what I signed on for with the Goldman Bros. ::rolleyes I will make an exception ::bigsmile . I got us seats uptown at Jake's Dilemma . You look great as you are, but I do not. Let me go back to my trailer and change out of my 'wundersuit' padding, and we'll go."

While the Blond Athlete is changing, he phones for a cab (high end company) to pick them up. When he is done dressing, he swallows a few Aleave followed by three chasers of minreal oil (to line the stomach), and escorts the Lovley Ms Floss to the cab. He holds the door for her, gets in the other side, and says "Could you take us to Jake's Dilemma bar? And Safely?" while laying a $50 on the drivers shoulder.

"And we are off ::bigsmile "

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Joe Rock

"5 years worth of working out, 50 grand worth of plastic surgery... but other than that I don't feel any different. Well, healthier. Stronger. Maybe even taller. But I'm still the same guy... aren't I?" 
There's a second or two of uncomfortable silence as Alice looks at him with a blank smile.

"Of, of course you are! So, I'll ah, order the pizzas..."

Alice turns her back and starts dialing a number.

*Well, that could have gone better. But a foul ball is not a strike out, much less a lose.

Back off, give her space... and I probably have a few days or weeks in the clinic coming to me in any case.*

While Alice orders pizza with her cell-phone, Joe walks around her desk and uses the land line to call Matt's cell phone.

{Assuming he gets through..}

"Hey, it's Joe. Somehow I ended up at Alice's office and get this, I'm flesh again. ::bigsmile I'm also taller.::biggrin

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Mona appears to be quite happy to share a cab with Christian; as they pull out into traffic, she lets her eyes play over his impressive physique, and whistles appreciatetivly.

Goodness, you are the finest cut of Teutonic beefcake I ever did see! Mmm! ::biggrin

She pretends to look over her shoulder, then sidles over closer on the seat so their thighs just touch. ::wub

So lemme ask you somethin', Chris - you think we're gonna go for a tumble or what? 'Cause I'll be honest, it's been awhile, and ya can't let the works get rusty, know what ah mean? ::wink ::devil

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Humpty-Dumpty in the PU building

Nearly crying at Wilson's distress, Dr. Lynn Walker seems to slump in defeat. "I'd like the shot if you please. I can't take this anymore, and I don't want to put anymore stress on others."

Closing her eyes tiredly, the brunette frowns as she clenches and unclenches her fists. "Why is it we don't come with operating manuals? Is the only way I can control this by being scared?"

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NYC street

(assuming they get Detective Mason on the line...)

"David, it's Steven. I know this is going to sound really strange, but hear me out. There is a man here in squad car 5, who's son has apparently been kidnapped, and I think I might be able to help him. The problem is that he has been arrested for a possible vehicular manslaughter charge or something like that, but apparently the couple he ran into are fine. Supposedly both he and one of the people he ran into erupted as novas, and that both caused the accident and the fact that no one was seriously hurt.

I'd like to ask you to have these fine officers release this man into my custody so I can help him get his son back. I know it seems strange, but I just have this feeling that I can help him. I promise I'll return him back to the station for his statement once his son is safe."

He glances back at the man in the backseat to ensure that he expects him to comply with his promise to the detective...

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She pretends to look over her shoulder, then sidles over closer on the seat so their thighs just touch. 
Christian's eyes sparkle a little brighter.
So lemme ask you somethin', Chris - you think we're gonna go for a tumble or what? 'Cause I'll be honest, it's been awhile, and ya can't let the works get rusty, know what ah mean?
::blush ::bigsmile It has been a while for me, as well. But even though I find you very attractive, I have found that it is better to not '?get jiggy?' with a co-worker. But after we finish this film... ::wink
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It has been a while for me, as well. But even though I find you very attractive, I have found that it is better to not '?get jiggy?' with a co-worker. But after we finish this film...

Mona rolls her eyes and snorts.

Please don't tell me you're gonna be all 'professional' 'bout this ::rolleyes Oh, man - ya see, ah am a girl who ain't a big fan a waitin', know what ah mean? But I guess if the prize is sweet enough-

And here she slides her strong hand along his inner thigh, stopping just short of his crotch ::shocked

Ah suppose ah can try and learn to be patient.

The stunning nova leans in close, her face an inch away from Christian's, her smile like a tiger contemplating a helpless little lamb as her big brown eyes search his face.

Does that...work for you, Chris? ::biggrin ::devil ::wub

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"Not as easy as it seems, is it? It seems that replicating those first effects can be difficult, especially without any guidance. We do have some drugs which have been shown to help new novas control their powers as well as alleviate the initial migraines they all seem to have...It probably won't be long before you're both struck by them. If you wish, we can try that but of course we wouldn't dream of imposing ourselves on you. The choice is yours, both of you. In fact, Frank, in your case it might be best to wait and see if you'll get any headaches...Now, I'm sure you both have many questions."

