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Aberrant: Dead Rising - Chapter 11e: Plans for the Future

Dylan Harvey

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July 9th

Dylan stared at the computer screen in frustration. For the twentieth time today his fingers hovered over the keyboard and then started flying. He punched in code as quickly as he could trying to get past the security. Trying to tell the satellite to ignore all its protocols and allow a remote connection in to the command protocols. For the twentieth time today he was blocked. Dylan had not been the best hacker in the world but he figured he was probably up there. A few decent hacks in to government computers had earned him a NSA record that he still wasn't sure if his real name had ever been tied to. They had not yet come to arrest him and now he doubted anyone would ever consider it important. Now he had only ten minutes left before this satellite moved out of range.

Dylan already knew he was trying to solve a problem that had only one solution. He needed the command level codes. He had spent weeks now trying to get past that idea by finding another way but it always ended in failure. Perhaps if he had months to write a entirely new type of virus. Perhaps if he had a year to write a entirely new programming language. He didn't have either. He had to get his new generator working. He had to get its efficiency up high enough that it could be a primary source of power. He had list upon list of technologies to reinvent and so many ideas of new ones to create. The internet, or what ever was left of it, could help him a great deal. He also was concerned that there was no way of knowing if any of the satellites were already having navigation issues. He believed he had a year or two left of them but without the ability to check their systems he could only have a couple weeks left. If that was the case he needed to either obtain or build servers to save as much data as possible.

Eight minutes left.

Dylan stared at the screen as he refocused on the task at hand. Again he started typing. A slight change to the code here, a different command there and it was a entirely different attempt. This one met with the same fate as all the others, Dylan sighed.

Five minutes left.

Glancing at the other two screens he saw the data he had downloaded was safe on his own hard drives now. At least this window had not been a entire waste. He knew Deadeye could not help him here. Something was missing and that bugged him the most. Some solution existed that hadn't presented it self. The warning windows popped up on all three machines that he had lost connection. Dylan brought his hand down on the desk in frustration and stood up. He left the trailer and stepped out in to the morning air. Everyone seemed active today. They were all getting ready to move. Dylan watched people go by but did not engage with anyone. What could he be missing? He needed the codes to breach the system. The codes were only filed in two places in the country that he knew of. In Washington and in Cheyenne there were computers that would hold the information he needed. Both locations would have generators that were still running. He already had print outs of all the security in those buildings and had all the tools he needed to bypass them. Draco could take him to Cheyenne but there were some concerns the codes there might be old. It was rare but the information stored there was not always kept current. Especially in the past ten years the technology just kept changing so fast.

D.C. was his best bet but could he get there? Draco could get him there eventually but Dylan knew he wouldn't want to be separated for that long from this group. Not to mention if the group left there would be no way to track them. He pondered on where they might go. He had already heard several rumors. It seemed very nice that all Fox had to do was open up a portal and in a very short time they all could be relocated. Dylan thought that was a great power. Anywhere the man had been he could visit in a instant....

Fox was a captain in the armed forces. Not that likely that Fox had been to Cheyenne but what were the odds he had visited Washington or a near by base at some point? Suddenly the distance did not seem so far at all. Dylan turned and ran back in to the trailer and quickly started assembling a backpack of techno goodies he had magyvered together. He would need Draygo and Fox for this. He ran through the odds of how many people would have been in the pentagon building. If possible one or two of the other supers would also be a good idea. There could be a hundred or more zombies in the building and possibly thousands in the surrounding city blocks. Dylan had considered building a laser of some sort to deal with large numbers of zombies but the plan had gone further down the list as power was becoming more of an issue. Even the past two days he had noticed the trailers battery was having trouble keeping up with the rigging he did on it. He needed to get that generator working but first he had to make sure he wasn't sacrificing the internet to do it.

He took some time checking everything he had thrown in to the backpack and then also checked it all to make sure it all had working batteries. Those too were getting in short supply. The fact he had rigged up a plate station to recharge them had been incredible to him. Now he was discovering that because they were not made for it they were losing their reliability fast. As he went through everything he considered who to approach first.

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Twenty minutes of conversation later left Dylan a little unhappy. Fox would open a warp to the gates of the Pentagon, but Draygo and most of the supers were going to Hawaii. That left two women, Violet and Jules, who were supers and immune to zombies. Of the two, only Jules had the combat skills to keep Dylan alive and uninfected.

"I'm willing to go with you," she said with a shrug. She didn't look all that tough, but she did handle the rifle over her shoulder with competence. "Sounds like fun, more fun than Hawaii. Too many supers there, to be honest." She smiled. "When are you ready to go?"

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Nathan didn't need hardly anything to prepare him for the mission to DC... except a place where he could change to Draygo. Dylan was another matter.

