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Aberrant: Stargate Universe - Team Alpha

Mr Fox

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Team Alpha:

Alpha team found themselves in a restroom with multiple stalls and urinals along one wall that looked unused and smelled like it hadn't been cleaned in years, which in all likelihood it had not. By the plans that Major Logan had been given, her squad was most likely at the rear of the building and by the unused look of the restroom was most likely on the 5th floor since that floor was thought to be abandoned.

((You need to make your way down 2 floors, the device somewhere near the center of the 3rd floor. Needless to say the Elevator would not be a good choice.))

Lt. Jacobs init: 13

Major Logan init: 20

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Simms bad feeling only got worse when then found themselves above their target, in a stinking latrine of all places. Shit! Simms training kicked in before his thoughts got to wandering about how fucked up this mission had started. Moving with ease Simms moves to cover the door, allowing for the LT and Maj to take up positions behind him. Opening the door, Simms peers out in the hallway checking for any activity that would hinder the team.

(OOC: Awareness 6 dice, no mega)

(21:05:13) ChatBot: (Sgt_Simms) rolls 6d10 and gets 3,1,2,6,6,4.

"Ma'am no activity in the hall how do you want to proceed?"

(OOC Init roll)

(21:09:32) ChatBot: (Sgt_Simms) rolls 1d10 and gets 4

Init 10 + 4 = 14

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Ashley swore inwardly as she took in the team's location. Two floors up from the target, and outside what was probably a whole freaking lot of security.

"All right, we're going to try to avoid detection as long as we can. They probably have at least some automated security on this level, so watch for it. Cameras, tripwires...eyes open, people."

She brought up her 'zat' gun...a weird looking thing that looked like a dark grey and purple coil of plastic that fit around the hand. When activated, it spread open farther and emitted a quiet, momentary whine as it charged.

Alien technology, but they made less noise than P90's. And they left the targets alive as a bonus. SGC was definitely going to want prisoners to interrogate on this one.

"On three Simms, open the door. We'll leapfrog to the staircase which should be..." She pointed to the left. "That way down the hall."

She then ticked off fingers silently. One. Two. Three!

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The three leapfrogged down the hall, but quickly came to a halt as Major Logan spotted a tripwire at ankle level. It was hard to spot, but once noticed it didn't take any effort for the three to step over. Cameras were in evidence along the route to the stairs but with the sirens blaring the presence of SG teams in the building was already known. It took longer than the team would like to make it down the two flights of stairs to the 3rd floor but it was better to be safe than trip one of those booby traps.

(Logan - awareness) rolls 8d10 and gets 10,1,4,8,8,8,4,2. (4)

(Jacobs - awareness) rolls 9d10 and gets 7,2,4,7,5,3,6,6,6. (2)

(Sgt_Simms - awareness) rolls 6d10 and gets 3,1,2,6,6,4. (0)

On the first landing of the stairwell Jacobs also spotted a tripwire attached to a frag grenade. The door to the third floor was locked from the other side.

((This puts you into the beginning of round 3))

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Simms takes a look at the door before realizing that it will have to be kicked open in order for them to get in. Turning to Maj Logan Simms goes over his plan. "Want me to kick the door in Ma'am? The sirens will cover any noise it makes so we wouldn't lose any element of surprise we may get."

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Ashley had to cover her mouth to stifle a laugh. Something about the way Simms talked...it was like he was carefully explaining something to an unseen camera for exposition's sake or something. She remembered watching movies and thinking, 'no one talks like that' during those scenes.

Now she guessed she had to revise that sentiment.

"Simms, take the door. Jacobs, you and me will go in and secure the area beyond. You take left, I'll take right. Simms, go for it."

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The door lock gave way reluctantly and the resistance of the door sent a shiver of pain up his leg. It did give way though and opened into the hall. The two guards outside the door were startled and seemed unable to react for a brief moment.

BG init: 12

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Ashley Init: 20

On seeing the guard, Logan acted out of instinct and long trained reflexes. She brought the zat gun up and fired. It discharged a blue bolt of light, kind of like you'd expect a laser to look like, only crackling with electricity. The noise it made was sort of electronic buzz that descended in pitch briefly.

Alien tech.

