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Aberrant: 2011 - Cheap? Expensive? Both? Neither? WTF?

Pew Pew Pew

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Hi all. I have a question about eufiber.

According to the rules, picking up a single dot in a new background costs two whole XP. This includes eufiber. However, in the flavor text of the book, it's made plain that eufiber is supposed to be more sought-after and more rare than drops of sweat from the perfectly-delightful and silky-smooth breasts of Slider, or something like that.

So, question is, what would justify spending two measly points for eufiber? What do I have to do to prevent the forum from jumping on my ass if I do it-- assuming that this would happen, I mean. I'm perfectly willing to listen to a chorus of voices saying "You have us wrong, Pew Pew Pew! Please do get eufiber!"

So, you know, what's the score? smile

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I figure that since authentic eufiber comes from one source, it can be acquired by either money (reflecting Resources) or by means of favor. Or, in some people's case, someone gives it to you as a gift in the hopes that maybe you'll put out - just for instance.

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