In the couple of days that he'd been here, Nathan had been able to trade some of his building supplies and skills for some new clothes. So now he was wearing an actual, whole pair of blue jeans and he'd found a pair of crocs that fit him. The blue jeans would expand to accommodate Draygo, and his shoes probably would as well, but they'd cover the talons on Draygo's feet, so Nathan preferred either going barefoot or wearing something that'd be easy to take off. The same with his shirt, it would grow with Draygo, but the wings would rip holes as they grew, so he also preferred simple t-shirts that he could easily take off.

So, Nathan came walking into the staging area with just his clothes... waiting on Dylan. He hadn't heard about this until the last minute, but he figured they'd start from wherever Cpt. Fox was, since he was the one making the portal. He walked up to somebody who'd know what was going on and asked, "So, where are they staging for the DC run? And has anyone seen Dylan yet?" Hopefully he'd be able to get an answer to the questions. He'd hate to fail in protecting Dylan just because he got bum directions.

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Ger had been standing to one side looking increasingly pensive as the situation developed.

"You know what?", he said suddenly, "Hold on a sec, I'll be right back."

It took him a moment to find the man he was looking for amidst all the chaos, but finally he saw him standing off to one side of the Hawaii mission's staging area.

"Walker!", Ger called out. Walker's head swiveled in his direction and one eyebrow cocked itself in a questioning manner. "Hey", the head of Security said as he approached the Refuge's quietest and strangest super, "I need to ask a favor of you."

Walker was doing his utterly-motionless thing again, but his mouth moved slightly as he answered, "Sure".

Ger cleared his throat a little uncomfortably and then continued, "Ok then, here's the thing." He pointed over his shoulder to where Dylan and Jules were standing and said, "Those two new guys want to go to D.C.. That one over there's been doing some crazy shit with satellites, if you can believe it, and says there's something in D.C. that will help."

Ger paused for a second as he reached up to scratch behind his scalp with an incredulous and weary expression on his face. "Personally", he muttered, "I think it's a waste of time, but Fox and Jules have given him the go-ahead. Problem is, I don't really have anyone I can spare to send on this one so right now Jules is the only one going with 'em." Ger winced as he said, "I know she can take of herself and everything, but I was hoping that..."

Ger glanced away in the direction of "the new guy" and Jules and then back at Walker, a meaningful look on his face.

"You want me to tag along", Walker said. It was a statement, not a question.

Ger winced again as he smiled a bit and said, "Yeah. I'd feel better about it if you were there."

This time it was Walker who looked towards Dylan and Jules and then back at his 'normal' boss. "You worry about her too much", was all he said.

"I know...", Ger sighed as he rolled his eyes and shrugged one shoulder, as if to say, 'what can you do?'

The two men regarded each other silently for a moment.

"Thanks", Ger said.

"No problem", Walker answered.

Finally, Ger returned to where Dylan and Jules were standing and explained the new situation to Jules, though since Dylan was standing right there, he was included by implication. "I've reassigned Walker", he said, "He's not really needed on the Hawaii thing anyway, and this way you guys'll be better prepared in case something unexpected happens." Having explained the situation, Ger wished them well and left to attend to all of his other responsibilities.

A few minutes later the two of them suddenly realized that Walker was standing not two feet away.

Seeing that they'd finally noticed him, Walker croaked out, "So when do we leave?"

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Dylan was in the trailer checking over all his equipment. Card readers were working properly. Both laptops were fine and with fully charged batteries. They had all the programs he needed to hack in to the D.O.D. network. He made sure he had interface cables for just about any security system imaginable. Six months of hard work towards two goals and he was about to complete the first stage of one of them. Then he stopped. He had calculated the odds of zombies there but what about more supers? Plenty of population in that area. What if they weren't friendly? Well he would have Jules and he heard a couple others might be coming with them too.

As he packed up the last stuff and slung the back pack across his shoulder he grinned. Putting on the waist pack with his security devices and grabbing the laptop carriers he glanced around to make sure he wasn't forgetting something. Who ever was controlling the network didn't want to share. So he was just going to have to take it from them. Finally he picked up the satellite up-link took and made sure it was working. With that he left and ran across the compound. He saw Jules and came running up, already out of breath.

"So, we ready to go?"

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Jules nodded as Dylan came huffing up. Kindly, she didn't make any comment regarding the now-apparent necessity of her presence on the trip. She just said, "Ready as I'll ever be. I take it you are?"

As Dylan nodded, she became aware of someone. Her hand tightened on her rifle the second before she turned and saw Walker. A little startled, Jules tried to figure out why his presence had spooked her. He was always a little spooky, and it had never bothered her, not until now. "Hey, Walker," she said casually. "We're going to leave as soon as Fox opens a warp. Unless someone else is coming."

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Walker nodded his head once in acknowledgement of Jule's greeting. Then he turned and regarded Dylan, whom he'd only seen from a distance before now. He wondered how this kid planned on doing anything with satellites, but he had to admit that all the gear he was loaded down with looked pretty impressive.

Walker looked at Dylan and rasped, "Ger said somethin 'bout yer friend comin' along. That true?"