(to hit: 3,4,9,7,2,6,10) 2 successes


(10 pop, if appropriate: 5)


(no idea how much damage these things do. :))

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Both guards when down like puppets with their strings cut. From up the hall that led to the front of the building could still be heard occasional bursts of gunfire, but those seemed to be tapering off as one side or the other won. By the sound of the radio chatter it looked like the SGC was coming out on top despite the messed up entry points. So far that cock up had cost Team Alpha a full minute. That was bad. Very bad, this mission was on a tight schedule and there was a big fear that given enough time the NID might destroy their target.

From the building plans they had seen there was an alternate entrance to the room with the artifact just around the corner to the left. No other guards seemed to be in their path, but of course the door was locked. Interestingly it seemed to be bolted from this side rather than from the inside. The bolt was secured by a sturdy padlock.

(Jacobs still has an action left for this round.)

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"We're behind schedule," Ashley scowled, checking her wrist.

Without further fanfare, she aimed the zat gun at the padlock on the door and fired three times in quick succession. There was a shower of sparks as slivers of metal superheated and flew away...but the lock's main body was no more able to handle three blasts of the energy than a human's body. The majority of it was vaporized. More than enough to open the door.

Major Logan kicked the door in and waved the two soldiers under her command into the room beyond, stepping inside immediately behind them.

"Move! Move!"

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Simms moved in the room just as the Maj finished giving the command with the LT following close behind. His vision is drawn to the center of the room where the object of their mission was located, which has two men standing next to it and strapping C4 on it. There is also a woman wearing a lab coat trying to look small which to Simms indicated she wasn't there to help.

No time for questions, he briefly thinks as he raises his zat and unloads on the two men.

Click to reveal..

Two attacks on the men with the C4. Firearms specialty of Multiple Targets. 6d10,6d10=[10, 5, 1, 4, 6, 4], [3, 8, 3, 5, 10, 7]

1 sux for first guy, 3 sux on second

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Major Logan covered the lab coat woman with her zat and came in the room farther.

"Jacobs, Simms, either of you trained in demo disposal?" she barked as she came around the table, giving the device a respectful berth.

"How about you?" she asks the scientist. "Who are you?"

(OOC question for Fox...do we just fit this thing with a beacon for teleporting, or are we meant to get it out of here some other way?)

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The woman in the lab coat looked frightened, "I'm Dr. Soie. I don't mean anyone any harm, I just want out of this nightmare!" She was frozen in place afraid to move caught between her murderous employers and these new people that charged in firing before asking questions.

Jacobs cleared his throat, "That man there has a remote for arming and disarming the explosives. I don't believe he has armed them yet. He wasn't finished setting them when we walked in. See." He pointed to a brick of C4 that had fallen from the man's hand as he hit the floor. He moved forward and examined the ones already attached to the artifact then nodded and started pulling them off and placing them aside on the floor. "Give me a hand quick, they're just attached with adhesive. Just pull em off and set em aside."

Major Logan motioned for Simms to move forward and assist while she walked over and kicked the remote away from the unconscious mans hand in case he might wake up. She kept her Zat trained on the doctor and kept a wary eye open for movements.

With all the movement around the device several symbols had begun glowing.

Major Logan motioned the Dr to move closer to the artifact. "Once we're done, you need to be close or you will be left behind. This building is going to blow and you don't want to be here when that happens."

The Dr. looked nervous but moved closer. "Be careful not to touch any of the symbols, it will activate. It has a very bad mortality rate for those who trigger it. If you don't have the right genetic sequence in your DNA you will no survive. I have it myself, but I don't know if I have enough of it to avoid the side effects."

Jacobs had just pulled off the last brick of c4 and tossed it toward the downed men. The Major was pulling out the Asgard locator device to place on the artifact when Jacobs accidentally brushed his elbow across one of the glowing symbols.

Light exploded through the room filling the heads of everyone present with intense pain. In the last seconds of consciousness they could see their surroundings change as they were beamed out of the building and onto the Prometheus. They were all unconscious by the time the second transport down to the SGC finished. In the gate room O'Neill shouted for medics to assist the downed personnel. The artifact did not appear with the unconscious SGC members. It was transported from the ship directly to Area 51.

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