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Trinity RPG - Solar System Simulator


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I'm starting up a new Trinity campaign, and have been looking around for a few handy tools and visual aids to add to the experience. It's going to involve quite a bit of in-system space travel, and what I really wish I had is a program that gives the location of every planet and moon in the solar system at any given date, and lets you add your own objects so it's possible to include various space stations, orbital cities and such.

Do any of you have any idea where I could find such a thing?

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There are one where you could surf around in the solar system (with realy good graphics as well), however you could not add objects (that easily).

Its on sourceforge if your looking for it, cannot remember its name though.

Try Celestia. They've got things like babylon 5 and deep space 9 ships and stations and various planets as separate downloads so you can throw them into your simulation.

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  • 1 month later...

I found http://www.solstation.com/ while looking for something to give me an idea of where local (within 50LY of earth) stars are, and the site looks like a good reference for Trinity folks. One thing I noticed almost right away is that it shows a habitability zone for Alpha Centauri - useful when in the Trinity era, we're supposed to have a colony there! (Of course, given that the stars orbit 23.7 AU's apart, that colony is probably bound to one or the other of the suns in a closer orbit.

[edit] And I just noticed that they actually have a map of which stars are within 47 or so light years of Sol! Anybody know what the stars listed in Extrasolar Colonies book got named as? [/edit]

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