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"They're over there," Markham said, pointing with his thumb. Then he went back to watching Ger talk to Walker; when Walker joined Dylan and Jules, he started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Nathan asked.

"Just... life," Markham replied softly, still chuckling. "We can be in the middle of a crisis, and people are still just people. Have fun, man."

"Thanks," Nathan answered, sure he'd just stumbled into some private joke. He hustled over to where Dylan was waiting with the native woman who'd greeted them on the first day, and the four-armed man he'd heard rumors about. "I'm ready," he said to Dylan.

After a second, Jules made introductions between Nathan and Walker. As the Refuge's two most unusual supers met, Fox walked over. "Everyone here?" he asked Jules.

"Yes, Morgan," Jules answered softly.

Their eyes locked for a moment before Dylan, completely unaware of the tension, said, "So anytime you want to do a warp, we're ready."

Fox nodded and turned away from the group, focusing. After a couple of minutes, a shimmering warp gate formed. "Good luck," Fox said.

"We'll be on channel three," Dylan added, "if you can check up on us in three hours or so?"

"Will do," Fox replied.

The three supers and Dylan walked through the gate. Jules was an old hat at this, but the other three hadn't gotten to use one of Fox's portals before. The cool, pricking sensation was the only tactile fleeing of the actual crossing. After, though, there was the heat and humidity of the Pentagon.

The four stood in a parking lot, the famous walls directly before them. No one manned the gate houses flanking the exit to the parking lot, and there were no signs of movement inside.

Click to reveal..
For those who like to know for OOC map tracking, you're facing the South entrance.
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Nathan shivered as they went through the portal, a reminder of just how extremely vulnerable he was without Draygo. So, once through and the portal closed, Nathan looked around to make sure they didn't have any incoming company. Satisfied that he wouldn't be interrupted, Nathan stepped to the edge of the group. His tone was an unusual mix of serious and light as he said "Excuse me for a moment, I have to change," and turned his back on the group.

To prepare for his transformation, Nathan first took off his shirt. He didn't have the definition that would make him attractive, but it was easy to see that he was muscular. He then proceeded to wind up his shirt as one would a towel before you snapped someone with it; but once there weren't any parts hanging down, he just put it over his shoulder. Then he scooted his feet around, using his crocs to clear the area underneath of broken glass and other debris that had accumulated. Once that was finished, he took off his shoes and put them in his back pockets. Lastly, he took his shirt and, weaving it through the thongs of his shoes, tied it around his waist like a belt.

Having taken off everything but his pants, the real changing began. It didn't take long, just a few seconds, but the change was complete. And once it was, there were left only two humans, one man-spider... and a dragon. Well, half dragon to be more exact, but dragon nonetheless.

Draygo turned to the group, his voice low and gravel-ly, felt as much as heard. "We ready? Dylan, now that we're here, do you know where to go?" He flexed his talons and wings. "I'll take care of any zombies that we meet, as many as I can anyways.

Let's get moving."

With that, Draygo scanned the area with his enhanced vision, looking for anything out of the ordinary.

Click to reveal..
Using EM vision, specifically telescopic and infrared, though scanning UV as well. Looking for any signs of (un)life.

(Draygo): rolling Perception (4 + 1Mega) + Awareness (3) 1st die mega

(11:08:06) ChatBot: (Draygo) rolls 8d10 and gets 3,2,2,6,7,5,9,3.

(11:08:21) (Draygo): 2sux

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As Walker stepped up to Fox's warp he couldn't help but think about the 'black hole' underneath the Lawton Cemetery. On the surface the two phenomena were nothing alike, but seeing the one immediately brought to mind the other. Walker stepped through the warp anyway.

Once on the other side he, like Nathan, immediately swept the area for activity, but was distracted somewhat by the other man's 'change'. He watched the entire process with interest, and found it strange and noteworthy that Nathan's clothes didn't make the change with him as did his own. Walker took particular note of the tell-tale displacement of air as Nathan grew in size, which was especially evident to his Wind Sight. He'd always suspected that such a change would cause a displacement of the surrounding air, but as he'd never before encountered anyone (or anything) else who could transform the way he could, he'd never been able to verify it. Now he knew what such a displacement 'looked' like and would be able to detect it, even if the one doing the displacing were capable of turning invisible like him.

Nathan's new form was both impressive and intimidating, but Walker was accustomed to his own 'alter-ego', and so was not overly bothered by 'Draygo's' presence. He returned his attention to scanning the surrounding area for anything potentially dangerous or of particular interest. Unlike a normal man, Walker's neck did not smoothly pivot on its axis as he scanned his surroundings, but instead moved in a series of sharp jerks, finishing with his neck rotated further around than a normal man's was capable of.

Click to reveal.. (Walker's Awareness)
Awareness Roll (first die a mega): (09:46:25) ChatBot: (Centimane) rolls 9d10 and gets 10,10,5,8,2,6,10,4,3. 6sux.

