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Aberrant: The Middle Children of History - Warning, Newbie alert1 :)


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Good [insert time period] to any one bothered enough to read this.

I'm afraid someone has let this newly erupted person onto your forum/site, so I hope you don't mind if I join in?

The name is Darren Thompson, and I currently live in North Wales. I erupted a couple of weeks ago and at the moment it looks like I picked up Teleportation, TK and talking to animals, for what good that might be. Actually I suppose if I carry on with my job as a Park Ranger I could find the occassional use for it.

I see from the other threads here that I just missed a party, how did it go?

That's enough from me for now, lets wait and see if anyone else is out there...?

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Teleportation, Telekinesis, and Animal Mastery? What the hell sort of sense does that make? An eruption generally grants you powers based around the trauma that caused the eruption.

What? Were you lifting rocks in a swamp then suddenly found yourself getting railed in the ass by a grizzly, thinking about home and for the terrible nightmare to end?

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Hi Mech, and thank you for the welcome. Nice work on the last film by the way.

Yeah, the powers could help in the park sometimes, but do I really want to stay working here on the 9 to 5 or find something that may make better use of them and pay a lot better. smile

Having said that I've already told Utopia to take a hike. After what came out in '10 I didn't want anything to do with them, thats why I got the local University and hospital to do my testing. I've also checked as best as I can that none of the people involved are in my testing have links to Utopia.

So I remain wondering what I want to do now and who I want to work for.

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No Bastion, the important part is keeping food on the table.

So if I decide to ditch a poorly paid fulltime job with some shift and on call work in order to make some use of my new powers, then I'm going to need to be paid for doing something, even if it is occassional contract work.

Perhaps, with the right equipment, I could deliver supplies to stations or satellites. I'm sure Bastion would be thrilled at the prospect of a Nova pizza boy! smile

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As a rather late addition to this conversation, Rorx is quite correct: not every eruption is due to traumatic events. Some happen during epiphanies. Some have happened by sheer force of will. And some just happen. I was in the last category, and my initial abilities were not terribly different from those Rorx mentions (minus the teleportation and adding in telepathy).

- Ptehehincalasanwin

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Yeah, I've got no idea what happend to give me these powers, but I do have a theory about why I got some of these particular powers. It's slightly embarassing, I think, we had a weekend marathon watching an old scifi series where some characters were meant to have psychic powers similar to those I have now got.

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Neil, Fiery, thanks for the welcome.

Neil: I'm not sure either, but I suppose at least I have a framework to expand upon that I'm at least semi-familiar with, although I'm finding differences all the time as well. Recently found I don't need to breathe anymore when I took a now much rarer spill while surfing.

Actually thinking about that, if I don't need to breathe does that mean I could survive in space without a suit? Perhaps I could take a jump into orbit, you don't get to see the Aurora in North Wales and it might be nice to see it from the other side.

Hell if that works, anyone know if the International Spacestation accepts visitors?

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I wouldn't go that far.... Somehow I think you have to be invited to get into that particular party location...

Perhaps it's best to take a a hop to the upper atmosphere, and gradually make your way out... just in case things prove to be problematic.

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Actually isn't that going to be more difficult? I wouldn't have a known location in mind, just 'up there'. As you can tell I haven't got used to this much yet. Although 'porting from mountain top to mountain top was fun for a little while. smile

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Not something I can do I'm afraid, although maybe something to work on...

Probably be safer if I can get some ground level photos or something to back up the coordinates etc then.

Does anyone bother with customs and immigration? Anyone had any troble because they haven't?

I'm thinking this might be a good opportunity for me to finally doing some surfing in Hawaii. Never been able to afford it before, but if it didn't take too long to get there I might even be able to do it as a day-trip!

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make sure your passport is up to date. I haven't had alot of issues with customs myself since normally I travel alone, or if someone is with me I travel by more common means.

Hawaii is nice this time of year. Can't say much for surfing though, where I'm from we never really had the wave action to do it, short of driving eight hours to Florida...

Sounds like a fun little excursion.

Anybody else feel like soaking up some Sun and Surf in Hawaii? My Treat.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Exile you would have been welcome, perhaps we can arrange another trip sometime in the future.

No Bastion I doubt he missed anything you would have enjoyed, just a good 6-8 hours surfing, a good meal, and a great beach party. The only interruption being a shark that chewed on a local surfer, but that didn't interrupt too much.

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No, actually I consider it a major interruption of the poor guy's life, that's why I was happy to teleport him straight to ER and spend over an hour checking on his progress and awaiting his friends and family. However, if we hadn't happend to be surfing on that beach at the time he would have been dead.

An hour or two of my time is a minor interruption to me, I'm only to happy to recognise that the reason or consequences of it may not be for the other people involved. I've spent 5 years as a member of the local Mountain Rescue Team for where I life in North Wales, but I only erupted as a Nova about 3 weeks ago. Forgive me (or not apparently) if I seem flippant about it now, but I've been putting my own life in danger to rescue others during those 5 years.

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Statistically shark attacks are rare, and even rarer than that is a fatal shark attack.

I find it odd that an Animal Master nova was surfing, a surfer got attacked and would have died in the same waters as the nova, and said surfing Animal Master got to play hero.

I'll bet it was an inconvenience. When's the movie deal coming your way?

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So now you accuse someone with a proven history of rescuing people of attempted murder using a shark? I take back any reservations I had, you really are an idiot and a jerk Bastion. By the way, I may be wrong, but your accusation constitutes libel, if I was to sink to your level of jerkhood.

I'm a Park ranger in North Wales for christ sake, you know, mountains, forests, maybe the odd lake? That was the the first time I'd encountered a shark in my life, let alone since I erupted. I wouldn't have a clue how to summon one to me or how to make it do anything else.

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Maybe I am accusing you. Do something about it. Gonna sue me? For what, I got nothing, but please do, I'm running out of toilet paper. Wanna take it to the street? You couldn't beat me on your best day if I showed up crippled and unconscious.

I just find it odd that every time you novas go out for a day of ordinary fun, some extra ordinary shit happens. There's only so much coincidence one guy can stomach. I mean seriously, you control animals, shark attacks are rare, especially fatal ones... so here you show up to surf and all of a sudden a shark decides to fatally attack someone.

Sorry man, just calling bullshit where I see it. You said you wanted to cash in on your powers, and being a hero is a hell of a way to do that. You ain't the first to try it, won't be the last either I'm sure.

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I've never been to Hawaii before, so I'm not familiar with what their shark attack figures are like, but I agree in general my impression was that shark attacks are a lot rarer than some/most people seem to believe. However, by your logic I must also be responsbilbe for anyone in the UK who has been attacked by a dog, or any other animal since I erupted, because I have Animal Mastery.

No, I said I wanted enough cash to live on and thought at the time that I was going to have a huge grocery bill to cope with, that my current job couldn't have covered. I've since found that isn't going to be the case so the only reason for me to change my job would be to make more (or better) use of my powers. At the moment I think I'll stick with my current job, and explore my powers and what I may be able or allowed to do to help others in my spare time.

Speaking of which, Ptehehincalasanwin (hope I spelt that right!), would it be possible for me to visit you to discuss how I can learn the parameters of my 'psychic' abilities better, and how I might improve them?

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Actually, by my logic, if you were present at each of the incidents in question, then yes, you may be responsible for them. S'okay though, I know people roun' here don't read very well. That's just more you have in common with everyone. Ain't you the popular one.

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