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[OpNet] Sins


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I was watching an old, old movie last tonight called Se7en. As you may or may not recall, it was about a serial killer who killed people who were "guilty" of the seven deadly sins. So I got to wondering, what are mine? And that got me to wondering, what are everyone's?

So feel free to post your sin here, or not. If you wanna mock me for starting this thread, then do so in another thread, ok? This is just for discussing your sins!

The Sins are (as laid out by Gregory the Great in 604 A.D.):

1. Superbia Pride

2. Invidia Envy

3. Ira Anger

4. Avaritia Avarice

5. Tristia Sadness (we'll go with Sloth here, like in Se7en)

6. Gula Gluttony

7. Luxuria Lust

Mine is Sloth, by the way, or Pride, depending on the day or my mood.

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I suppose, for the sake of argument, that Anger, Lust and Pride are my 'sins'. I don't consider them failings though, really. They are part of my Being. By accepting them, I use the impetus they provide to more fully realise my Self.

In my opinion, the greatest sin a person, human or nova, can commit is Sloth. Not 'oh, I can't be bothered to get up today' but rather a long term sloth of the soul, wherein the individual does not try to grow beyond what they perceive as their limitations, but rather sits around and laments their problems without tackling them.

Such a state of mind is anathema to me. It is surrender and self-victimisation, allowing their circumstances to define them rather than defining those circumstances. Even humans have few excuses for such an attitude.

For a nova, it is beyond excuse.

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Originally posted by Carver:
I was watching an old, old movie last tonight called Se7en. As you may or may not recall, it was about a serial killer who killed people who were "guilty" of the seven deadly sins. So I got to wondering, what are mine? And that got me to wondering, what are everyone's?

So feel free to post your sin here, or not. If you wanna mock me for starting this thread, then do so in another thread, ok? This is just for discussing your sins!

The Sins are (as laid out by Gregory the Great in 604 A.D.):
1. Superbia Pride
2. Invidia Envy
3. Ira Anger
4. Avaritia Avarice
5. Tristia Sadness (we'll go with Sloth here, like in Se7en)
6. Gula Gluttony
7. Luxuria Lust

Mine is Sloth, by the way, or Pride, depending on the day or my mood.
Well, if I look at the list, I have committed all seven.
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Originally posted by Doctor Crow:
"Sorrows" not "Sadness". However true translation of an idea is often more difficult than simply substituting one word for another. Even if one word is more accurate than another.
Damn, your picky. How about you perscribe yourself a nice bottle of shut the fuck up. That will make us all happy.
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Originally posted by Carver:
Originally posted by Sakurako Hino:
Well, if I look at the list, I have committed all seven.
Well, yes, we all have! But which one is your personal weakness? Which one is the hardest for you to resist?
She always has to be the best at everything. She had to say "all seven," although I'm honestly surprised she didn't have her laboratory miraculously whip up a new eighth sin, just so she could have one more that we don't.
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Originally posted by Edison:
Damn, your picky. How about you perscribe yourself a nice bottle of shut the fuck up. That will make us all happy.
"Damn (comma removed) you are picky. Why don't (not 'how about) you prescribe a nice bottle of shut-the-fuck-up (substitute question mark for incorrectly used period)?" Taking the preceding advice will not make you less of a wastrel with delusions of purpose, but you'll not be immediately apparent as a functional illiterate.
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It doesn't concern me you'd nourish another's dysfunctions as a means to to achieve your own ends. While lack of development is not a trait isolated to "Sandcaster" or her ilk, the depth would be surprising for your age if not for your background.

When you have the insight to look past your own needs and desires you might consider its this very aspect of your nature, an aspect you share with most here, that virtually assures you'll rarely interact with the truly intelligent unless there are ulterior motives involved. When that realization dawns on you please try to keep in mind that you did it to yourself regardless of whether you consciously chose for it to be so.

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Huh? I can't tell if you're insulting me or my friends.

Look, Edison's not the best at spelling or grammar. Pointing that out in an attempt to make a point is childish, and belligerent. The only 'ends' I've got is for you to stop and think about how that makes you look to everyone else.

Geeze. Some people just can't take any criticism.

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