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Aberrant: Nova Reality - Any Novas in the Midwest?


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Wonderful. Jager, then Ashnod, now Apep joins the merry crew. Clearly, the League of Very Very Good Midwestern Novas is the most charitably accepting nova organization on earth.

I wonder what Interceptor's masters will have to say when Charr and Fenrir want to join.

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What? You mean you wouldn't do it pro-bono just to test your awesome might against older novas like Jager and Ashnod? You wouldn't join an opposing force smaller in number and inferior in power just to see if you could pull it off?

You know, Ian, you make me sick. That kind of disgusting, self-serving, mercenary attitude is just the sort of thing we look for here in the League of Very, Very Naughty Midwestern Novas. Consider yourself hired.

Is there anything you'd like other than cash, or shall I start off our reign of terror by robbing a prominent bank in Utah to pay you?

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Originally posted by Totem:
Is this just prep for a Halloween party this year or something? WTF is going on!?
I am sure that all of the Civic-Minded Six, over here, are quite serious, for their own reasons. No chicanery involved, so far as I know.

Originally posted by Endeavor:
And Ronin, you realize this is turning more and more into a drama. If you pull such a stunt, you'd realize we'd be facing ourselves at some point?
In all likelihood, yes.

You know I wouldn't fight you.
You might not have that option, darling.

This is starting to turn more complex than initially calculated.

Originally posted by Interceptor:
In all seriousness I'm assuming Ronin is being sarcastic here, at least I hope he is. I place a lot of value in his experience, I definitely do not want to be opposing him.
Quite serious, actually, Interceptor.

I wouldn't worry about big, bad me, though. After all, you've got Jager, Ashnod and Apep -- excuse me, 'Continuum Girl and Mafdet' -- on your side. So far, the Brotherhood of Evil Novas is comprised of just Ian and myself.

What fun is roleplaying unless you have opposition? That is what this is, isn't it? Roleplaying? Dress-up?

I'm just making your game more interesting.
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And I love you, darling, but whether you think it's a game or not, whether it was or not when you expressed your interest in it (it is my opinion that the project was noble enough at the time), it has become a game, and I have no intention of allowing it to be played unopposed.

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Never been a super-villain before...

Tell you what, Ronin. You don't ask me to do anything I don't want to and don't go doing a single fucking thing that I'd feel compelled to smack the anime-loving shit out of you for, and I'm in.

Not because I like you or want to hurt anybody, of course. But this little team-up is fucking moronic, and it looks like you and Ian (you actually going for this, you slug?) are going to need all the help you can get.

Besides, I never pass up an opportunity to show up your little girlfriend for the Helen-Keller-of-Technology that she is.

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Originally posted by ronin:
I have no intention of allowing it to be played unopposed.
Sorry I must be missing something here. Because people want to play hero you have to play villian? Where is the harm of them not being opposed and for that matter why do you feel the need to be the one to do so?
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I'm not playing hero here. I'm being a good Samaritan in hopes of learning some more about myself and possibly advancing my gifts. I'm not looking for extra situations to be caused just to give us a hard time. If we're going to be covering the midwest area, I'm sure there will be plenty of trouble without the help of this OpNet pissing match. I'm probably going to be the last person to be involved with any sort of combat or physical situation, I was just not created for it. I think your twisted sort of logic isn't going to help advance anything either. As long as problems are going to be caused for baselines, by novas, they're are going to try and enforce their laws and regulations upon us. We won't get anywhere until they can trust us.

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Well, if miss Hino is not going to oppose her boy-friend. Which I think is comprehensible. Then I am requesting the opportunity to be a part of the group.

I now I don´t even live in your country. But when you can be in any part of the world instantaneously that´s not a big problem.

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Originally posted by Endeavor:
You know what then? I want no part of it.
Splendid. One down.

Originally posted by Totem:
Because people want to play hero you have to play villian? Where is the harm of them not being opposed and for that matter why do you feel the need to be the one to do so?
Because I support nova independence and do not agree with the idea that novas are the caretakers and benefactors of humanity, something that such a group would seek to not just undermine, but drag forth to a whole new level.
Villains aren't necessarily evil, Totem. They just oppose the heroes. And in this case, I do.

I'm sorry to do this, Interceptor, since until you dragged so many people into this issue it was banal enough to pass under my radar, but mark my words;
If you seek to prove that you can protect baseline humanity, I will show you how wrong you are.
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Originally posted by Totem:
I just hope they are not very serious Ronin. Otherwise you will be a grease smear on the side of the Sears Tower...
Not all battles are fought with teeth and claws and bolts of plasma, Totem. Some are more subtle, and the stakes prospectively more painful than death on the side of a building.