Poppin' 10's: (09:47:37) ChatBot: (Centimane) rolls 3d10 and gets 9,3,10. 2sux.

Poppin' popped 10's: (09:47:42) ChatBot: (Centimane) rolls 1d10 and gets 7. 1sux.

Total: 9sux! (That was probably the luckiest roll I've had in a long, long time. Too bad it was for a run-of-the-mill Awareness roll...)

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As Dylan stepped through the portal he shivered. For a fleeting moment he considered that everything he had seen so far in the way of powers was also possible with machinery. Perhaps that meant if a power existed with this effect a machine could also be built. However now was the time to focus. He did a quick glance around to make sure there were no zombies. After he felt reassured he made his way up to the fence around the building. It didn't surprise him to find it closed and locked. Surely someone had the sense to do that before they died. Dylan sat down the laptop carriers and reaching in to his back pack, pulled out the card reader. Taking about ten seconds to remove the panel he attached the system and started punching numbers.

"Should have this open in a minute or two guys. Once we get inside the compound proper I don't care about going first but I need everyone to avoid touching doors, windows, possibly even mail slots. The Pentagon is the second most paranoid secured buildings in this country, after CIA headquarters. Depending on what protocols are on right now the wrong thing opened without clearance could order the mainframe to wipe it self. With any luck no one got paranoid and did that before they went all Z like."

Taking one last look around he bent down and got to work on the lock.

Click to reveal..
Awareness: A whopping 0 sux! Have fun dropping the anvil on me!

Spending a quantum for Analyze Weakness:

Mega Int: (22:15:59) ChatBot: (Dylan) rolls 3d10 and gets 7,9,8.(6 sux)

Int: (22:17:29) ChatBot: (Dylan) rolls 5d10 and gets 7,2,10,2,2. (2 sux)

10's: 4. (0 sux)

Total: 8 sux


Analyze Weakness: (22:19:31) ChatBot: (Dylan) rolls 8d10 and gets 1,4,10,6,1,3,3,3. (1 sux)

Mega-Int: (22:50:40) ChatBot: (Dylan) rolls 3d10 and gets 2,3,1.(0 sux)

Int + Intrusion:(22:00:16) ChatBot: (Dylan) rolls 7d10 and gets 9,5,10,2,2,5,3 (2 sux)

Int + Intrusion:(22:13:22) ChatBot: (Dylan) rolls 2d10 and gets 3,10. (1 sux)

10's:(22:00:44) ChatBot: (Dylan) rolls 1d10 and gets 10. (1 sux)

(22:14:19) ChatBot: (Dylan) rolls 1d10 and gets 8.(1 sux)

(22:03:13) ChatBot: (Dylan) rolls 1d10 and gets 9. (1 sux)

(22:49:01) ChatBot: (Dylan) rolls 1d10 and gets 8. (1 sux)

Total: 8 sux

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Jules stepped through the warp and started to scan the area. She was taking her duties as bodyguard very seriously, even though the other two supers here were clearly more powerful than her. She kept her rifle at the ready, frowning when Dylan jumped ahead of them.

Tipping her head up, she sniffed the air cautiously. A wealth of information came to her, but none of it helpful. She glanced at Walker and Draygo, looking to see if they noticed anything off.

Click to reveal..
Activating Bloodhound as well as just more mundane looking around (mega last): 4 sux

1d10=4, 1d10=9, 1d10=4, 1d10=7, 1d10=6, 1d10=2, 1d10=10, 1d10=8, 1d10=3

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Click to reveal..
For dramatic purposes, these events in this spoiler all happen/are noticed at roughly the same time.

Draygo sees heat signatures in the windows, as well as some movement when he has his telescoptic vision up.

Walker senses several forms moving in the building; he's not sure where, but he can feel the changes of pressure from open windows and vents. As he swivels his head around, he sees a flag on a fence – the wind picks it up a bit, opens it to show an American flag, with a field of four white stars and forty-six black stars.

Jules scents several living persons, though no one she knows. She smells no zombies.

As the other three register their individual realizations, Dylan pulled open the cover on the electronic lock and peered at the electronics. At the electronics greeting him, he sneered in contempt. Dirt simple. With three cut wires and two quick twists, the lock on the door popped. “Hey, guys, I’ve got it.”
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As the realization of what he was seeing and feeling sunk in, Walker's stone-still form jerked into sudden motion. As he passed by Jules on his way towards Dylan, he whispered hoarsely, "RUS is here."

Stepping up behind the reason for their little trip to the Capital, Walker gripped the gate that Dylan had just opened with one hand and placed another on the other man's shoulder. "Good work", he rasped, "Need to get back now, please." And with the hand on Dylan's shoulder, Walker urged him to back up and then indicated the place between Draygo and Jules.

His hand still holding the gate, Walker turned to look at Jules again and, seeing the mounting confusion (and other emotions) in her eyes, he said, "It's the flag. S'all wrong. The stars're black."

