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Aberrant RPG - Doyen in Aberrant


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IIRC, Trinity's "The Story So Far" metaplot outline has stated that the Doyen won't know squat about Earth, humanity, novas or aberrants until the Exodus takes place in 2061. So encounters would be rare in the extreme, even taking the explorations of the Daedelus League into account.

That said, I've seen a very alternate setting for Aberrant that had the Doyen interfering with Divis Mal's mass eruption operation on the first N-Day in 1998. But other than that, nada.

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One of my episodes in Trans-D had the PCs encountering the Doyen. Or rather, the physical form that the Doyen used to be, in the form of a different faction/government of their species, still inhabiting Earth. They called themselves the Psylons. ::cool In that universe, the Doyen faction did not evolve themselves into pure noetic energy either.

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