Nodding thoughtfully, Frank spares a slightly worried glance towards Wilson. *Poor guy.*, he thinks. Aloud, he says, "I had the mother of all headaches last night and this morning...I really hope that doesn't come back again."He winces.

He raises a hand halfway. "I do have a question, actually. Is there any chance of getting something to eat anytime soon?" He smiles weakly.

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Inside the patrol car:

,"You've got to be kidding me. I came back to give you guys a statement, and I would have too.[...]  I'll give you a statement, contact information, whatever you want. Just let me go, so I can get my emotions under control, try to figure things out, and hopefully avoid any more accidents. Please.

The cop still periodically looks through the windshield in case danger crops up again and tersely answers:

"That statement you gave Slag earlier was that you were getting rid of the evidence and that we or Utopia weren't to investigate your background or search the rover! Then you threatened Slag with this kidnapping bullshlt...Yeah, boo-fvcking-hoo Mr. Nova, a cell sounds like a great place to get your emotions under control."

At this point Joe manages to get Detective Mason on the line and passes the radio to Steven.

"Yeah, this is Mason."

"David, it's Steven. I know this is going to sound really strange, but hear me out. There is a man here in squad car 5, who's son has apparently been kidnapped, and I think I might be able to help him. The problem is that he has been arrested for a possible vehicular manslaughter charge or something like that, but apparently the couple he ran into are fine. Supposedly both he and one of the people he ran into erupted as novas, and that both caused the accident and the fact that no one was seriously hurt.


I'd like to ask you to have these fine officers release this man into my custody so I can help him get his son back. I know it seems strange, but I just have this feeling that I can help him. I promise I'll return him back to the station for his statement once his son is safe."

"You've got a feeling Steven? Tell me, does this feeling tell you whether or not I keep my job for doing this stuff? *sigh* Could you put Joe back on the line please? So whaddya think Joe, could you turn him loose?"

"Are you fvcking kidding me?!"

"Steven's an old friend of mine, if he says he'll bring 'im back, he will."

Joe doesn't seem convinced as he shakes his head

"I dunno man..."

"Look, I'll talk to Slag and take full responsibility with the chief."

"I...okay, but he isn't going scot free!"

"Course not, thanks Joe. Steven? You had better be right!"

Joe turns towards the backseat passenger

"Okay! But I want your papers, I'm keeping your drivers license and a credit card. You had better come back! And no more than 48 hours, you got that? Sheez, the chief is going to kill me..."

A sound of sirens is approaching the bullet riddled patrol car. Assuming that the doctor agrees with the terms the cops let Steven open the door.

"Okay...Get out of here before we change our minds..."

Inside PU

Nearly crying at Wilson's distress, Dr. Lynn Walker seems to slump in defeat. "I'd like the shot if you please. I can't take this anymore, and I don't want to put anymore stress on others."

Closing her eyes tiredly, the brunette frowns as she clenches and unclenches her fists. "Why is it we don't come with operating manuals? Is the only way I can control this by being scared?"

Sten smiles at the nova as he's handed a syringe by a smock wearing labworker.

"It's like learning to walk...early novas make the common mistake of thinking hard about throwing that energy ball, or flying or whatever. You don't think about it anymore than you think about moving your right leg while walking. Its all instincts. That's why it tends to work best in high stress situations at first. Adrenocilin helps you access these instinctual processes...I should warn you though, it'll make you a bit mellow..." ::wink

Sten inserts the needle in the arm still attacked to Lynn's body and slowly presses down on the syringe. Just give it a few moments...

Nodding thoughtfully, Frank spares a slightly worried glance towards Wilson. *Poor guy.*, he thinks. Aloud, he says, "I had the mother of all headaches last night and this morning...I really hope that doesn't come back again."He winces.

He raises a hand halfway. "I do have a question, actually. Is there any chance of getting something to eat anytime soon?" He smiles weakly.

"Oh absolutely, I'm feeling a bit starved myself! We should head down to the mess hall after this."

Lynn starts feeling a bit woozy, detached somehow...


Looking down at his hands Josh realises that the tentacles are actually his nightsticks, each elongated to about three or four meter long whip like...things! He lets go but the handles immediately wrap themselves around his forearms, refusing to be dropped. ::blink

It only lasts a couple of seconds before Josh conciously recognizes the ringing in his ears as the radio link with his guardian angel, who's now screaming in the link, trying to get an answer out of him.

Joe Rock

"Hey, it's Joe. Somehow I ended up at Alice's office and get this, I'm flesh again.  I'm also taller.

Matt answers his phone after a few rings

"Joe?! Joe! Where the hell are...oh...okay, how the hell did you get up there? I thought we'd have to start digging you out of the sidewalk or somefin. So you're not a rock thing anymore? Good, look, there're reporters everywhere..."

