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Aberrant RPG - Aberrant/Scion: "Whose kid is that?"


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Good topic Metaphysician.

Paul Blue: Gaia (the Earth Mother).

Alex Green: …Not really sure. There probably is a god(dess) of darkness, fertility, & strength/durability but I don’t know of one.

Cannibal Bob: I’m sure there’s a shape shifting cannibal (healer?) demon god(dess) or two out there, but again I’m not sure.

Jack (the warper from Qzero) would be offspring of Aton (Egypt’s god of mirrors).

The Staff: Adonis probably works.

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Keep in mind that a few of those you mentioned, namely Gaia, would be *titans*. Of course, I'm fairly certain titans can have scions, too. . .

Hmm, no point really going with the PCs from my game, since frankly, every single one of them is less "child" and more "parent", if you get what I mean. OTOH, some canon NPCs. . .

Caestus Pax: Strikes me as a scion of Zeus gone rather wrong. He's got the major power, and the major ego, that are typical. OTOH, he's a good deal less heroic than most scions of Zeus in, well, Scion, are supposed to be. . .

Divis Mal: Scion of the Titan Prometheus. Can't fully explain why, but it feels right.

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  • 3 months later...

Whoa talk about topic cross over. I've been running this type of thing since Trinity came out. Hi everyone, nice to be back among the living again. Scion Demigod fills that nice Aberrant niche just fine & forget power creep its power ladders here. However I feel that more people get Scion then Aberrant which is too bad since the systems are so very nice together. Its that Marvel crossover feel without the background rewrite everytime the series ends. ::sly Anyhow in answer to a Dune question about the scifi feel of the games check this out http://www.turnto23.com/news/14600341/detail.html

Some of Philip K Dick touch this turf as well & lets not even get into superman. For my money Odd John by Olf Stapledon handles the touche' aspects of non human (humans) with some real maturity. Read it in full here http://www.geocities.com/olafstapledon_archive/ The only other hard sci fi novella that scared the crap out of me as a 14 year old was Without Horns Unknown magazine 1940. Its about a mutant child born to a husband & wife who takes over a small town & the goverment agents tracking the creature down. The usual 1940s us vs them metality is evident but the agents portrayal is very Adventure. Ive run a Trinity aberrant hunt based on it. Nice stuff but your milage may vary. For the last three years its been Storyteller Taint World! A bit of this & that with lots of other stuff mixed in. Besides I didnt like the identity of the colony so I used my own. :warp: I'll be back soon.

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Alex Green: …Not really sure. There probably is a god(dess) of darkness, fertility, & strength/durability but I don’t know of one.

Heh...I'm asleep...Why not Xquiq, the Mayan fertility goddess? Besides being fertility goddess, where she demanded the usual blood sacrifices, she also the Seven Macaws, a giant, serving her...


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  • 4 weeks later...

Keep in mind that a few of those you mentioned, namely Gaia, would be *titans*. Of course, I'm fairly certain titans can have scions, too. . .

Hmm, no point really going with the PCs from my game, since frankly, every single one of them is less "child" and more "parent", if you get what I mean. OTOH, some canon NPCs. . .

Caestus Pax: Strikes me as a scion of Zeus gone rather wrong. He's got the major power, and the major ego, that are typical. OTOH, he's a good deal less heroic than most scions of Zeus in, well, Scion, are supposed to be. . .

Divis Mal: Scion of the Titan Prometheus. Can't fully explain why, but it feels right.

And, having seen Scion: God, I was right. Divis Mal is clearly a spawn of Prometheus, who has came to rival his ancestor.

I mean, basically, Prometheus whole schtick ( as avatar of the Greater Titan of Fire ) is Metaphorical Fire as Spark of Inspiration, using intellect and will to change the world. . . but without any particular moral assessment over whether something that can be done, should be done. In addition, titan of *fire*, and Divis Mal's main power? Throwing around giant plasma blasts.

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