He coughed once to clear his throat and then added (speaking to everyone), "Don't point, or make a scene. Need to get away from here. Not safe."

Privately he wondered just whose idea it had been to open the gate right at the Pentagon, at what was probably the least secure position for blocks in every direction. And this was supposed to have been his day off, too...

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Draygo watched the heat signatures moving around in the windows confusedly. I've never seen zombies that warm, or moving like that... If I didn't know better I'd say that they're... It was only then that it dawned on him that this building wasn't infested with zombies, it was populated with humans.

John's revelation apparently came quicker than Draygo's, as he was already half-way to Dylan before Draygo started moving. That was ok, though, as he was ready to guide Dylan back, and put himself between Dylan and the Pentagon.

Draygo listened to what John said and gave a quick glance to the flag himself. If there were people here... but John said it wasn't safe. He tried to keep his rumbling voice low. "Do you know these people? Maybe if we tell them what we're here for they'll let us in; most people don't have use for electronics or computers now-a-days."

While talking, Draygo took a better look at the windows where he'd seen people before, trying to get a count and to see if he could see any distinguishing characteristics.

Click to reveal..
Using EM vision, specifically telescopic and infrared, to check the windows for a count of bodies and specific things about them (wearing uniforms, distinguishing marks, etc.).

(Draygo): rolling Perception (4 + 1Mega) + Awareness (3) 1st die mega

(16:13:21) ChatBot: (Draygo) rolls 8d10 and gets 3,7,3,6,8,9,9,5.

(16:13:30) (Draygo): 4sux

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As Dylan was urged back he grabbed his bags. He had heard some rumors about RUS back at camp. This could be a problem.

"Draygo is right. We should try open communication first. We have three hours and if we are going to spend it running from them we will be in the exact same situation twenty minutes from now after we have tried diplomatic relations. I need in that building."

Dylan was very close to suggesting that if diplomacy failed they go in anyways. He had spent some time acquiring knowledge of the different supers abilities. If James were here Dylan would have probably just told him to walk in. It seemed there was little that could hurt the man. These three supers were a bit more vulnerable but still a handful of soldiers with guns probably would not be much of a match for them. In preparation Dylan pulled out his little signal jammer. It wouldn't stop long range communications but it would send a hell of a feed back if the soldiers were using ear pieces. It would also mean if a fight did break out they wouldn't be able to call for back up.

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At Walker's revelation, Jules jerked in surprise. Her eyes flicked up over the windows, but her rifle didn't rise - though her grip on the weapon visibly tightened. "Walker's right," Jules insisted firmly. "Had we known they were here, we wouldn't have attempted this. They destroyed an enclave, just tore it open and let the zombies in."

She glanced at Dylan. "There are ways to have diplomatic talks with these guys. I'd like to have a few more rifles and supers at my back when I do. The four of us, especially with you here, Dylan, is not exactly how I'd start the ideal negotiation."

She glanced around nervously and said, "Let's fall back to Arlington Cemetery, and wait for Morgan to call us. I'm sure he's been there before."

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"Did you know people in this enclave personally? Have they ever shown aggression towards you? I heard that right before Draygo and I showed up you guys essentially destroyed an enclave your self. What makes you think the enclave wasn't being black hats? Also Jules as much as I appreciate your concern for my safety I do not believe diplomatic relations are best started with a few more rifles and supers involved. We leave now and they can up security and if they won't talk later we might never get those codes. Look if we need to get away fast then the big guy just picks us all up and takes off. Lets back away from the door, lower our weapons and see what they have to say."

He couldn't give up that easily. Months of work were just a couple corridors away from completion. He wouldn't let this opportunity go to waste.

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Walker tried not to get too annoyed with the egghead. He was even worse than the all the scientists he used to have to protect before that enclave had been wiped out by the RUS, but then this kid was supposed to be a lot smarter than any of them as well, so Walker guessed that figured. Still, all that brainpower and he was actually suggesting they negotiate with a known hostile power right after he'd just finished breaching their perimeter fence's security? That was not a good idea.

"Not gonna happen", Walker rasped in response to Dylan's suggestion that they wait around for the RUS to decide what to do with them. "Jules gave an order, not a question. We go."

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There was a ripple of displaced air from behind Jules; it hadn't just appeared there; after it had stopped, Walker could feel the rapid path it had taken around the building to end up behind them. "Actually, we control Arlington, too," the feminine voice said. A petite blonde girl - she barely looked like she was sixteen - stood at parade rest behind them. She was cute, with sparkling blue eyes and freckles. "If you're looking to avoid us, that won't help. However, I've been authorized to invite you to come and speak with General Wyatt. This will be a peaceful conversation, and you'll be free to go after you're done."

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Walker cursed mentally, but stayed quiet outwardly. This entire situation was a mess. If it were just him he'd vanish and leave this girl standing there like an idiot, but it wasn't that simple.