Joe indeed hears a crowd jabbering about around Matt

"I don't know if I can get rid of them so easily...is there anything I can do for you? Want me to call someone to get up to you?"

Taking a cab to Jake's Dilemma

While the Blond Athlete is changing, he phones for a cab (high end company) to pick them up. When he is done dressing, he swallows a few Aleave™ followed by three chasers of minreal oil (to line the stomach), and escorts the Lovley Ms Floss to the cab. He holds the door for her, gets in the other side, and says "Could you take us to Jake's Dilemma bar? And Safely?" while laying a $50 on the drivers shoulder.

"And we are off  "

The driver's eyes widen at the sight of the money. He takes it and, not sure what Schenk means by 'safe', starts driving slowly up to the bar.



Jake's Dilemma is a nice sports bar with giant screens and nice booths, one of which is reserved for the couple.

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Josh shakes his arms for a moment, trying to dislodge the serpentine weapons... then realises he probably looks a right prat doing that...

*Oh... kay...* ::huh

As the noise in his head filters through his befuddled brain & back into coherant speech, the vigilante tries his best to answer,

"Um... I'm alright... I... er... I think..."

He gives the 'snakes' another shake, then stops & just holds them up to his eyeline as they slip & writhe around his arms,

"I... um... you don't recall me taking a large dose of LSD any time tonight do you? I think I may have been doped - I'm seeing some pretty weird sh!t here..." ::confused

Remembering where he is, Joshua Gideon glances over at the two unconscious gangbangers, then notices - consciously, for the first time - the screams coming from the club.

*Right - the gas.*

Over his comm-link he says,

"Look - I've been pretty lucky so far tonight - that's not something I want to waste, even if these bastards have managed to shoot me up with something freaky. I'm gonna' head into the club & try to make the impression I came here to make. Plot me a way out of here, & a route to the nearest hang-out of the other gang: for this to be worthwhile I'll have to give both sides the same treatment."

Still, despite his words, Josh doesn't move for a moment - just watching the, almost hypnotic, squirmings of the snake-things...

*Get it together, man - they're just nightsticks. Remember that party with those Sigma Tau girls when you smoked all that sh!t? Same thing, 'dude' - just chill & go with the flow - fighting it will make the whole thing worse...* ::smokin

Shaking his head in an effort to clear the effects of the drugs, Josh heads on through into the club - openin' a can o' whoop-ass on anyone who gets in his way - & trying to find a stage or DJ booth where he can address the crowd. For some reason the fact that he's 'out of it' doesn't help Josh ignore the sheer dumb-ass factor of what he's trying to do...

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Joe Rock

Matt answers his phone after a few rings

"Joe?! Joe! Where the hell are...oh...okay, how the hell did you get up there? I thought we'd have to start digging you out of the sidewalk or somefin. So you're not a rock thing anymore? Good, look, there're reporters everywhere..."  "I don't know if I can get rid of them so easily...is there anything I can do for you? Want me to call someone to get up to you?"

Joe answers,

"I'm not sure how I ended up here, the whole thing is really odd. Mostly I wanted to let you know I'm alive and not buried somewhere... hey! I lost my gun, badge, and uniform in transit. Are they still over there?"

"As for the reporters, Qu'ils mangent de la brioche(1). I'm not there. If that perp is gone then you might as well leave and let them interview the sidewalk."

(1) French for "Let them eat cake". A famous French quote by the nobility about the starving peasant(s)'s lack of bread. Julia used it sometimes as "I don't care".

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And here she slides her strong hand along his inner thigh, stopping just short of his crotch


Ah suppose ah can try and learn to be patient.

The stunning nova leans in close, her face an inch away from Christian's, her smile like a tiger contemplating a helpless little lamb as her big brown eyes search his face.

Does that...work for you, Chris?

(Christian burns a Willpower point) With the confidence of a Grizzly Bear, The German Ex-patriot looks her back in the eyes and says,"When the time is right, You wont know what hit you. But until then, ::devilangel let us go have some fun." With that, he gets out of the cab and opens the door for her.

After they go inside and get to the table, Schenk excuses him self and heads over to the Floor Manager. "Here is $1,000.00 to cover our bar tab... If you take REAL good care of us, then then you can keep what is left over ::wink ."

After he get's back to their table, The 'B' actor grinz "All set, now let us enjoy the day ::biggrin "

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Inside the patrol car:

"Course not, thanks Joe. Steven? You had better be right!"

"Thanks David. I know, I owe you big time on this one."

Joe turns towards the backseat passenger

"Okay! But I want your papers, I'm keeping your drivers license and a credit card. You had better come back! And no more than 48 hours, you got that? Sheez, the chief is going to kill me..."

A sound of sirens is approaching the bullet riddled patrol car. Assuming that the doctor agrees with the terms the cops let Steven open the door.

"Okay...Get out of here before we change our minds..."

Steven looks into the backseat, "This is the best offer your going to get, now don't make me regret going to bat for you."

