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Aberrant RPG - What keeps you going?


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Stonewall recently was given cause to contemplate the idea that many of us (Nova) are virtually immortal, and that barring accidental death, Black Holes and the possibility of the local sun going supernova, we may, possibly be immortal. So what is it that's going to keep you going, keep you interested in life as the centuries roll past?


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Depends on whether you wish to speak of it in-character or out of character. I think personally I am interested in both aspects; how your character views the potential of immortality, and how the player rationalizes the views of the character. Thus, the reason I used the OOC forum.


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Originally posted by David 'Dr. Troll' Smith:
The human brain can't store more than a few decades of memories. We would forget, and repeat with variations.
I doubt Sakurako would have a problem with that. She'd find a way to preserve her memories. Using Memory Implants, Mnemetic storage mediums and readers, Even outright placing a secondary network of nano-circuits in the spaces between the neurons of her brain. For the express purpose of memory management and backup.

Of course, as time went on, Sakurako's emotions would take a toll. Eventually she would not express them. Although she would still have them, but with that much weight of decades and centuries, you get acclimated and numb. Or perhaps like the Elves of the Lord of the Rings. Seemingly aloof and not caring of what happens in Middle Earth, yet it's the weight of ages that weighs them down.

I wish that Sakurako wouldn't become like that, but it's inevitable that she would. How it finally manifests though would be a work of fiction in it's own right.

Perhaps, so as to avoid sugh things she would occasionlly "start over", and live life from a certain point over. Not replaying events, but living a new life from a set point.

Wouldn't you like to start over in a new life once in a while? Especially with an extended lifespan?
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I suppose it's worth mentioning that novas don't necessarily behave like humans. After having a century or so to develop, it is entirely possible that a nova could simply develop a mental structure that doesn't forget and doesn't get jaded.

Or something even more strange. There was an NPC in one of the supplements - I think maybe one of the sphinxes in World Wide One - who had mentally left her body behind for pure thought.

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What's interesting as well, is taht every Nova seems to be an individual of their own. One takes one path of development, another takes an entirely diffrent approach.

Some Novas (Like those with Mega-Int) may have an extended memory. While others may be relegated ot figuring out some way to keep a past.

Some will become jaded, while others will become wise and sage.

And some, like in Trinity, go nucking futs and try to take back earth as killing machines bent on crushing Humans and Psychics alike.

Then there are the few on Eden who have pretty much forsaken Earth for their own world.

Then thre's the few who have struck out on their own, and those that had died during the aberrant war.

The options do look many. Some good, some bad, some I don't know about.

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Charr struggles toward the day when novas can walk free to live their lives of fullest potential free from the tyranny of the evil empire of monkeys and others that would abuse or oppress them.

Until that day comes he'll continue to stand his lonely vigil with only Rorschach for company.


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It occurs to me that with the continuing way novas evolve, it is nearly impossible to contemplate what novas will be doing one hundred years down the line. I mean, what will they be capable of understanding by that point? What will they have forgotten?

For what the future holds:

I think the majority of novas from this, current, timeline will wipe themselves out by the end of the Aberrant War. Only a handful will head out to the stars. The Second Generation of Novas will either not be all they are cracked up to be, or will simple want nothing more to do with humanity.

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I thinking Nihels would take the time to master his powers and then casually start altering reality to fit whatever random whim he may have. At best he becomes jaded. At worst he would be delusional and psychotic, kind of like a Marauder from Mage.

When you can manipulate the basic building blocks of the universe how can you not come to think of yourself as a god?

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Well, she will probably leave earth around 2025. Disgusted with not by Humanity, but Novas.

You see, I do plan on having Sakurako being "stuck in park" developmentally due to her relyiance on science and technology.

This in turn will slowly seperate her from Nova society. By the time she leaves, she'll be considered a waste of a node.

You see, I'll let you guys in on a secret.

Sakurako's development is arrested. Completely. She now must learn how to control her ability to such a fine ability that she redefines how she uses it. She may still risk taint, but Sakurako usually isn't using anything that would risk such things. So the Sakurako you see in 2114 would be the same Sakurako you see today.

Sakurako will travel around, and who knows what she'll find. It's a big galaxy, and by the time she starts off, she can see it all.

Power never interested her. She likes things difficult enough where there is challenge. Being "god" will become alien to her. Perhaps it's her longing for her Human days, or perhaps a realization that her gift is just that. Not a mandate.

Would she ever return to Earth? Probably not. Would she find Eden and live there? No. More than likely, she'll bind a comfortable, unpopulated world out there in the cosmos, and live off of the land, with only her ship as her main transport/residence.

