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Aberrant RPG - EON is not a Table-top


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Too late, you've already given solid reason.

A) A number of us visited a world where we got +1 Q.

B) All of us are visiting worlds where the background level of quantum changes, at least somewhat. It'd be odd if our bodies didn't become adjusted to that... and all that swimming may increase our muscles.

Yes - and how much do you guys want to be dealing with having PU, the Directive, the Teragen, and every other nova group coming after you because your power is growing exponentially in comparison with the rest of the world? It would detract from the Stargate-type of feel I was going for, I think.
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By the time they figure it out, it may not be an issue. How often does Estaben's power level get checked? Brandt's? It's not like we work for DeVries or the XWF and take regular medical check ups that get forwarded to the Directive.

Further: It's very possible that Mike selected us because we were powerful.

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By the time they figure it out, it may not be an issue. How often does Estaben's power level get checked? Brandt's? It's not like we work for DeVries or the XWF and take regular medical check ups that get forwarded to the Directive.

Further: It's very possible that Mike selected us because we were powerful.

Actually, he picked you guys because you were experienced and probably vaguely dissatified with what you were doing before.

The power level thing, yeah maybe. I haven't decided much with the other "major" players impacting the PCs, beyond everyone's individual histories. After all, three novas with definate CoMA hostility under the same roof makes a tempting target, and then Simon and his anti-Terat bad self. ::laugh

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Lemme rephrase that: novas specifically considered an enemy of CoMA. Paul, and Michal, are two of them, and another PC is the third.

See, when you do things like cause their kids to erupt (Paul), or put a major bankroller in jail (Michal), then they come after you with more of a vengeance than usual. So clearly, death is the right solution. ::happy

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only real problem I have with the XP gain in BN's game is that we don't get XP bonuses when episodes run long. Some episodes only take 1-2 months, and we get xp at a decent rate. However, when something like episode 3 happens, we end up spending 6 months for the same 6-8 or so xp that we'd get from a 2 month episode.

If we got a little more xp for long episodes, it wouldn't be quite so bad.

Anyone in our game who's raised their quantum rating and still had enough XP left over to buy other stuff probably didn't have a very high quantum rating to begin with. Which I didn't. There's definitely plenty of IC reasoning for our powers to be advancing more rapidly than the average Nova. First off, we're interacting with high quantum devices on a regular basis (the gate, the alien technology). Second, we're travelling to worlds with different quantum fields, as Alex said, so the experience of a fluctuating quantum field is something few novas short of Divis Mal have gone through.

And I don't even know what CoMa is (unless it stands for church of michael archangel, in which case I still haven't read up on it much). As interesting as the Aberrant world is, I haven't taken the time to read much other than what's in the core rules, and I made a character who's a bit out of touch with the Nova scene for that reason.

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