Assuming he agrees, and gets out of the car, "Now where should we start? Can you open another one of those... portals again?"

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The Doc looks from the officer to Steven, then nods his agreement. Assuming his handcuffs are removed, the man calling himself Hagbarad Celine hand the officer his driver's liscence and registration for the RV.

Assuming he agrees, and gets out of the car, "Now where should we start? Can you open another one of those... portals again?"

Shaking his head, the Docs laughs a bit sheepishly, "I don't know how I did it that time. I was thinking that I really needed to get to my son, and suddenly it was there. I need time to think about this. "

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"Um... I'm alright... I... er... I think..."


"What happened?! I heard gunshots!"

"I... um... you don't recall me taking a large dose of LSD any time tonight do you? I think I may have been doped - I'm seeing some pretty weird sh!t here..." 

"Oh God! Did they shoot you up with something? Come home, now!"

"Look - I've been pretty lucky so far tonight - that's not something I want to waste, even if these bastards have managed to shoot me up with something freaky. I'm gonna' head into the club & try to make the impression I came here to make. Plot me a way out of here, & a route to the nearest hang-out of the other gang: for this to be worthwhile I'll have to give both sides the same treatment."

Barb seems...reluctant to give Josh any further hideout locations.

"No! If they've drugged you you're not going anywhere else tonight!"

Shaking his head in an effort to clear the effects of the drugs, Josh heads on through into the club - openin' a can o' whoop-ass on anyone who gets in his way - & trying to find a stage or DJ booth where he can address the crowd. For some reason the fact that he's 'out of it' doesn't help Josh ignore the sheer dumb-ass factor of what he's trying to do...

(assuming Josh ignores the advice given to him and goes inside...)

Josh opens the side door and and an eery scene of tragedy reveals itself to him. Three men are coughing by the door, holding their ribs and moaning, pistols lying out of reach, out of mind. The gas fumes fill up the club. A lone hip-hop beat is still heard though no one is at the mic for any lyrics. Bass vibes pulsate through the vigilante's costume as he walks through the club. It seems that the clubbers have run out of the club as tear gas interfered with their pumping and grinding. In their haste some have been trampled and remain on the floor...a woman in a skimpy purple dress, a boy with an oversized Knicks sweater...People are still pushing and shoving at the entrance, must be about two dozen left wanting to get out through the door at the same time...

Joe Rock

Joe answers,

"I'm not sure how I ended up here, the whole thing is really odd. Mostly I wanted to let you know I'm alive and not buried somewhere... hey! I lost my gun, badge, and uniform in transit. Are they still over there?"

"As for the reporters, Qu'ils mangent de la brioche(1). I'm not there. If that perp is gone then you might as well leave and let them interview the sidewalk."

"Yeah, I got your stuff already. Some reporter made off with a bit of your uniform though so don't be surprised if you see you undies on ebay or anything.. ::rolleyes Oh, and don't worry, a$shole's still here. I think he thought you were still around, waiting for him to do something stupid or something. ::tongue "


"Look ah...take it easy okay? I'll see you as soon as I can partner. Just need a battering ram to get through these people! Bye."

As the line cuts Alex looks up and sees Alice giving him a look...a look of confused vulnerability, one he's never seen before.

A silence...

Broken by her phone ringing.

"Hello?...Excuse me?...Who is this?!...No comment...What? I don't care who you work for!"

She angrily turns her phone off then looks up at Joe and smiles awkwardly.. ::lookaround

Burning one's life savings to impress a nova

(Christian burns a Willpower point) With the confidence of a Grizzly Bear, The German Ex-patriot looks her back in the eyes and says,"When the time is right, You wont know what hit you. But until then,  let us go have some fun." With that, he gets out of the cab and opens the door for her.

After they go inside and get to the table, Schenk excuses him self and heads over to the Floor Manager. "Here is $1,000.00 to cover our bar tab... If you take REAL good care of us, then then you can keep what is left over  ."

After he get's back to their table, The 'B' actor grinz "All set, now let us enjoy the day  "

The manager smiles and no sooner have they sat down that a bar maid is at there table ready to bring over whatever the couple desires.

Inside PU

"Hmmmmmmm" closing her eyes, Dr. Lynn Walker lets her mind drift slouching deeper into the chair. Relaxing and letting the worries fade, she justs ignores the troublesome day and wonders idly what was in the shot.

OOC: Wow! Adrenocilin comes off as both fun and scary in my game!

Director Sutherland speaks up as Lynn seems to enjoy the shot, the head lying in her lap seems to anyway... ::tongue

"How're you feeling? Can you try to uhmm...get yourself together?"

Sten pipes in

"I can hold your head up if you'd like..."

"Or I mistress, or I!"