What she would do with visitors (like pesky colonists) though, is something to be left to play.

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Interesting take but as much as you've said about what will happen, you haven't said a thing about why it will happen. Saki's going in fully prepared; she's cutting herself off from the universe before anyone can cut her off first - if only by moving on - but aside speculating on a self-fulfilling fear that this is going to happen anyway, there's no mention of why she'd go to such an extreme. Even Endeavor's beloved comics run on a 7 year cycle. Someone you imagine as being the last one around to turn off the lights on the universe is going to spend the next multi-million years being a hermit?

Ok. It's your story to tell but what's the rest of the story?

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Prodigy would stay on earth. He's developed a relationship with Japan. He foresees the war and the aftermath and wants to be there to study it. He'll dribble tech to the Japanese (I forget what they become in Trinity, some super closed up society with some cool stuff) in return for secret sanctuary. He also wants to study what becomes of those who express quantum after whatever caused eruptions cease to have much effect.

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The Last N!Prime Vixen Story has already been written in my head. It starts a few years before the start of the Aberrant War, after the last of her immediate family is gone and she finds herself alone and in mourning. It is a world where baseline and nova relations are breaking down, which is hard on a woman who's always to this point managed to stay in contact with both worlds, yet not belonging to either one entirely.

The story ends... well, let's just say that the secret of her eruption is revealed, and leave it at that.

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Doutor da Redução's future remains uncertain. He'll continue to seek exciting and intellectually stimulating challenges while indulging his hobby.

Assuming he doesn't run afoul of Proteus, dangerous women (a weakness) or the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune... He'll take action to safeguard his family. Especially when things become bad in the latter years of the Aberrant War. Given how truly awful things are suppose to be, this may entail taking them to the stars believing the Earth is microseconds away from becoming a smouldering cinder.

Which it will be at that time. Pragmaticism will prevail but only in the last moments.

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Originally posted by Charr:

Interesting take but as much as you've said about what will happen, you haven't said a thing about why it will happen. Saki's going in fully prepared; she's cutting herself off from the universe before anyone can cut her off first - if only by moving on - but aside speculating on a self-fulfilling fear that this is going to happen anyway, there's no mention of why she'd go to such an extreme. Even Endeavor's beloved comics run on a 7 year cycle. Someone you imagine as being the last one around to turn off the lights on the universe is going to spend the next multi-million years being a hermit?

Ok. It's your story to tell but what's the rest of the story?
Well, my thoughts weren't too fleshed out at the time I wrote that. Pretty much no one can be an island, and eventually, Endeavor might see who's in the neighborhood when the wanderlust calls. Pretty much though, she will be cautious when the time comes. It's not just one or two potential enemies she may make, but hundreds... or perhaps an entire world.

Hermit? By no means. Wanderer should be the way I should descrive Miss Hino's future. Going from planet to planet, from misadventure to misadventure, and back home to her little plot in the galaxy for a while.

Why? Well, when Endeavor figures out how to travel from star to star, why not? It's a big galaxy. Hell, it's a big universe. Why not explore it? It's just that if she ever found an unpolulated world that looked promising, who else wouldn't take the opportunity to call that place home?
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I can see a future in which Stonewall is drawn to stay involved in the dealings of Humankind, even though he is already being drawn to the stars, as I am sure others will be. But having lived the last 50 or so years of his life involved with one kind of war or another, I can also see him eventually turning from the path of direct intervention in Human affairs. This choice, in many ways, is actually more difficult.

When one is used to meddling in the affairs of the world, it's very hard to stop. A friend asked me once, "When do we stop playing God?"

So when do You stop playing God?

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"I hope we win."

-Fezzig, "The Princess Bride"

Sometimes I felt like Fezzig, creeping around the outside of the castle, trying to find a way in and beat the bad guys. I found once I got in, all I've found are more castles.

It seems to be easier to tear them down than clean them out and repair them. What course do you take?

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I've already written the Final Chapter of Sydney's Life. As I've said, he gets to be there at the heat-death of the universe. After that, well, before that, really, does it really matter where Sydney goes?

Alex, of course, is likely to survive the Aberrant War, but not without incredible cost. The massive loss of life (and the resultant Psi Backlash) nearly destroys him. In the end, he takes up the offer of a long-departed friend, and takes the ultimate gamble - can a nova truly transform a psiad? To human eyes, Alex mysteriously disappears around a year before the Esperanza crashes onto France. Whether the gamble paid off, no human will likely know. And I think no reader ever shall. Should I publish that story, it will still be ambiguous.

