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[OpNet] Why?

z-Gu Saori

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Why do novas develop differently? I understand that circumstances of eruptions and personal preferences dictate much of the nova's new abilities. But that understanding does not tell me why my brother can survive almost anything, while I am physically defenseless against baselines. Is it because I am a woman? Is it because I have always been physically weak?

I am not complaining about my abilities. I just wonder... do I choose to be helpless? Or is there another reason I can only run from attackers?

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Is it because you're a woman? Please, isn't the twenty-first century available where you come from? One chromosome does not make you helpless, sister. I think it has more to do with circumstance and subconcious tendencies.

I've heard that pretty much any abilty you can dream up can eventually be mastered, if you are willing to work hard enough. You may need an experienced guide to help you, though.

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Many of us have lead a hard life Saori. Your brother was one of the tougher Elites in his day. He lived a hard life and his abilities reflect that. Your brother is a warrior, from what I have seen of you, you are not.

You being a woman has nothing to do with your powers not being like his. I know several very strong female novas. No two novas are the same, each of us follows a different path.

As for choosing to be helpless, if you had truly chosen to be helpless, you wouldn't be able to run. Being able to do at least that gives you a way to avoid conflict.

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I wish I knew sometimes why I can do some things and why I can't do other stuff. The doctors and specialists kept telling me that it was a product of my creativity (or something like that) but that doesn't really help when I get pasted in the ring.

Maybe we all got to grow into it or something... I mean,none of us were born as adults, right?

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Excellent observation Gu Saori.

I have to concur with others that gender has no real meaning to the power we wield. In fact you will find that gender can mean very little at all in Novas. Some Novas change gender when they erupt. Some can change back and forth in gender at will. While others have both genders.

I have come to think about the powers we have like this. Some people are natural runners and no matter how hard you try you can never be a better runner than they can be. Meaning each of us have their own potiential. That does not mean we can never become stronger it simply means some excel at different rates than others. I know I could never create the beautiful art you do and that is your gift.

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Ms. Gu, in my experience gender has zip/zero/nadda to do with how we develop as novas. I find it to be equal parts genetics, drive, and personality. Some novas simply develop faster, with less taint, than other novas. People who work at their powers develop them faster and people who work at a definite expression tend to develop it after various levels of work. Our personalities often give us our starting points and our direction of development.

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I believe it is basically our subconsciousness that shapes our eruptions and powers.

At heart, I am a bookworm, and so my powers reflect that. I remain lame (to a certain extent), autistic and partially deaf despite eruption, because it was how I perceived myself.

I suffered... a psychic overload, one could say, and some of my powers veered off in another direction - but I believe my desire to be more sensual/less geeky may have played a part in it.

That's really all I can offer; just because I'm a moderately superhumanly intelligent person doesn't mean I have a clue about what I'm talking about.

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Originally posted by Flicker:
Is it because you're a woman? Please, isn't the twenty-first century available where you come from? One chromosome does not make you helpless, sister.
I did not say that I'm helpless because I am a woman. I said I'm physically weak. Women are weaker then men.

For some reason, my personal evolution has lead to me being nearly-helpless. Running is good... but I almost did not...

I am sorry... the medications and typing with one hand are making me poor person to speak to; I apologize to everyone on the boards.
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Originally posted by Samhra:
I'm soft and squishy.

I think you're taunting them, love. :P

Originally posted by Flicker:
I'd wager that many more novas can be dropped with a single bullet than will publicly admit.
And those of us who can take more than one are always subject to a whole slew of bullets because maybe, just maybe, the next one will stick...
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I'm not one for speeches like the rest of these long winded circus freaks, so take this for what it's worth Gooey.

I did not say that I'm helpless because I am a woman. I said I'm physically weak. Women are weaker then men.
People are as weak as they allow themselves to be.

For some reason, my personal evolution has lead to me being nearly-helpless. Running is good... but I almost did not...
Within you lies unlimited potential. Before you lies infinate possibilities. What you are today is nothing compared to what you will be tomorrow.

Pace yourself.

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Originally posted by Gu Saori:
I said I'm physically weak. Women are weaker then men.
I'm going to have to disagree with you there. I've known quite a few women, baseline and otherwise, who don't quite fit that stereotype. Maybe it's a cultural thing- I don't know. Either way (not to get all militant-feminist), I've yet to see one man "strong" enough to go through labor and give birth to a child.

Simply put, what you believe is what you become... especially where our kind is concerned.
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Originally posted by Artemis:
I'm going to have to disagree with you there. I've known quite a few women, baseline and otherwise, who don't quite fit that stereotype. Maybe it's a cultural thing- I don't know. Either way (not to get all militant-feminist), I've yet to see one man "strong" enough to go through labor and give birth to a child.
It's not that men aren't strong enough to give birth, we just don't have a plumbing for it. I agree with what you said accept that part.

Might as well say women aren't "strong" because they can't write thier name in the snow without talking a step, while we're at it...
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Originally posted by Singularity:
And those of us who can take more than one are always subject to a whole slew of bullets because maybe, just maybe, the next one will stick...
Ain't that the truth. I can understand why Thug #1 and #2 come at me with a stick, chair, gun, what have you. But I can't figure out what's going through the mind of Thug #3 when he tries the same thing.

I'd have to agree with everybody else. It's all about how you perceive yourself. I've found that I'm developing and refining my powers much quicker now that I've been hanging out with more Novas. Being able to experience powers first hand has really given me some perspective.
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Strength is relative. I am probably in the top fifty most powerful nova psychics out there and I'm still soft and squishy enough to get hammered into a winged pancake if someone like Conduit or Singularity were to land one good punch on me.

On the upside, I have one of the most devastating psychic attacks on the planet. It causes permanent brain damage in humans.

As for strength and stamina being affected by gender, you never met Julie 'Warlady' Logan. She laughed off bullets but got flattened by Pursuer and his fucking gravitic powers.

Gender never stopped someone from being a brick, honey. Trust me.

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Fuck if I know. I glow....Woo effin' hooo. Don't look at me, I might moderately inconvenience you while you're driving. Don't forget your sunscreen also, I require at least an SPF 45.

To answer your question...Because some cosmic entity out their decided he had a sense of humor, and that some of us were funnier to screw up than the others.

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I've already studied your ability to resurrect, Digi. It requires you have most of your body to return to the form you have. If you lost oh... most of your body, you'd regenerate into a smaller form as your quantum signature adapts to the lower mass.

I've always thought you'd make a better Hafling than an Elf, DigiGeist. You're more homely than regal. ^.^

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