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Joe Rock

"Yeah, I got your stuff already. Some reporter made off with a bit of your uniform though so don't be surprised if you see you undies on ebay or anything.. ::rolleyes "
"Oh, joy." ::sarcasm
As the line cuts Alex looks up and sees Alice giving him a look...a look of confused vulnerability, one he's never seen before.

A silence...

Broken by her phone ringing.

"Hello?...Excuse me?...Who is this?!...No comment...What? I don't care who you work for!"

She angrily turns her phone off then looks up at Joe and smiles awkwardly.. ::lookaround

Joe shrugs helplessly, *I didn't plan this.* ::confused

He says gently, "This is just the start. The press is already involved. If they don't know my name yet they will soon. They are going to put us through the wringer. That phone is going to keep ringing... maybe I need a good lawyer? ::blush "

*Ah shoot* (With concern) "Do you think this effects your chances of partnership?" ::unsure

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Inside PU

"Go for it, Tink." Just leaning back, slumped in the chair, Lynn waits until her head is situated on her neck before closing her eyes and imagining being whole again. Holding on to her other arm tightly to hold it against her body, at first she seems to be concentrating as fiercely as she can and slowly just slumping more and more as she waits for a response in her body.

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After giving his information to the cops, the Doc (assuming he's allowed) gathers up his bags from the trunk of the cop car and walks down the street with Steven.

After they're a bit away from the police car, as they walk, the Doc turns to his new companion, "I'd like to thank you for what you did. I'm headed to an old client's place in Brooklyn. It should be safe enough. I'm kind of hungry though, what say we find a place to get a hot meal first, and talk about things? My treat. "

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Mona makes herself comfortable in a booth, takes a deep breath and smiles blissfully.

Ah, the smell of fermented hops and barley - is there a sweeter smell in all the Lord's creation? ::biggrin

She signals the nearest waitress.

Excuse me, darlin', could ah please have a pitcher of Anchor Steam and a glass? Y'know what, add a bottle of Jack to that order as well, and a row of shot glasses, five or six, bare minimum. How 'boutchu, Chris, what're you havin'?

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Clubbed to Death:

... In their haste some have been trampled and remain on the floor...

Spotting the fallen innocents Josh stops dead, all colour (beneath the mask) draining from his face... ::nervous

*NO! All I wanted was to make sure that no innocents got hurt! I used non-lethal weapons against guns for God's sake - & look at the result! What are you trying to tell me, world? That there is no helping the helpless? That there is nothing a lone man can do against the filth of crime? I'd have been better off just buying a shotgun & blowing the gang-bangers' heads-off for feck's sake - at least then these kids would have been spared! All those years training, planing, selecting the proper weaponry - all for nothing! It's all pointless... I've become the monster I was trying to kill!*

Falling to his knees, Josh - numb to his own actions - reaches for one of the gang-members' discarded guns, raises it to his own temple, & pulls the trigger...

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After they're a bit away from the police car, as they walk, the Doc turns to his new companion, "I'd like to thank you for what you did. I'm headed to an old client's place in Brooklyn. It should be safe enough. I'm kind of hungry though, what say we find a place to get a hot meal first, and talk about things? My treat. "

"Lead the way."

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Heroic Doses:

Mona is lining up her second row of shots when she notices that Christian seems to be a little put off by her alcohol consumption.

Wasamattter, Chris? Never seen a nova drink before? ::biggrin

She looks down at the shot glasses, the bottle of Jack, the pitcher of beer...

Hmm - ah guess it is a little intimidatin'. It's not like ah expect you to keep up or nothin', and ah can sober mahself up like that-

She snaps her fingers.

Whenever ah want, so there's no danger to anyone, right?

She stretches herself out in the booth and slides one leg under Christian's, gently stroking the back of his calf with a cowboy boot as that devilish grin returns.

So....whose hotel room we gonna watch "Bugman" in tonight? 'Cause ah got a big ol' bed in mine - shame to waste a perfectly good set of towels...::devil

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Joe Rock

"Do you think this effects your chances of partnership?"

Alice frowns incredulously at her husband

"The par...Who cares about the partnership?! I mean look at you! You..you're..."

A nova? Changed? A stranger? Whatever she was gonna say was left unanswered as she just kept her eyes on him, a hand raised in exasperation.

Inside PU - All the king's horses and all the king's men didn't have adrenocilin...

"Go for it, Tink." Just leaning back, slumped in the chair, Lynn waits until her head is situated on her neck before closing her eyes and imagining being whole again. Holding on to her other arm tightly to hold it against her body, at first she seems to be concentrating as fiercely as she can and slowly just slumping more and more as she waits for a response in her body.

Something happens as she relaxes.

"Oh...oh my...I rejoin the master!"

The onlookers watch in amazement as Tink seems to be being sucked through the open neck, holding Lynn's head over its own as its sucked in.

"Goodbye world.."