Teknokat... Her life is yet to be written, and I think she prefers it that way. Knowing her, she's more likely to perish in the Aberrant War, protecting the charges she's accrued over the years, and furiously denying that the same thing could happen to her. She's allied with Humanity, and she's the kind of person who's likely to take the war on her own turf, possibly helping equip the human armies trying to save humanity from those who would destroy them.

Teknokat is, however, a PC, so it's entirely likely that she manages to survive right up until the Exodus. In that case, she's more likely to have either joined Eden, or moved with her charges to a new planet, far, far, far away from Earth, possibly from the Milky Way. Again, after that, no human is likely to know what happens after that, and to be perfectly frank, that far out, it's not really necessary that anyone does know.

I'm not sure I want my characters to have a definite end. It destroys any real chance to speculate as to what would happen should the choices they make turn out well enough.

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I always figured both Teknocat and Dr. Troll going down with the ship.

Sorry, but I love the tragic hero. Kat heading down the road to taint madness, all the while trying to defend her adoptive family (TKI). Either she would push too far and go over the edge, losing sight of her original purpose, or she would realize that she stood at the edge of the abyss and refuse to go any further. Dying to defend humanity, because living meant losing who she had always been.

I imagined Doc Troll taking his powers in a totally different direction with his joining of Utopia. In the final days, as Utopia is being shut down, and the UN declares war on all novakind, I foresaw a swarm of hostile novas decending on Doc's facility. The new novas don't remember who Doc Smith was, and don't take him seriously until its too late. Then, its the Last Stand of Doc Troll, versus a swarm of angry young novas, while Doc's fellow scientists make their escape.

Yes, sappy, tragic stuff.

As for Neil's fate ...

I haven't really decided what it might be. If Preston makes it down to the end, I imagine Neil being on the other side, chosing Novakind over Humanity and a kind of father-son showdown. Maybe Preston will convince Neil to leave the planet there at the end.

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Originally posted by David 'Dr. Troll' Smith:
Hmm. I thought Teknokat was slowly getting more taint? Does she take more care with that sort of thing or continue to take risks?
Originally posted by David 'Dr. Troll' Smith:
Sorry, but I love the tragic hero. Kat heading down the road to taint madness, all the while trying to defend her adoptive family (TKI). Either she would push too far and go over the edge, losing sight of her original purpose, or she would realize that she stood at the edge of the abyss and refuse to go any further. Dying to defend humanity, because living meant losing who she had always been.
It's never been pointed out much, due to the fact that Teknokat denies it herself, but for much of her first few years, she resented being a nova. She felt that the quantum energies coursing through her prevented her from being able to use her "natural" abilities. In later years, she became more comfortable with her capabilities, but that niggling thought in the back of her brain never truly disappears.

When she reaches the threshold, she may very well step back - for good. A full Nodectomy. The price is high, but Teknokat may be willing to pay it to stay around.

But yes, Teknokat is far more likely to sacrifice herself to save her charges. She may be one of the many novas who help humans to reach Luna, a safe point in the Abberrant War. In the end, she's not a combat Nova, and Technology can only even the odds to a given point. If she dies in the Abberant War, the last thing anyone'll see is her with a Quantum Boomstick in either hand, firing like there's no tomorrow.

Because she knows full well there ain't.
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Lemmy made a stunning realization during the Party and is going to start changing. Less the pop star and more focused on enhacing the Nova portion of his persona. He'll focus more tightly on music and transhumanism, eventually not bothering to release albums or create videos and restrict himself to live performances for other Novas.

When the War comes he'll be nearly completely seperated from baseline society but not an experienced fighter. He'll fight along side his nova companions but very likely be an early casualty.

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Codex will probably die early, as she has very little in the way of offensive abilities. But if she survives until the end, she'll probably lash out and destroy every bit of the written word she can find, feeling that humanity doesn't deserve the knowledge she has so faithfully gathered over the years. Then she'll probably head off and become part of Eden, if enough of her basic morality remains.

Veil and Irini aren't yet developed enough for me to decide.

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Originally posted by N News Service:
Actually, the existence of Codex and her freaking out would help support one of the big holes in the Trinity Storyline; how did all the data that wasn't on the OpNet get lost too?

Way to go Baby!!
Uh, perhaps Endeavor got some stored away in a safe place, thinking that one day she could return as some sort of knowledge giving goddess to a tribe of primatives? *grin* /jokemode
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