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My other game company complaint is


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Have you ever noticed that with all of the great concepts out there that hardly anyone has done something really original for game design. If I see one more D20 product I'll hurl

:exclamation I woiuld if the early 90s will be remembered as the golden age of role playing like the 40s is remembered as the golden age of comic books  ??? You've got to wonder if everything hasn't been designed. Think i'll go get my copy of d20 the English men where you play a slightly insane webmaster in the English countryside ? Sorry Chris :cheesy

So are all of the original ideas gone ???

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I had this depressing culture lecture last term.

Apparently nothing's new anymore. I didn't really take much more than that away from it, but yeah, apparently nothing's new. That means all the good ideas are long gone.  


A bit like the X-Files in that respect then...


I heard someone mention a VTM D20 at Dragon Meet last year. I don't keep up to date with these things but if that sort of thing is true then yeah, the golden age has passed us by.


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In my first class at film school, my teacher said that every story has been told a long time ago - the trick is to find a new and personal way to tell it. Don't bend over backwards trying to come up with something amazingly new just to be different; to be truly different, you have to tell the story *your way*, because no one else can do that.

New things will come along, but it takes longer nowadays - I actually like d20, but I would hate to see it comepletely take over the world of gaming. On the other hand, at least it seems that Magic and the other card games didn't completely wipe out RPGs the way I thought they would.

Computer games, on the other hand...

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I agree with the video-game comment...

Although I know two people (Both called Alex - spooky huh?) who both got into playing Vampire: The Masquerade after playing the video-game.

Which was good, but not as good as Diablo!


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No, Planescape Torment and the Fallouts are the gods of CRPG...Deus ex is very good though it's still mostly a FPS. I liked better System Shock 2 than Deus Ex.

In Fallout 2 you could become a crime lord, a slaver, a porn star, a cult leader, a selfless hero or even a sheriff.

'Nuff said.

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I.. uh.. ummm... ::draws pictures in the dirt with shoe:: I like the Quest for Glory series:

So You Want to be a Hero?

Trial by Fire

Wages of War

Shadows of Darkness

Dragon Fire

I love 'em, you wanna start somethin'! grr grrr ::shows teeth::  :D


"I love the smell of victory in the morning!  It smells like... sweat, no no... oregono!  No... victory, yeah, that's the ticket, victory." - Hero, Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire

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