As Lynn's head closes the gap, those in the room notice her skin sealing together, mending the rift between head and neck. Her left arm seems to jump of its own volition to the empty socket, pulled by a not so invisible force. Indeed veins from inside the socket and arm reach for each other and pulled the separated bodies together. As it connects everything seems to mesh together again and Lynn feels almost as good as new... ::unsure

Clubbed to Death:

Falling to his knees, Josh - numb to his own actions - reaches for one of the gang-members' discarded guns, raises it to his own temple, & pulls the trigger...

and then there was silence...

Newly erupted novas

After giving his information to the cops, the Doc (assuming he's allowed) gathers up his bags from the trunk of the cop car and walks down the street with Steven.

After they're a bit away from the police car, as they walk, the Doc turns to his new companion, "I'd like to thank you for what you did. I'm headed to an old client's place in Brooklyn. It should be safe enough. I'm kind of hungry though, what say we find a place to get a hot meal first, and talk about things? My treat. "

"Lead the way."

Soon the novas are sitting in a diner and discover that their new appetites are something to behold! Nothing seems to satiate their hunger as they talk between mouthfulls of pies, burgers and sandwiches...

And a not so newly erupted nova

She stretches herself out in the booth and slides one leg under Christian's, gently stroking the back of his calf with a cowboy boot as that devilish grin returns.

So....whose hotel room we gonna watch "Bugman" in tonight? 'Cause ah got a big ol' bed in mine - shame to waste a perfectly good set of towels...

Will Mona get lucky? Will she make Christian Schenk erupt in more ways than one? Stay tuned and find out!

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Something happens as she relaxes.

"Oh...oh my...I rejoin the master!"

The onlookers watch in amazement as Tink seems to be being sucked through the open neck, holding Lynn's head over its own as its sucked in.

"Goodbye world.."

As Lynn's head closes the gap, those in the room notice her skin sealing together, mending the rift between head and neck. Her left arm seems to jump of its own volition to the empty socket, pulled by a not so invisible force. Indeed veins from inside the socket and arm reach for each other and pulled the separated bodies together. As it connects everything seems to mesh together again and Lynn feels almost as good as new...

Frank grins excitedly as he kneels down next to Lynn. "You did it, doc! Good going!"

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"Hmmm." Raising her arms slowly to her face, Lynn stares at her hands and turns them so she can stare at her hands. In a tired voice lacking her usual friendly tone, "From a medical stand point, that was an interesting experience. Maybe I'll get accustomed to disjointed bodies and little talking gobs of flesh. Don't you think?"

Shifting her leaden body, Dr. Lynn Walker quietly tests each muscle before seeming to attempt to stand. Reaching out, she pats Frank's shoulder but closes her eyes for a moment as she adjusts to being whole. "A strange feeling, much like a tranquelizor. Are you often forced to such measures for new novas?"

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Joe Rock

Alice frowns incredulously at her husband

"The par...Who cares about the partnership?! I mean look at you! You..you're..."

Joe responds with good humor,

"You care about the partnership Alice. Maybe not this minute, but... life goes on. How many of those guys (idiots) who win the lottery go bankrupt? Half? And they do it by not realizing that not everything has changed."

"This is new, and a big change, and neither of us asked for it... but so what? Compared to other possibilities this isn't bad. I could have been shot. You could have been crippled in a car accident. One of us could have been at 9-11. Viewed from there, being forced into body building and human growth hormone looks pretty good."

"This will suck up our attention and time for the next few weeks, and we will be dealing it's fall out for months. But when things settle the real world will be waiting for us. Life goes on."

"Speaking of which, that pizza guy should be due right about now."

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Eating and Eating and Eating

As he eats, in between bites the Doc asks Steven why he did what he did, "So, " *chomp* "why'd you help me?" *gulp* "Not that I'm not greatful, but, " *chomp* "you seemed to know something about my son. "

"Because you seemed like someone who needed help. As far as your son, I'm not sure if I know anything about him, since you're unwilling to give me your real name. Yesterday I heard through the grapevine that the son of a 'dotcom' millionaire was kidnapped a few days ago. I was jsut wondering if there's a connection?"

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Tough Questions

"Because you seemed like someone who needed help. As far as your son, I'm not sure if I know anything about him, since you're unwilling to give me your real name. Yesterday I heard through the grapevine that the son of a 'dotcom' millionaire was kidnapped a few days ago. I was jsut wondering if there's a connection?"

After putting his for an knife down, and wiping his mouth with a clean napkin, the Doc studies the man across the table from him for a long moment before replying, "The millionaire in question is my ex-wife's new husband, the boy who was kidnapped is my son. Ten years ago I was burned in a laboratory fire, as you can see from my scars..." ...His right hand strays to the left side of his face where the scars should be, only to find that they're gone. Almost jumping out of his seat, he runs through the restaurant to the men's restroom, slamming open the door and staring at his face in the mirror as tears start to run down his cheeks uncontrolably.