What is it with you and your recent "I want ronin dead" kick, anyway? Have I really wounded your pride so much that you want to kill me? Are you so afraid of me that you want me removed as a threat?
Totem, if I wanted a fight, we'd fight. But I don't want you dead, not in the least. For fuck's sake, though, grow up.
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Originally posted by Endeavor:
I would be wearing black. Not for mourning, but for hunting. You do such a thing, Totem, and I swear, I will not guarantee your safety.

You got that?
Never fear Endeavor it won't be me. I know I don't stand a chance against Ronin anyway. I think of him a lot like the white man's god. All Powerful, Contradictory and Annoying as hell.
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Still whining, Totem. It's cleverly disguised, but it's still just more of the same.

Your gods lost because your people lost. Do you know why your people lost? Because they were outgunned, outnumbered and outclassed. That sucks when you're on the receiving end of it, but that's the way it went down, and that's the way it's been going down since time immemorial. The conquered suffer under the bootheel of the conqueror. History is written by the winners. And the victorious do not have to justify their victory to those they have defeated.

Which brings us to you and me. You have a few options here, Totem. You can shut your gob and deal with the fact that you're buffaloed, and maybe someday the situation will reverse and you can hold it over me. You could fight and maybe win or maybe die, and one of us goes away for good. I'd like that to not happen. You could seethe and be angry at me and snipe at me like a petulant child until the Horsemen come. Or you could step up and try to talk to me without an attack. I will try my best to extend the same courtesy to you, as much as I freely admit you frustrate and sometimes anger me.

That's an analogy of integration, which is what the Vikings did to my people when they conquered them, and what the Colonists should have done to your people when they conquered them.

You chide me and call me names because I've lived longer and experienced more than you, and am stronger than you for it. If you expect me to feel guilty or wrong because of that, you are sorely mistaken.

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Alright then if you want to take it to that level then fine. It will be either you or I then. I am not talking anymore. You and Charr buzz like insects and you don't expect to be swatted. I will do my best to kill you then just find me and we will finish this. However Endeavor wants to deal with it afterward is her business regardless of who lives or dies.

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And we got way over here how?

... ... ...

Wouldn't it be nice to ask the people who are joining Interceptor's vision what they might be about, instead of making assumptions?

Wouldn't it be nice to think that someone could ask for a little help with a project, and actually get it?

Wouldn't it be nice of novas could fake enough maturity to either say, "Cool idea", "Interesting, but its not for me", or "I don't think this is a good idea" ... instead of making this a pissing contest, or a joke.

To me, this isn't about who can plant who, or show up who, or smack-whatever.

Someone said, "Can anyone help me with this?" and a few people said, "Okay" for whatever reason.

Ask them why.

If you oppose Interceptor's plan, give some concrete reasons for why it is a bad idea.

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OK, this is not what I wanted nor what I expected. However I'm not going to let it stop at this point. Endeavor I'm sorry that you dropped out of this idea, but I definitely see your reasons for doing so.

Jager, thank you, and I'm humbled, you're giving me a lot of credit that I really don't deserve, I mean they came to me with this idea after I got hired for their emergency services. I'm glad to have you aboard, and I hope it's worthy of what you see in it.

Totem, please don't do anything over the top, especially over this, I wouldn't want to think that I somehow contributed to any violent actions and repurcussions.

Machina, why am I not surprised?

Blackstar, I'll send you a PM with the details, not sure if you'll be able to make it or not, but it would be nice to have international perspectives on this.

Bandwidth, that is precisely why I'm so interested in doing this. I feel I can help others with the abilities I have, and I'm going to do so. It's as simple as that.

Ronin, I don't know why you're intent on doing this, but please stop. What do you hope to accomplish with this? I and others that decide to join me are doing this of our own free will. No one is forcing anyone to do anything, and if we sign on a dotted line, then we have agreed to the terms and conditions stated therin. We will be freely choosing on how we decide to use our powers and live our lives. Why in God's name would you suddenly decide to try and thwart that? What do you want to achieve? We're trying to help people. Not everyone has to help, even if they're capable, and I'm not throwing any judgements on any that choose to act that way. But for you to do what you're suggesting is unsconscionable. Again Ronin, don't do this. There's nothing to gain by it. I'm not trying to make a Justice League, I'm trying to put together a group of Novas who want to help people when they can, not become slaves or lords for that matter. Don't play the Adversary here. There's just no need.

I'll be back later with more details and a potential roster of Novas that have expressed interests.

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