With the alien mix of jerkiness and machine-like smoothness that was fast becoming his trademark, Walker suddenly let go of the gate he'd been holding onto and dropped his hand to his side. Other than that, he was as still as a stone as he watched the strange girl from behind his shades. He wanted to say something, but it wasn't his call and he wasn't the one in charge, so instead he waited for Jules to make the call and tried to stay ready for whatever happened next.

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Draygo quickly turned and looked at the blond girl who addressed them. What they were offering sounded like a good deal, to be escorted inside; they wanted inside anyways. Once inside, Draygo knew that he could take care of himself, but he worried for Dylan and the others. Draygo hadn't found a handheld weapon that could pierce his scales yet, so he'd be safe. Walker had the air of someone who could take care of himself in a fray as well, but Draygo had no idea about Ms. WhiteElk, and he knew Dylan wouldn't even stand up against a solid punch.

Draygo knew what his answer would be if it were just him or him and Walker... but with the other two, he turned towards Jules, keeping himself between the Pentagon and Dylan. He knew that there were so many things that he could do, ranging from frying this girl to flying recon, but he decided that right now it was best for him to just be patient and let the leader make the decision. Then, whatever she decided, it'd be up to him to protect Dylan; at all costs.

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Since all his "adult supervision" was more keen on being between him and the building at the moment, Dylan took a step towards the woman and smiled. He put his hand in his pockets but kept his finger on the signal jammer.

"With all due respect, my companions and I were unaware anyone was here." He glanced back at the three supers for a moment before continuing. The thought came to him that a telepath would be very useful in these situations. "We would be happy to speak with General Wyatt. What we are doing here would be a benefit to him as well."

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"The fuck we are," Jules said sharply. "After what you guys did to the Roff Enclave, we have no interest in talking about anything with you. We've seen your consideration toward humanity, and we want no part of it."

The girl looked at Dylan and then back at Jules. "He doesn't know," Jules said. "He hasn't been to Roff, or heard how you tore down the walls and let the zombies kill civilians down to the last child. In fact..." She pointed the rifle at the girl. "I don't trust you to let us go now, much less once inside your building. So we'll be leaving, thanks." Carefully, she began to edge to the side, seeing if the girl would let them leave.

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The tension in the air was palpable, especially as Jules pointed her gun at the 'emissary' of the RUS. Draygo knew that with this girls' speed or teleportation or whatever she had, he wouldn't have a chance of stopping her. The guys in the windows, however, he could shield the others from.

It was times like this that Draygo wished he could breathe fire like the dragons most people are familiar with, instead of the electricity that he was so intimately knowledgeable of. Dylan would kill him if he sent a lightning bolt towards the Pentagon, especially after everything he'd told them about not touching anything.

So, shifting his weight slightly, he turned to see what the people in the building were doing, and prepared to defend his group from any initial barrage. Then and only then would he launch an all out assault on them, ripping them all limb from limb and wishing he'd brought his ketchup. Until then he stood calmly, equally ready to jump into action or simply walk away.

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Now that he knew which way the wind blew as far as Jules was concerned (not that he was surprised at the direction), Walker continued to stand stock still, his eyes locked on the RUS super. He most certainly intended to follow the rest of his party in their escape (or simple departure, if the RUS actually were telling the truth), but only after he was sure of which way the wind blew as far as the RUS were concerned.

For all Walker knew the RUS would let them go peacefully, and were in fact sincere in their desire for peaceful communication. Walker didn't give a damn. Those were factors for which he didn't have enough information to make intelligent decisions on, but what he did know was that the RUS was capable of attacking people unprovoked and without warning and that they did take prisoners from those attacks. He knew because he'd been one himself.

So if the RUS didn't like he and Jules treating them as untrustworthy, they had only themselves to blame for that. In the meantime, Walker had a group of Refugees to protect, and that was all he really cared about.

"Cover them", he said quietly to Draygo, noting the way the giant super had been consistently trying to place himself between his friend and any potential line of fire.

As Jules and (hopefully) Draygo and Dylan moved to leave, Walker continued to keep his eyes locked on the RUS super. Beneath his sleeves and hidden underneath his long coat, the fingers of all four of his hands darkened and began to elongate, transforming into segments that glistened blackly and ended in points sharper than any needle. To all outward appearances however, the only thing noteworthy about Walker was his eerie stillness. Describing him as "motionless" was like calling the hills "old", both descriptions were entirely valid and utterly inadequate.

Click to reveal..
OOC: Obviously Walker is activating his Claws power, just in case. wink He's also preparing himself for any potential conflicts between the two parties, even though it might not be necessary.

Tactics Roll (First die a mega): (17:29:55) ChatBot: (Centimane) rolls 8d10 and gets 2,4,10,2,8,8,4,10. 4sux. I don't feel that the Iron Nerves Quality is really appropriate to this particular situation, so I will not be poppin' those 10's. If this turns into a Combat (which hopefully it won't) Walker will use those 4sux to add to his Initiative, giving him a base of 17.