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  • 8 months later...
And a not so newly erupted nova

Will Mona get lucky? Will she make Christian Schenk erupt in more ways than one? Stay tuned and find out!

Chris stands up, and leans over to kiss Mona.

"Thatts a grat Idea, monA, I thin it is thym to gooooooo.............."as he veers into the table, knocking it over and him self unconscious. ::beer30

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up, and leans over to kiss Mona.

"Thatts a grat Idea, monA, I thin it is thym to gooooooo.............."as he veers into the table, knocking it over and him self unconscious.  ::beer30

The beautiful nova sighs.

Oh Chris - you are just killin' mah buzz.

Mona closes her eyes and concentrates as she clenses her system of all intoxicants - once sobered up, she carefuly rights the table, placing the various cups and bottles back on top. Mona then gently lifts her Teutonic co-star off the floor and props him up in his chair - a quick check of his pupils and vitals assures her that he's going to live.

Now let's find your room key...

Smiling to herself, she starts checking his pockets, her hands taking a few...detours to get the lay of the land, as it were. ::ohmy When at last she finds it, she stuffs it in her back pocket, puts Chris over her shoulder, and signals their waitress.

This ol' boy took care of everything, right? We're square?

Once she's assured that no one is getting stiffed, she winks.

Gotta get this one tucked in, know what ah mean?

She slaps him firmly on the butt.

Can you be a peach and call us a cab, hon?

(OOC: Mona plans on getting Chris back to his hotel room so he can make a full recovery. She'll strip him down his briefs, get him into bed, and then watch 'Bugman' with her boots off, lying on top of the sheets with some room service popcorn and a Cherry Coke. She may be trouble, but she's still a lady. ::wink)

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Looking at the past, NY Diner

Heads turned and the waitress called after him as the doc ran to the restroom.

"Is everthing alright, son?"

The man the doc saw in the looking glass seemed to be taken straight from the past. It was as if the accident, that godforsaken day from so long ago, had never happened. What's more, he hadn't aged a day. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he felt his face



muffled voices

"Well they musta told someone! You think those cops just appeared by chance?!"

"Look, they must have nova help, we've gotta run man! We touch him, they'll keep looking til we're dead!"

Steps approaching

"They knew what'd happen..."

Rapid breathing, a kid...

Blink, blink blink...Light! The doc could see a dank basement room, an overhead neon light just come to life. The smell...dust. Dust and urine.

Click clack

Panicked breathing..

Groan...the red metal door opens, looking down, a pair of black rubber boots covered in mud.


"C'mon Mark, let's talk this over at least!"

"Shut the f___ up! Kid...time to die..."

Staring up a shotgun barrel

"NO!" "NO!"

Small hands block the view!

and nothing....the doc was on the floor of the diner's bathroom...


In the diner, they hear screams... ::unsure

Joe Rock

"You care about the partnership Alice. Maybe not this minute, but... life goes on. How many of those guys (idiots) who win the lottery go bankrupt? Half? And they do it by not realizing that not everything has changed."

"This is new, and a big change, and neither of us asked for it... but so what? Compared to other possibilities this isn't bad. I could have been shot. You could have been crippled in a car accident. One of us could have been at 9-11. Viewed from there, being forced into body building and human growth hormone looks pretty good."

"This will suck up our attention and time for the next few weeks, and we will be dealing it's fall out for months. But when things settle the real world will be waiting for us. Life goes on."

"Speaking of which, that pizza guy should be due right about now."

Tears roll down Alice's cheeks though she quickly wipes them with a trembling hand and sniffs with a half chuckle.

"I..I guess you're right...I'm *snerk* being stupid.."

Stepping to a cabinet she takes out the bottle of cognac she usually reserves for client visits and pour herself a glass from the crystal decanter.

A forced smile creases her lips as she turns around and raises her glass

"To the new you!"

Taking a gulp her smile fades despite her best intentions and she stairs blankly Joe's feet.

A gentle knock on the door, grease smells waft through

"Pizzas are here..."

One of Alice's colleagues brings in four pizzas and puts them on the desk, a stupid grin and look of amazement frozen on her face, unable to remove her eyes from Joe.

"I'll ah, wait outside...you can just call us if you need anything."

She squeezes Alice's hand, eliciting a nod from her before leaving the office.

Inside PU

"Hmmm." Raising her arms slowly to her face, Lynn stares at her hands and turns them so she can stare at her hands. In a tired voice lacking her usual friendly tone, "From a medical stand point, that was an interesting experience. Maybe I'll get accustomed to disjointed bodies and little talking gobs of flesh. Don't you think?"

Shifting her leaden body, Dr. Lynn Walker quietly tests each muscle before seeming to attempt to stand. Reaching out, she pats Frank's shoulder but closes her eyes for a moment as she adjusts to being whole. "A strange feeling, much like a tranquelizor. Are you often forced to such measures for new novas?"

