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If you are wondering what the thread title means, it is 'Good day' in Icelandic. And it is what I wish to you all.

My name is Runa 'Seidh' Olafsdottir and I am a freelance consultant based in Northern Europe known mostly for her precognitive talents through the medium of rune casting. If you follow Nordlysene, you may have heard of me; I predicted the Eyjafjallajökull eruption and Nikolaj and Jattarna were able to reduce its impact considerably.

If you haven't, I'm not offended. Given my interesting background, it takes a lot to offend me.

So, nice to meet you all.

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Gott kvöld, Runa. smile

Hope I got that right, I've been picking up some words here and there while on set. For some of the scenes set in the past on Valkyrie, the director sometimes have us the occasional Icelandic/Old Norse word to add verisimilitude or emphasis.

I'm Jason 'Bombshell' Bellefleur, and welcome to the boards. I have heard of you, and seen a few pics - I like dark hair, but don't tell Danielle laugh - but other than you have some precognitive ability, not much else. I've had a mild interest in Nordlysene, mostly because I've been compared to Freya Oswyn - and Freya herself - more than once, and for a while, before I became more well known, people kept asking me if I was a member, I guess because I look like someone who would be on a 'Swedish Nova Bikini Team' and due to my slight accent, though it's Slavic, not Scandinavian.

So... interesting background, eh? If it's not prying too much - and feel free to me to piss off if it is - mind sharing a few highlights, so I don't end up staring cross-eyed at an OpNet site I can't read. smile

I maybe speak a few words of Icelandic - the writer who kept trying to substitute Swedish and Norwegian without any consistency got fired - but reading it is something else all together. We have someone on staff to help up speak the language phonetically.

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I'm not offended. In Northern Europe, my background's well-known: I'm of multiracial heritage (Norwegian/Icelandic on my father's side, Dutch/Indonesian on my mother's), I'm a normative relativist who subscribes to Unitarian Universalism, and I spent a few years heavily involved with Scandinavia's black metal/Satanic underground before eruption. There's several reasons why Nordlysene (aside from the fact I'm technically an Icelandic citizen) hasn't put me on the pay roster as a 'full-time' member (firedevil) beyond the permanent part-time retainer I have with the Nordic Council and Scandinavian Union.

Valkyrie is surprisingly accurate for something produced outside of Scandinavia. You're a good actress too, if I may say so.

Thank you for the welcomes, everybody. No doubt we shall meet and greet in the flesh some time.

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Hello Runa!

Nice to meet you. I went and read about you and your work with Nordlysene after seeing your introduction here. What's it like, seeing the future? If you see something happening, can it be stopped? If it IS stopped, does that make you feel a little weird? What if it doesn't happen? Do you ever get errors in your visions, like you see a person getting hit by a car but then they're hit by a bicycle instead? Is there a Butterfly Effect where simply by observing and having knowledge of the future you change what will happen, or does it take actual actions to change what you see? Can you see the past too?

If you can, please don't look into mine, because then it might turn out that I was someone horrible, or I might have family that I don't know and don't remember and then Utopia will take me away from Jason and Jael and make me live with strangers. Which would suck.

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The future can definitely be changed, Sunshine.

Apparently those thinkers who believed in multiple branching dimensions were closer to the truth than they thought. If I remember correctly there's a nova who set up a 'disaster prevention' company, because his precognitive abilities are focused directly on large-scale disasters, natural and otherwise.

He contacts people before anything has happened, and takes steps to make sure it doesn't.

Of course, being able to change the future and doing so are two different things. There's always a reason for things coming about the way they do, after all.

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You're referring to John Argyle - I've freelanced with him, and as I understand, he will either do his best to make sure disasters don't happen, if he can, or to have people immediately on the scene if he can't.

We worked together on the Eyjafjallajökull disaster as Evac was teleporting stubborn folks out even as I was alerting the government and Nordlysene as to what was going to happen.

Each nova pretercognitive 'sees' things differently. John Argyle sees only the future and disasters about to happen, Jackie 'Hindsight' Hsu sees only the immediate past. I, personally, can see both past and future, but I need to cast runes to do so (the Elder Futhark, if you're wondering) because I erupted during a runic divination.

Many visions are symbolic or fragmentary, more's the pity, the further away they are. For instance, I began to have visions about Eyjafjallajökull nine days beforehand, but it was only nine hours before the image shifted from a bound Loki beneath a mountain, spewing fire, to the actual eruption.

(Yes, my powers, beyond my immediate intuition, tend to work in multiples of nine. I blame my Norse ancestors).

As for looking into your past... I tend to only do that on request, or if asked to by others for reasons like law enforcement or your health and safety. I still follow tenets of LaVeyan Satanism, and I give my novas the same freedom and respect I expect from them.

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Oh, cool. Thank you.

I did think about it, but I reasoned that whoever I used to be is not who I am now, and me going back and trying to pick up bits of that other person's life would only cause problems. Whoever knew that person, any surviving relatives or friends, needs to mourn and move on, because I can't be a replacement for someone I never knew.

Does that make sense?

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Sólskin, from what another pretercognitive nova (who shall remain nameless) told me, you have no past beyond the moment of the Crush. They had done their reading about a week after the incident, in the hope of finding some connections to a) the Crush and B) your old life.

You are a child of the Crush, and since there is no pretercognitive determination that it was a nova's powers directly responsible for it, it was not you.

So never feel responsible for the Crush.

Forgive the nickname, but it is Sunshine in Icelandic. smile

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Sunshine; who you are now maybe who you were, or it may not be.

Either way, does it matter?

In an odd sort of way you might be the luckiest nova amnesiac in the world. Most have to put up with pieces of a life they can't remember trying to drag them back into it.

You're free to go your own way, with nothing chaining you down. For now, at least.

I'm sure that'll change once you make your first mistakes, whatever they may be.

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I make mistakes all the time. Most of the time they don't lead to property damage, at least not lately.

But I don't see why mistakes should chain you down. Doesn't everyone make mistakes? My teachers at the Facility told me that it's how we learn, and learning is growing, right? So theoretically, mistakes should help you grow.

Unless you mean things that you knew you shouldn't do, that didn't feel right, that you later regret really badly? I haven't made any of those yet. I hope I don't.

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A combination of that, and how other people respond to those mistakes, Sunshine.

Sometimes it's less how you feel about your own errors and more how other people treat you afterwards or respond to them. If you look in the news or in old N! Report archives and do a little reading between the lines you can see a lot of Novas getting corralled for what are really minor errors.

But yes, Sunshine, mistakes help us learn, and thus help us grow. I think I know that better than most, actually smile

I have few regrets, personally. For better or worse I take a very philosophic attitude. Everything I've done on my path - good or bad - has led me to where I am, and I'd rather be here than anywhere else. So I regret nothing, and I've done nothing that I knew I shouldn't, but I have done a few things that, looking back, were probably ill-advised.

If that makes any sense.

I'm beginning to realize that I'm rather poor at expressing myself in these discussions. I'm sure I'll improve in time.

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