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Dylan did not move with Jules. He still stood there calmly. In his mind he went through everything he brought with him. There was little he could do to aid in a fight without time to take things apart and reassemble them. He also hadn't told them that with about twenty minutes he could probably make contact with Fox and get a portal to Hawaii. In truth the thought hadn't occurred to him until they had arrived. The real problem was he didn't want to leave. If there was one thing Dylan had learned how to do in the past six months it was react. Out here or inside were the same to him. If the RUS took them as prisoners he would simply figure out a way to escape. Besides, all he would have to do was figure out how to free Draygo and Walker and it would be possible to take on a few dozen people. Didn't Jules realize that inside the building the three supers would have the advantage. Out here hundreds of soldiers could aim weapons on them but in there space was limited.

Where did she come off threatening and antagonizing them anyways? Did she really think if she was enough of a bitch they would just happily let them go? Did she believe that gun was intimidating to the possible army that was in this area? There were too many unknowns and Jules was acting like the cornered animal that believed live or die she had no choice but to fight.

Dylan spoke calmly and seemed perfectly relaxed about the situation. "You all go if you like, though if you think they really aren't going to let us go I am glad you think it is better to fight for our lives before we have anything to show for it. I am going to stay, it is not like we have anywhere to go at the moment and as fast as she has shown she can move its not like we can get away and hide if they are not of a mind to let us. You are right, I don't know them. For that matter I have known you and Walker for a few weeks. I would like to at least hear them say why they did what they did, and I would like a chance to get the information I came here for."

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"How about giving me five minutes to talk to my general and see what kind of deal we work out," the sergeant said. "I get that you've had some kind of bad experience with us before, though I'm not sure what or how. Anyway, PR's not my job.

"What is my job is courier work," she added. "If you guys want to head out, I'll catch up with you with his reply, if you're okay with me darting around like a firefly on crack."

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"You can do whatever you want," Jules said. Her tone wasn't conciliatory, but she did lower her weapon. "We'll let you leave, and then we're going. Tell your boss that no one should try to stop us. We'll defend ourselves."

She glanced at Walker and Nathan before turning to give Dylan a look. It was the hated look of Authority. She said nothing as she glanced back at the woman, waiting for her to make her move.

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Dylan nodded to Jules to show he would follow. He looked back at the building one more time. Now he wanted to get away while they waited for a response and set up shop. He wanted to find out who this general was. This would probably be a good time to check in with fox. He just didn't want to reveal to them that he could do that with the R.U.S. people standing right there.

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When Jules' eyes passed over Draygo, he gave a slight dip to his head, indicating that he was ready to follow her lead. Having affirmed her leadership, he looked towards Dylan, and was relieved to see him consent as well.

With his long, powerful strides, Draygo easily kept up with the group, constantly scanning all spectrums for any signs that they were being followed or about to be ambushed.

He'd make sure that his friend returned 'home' if it killed him.

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Walker's only reaction was to step decisively away from the gate that Dylan had unlocked earlier, just in case it were easier for the girl to depart through that then going back the way she'd arrived.

As soon as the group began their departure he'd move with them and do his best to cover them. Until then, he just focused on staying alert and ready.

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They headed somewhat south, skirting the open gate at the parking lot. Crossing the concrete pad was nerve-wracking; they were out in the open and the Pentagon was right behind them. But they were allowed to pass unmolested. Soon, they found a fence, a tall chain link that was clearly new, as it cut over a road. There was a gate, and they were able to get through that, but the next fence would have to be climbed over.

Or so most assumed, until Draygo just flew over those who couldn't climb it with ease. They'd gotten a little further when there was a soft zipping noise. The young woman was back in front of them. "General Wilson is willing to meet with you on neutral ground," she said, nodding to them. "Interested?"

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Dylan looked at the other three then nodded to her. "Tell you what. Give me a channel I can contact you guys on the walkie on. Give us an hour to find a spot and talk then we will contact the general and tell him where we are."

He looked to Jules to make sure that was acceptable. That would also give him time to do a bit of research and check in with the Hawaii group.

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Jules stared at the woman with narrowed eyes. "Fine, alright. We'll meet him on ground that we select in one hour's time," she said softly. "If there's a hint of betrayal, and I mean anything, we'll take anyone we catch apart. We're not going to be take prisoner like you've done the past."

Jules stood resolute on this. There was no way she was becoming a prisoner of anyone again.

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This was why Walker liked Jules; she didn't mess around. If he had been in the habit making any facial expressions at all, he would have smiled as he listened to Jules' conditions.

Walker wasn't thrilled about the fact that they were about to send transmissions to their CO while under observation deep in (what he considered to be) Enemy Territory, but if it had to be done, at least the transmissions would be going to Hawaii and not the Refuge.

One thing was still nagging at him though, so he finally said something. "What're we discussing, 'zactly?", he asked, as much to Jules and Dylan as to the Super-courier.

