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[OpNet] Bad guy?


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It's been awhile. Things have happened. Just like they always seem to.

I am a world wide exhibitionist now. Not bitching about it just commenting. I was never a modest guy to begin with obviously everyone around me had to get used to the fact that I left my parts dangling in the wind. But plugging the world's best lay in midair over Vegas for the world to see seemed a bit much even for me. Why do I care? Do I even care? Or do I care only that others care? If she offered again I would gladly take it. You don't get offered a gift like that and just turn it down unless you are as dumb as hell, or Edison.

Actually I couldn't turn down any of what was offered to me or what I could manage to ninja my way into. Self control, your name is not Wakinyan.

No doubt people view this as just another one of my out of control free for alls. Kill Carver, Fuck Slattern. Smash Chicago, Spooge Las Vegas the boy obviously needs to be put down.

But at least my job and schooling are going well.

Just the spring break parties I gotta watch out for I guess.

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Yes my frighteningly well hung stallion, I am with child. A child of our one and only encounter to be most precise.

The benefits of a nova level of body awareness and hangining around other snoopy novas.

If it's twins I'm thinking Apollo and Artemis.

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Originally posted by Wakinyan:
What is better, is more appropiate a celebration than for a Nova to come into the world and have that entire world view it's conception.
A baby shower comes to mind but then you wouldn't have been able to provide genetic material to anyone with a container. Yes I can see why this was so much better. :rolleyes:
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From a triple PhD, to whatever it is you happen to hold.

You're a moron if you think I was being serious.

Congrats Waki, though for your personal security and safety, I would recommend all your conceptions to be held off camera in the future.

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I didn't see your name on her. And you won't find my name on any of the women I care for. If they lay with you it is because they have chosen to do so.

I have been curious if you are angry about this. Your response is kinda vague though. You could just be joking about.

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Originally posted by Bahamut810:
I hope you let him see his kid, Slattern. If you arent planning on letting him have a part in their lives it would have been better not to tell him.
I don't understand. Why would she keep them from me?
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Originally posted by Flicker:
I just hope the child is of normal proportions at first. A fifty-pound griffon tearing and clawing its way down the birth canal would suck.

And don't you dare ask Neil to fix that.
We can at least hope for a nice easy egg to birth if it is going to be something like that.
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To think... people twenty years ago were oh-so paranoid about family values this and "think about the children" that... all they needed to do is wait eighteen years and then they would have had a "hormonally-controlled furball who's a walking dynamo of pure need to fuck women (and succeeding) while leaving wives at home without rugrats of their own" to use as their poster boy of just how wrong the American household has become.

'course, plenty of inbred and brain dead morons are already saying this now... plus, I'm one of the best examples of why all that "wife and 2.3 kids" shit fucking sucks, so consider me hitting the total spectrum...

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Originally posted by Access:
From a triple PhD, to whatever it is you happen to hold.
Underachievers are so tiresome at times. It does, I admit, take a certain amount of courage to have stepped outside the information leakage you referred to as your bubble for only a short time yet feel secure enough to declare someone else a moron.

Obviously you designed the systems. Yet another example of the "handyman" approach simply not measuring up to the standards of professional work. Perhaps I should arrange for a tutor.
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Ah, the vigor of callow youth. The passion and fire. The hormonal misjudgments and indiscretions that are virtually mandated when coupled with shallow life experience. Bubble-Boy, I am nothing so pedestrian or lackluster as to be your mere "equal." You'd be able to identify this for yourself were you at least barely literate in psychology, sociology, spacial topology, quantum mechanics, or (sadly) cybernetics.

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Yet more of this feel good silliness. Very well.

The logic is questionable at best. However; when the technological trappings are stripped away what remains is an elaborate fetal response. That sort of idiocy engenders neither respect nor admiration. Something "Access" would be able to determine on his own and take effective action on were he currently capable of anything more. Hence the comment regarding courage. It truly takes a little nerve and complete lack of shame to declare anyone to be a moron when the speaker has only just climbed out of "mommy's" womb.

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Doctor Crow,

I would recommend that you drop the acrimony. It certainly isn't doing any favors to the message you are trying to convey...and to be frank, it's childish.

With regard to the source of conflict: your initial response to Access regarding genetic probabilities, while technically correct, reflects an inability to grasp - or a refusal to accept - nuances such as exaggerative humor; in other words, you were being pedantic. That you received a sharp reply for said behavior is far from surprising; that you engaged in further pedantics and various character assassinations to degrade the conversation further is disappointing.

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Completely lacking any neocortical development as well as a fully realized ethics system for objective self analysis I can see why you'd perceive the interaction in that light. A single celled organism would likely feel much the same were it capable of even dimly comprehending a multicellular organism possessing fully developed consciousness and intelligence. "Access," while childlike in outlook and lacking the refinements to his mind that may come with time, has greater potential and unsurprising lacks your astounding ignorance. In some ways it is truly is amazing you managed to perceive the primitive computer interface under your nose. Marvelous. Though of course random chance is almost certainly a factor in what likely appears to you to be a series of arcane, inexplicable and generally unwarranted occurances amounting to "life."

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