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Aberrant: 2011 - Proper Dating Etiquette


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I have a date coming up soon. I've got a week or two, but i'm still way nervous.

I've not been on a date since mid-high school, and that was hardly a date.

I am entirely unsure how to act. Are there proper subjects to speak of, and some taboo? Its to be at the persons house.. dress etiquette? Is that formal wear, or even semi-formal wear?

I'm really at a loss, and maybe I'm just over thinking it.

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Troy, you're definitely overthinking it. wink You seem like a really sweet guy, and the fact that you're worrying at all whether you're going to make a good impression tells me that if nothing else, you're not going to act like some sleazy creep. And if the date you've got scheduled is with who I think it is, I don't think you'll mess things up to err on the other side. smile Just be yourself and act confidently. You'll do fine. wink

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Originally Posted By: TroyLloydCampbell
I have a date coming up soon. I've got a week or two, but i'm still way nervous.

I've not been on a date since mid-high school, and that was hardly a date.

I am entirely unsure how to act. Are there proper subjects to speak of, and some taboo? Its to be at the persons house.. dress etiquette? Is that formal wear, or even semi-formal wear?

I'm really at a loss, and maybe I'm just over thinking it.

<Bumps Brittany aside with his hip>

S'cuse us a sec... guy talk. grin

Q: Are there proper subjects to speak of, and some taboo?

A: Yes. Basically consider it as you would any other conversation. Keep it basic, interests, hobbies, good deeds you've done. No bragging! Oh, for crying out loud let her talk! Do not own a conversation, consider it like tennis. You speak up on something then give her chance, rinse repeat.

On average men use 1,000 - 2,000 words each day, women 2,000 - 4,000.

Q: Its to be at the persons house.. dress etiquette?
A: Yes. Wear clothes. For the love of god wear clothes.

Q: Is that formal wear, or even semi-formal wear?
A: Consider it 'Business Casual'. Jeans are cool, so are sneakers but shy away from T-Shirts with witty slogans, they're okay later, but for the 1st date she might think you're still living at home with your mom... or in a band. If you have a collared shirt wear that.

Now... the Gabester shall impart his wisdom onto you:

1. Women, by some unknown and unexplained scientific phenomena have the amazing ability to sense B.S. As men we are still not sure how this power is granted to all women, but it's there. So in short, be yourself. She's wants to meet 'Troy', so be 'Troy'.

2. Laughter is your only weapon. Like silver to a werewolf, or the sun to a vampire, a woman’s weakness is laughter. Sincere laughter mind you, acting like the court jester will only get you snubbed. Show her you have a sense of humor, a witty quip, or even an over embellished compliment. A giggle or a laugh from her means that you're well on your way to helping her feel more comfortable around you and you'll certainly notice that it'll help you loosen up a bit as well.

3. They can smell fear. Women, like all other predators, can smell your fear. Self-confidence is very important. If you're nervous just say so. Trust me, she'll respect you for it.

4. We're not so different. In the end, neither men, nor women come with instruction booklets. We're just people. Treat her with kindness, respect, and decency and you will find that she will no doubt treat you the same. You're both going to be nervous, trust me it's not anywhere as bad as you think it is.

Okay... back to Brittany.

<Places Brittany back in front of Troy>

Disclaimer: I'm just playing ladies, you know I love you. wink

~The Gabester
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Heh, when I started reading Gabe's post I was thinking about replying about how he's full of shit and there's no true proper way to act and all that jazz. Then I realized he is completely and absolutely right in every word. Listen to this man.

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Let's me tell you one thing if I am the girl you are dating. Bring yourself, chocolate, and be ready for Carlos to act like the big bad wolf. He is over protective of me. Don't and I really mean this, come over with anything that we can't share. So you bring a pizza, that's cool..A gift for me..Nah. I have too much money as it is.

PS I don't eat much meat. Pig and Sea Food are right out.

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Most women in the world today are plodding broodmares suffering delusions of equality.

Which makes them on the same level as most men in the world today.

If you find a true woman of quality, one that can be a help-mate and an equal (assuming you yourself are worthy, which given the state of the world is very doubtful) you are a lucky man. Cherish her.

If she is some tawdry piece of trash, such as some of those whores that frequent here, then treat her as such. Use her as you would your hand.

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There is a little saying that I've picked up in the years, Alptraum. It goes like this.

"I hope you die. In a fire."

I do not advicate using a woman like a hand. No woman deserves such a thing. You dress it up as if they deserves it, but everyone here see's through the stupid little facade.

I feel sorry for you, that you can never hold a relationship. On the other hand, I really believe you do not deserve to be happy.

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Calm down Troy. You win the argument by keeping our cool. He wants your anger. You can direct your boundless energies in the ways you want to as long as his hate cloud your judgement. Your calm and generous actions will show him that he's wasting his time.

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Originally Posted By: Gabriel Law
<Bumps Brittany aside with his hip>

S'cuse us a sec... guy talk. grin

Okay... back to Brittany.

<Places Brittany back in front of Troy>

Disclaimer: I'm just playing ladies, you know I love you. wink

~The Gabester

*laughs* No, Gabey, that was good. smile Troy, you listen to him! Gabriel really knows his stuff!

Really, Gabe, that was insightful, sincere, and honest. Very well done. smile You articulate what girls want better than most can themselves.
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Originally Posted By: TroyLloydCampbell
There is a little saying that I've picked up in the years, Alptraum. It goes like this.

"I hope you die. In a fire."

I do not advicate using a woman like a hand. No woman deserves such a thing. You dress it up as if they deserves it, but everyone here see's through the stupid little facade.
I feel sorry for you, that you can never hold a relationship. On the other hand, I really believe you do not deserve to be happy.

You are such a child it would almost be amusing if you weren't such a waste of potential.

Feh, you probably do not even know how to use your hand. No wonder you have such awe of the cows that you sniff after.
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