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Aberrant: 2011 - Concert in benefit to the victims of TBO

Alessa Neri

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People, people, people.

I want to announce here, as I will in multiple places, that I will be doing a concert for the victims of TBO. I'm arranging for a localization of the concert in San Diego, I'm paying for everything out of my own pocket and 100% of the gains from tickets and vendors will be going to TBO victims.

I wanted to extend and invitation to anyone here who thinks they could help in a meaningful manner, be it by doing your own act, helping as a technician or even just making publicity.

I wish all of you the best, and I hope some of you can answer me meaningfuly.

Thank you.

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Concert is going to be on the 9th of November, on San Diegos Qualcomm Stadium. Lot's of things have been readied, and the tickets are on sell right now, at 70 bucks every ticket I'm hoping to have the place packed.

We are going to try and raise 5 millions out of the tickets, we will be announcing donations both anonymous and certified during the show and the food, t-shirts and anything for sale will also go for the proceedings.

I'm hoping to raise enough money to help get people clothed, fed and sheltered until the cleaning can be finished.

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There is no reason you should assume this undertaking by yourself Ms. Neri. Law Enterprises will be more than willing to take 1/2 the burden off your shoulders, cal me we'll disscuss it.

Also I have a list of 200+ LE Employees who have volunteered to help out the day of concert with any tasks you may need.

That should offset your out of pocket costs.

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Originally Posted By: Alessa Neri
If you really want to volunteer so much money, it would be better if you put it directly in the fund for relief, that way we know that the money will be going to those who need it.

The same could be said for you sweetheart. LE is doing it's best to help thos affected by this tragedy. Helping you with the concert is simply one of many.

I've op-mailed you the list, along with contact information. At the very most you may have to offer an autograph or two but you'll find them very interested in helping out.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Or perhaps she could contribute the same strength that beat a woman to death for things like hauling rubble, building a house, or moving debris.

However, singing certainly helps out a whole lot. That's what the cold, homeless, ruined lives need right now is song. Not a roof over their head or a packet of razors to end their misery.

Summer was right; you people are living in the damn clouds.

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Or you and your sister could recognize that any attempt to help is worthwhile. Alessa's concert will raise money, which will go to help. Even if you don't see the value in it, aid will be given to those who need it.

I hope you are giving aid quietly, sugar. Otherwise, I hope you feel shame for not only not helping, but for deriding those who are helping.

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Originally Posted By: Autumn Solstice
Or perhaps she could contribute the same strength that beat a woman to death for things like hauling rubble, building a house, or moving debris.

However, singing certainly helps out a whole lot. That's what the cold, homeless, ruined lives need right now is song. Not a roof over their head or a packet of razors to end their misery.

Summer was right; you people are living in the damn clouds.

Oh, Autumn... Must you be like this? What I did, have done, and continue to do to help the victims of TBO is frankly not a matter of public import, and certainly not of any personal import to you. You can assume that I've whiled away the last couple months doing whatever makes you happy to assume; the truth, as is often the case, is far less glamorous.

For that matter, I'll tell you the same thing I told your sister in an similar conversation: sneering derisively at others isn't exactly helping out the cause, either.

Originally Posted By: Alessa Neri
It's never too late! You can always donate, or come over to San Diego and help out with everything that's needed!

Or you could get on stage with me and sing something =D

I'll be sure to put in a donation, and I'd be happy to come by the beautiful city of San Diego to help out. smile

But, erm...sing? blush Um, are you sure you want me to? I mean, I'd be happy to try, but I'm mostly used to just singing in the shower... There's no way I could compare to you, but really, who could? wink If you'll have me, I think I might like that. smile
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Could someone help me out here, please?

I very much need a little break from my work here in LA so I'm flying down the coast for the concert. The thing is, I don't have a credit card (being yet another downside to being a masked vigilante) so I can't purchase a ticket on-line. Could someone buy me a ticket? I'll pay for it in cash outside the stadium before the concert begins, I promise.

