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Aberrant: 2011 - The degeneration of morals via Beastiality


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Originally Posted By: LiberTeen
She gave a passing glance backwards to Robert's pet wolf, happily and obliviously finishing the last of his meal, and without changing tempo or tone, finished, "Both of you, fuck me."

What the hell? I joined this community for fun roleplaying, not dog sex! Do you just allow this shit to come and go as people please?
This is unacceptable!

Those of you who aren't speaking out about this.. well.. that says something about you. Its one thing if you just haven't noticed, but now there is no excuse.

I am speaking of the Human Behaviors fiction in 2009. If you haven't read it, I suggest avoiding it.

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Well, it says in Brittany's profile, which is both IC and OOC, that she's a pansexual extremist and sexual rights advocate. Bisexuality implies boys and girls; pansexuality covers everything else, though usually that just means transexuals, androgynes, etc., it can also mean, well, pretty much anything.

I'm sorry if you have a problem with it, but again, it's only fiction, not necessarily representative of the views of the player, and nobody is forcing you or anyone to read the story. There's even a warning at the beginning. smile

If that part of the story bothered you, you really should probably not read any more of LiberTeen's posts. It's going to get worse before it gets better. smirk

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I haven't read the story, so I don't know. Were the actual acts described? If so then I might say a line has been crossed, otherwise I can accept it.

Rapido, Have you read any of Wakinyan's fictions? There are some pretty gross and/or graphic decriptions of acts/encounters in his works that go well beyond the implication of beastiality. The two that come rapidly to mind are the bifurcation of his penis via shapeshift so he could screw 2 people at once and Carver's near castration of him during an attempted abduction/rape.

Always remember, things are labeled adult content for a reason. If you don't want to read about adult content, don't click the link.

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The very first thing you read at the start of the story is a warning. In the end, I would rather have my eyes burned out by truly disturbing ideas put into print than promote censorship of said ideas. I know the world can be a weird, torn-up place were bad things happen. I'm a father of two young children. I would still rather leave it up to the individual adult to decide what to read.

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As one of the posters, I gotta admit that I was surprised by the direction that post took, I talked it over with the player and we both agreed on leaving the subject untouched.

The fic continued without that piece of plot, and the peace was uninterrupted.

If it shook you up, what can I say? There was a huge warning on the title and the first post =/

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Okay, really, if you're worried about "the degeneration of morals" (and who titles a post like that), you're going to have a problem with... well, more than half of what is posted here. It gets much worse than a suggestion of bestiality. We're a community of more or less mature adults, all of which I think have firmly established morals (or lack of them), and with the capacity to stop reading something which is not of our taste, so we generally avoid censorship of any kind. Anyway, Aberrant is a pretty dark game, without even putting Taint into the picture, I'm not sure if you were looking for "nice" four-color roleplaying, but if you are you're going to have to watch what you read very well.

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Okay. It has been brought to my attention my several of you (and I do thank you), that my tone was very accusatory (is that even a word?).

If it was taken like that, i'm sorry. My heat got the most of me. I do not think less of anyone who is fine with that kind of thing, its just the entire idea really weirds me out. I went about making the topic wrong, and I really just wanted to start a conversation while being angry at the same time.

Trolling is a term for it, I think? Flaming?

My intentions were not to insult you.

I don't like the idea of interspecies sexual transactions. I believe it just crosses a line into just wanting to get off.

It isn't a romantic thing, and its not a thing for creation of life. I don't understand it.

But than again, I am also against 'One night stands'.

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It's your prerogative to dislike the idea of bestiality, sado-masochism, foot fetishism, pre-marital sex, the color green, or blueberry scones, and there's nothing wrong with discussing the subject. Just try to remember that we're all individuals, and your preferences are not always everyone else's.

Personally, I don't care what people do in the privacy of their own homes as long as no one is irreparably harmed either mentally or physically by the proceedings. I don't believe that there's anything inherently wrong with recreational sex or variants thereof, provided that the preceding statement is true.

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With the things I've got up to in my short life I'd almost forgotten there were people with such a strong sense of morality. It's almost quaint. And okay, possibly not half of the stuff, and IC is pretty clean, but a pretty high percentage of fictions of '17, at least, have ended up containing excessive violence or some sort of sexual deviation, and we're the same players here than there (sans Wakinyan the ratio will improve slightly, I'm sure, but still).

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Originally Posted By: Gabriel Law
So... we keep Brittany away from pet shops. No big deal dude. Problem solved.


But...but...Brittany likes the pet shop! frown

In all seriousness, writing about something in a story doesn't mean advocating it. Our stories would be pretty boring if everyone was a good role model or a paragon of moral virtue. And that's not to say that Brittany isn't either or both of those things. After all, there are far more cruel and mean things that people routinely do than sex up their pets. smirk
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  • 5 weeks later...

Well, speaking from the perspective of the character I'm currently playing, I'm not in favor of serial killing or sexual abuse either, but the nature of the character I put together is that she does do those things and enjoy them. (Please note I'm not implying bestiality is similar to either of the above. /end disclaimer.) We write characters who do things we may or may not approve of because A) we think it makes for good drama or B) we're using them to make a metaphoric, literary or psychological point.

If that offends you? Don't read it.

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