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Trinity RPG - General overview of plot devlopment?


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I have bought the Trinity basic book, as well as the ST screen.

I have d/led the two pdf files from WW, and I have the "behind the scenes" document detailing the metaplot.

However, what I'd like to know is - what happens afterwards?

In 2122/3, specifically.

Do the mutants attack Earth? What about the Chromatics? The Coalition? Are we still friends with the Qin? And what is "Project 418"?

I don't need a detailed run-down (though the more details, the better ;)), instead a short info will do.

I want to incorporate the basic metaplot into my campaign, but as I make my own series, I won't be buying the published adventures - but I have freedom of determining how exactly the events come to happen. Nevertheless, I'd like the most prominent events to happen.

If you could give me a short run-down, that would be most appreciated.


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Hiya Berandor, and welcome to the forums!!!

::smiley5  ::smiley5

to answer your question, um, we don't know. (heh, don't you hate those answers?  ;) )

Nothing has been said (as far as I know) about what happens after 2122, or really that anything ever will be (though there's always the possibility for the line to be revived)


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hello there!, like Anine said, welcome aboard!


There's not a great deal of info for post 2123, but Process 418 is covered in Terra Verde, which is available as an e-book from White Wolf's website - its a fair price for the book, and the rest of the info (Sudamerica and the Norca) is top quality.

Its worth checking out *nods*.

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I thought there had been a load of developments I missed (in the alien adventures etc.), but it seems that pretty much everything is still left to be determined by STs.

That's good.

I'll try and get the e-book - I wager there are less problems with non-U.S. downloads then with WotC ESDs...

Thanks for the welcome, too.

I recently stumbled on Trinity in my search for a somewhat more optimistic game than the regular WOD products, but nevertheless with the WW mechanic (which I find very flexible).

I was (am) a long-time (A)D&D DM (player) as well as a regular player and sometime DM in a Vampire game.

My D&D group finally got too violent and combat-oriented for my tastes. The major attraction to Vampire was the playing in the present - but it was a little to dark for my tastes.

Then I discovered Trinity and at the same time Adventure!

I instantly liked both concepts, and I also found the mechanic I was looking for.

Aberrant seems a little too comic-bookish for me (I haven't looked at it in close detail), even though that's the game playing in the present.

I will start a Trinity campaign in about a month - all players new to the system, as it seems.

That's about me :)

Oh, I live in Germany, close to the Nederlands.


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i actually started about a year ago w/ dnd and then to a! and then trinity. Jake's finally decided to run his first abby game, and even though it's not really a genre I would think i'd have cared much for, it's lots of fun. the way we're playing it, jake adds a lot of his own brand of goofiness and of course comic rips, and it's great. It's something totally different and is a nice break from everything else.

If nothing else, it's definately worth a try


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thank you tiff, and welcome aboard berandor. yeah, after 418 comes to pass (earth doesn't explode or anything btw, its primarily just another more powerful hammersmith explosiong that causes all sorts of neat effects) the timeline kinda...stops. we know colony and the coalition are heading to earth, we know the doyen are toally frustrated and flipping out over all the wierd crap going on, and we know that between the upeo returning the edenites and all that mess that the world climate is less than favorable to anyone right now. asas ii think will clear up most of these issues, but as i recall it was origninally intended that they would be resolved in bright continent, the africa book.

oh, and for aberrant, i play it very much with the comic feel on the exterior but also try to emphasis that the characters themselves, aren't heros. they are normal joe's and jane's with powers and people expect them to do these things out of hand, totally disregarding that the lot of them (as my pc's tend to go in this one) are screwed up losers that really should stay as far away from policing and humanitarian effort as possible. this is in essence why a fair portion of the npcs are direct comic rips, they're meant to show my players the difference between themselves and proffesionals, people who actually like and are capable of this kind of work. *shrugs* aberrant is worth it, but expect your st style to have to change a lot from the one you use in trin and a!.

anyway, nough of that, wlelcome again and i hope you enjoy it here very much  ::thumbs-up


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Wow. That sure is a hearty welcome!

I'll try to come here as often as possible, even though my posting times are probably very different from the majority of you (Germany/US).

Thanks again, I think I'll buy Aberrant if only for a better portrayal of them in Trinity, but perhaps it can become something of a one-shot nature in between campaigns (though I was originally planning A! becoming that way).

I would have loved to play A!, but the players I found weren't too keen on it, and more interested in Trinity. Now I'm thinking of transporting the editing feature to Trinity, powered not with inspiration, but with Psi...

anyway,  ::malrules


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typically i build my abbies for trinity with the standard aberrant rules these days, as long as i base them around powers and not as much around mega atts they can go toe to toe with my 6 man trinity team and not accidentally kill anyone in an undramatic or unappealing way.

oh, for the inspiration in trinity, we use a system for that that we happily refer to as the "brownie point method". typically i give them for extreme creativity (a pc doing something so cool even i have to admit that i wouldn't have thought of it) humor (like someone saying something that has me holding my sides from the pain of laughing) and various other methods. brownies typically are given very sporadically but they equate to a large amount of inspiration and i let players use them as they see fit, including loaning them to other players, using them not to die in combat from a stray attack, and all sorts of other things.

its a system a little more amorphos than inspiration, but it amounts to the same thing. just in case you want to use it.

anyway, welcome again and luck with the game!


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