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I've got your back, Hero. smile I'll even provide the ticket gratis. I simply think it would be quite something to meet you, oh eponymous one. wink

Originally Posted By: Ria Ravensbourne
LiberTeen: I'll haul my arse over there if you rock up. Reckon I can lift a whole bunch of trash. I even promise I won't drop it on some fundie Christian's head. laugh

Decorum forbids me from speaking candorously, but that aside, it sounds like a great plan. wink I'm really looking forward to it. grin

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Originally Posted By: Kara
Or you and your sister could recognize that any attempt to help is worthwhile. Alessa's concert will raise money, which will go to help. Even if you don't see the value in it, aid will be given to those who need it.

It will only encourage them to beg and grovel at the feet of novas whenever their lives take a turn for the worse. The baselines really should practice more self-sufficiency.

I hope you are giving aid quietly, sugar. Otherwise, I hope you feel shame for not only not helping, but for deriding those who are helping.

I will freely say with all honesty that I have been helping, but only because I'm required to. So far I have had to regenerate eleven broken nails, have my hair redone almost every day, and my dry cleaning bill has shot through the roof. I’m going through hell!

TBO is costing me just as much as it's costing those little people in LA. If we just sent all the illegal immigrants back to where they belong we'd only have to clean up and provide aid for 35% of LA's population instead of all 100% of it, let's work on making my job easier! You wouldn't believe how dirty I get every day. frown
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The above makes me almost thankful I'm not in the Project Utopian contingent assigned to the Southern California relief effort.

My heart goes out to all my fellow Californians how have lost so much, but I also understand that individual talents are being put to productive use here in Mali, on Project Genesis. With the continuing assistance being willingly offered by so many, I'm sure my homeland will soon be back on its feet.

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Of course you can present yourself Pele! I appreciate every and all efforts towards charity, and I'm sure a fire show would attract a lot of good seating, I will just have to make half a dozen calls to the stadium leasers and to the city hall to make sure we are allowed to do that. =D

Thank you, I will be expecting you there.

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While you're heart is in the right place, I have to wonder if this is the best way to go about helping the victims of The Big One?

I mean, between all the power represented by the Novas just in this thread alone, is it not possible to come up with a more proactive way of helping?

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Yeah ther's still a whole lot of work to be done with the clean-up. Even with the number of novas invilved and the federal and local agencies, this thing did an insane amount of damage, there's plenty left to do.

As for why do the concert?

It IS an excellent fundraiser for charity.

It IS something the people will enjoy.

While it seems shallow of me to say this, it Will help many citizens take their mind off their pain and loss if only for a short time.

Sometimes the reminder that life can be truly hellish, but that there are those willing to offer freely of themselves to do what they can to lessen the pains and burdens of life is enough to keep despair from deepening, To offer a hope for a better tomorrow.

Sometimes that's better than money or material aid.

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I'm having difficulty putting all my feelings about this into words but here goes. First off let it be known that my home, the one I grew up in, was destroyed in this disaster so this isn't some abstract televised disaster for me. This is my life, my family, and my home.

That being said, while I understand the generosity and sentiment behind Alessa's concert, it ulitmately feels, I don't know....tacky, I guess. To be honest I have trouble believing that every penny is going to go to rebuilding the lives of the people of LA. Considering just how many people would either have to work pro-bono, or get paid out of Alessa's pocket (as her first post claims). That just seems like an unrealistic pipe dream to me.

Finally, and this is directed and Mech. I'm sorry but what you posted sounds like the rambling of one who's never had their home drop into a giant sinkhole. Someone who's never had to wander the ruined shambles of his former neighbourhood looking for friends and loved ones, praying against the odds that none of the people that you care about are dead. You don't sound like someone who's ever lost everything they know in a split second. These people need something more than "good feelings;" they need food, shelter, warm clothes, medicine, and blankets.

I've spent every weekend in my old neighbourhood clearing away debris and doing what I can to help people rebuild lives. I'd be there every day but certain legal issues prevent it. I've given up my college fund to bring food and medication with me every trip and am now faced with the prospect of draining my trust fund.

If you really want to help speed recovery and help people, getting hammered at some rock concert isn't the way in my opinion. Try rolling up your sleeves and putting your powers to good use.

If this offends I'm sorry but it sounds like people are forgetting why Alessa is putting on this concert in the first place.

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Alessa Neri, Gabriel Law, and LiberTeen are there? Awesome! My plans are set!

This is like all-ages, right? No exclusions or anything? I've got friends who really want to get there, and I'm looking to get them in.

Alessa, do we see you about a shot on the stage?

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