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Aberrant RPG - Regeneration Loophole?


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I was considering this earlier because of a situation in my tabletop game. This might not work for everybody's games, and almost definately not on N! Prime, but I'm pointing it out because I might be able to get away with it in my tabletop game.

Let's say your nova has Mega-Stamina of 2+ with Regeneration. And you're at Dead with no quantum. So how do you come back to life? That's simple: Die for Power. Take one un-healable lethal level, and heal up two others from whatever put you at dead. Repeat until you're awake. Worst case with your escape, within a few days of bed rest, you'll be good as new.

As was pointed out to me by a fellow rules lawyer, this might not work depending on the ST for two reasons: 1) taking more damage when you're already at "Dead" puts you beyond Regeneration's bounds, or 2) you can't Die for Power when you're unconscious/dead. I know #1 doesn't work for my game because taking additional damage just means you have to get a heck of a lot more healing before you're back 'up' but it's a loophole that could have saved a PC from a violent, messy death at the hands of 1,000 kg of C4 detonating beneath his feet.

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I'd probably allow it in my game as I added the aquisition of taint whenever a health level is exchanged for Quantum. The character would be able to survive death but would likely come back with a boat load of taint as a result.

In a normal game using the standard book rules however I would think it is not in the realm of possible as the "Dying for Power" description on pg 147 states "For each health level sacrificed, the character gains an additional 2 quantum..."

This, to me, implies that you must have health level to sacrifice which is entirely different from taking a level of damage.

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Sorry Blue Ninja, won't work. Considering that you cannont activate powers while you're dead for starters, and like Dr. Bradford stated, there are no 'negative' health levels in the game.

Look at the Ressurection enhancement, a player in my TT game has it. That sounds like what your looking for.

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well, you the possiblity to buy the regeneration enhancement with reflexive extra, so even if your dead, you still got the extra 1 turn per sta/mega to regenerate the healthlevels.

Depending on if you beg enough to your GM.

But yes I would say that it is possible to regenerate after death.

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why not? is it not up to the GM if he/she allows it?

it´s still the same exp cost of 5 to buy and extra.

You can buy a lot of the enhancements more then once and as such disturbing the powerbalance with other enhancements. buy resilience a couple of time and your one tough cookie.

And it can be a big drawback of having reflexive regeneration becuase you loose the control,

1.it will try to regenerate you until you lost all of your quantum.

2. you can never use the dying for power option because it will only use quantum points you get to regenerate you.

I would say that the disadvantages outweighs the advantages

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is it not up to the GM if he/she allows it?
Of course the ST could allow it, but we're deep, DEEP, into house rules if he does.

Extras raise the level of a power and thus it's quantum cost. Enhancements don't have levels and aren't powers. Nor is experience cost for this clear. An extra for a Q5 or less nova costs between 3 and 23 points of experience.

Further, this sets a poor president. Regeneration+ Reflexive isn’t broken, it has other disadvantages that you didn’t mention. However there are other combos that are probably broken.

Regeneration + RQC is pretty game altering since it eliminates ping damage. Regen+RQCx2 even more so.

Hardbody + Area nerfs all Agro damage for your party.

Health + Area undoes sterility for all novas within your range as well as nerfing poison and curing disease, thus mimicking the better aspects of two Q-min 6 powers.

And this is just off hand.
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In the core book, it's clear that extras amplify quantum powers and enhancements are personalized offshoots of mega-stats. There are no signs, even in the examples of characters, that extras work on enhancements. That said, some combos could make for really cool powers as house rules, or broken powers in the hands of rules lawyers: GMs beware!

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Yes, extras amplify Quantum Powers. Mega Attribute enhancements, while neat and seeming like powers, are not classified as Quantum Powers. If they were there would not be a table containing the enhancements that is seperate and distinct from the powers table(s).

Also, while some enhancements can be taken multiple times, most of those specifically state such in the enhancement's description.

If the GM allows it, that's her/his problem.

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