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Trinity RPG - The Origins of the Colony


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Many of you have waited years to find out such things as who are these mysterious aberrants, what motivates the Colony, and why do they constantly attack earth... Well here is the answer, the product of slightly too much caffeine at an ungodly hour of the night...

Who is/are the Colony?

Simple, the books plainly state that the Colony consists of young second and third generation aberrants. That their attacks seem random and unorganized at the best, and that there seems to be a lot of petty strife between certain members.

Isn't it obvious? The Colony are aberrant frat boys. There's the one-up-manship, the stupid stunts, heck, even the competion between the different frat houses.

What motivates the Colony?

Beer, plain and simple. A few of the guys will get together on a Saturday night, start drinking, more people show up, and next thing they know, they're out of beer. Can't have that on a weekend, so they decide (this could take a while considering that no one at a party can ever agree on anything, especially how to get more beer) what their going to do and to try to walk (warp) down to the cornerstore (earth) They get half way there and see a shiny orbital station just sitting there waiting to be tipped [Who's seen a cow while drunk and not thought about/actually tipped it? Anyone?]

Well, they do that and start out for the store (earth) again and before you know it the farmer (Legions) whose cow (station) they just tipped is pissed and after them. In a drunken panic they fight back rather blindly and high tail it back to the house (other planet.)

Why do they constantly attack earth?

Well, frankly, there's nothing to do on Squidilus 5 on the weekends, the inhabitants are already terrified into submission, the beer kinda, ok, really sucks, and besides that's where mom and dad hang out.

any one have anything to add?

-harle :alien

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hehe, this sounds like my microsoft theory to how the trinity universe got screwed up

ok, get this, bill gates has been responsible for every major disaster in the trinity timeline, i shall now elaborate:

Galatea Explodes: ok, they were running windows, come on, someody try to tell me that wouldn't wreck a space station

Kuwasha destroys opnet: clearly a misguided attempt by a warm and caring nova to rid the world of gates's tyrannical stranglehold on the digital market

Wycoff destroys grain belt:little known fact about the Wycoff disaster is that at the precise moment of the explosion a microsoft plane was flying overhead carrying Gates and several top executives

Esperanza Crash: heh, windows error AND aberrant attack, go figure

and finally Process 418: hehe, see the norca have foolishly been working with Gates since the early 2110's (yeah, he's still alive, can't kill evil like that) in order to supercharge their research program, well, in a fit of megalomaniacal rage, Gates pushed the big red "Don't Push, Self Destruct" button in the Norca compound.  Some claim that Gates was ultimately destroyed in the compound explosion, we may never know for sure......

ok, yeah, total bs, but me and some friends worked it up a few years back and its been a recurring funny ever since.



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A fatal flaw in your plan, my friend....

Kuwasha destroys opnet: clearly a misguided attempt by a warm and caring nova to rid the world of gates's tyrannical stranglehold on the digital market

Kuwasha was hired by Microsoft..........  says so in one of the Abbie books......


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And the reason why Japan cut it self off for so many years is that Godzilla was actually a nova who was protecting the mainland against attacks... they had to find a place to hid their Godzilla before they could open up their shores again...


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  • 1 month later...

In my game The Colony is a powerful near imortal being warped and tainted to the max. It reproduces it self with a power not unlike the clone/homonculus power able to produce dozens of offspring each year. Its offspring are just as warped but (generally) much less powerful. For reasons unknown it covets the earth an' wants to make an example of filthy baseline humans and their despicable psion offshoots. :sly

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In my brother's Aberrant Game... it is 2018.... and I have just formed the Technocratic Party and ::cough:: Bill Gates is my American candidate for US president... heheh

Breearg: :cry  Say it ain't so! I know several real life Technocrats (bet you didn't know they were real, did ya?), and we all hate Bill!  :omg

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Hi guys,

In the Aeonverse I have stepped forward and chosen my candidate for the "Colony".  I've decided that, with so much quantum energy being put through Eufiber and the super-connectivity of the OpNet {I know....it's not "Living" but it's from the same beginning source}......well....I chose Eufiber to become the "Colony".

Follow my logic {as odd as it may be}

In some cases the Eufiber is sucking the very Quantum out of Nova's {ie: Vampiric Eufiber} and then you have the OpNet "destroyed" by Mungu Kuwasha in 2061 .  With all the energy and quantum powers directed through Eufiber over the half-century of it's existence, it was only a matter of time for the "Eufiber Colony's" to gain consciousness.  After that...well the "Colony" had a ready made energy source {Nova's} and a definable threat to it's existence {Non-Nova's & Nova's who didn't wear Eufiber}.  Using it's  army of Slaves the Colony wages war...until it is forced to flee with all the "Aberrants" when Mal leaves.

Well....that's what I do in my Aeonverse based games.  It came as a shock to one of my players who couldn't get enough of Eufiber.  Then again....another player refused to wear somebody's "Pubic Hair" or "Underarm Hair" -- smart move that.

So...any responses?   :thumbs-up

Nadrakas...."Eufiber Wants Quantum"

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when Mal leaves

Hey! Don't tease us like that. :angry:


I like your idea on the Eufiber thing. It makes sense to me. If I ever run a Squid game again, my players may not like you.  :D Then again, they'll be expecting it since they're all present here anyway.


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  • 3 months later...

I also like the eufiber idea, but I'd like to suggest an addition to it, that of Synapse.

We know that Synapse practically lived in the OPnet, that the OPnet was largely based on synthetic eufiber and that he won the battle in the OPnet. Now string that along to assume that he had to push his abilities to the very limit (often a way to expand power and taint) and that he went dormant for a very long time to recover from that fight.

During that recovery time the OPnet was pretty much gone, but assume he still had some of that synthetic eufiber around. It makes sense as he would have been connected through that medium. So in his hiatus he changed, tainted into a being that existed in eufiber. We know that true eufiber are colonies of individual cells and it seems reasonable to extrapolate that Synapse became living synthetic eufiber, able to survive and grow.

Synapse became the Colony and seeks earth for several reasons. He wants to go home, its the place of his birth, the place to which he feels most connected. Earth has the environment and population to expand and service his new form. He will spread across all nations and revel in conquest and omnicience. Through the rebirth of the OPnet and the perfection of FTL interstellar communication he will become a god. He is no longer remotely human in body, mind or soul, he hungers to recapture a taste of the humanity lost in the recesses of his memory.

Just a thought!   ::smokin

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