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Draygo said nothing, he just simply eyed the speedster and, after Jules' threat/statement, barred his teeth and sent sent out a low growl as he flexed his talons. It wasn't a loud growl, as he didn't want to 'steal the show' or make an overt threat; he simply wanted to let the speedster, and her superiors, know that they had the muscle to back their talk. And it didn't take long for the smell of ozone to waft through the air as small arcs of electricity occasionally leaked through his clinched, bared teeth.

The fury that made up a large portion of Draygo's heart flashed through his eyes for anyone who cared to look. He wasn't feral, he wasn't barely containing his rage, but no one outside his group needed to know that. Draygo knew he looked fearsome, and he wasn't afraid to use that to his advantage, especially in a situation like this.

Draygo heard Walker's question, but ignored it. He wasn't here to make the decisions, he had no illusions about that. After his first growl had ended, he hadn't issued forth another one. Once was enough. So, while the others discussed what they were going to be doing, Draygo kept his eyes, unwaveringly, on the speedster. He was here to be Draygo, the muscle to kill zombies and keep Dylan safe. And if it wasn't zombies that Draygo ended up killing... well... if he had to do it, he had to do it (regrettable as it was).

Click to reveal..
(Draygo): app + intimidation

(23:18:33) ChatBot: (Draygo) rolls 4d10 and gets 1,8,5,7.

(23:18:45) (Draygo): 2sux @ std difficulty

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"I don't know what they want to discuss," Jules said bluntly, "but I intend to tell someone in charge of RUS exactly the kind of shitstorm they'll pull down on their heads if they move against us. That's what I plan to discuss. We're not a bunch of scientists and civilians, easy pickings for them to kill. And I want them to know that."

Draygo's rumbling growl drew a look from Jules, but she didn't seem inclined to stop him. "Go on," she told the speedster. "Go give our message to your boss."

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The girl's eyes widened at Draygo's growl, but she didn't comment on it. Instead, she spoke to Jules. "Hey, no problem." The speedster grinned at them and then was gone leaving only a sharp snap of wind in her wake. The quartet continued on, pushing further south and trying to find a good place to meet with the general.

With fifteen minutes left, Jules pointed to an open mall in front of a large bank. The area was large enough that they could spread out and give Draygo and Walker room to fight while supplying stone benches to hide behind. "Anyone think we can do better?" she asked the group, glancing around. "Is this going to work as a place to make a stand, if it comes to that?"

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Dylan simply nodded and started walking towards the place. He had remained quiet since there last encounter with the flash woman. He was straight out annoyed. This opportunity was going to be wasted because Jules and Walker were not willing to get some facts. If they thought he was just going to sit there while they threatened the general and then just leave they were mistaken. They had already made it clear they had no interest in being in any way civil. Dylan had no interest in being in any way hostile. As soon as Dylan found a place with some cover he sat down and pulled out both laptops. Plugging in the up-link he connected to the satellite.

Once he was online his first task was to look up the general. Setting up a general search program on the internet to find any news articles he turned and focused on the second laptop. It was not usually an easy thing to hack in to the armed forces records. It was made even harder doing it on a laptop that was not fully equipped with all of his best I.C.E. breakers. Even more difficult was the fact it was being done over a not ideal satellite connection. Dylan couldn't help but grin at how much fun this would be. He hadn't tried this since Z day. Maybe he could break his record. Within seconds his fingers were flying as nothing else around him mattered but the information scrolling down the screen.

Click to reveal..
Quantum spent for Analyze Weakness

Analyze Weakness:

Mega: (14:01:49) ChatBot: (Dylan) rolls 3d10 and gets 10,7,5. (4 sux)

Int: (14:00:46) ChatBot: (Dylan) rolls 5d10 and gets 8,9,1,7,3. (3 sux)

Total: 7 sux


Analyze Weakness: (14:05:23) ChatBot: (Dylan) rolls 7d10 and gets 4,8,4,10,1,10,8. (4 sux)

Mega: 0 sux

Int + Intrusion: (14:06:19) ChatBot: (Dylan) rolls 10d10 and gets 7,6,7,5,8,8,6,5,2,4. (4 sux)

10's:(14:06:48) ChatBot: (Dylan) rolls 2d10 and gets 8,2. (1 sux)

Total: 9 sux

The smile was gone when all he found was empty server space. The entire database had gone offline. Either they had lost the servers or someone had deliberately shut it down. It didn't even register in his mind how quickly he had broken the security. Looking back at the other computer he scanned the information it had come up with. A good chunck of it was out of random files he had already gotten on his server. General Wilson was considered a model general. One of the "for the people" types. It wouldn't be much longer before the General showed up. What could he do if Jules antagonized the man to just leaving? He had to think quickly. Making sure no one was paying attention Dylan connected with the Pentagon computers and sent them a message using the last standard military encoding. He hated leaving Draygo in the dark on this but Dylan needed in that building.

To General Wilson,

If your meeting with the other visitors does not go well I am still interested in talking. If necessary I will contact you after the meeting to set up a place and time.


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