Once the cheering and clapping subsides in the room, Dr. Sutherland answers

"Well, we're rarely forced to use it. Much like now, its mostly by choice that budding novas use adrenocilin to avoid...accidents. As you can imagine, budding novas can be quite taxing on their environments. We provide facilities to train them in the use of their powers both for everyone's safety. Adrenocilin is just one of our more recent, and effective, methods to help novas come to terms with their powers."


"Now, I imagine you're all hungry? Perhaps Jasmine can lead you to the mess hall?"

Bugman! Leaving the bar in a reckless state

This ol' boy took care of everything, right? We're square?

The waitress looks at the by now somewhat unseemly Schenk straddled over Mona's shoulder and smiles with raised eyebrows.

"Oh yeah, we're squared all right!"

Once she's assured that no one is getting stiffed, she winks.

Gotta get this one tucked in, know what ah mean?

She slaps him firmly on the butt.

Can you be a peach and call us a cab, hon?

"Of course! It'll just be a minute...you're gonna need it.."


Mona plans on getting Chris back to his hotel room so he can make a full recovery. She'll strip him down his briefs, get him into bed, and then watch 'Bugman' with her boots off, lying on top of the sheets with some room service popcorn and a Cherry Coke. She may be trouble, but she's still a lady.

The movie...is bad. Ilsa the shower monitor seems to be all tits and no brains, like every other bimbo on the movie only she screamed a lot at the other girls in what was surely meant to be an authoritative voice.

"No running in the showers!"


Running gag in the movie is that something always grabs her attention from her duties as a lonely cheerleader takes a shower on her own...and the bugman appears. The movie was terrible, but then again it was so bad it was funny. She was embarrassed for the poor schmucks playing in the movie... ::blush ::biggrin

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Looking at the past, NY Diner

"The millionaire in question is my ex-wife's new husband, the boy who was kidnapped is my son. Ten years ago I was burned in a laboratory fire, as you can see from my scars..." ...His right hand strays to the left side of his face where the scars should be, only to find that they're gone. Almost jumping out of his seat, he runs through the restaurant to the men's restroom, slamming open the door and staring at his face in the mirror as tears start to run down his cheeks uncontrolably.

Steven listened intently to the young man as the pieces seemed to fall into place; then out of no where the man started talking about burns, then jumped out of the booth and ran to the restroom.

Steven decided the kid probably needed to be alone for a minute, and figured he wasn't likely run off, so started to finish his meal. Then he heard the scream. Instinctively he got up, and made his way to the bathroom to see what the commotion was about.

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Joe Rock

Tears roll down Alice's cheeks though she quickly wipes them with a trembling hand and sniffs with a half chuckle.

"I..I guess you're right...I'm *snerk* being stupid.."

Stepping to a cabinet she takes out the bottle of cognac she usually reserves for client visits and pour herself a glass from the crystal decanter.

A forced smile creases her lips as she turns around and raises her glass

"To the new you!"

Taking a gulp her smile fades despite her best intentions and she stairs blankly Joe's feet.

Joe thinks, *Better. She just needs time. Have to keep in mind she’s not one to like surprises. Better keep the part about the cockroaches under cover for now. There’s already enough of an “ick” factor in all this.* ::unsure

He comments, “If I weren’t on duty I’d take a glass as well.”

A gentle knock on the door, grease smells waft through

"Pizzas are here..."

One of Alice's colleagues brings in four pizzas and puts them on the desk, a stupid grin and look of amazement frozen on her face, unable to remove her eyes from Joe.

"I'll ah, wait outside...you can just call us if you need anything."

She squeezes Alice's hand, eliciting a nod from her before leaving the office.

Joe watches Alice’s co-worker leave and is, once again, forcefully reminded of his new looks and body. He decides not to comment.

"Thank you. I feel like I haven’t eaten in days.”

The pizza is hot and fresh, and he doesn’t need to let it cool even a bit. Joe digs in.

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Once the cheering and clapping subsides in the room, Dr. Sutherland answers

"Well, we're rarely forced to use it. Much like now, its mostly by choice that budding novas use adrenocilin to avoid...accidents. As you can imagine, budding novas can be quite taxing on their environments. We provide facilities to train them in the use of their powers both for everyone's safety. Adrenocilin is just one of our more recent, and effective, methods to help novas come to terms with their powers."


"Now, I imagine you're all hungry? Perhaps Jasmine can lead you to the mess hall?"

Quietly, Frank pondered the implications of Utopia's creation and use of adrenolicin. How had they created it so quickly, and almost from scratch? He supposed nova chemists and doctors would help explain that aspect...but once a drug was made, it wouldn't take much effort to imagine variants.

What were the doses of the standard variation? How much was needed per nova? What were the effects on novas with superhuman resiliency to drugs? How much was needed to cause a fatal reaction?

Mind racing through the possibilities, he suddenly realized the mention of food only seconds ago.

"I'm starving. Food would be great, thanks."

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