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Bahamuts birthday!

Ayre el KaBeer

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You asked for it. Batter up.


A huge beam of light descends from the skies, and a cake slowly levitates down to the ground. Suddenly, as the billions (yes, billions) of Europnet viewers surrounding begin to chant teh birthday song, the cake cracks open in a burst of violet light and Horseman Bishounen arises to lead the anthem in a light, pleasant treble!!!

A microphone rises from the remains of the frosting to his hand..

"Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you!

Haaappy biiiirthdaaaay, dear Bahamut810,

Haaaaaaaaaaappy biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrthdaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy to yoooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuu..."

The horseman bows, and then the cake snaps shut around him like an egg in reverse and BLASTS OFF!

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