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[OpNet] 2016.5.22 Sometimes it is better to start small.

Sakurako Hino

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I think I was aiming too high with my Lunar project. Around april I saw the first cost readouts of the project, and I saw I would be bankrupted right now with the supplies I had and the payout I would have had to do just to keep the domes up and running. That, and a new business opportunity cam up around the same time I NEEDED to jump onto to increase my cash intake portfolio.

But, a couple sacrifices are being made in order to not only secure my future, but provide a level of capital that would allow me to indulge more in things like the lunar base.

Those 2 sacrifices were putting the lunar project on hold untill my monitary funds matched the effort, and I sold off the HMII. It was sold to a recently returning Nova by the name of Typhoon. I guess he needed to have a place to call home on the water.

Unfortunately he didn't like the size of my former pride and joy, so she's being currently dismantled and refitted to a smaller size. She'll be a whole new ship when it's all said and done.

But, I got one of the two fusion reactors I built back, and the other is still giving quality data to the researchers at the university that helped me get the licencing for the two. The first I returned though to the university. I have no use for it.

The new project is a new concept in passenger/cargo air transport. I sort of thought of it when trying to find a way to quickly move cargo around. It's built around the concept of a dirigible/flying wing hybrid. I figure with the body already lighter than air, the aerodynamics of the wing should allow mach 1 flight, and I would requie less fuel.

I am cracking open some new ideas to make the most fuel efficient design, with even more energy efficient electrical systems and battery systems.

I figure, fully loaded, the thing should fly 6 times around the earth before needing to be fueled. The Jinbocho (The first ship that will come off the line), will be more spartan than the HMII, but will still have enough room at least to be comfortable.

Heh, and I still have alot of spare uniforms. Perhaps my initial crew for the maiden flights could make use of them. Of course, I'll personally handle the test flights. I don't want any Human personnel getting hurt.

But... this is the opportunity I've been waiting for. One I am sure will succeed.

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Well, while the help is appreciated, the issue was resource management. Even with a constant channel to rely upon for getting things from point A to B. There would have been upkeep issues. My Lunar home then is something that became a far-off plan. It's not scrubbed by no means. It just needs more time for planning.

Besides, this new project is quite exiting. If it works, it will be quite revolutionary. Unless in 5 years someone comes up with some sort of Anti-Grav tech that doesn't violate S&T. Then I would be out of business.

But, I can't hedge my bets on a fear. Business folk tend to get eaten alive if they let their fear control them.

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Originally posted by Fuusen:

Those 2 sacrifices were putting the lunar project on hold until my monitary funds matched the effort, and I sold off the HMII. It was sold to a recently returning Nova by the name of Typhoon. I guess he needed to have a place to call home on the water.

Unfortunately he didn't like the size of my former pride and joy, so she's being currently dismantled and refitted to a smaller size. She'll be a whole new ship when it's all said and done.
I need a place to call my own away from those I might injure...

Given that the HMII was twice the length of a aircraft carrier yes, you could say I had a problem with the sheer scale of her... I want a vessel that I can manuver through the Bering Strait or in the canyons of the Atlantic... I simply don't need all that wasted cargo space.

You will have my assistance on your new project as we previously discussed, whatever materials that arn't needed on the former HMII will be yours, I will assist with construction.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Fuusen:
Unless in 5 years someone comes up with some sort of Anti-Grav tech that doesn't violate S&T. Then I would be out of business.
My projections, based soley on my own research, tell me that I can have a Contra-Gravity generator tested and ready for market within 7 to 10 years. This of course is an optimal estimation, but even with the usual research hiccups I think I'm looking at around 12 or 13 years.
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Acutally, those caculation don't have anything to do with S&T (unless you want to refer to them as one of those minor hiccups). I was more refering to the difficulty of taking a technology reliant on Quantum Wave Radiation for power and adapting it to a more stable and cost effective technology. Something the masses could reasonably attain.

Gravitational Physics and it's related technology are my area of expertise.

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Nothing surprises me where the Project guys and gals are concerned. The time they hauled my ass to Bahrain to answer questions, the honcho heading up the investigation asked me to sign the mural I put in their "waiting room". Nice guy. A little stressed. Pretty cool all things considered.

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Originally posted by Endeavor:
Well, perhaps you should drop me a line. Perhaps with more minds like ours working on this we could eventually speed up this endeavor.
Sorry love, but I doubt the family would appreciate me collaborating with the competition.

Brunch however, would not be out of he question. I know a lovely little bistro in Rome that serves an espresso and biscotti that is simply to die for. Interested?
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Oh heh, I'm not part of any criminal "family." No the Hutchinson family (of which I am the youngest of two) is heavily involved in vaious engineering and technology concerns. We have more than a few American and Canadian military and defence contracts.

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