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Aberrant: No Good Deed - Chapter One: The Establishment

Jaime Lowery

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All of you wake up, fully healed, each in separate rooms. The rooms are spartan in nature, little more than bare walls, a one-person bed, a little furniture including a desk and chair, and a small restroom with toilet, medicine cabinet, faucet and shower compartment. The walls are firm steel.

Then a voice comes over through speakers in the wall, one that Rianna recognizes as the man who talked to him over her phone. "Rise and shine folks, good morning. Please take a few minutes to take care of your bodily needs, then we'd like all our guests to come out and meet each other before you learn why you're all here. No fighting, spitting, or cursing please."

Caroline's inhabited body was in full health she found, as she heard "Miss Caroline, no body-hopping whatsoever until further notice. Please remain inside the body of our employee you have taken over."

"Thank you." Then the voice shut off...

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William was rudely awakened by a disembodied voice over a speaker in the wall. He listened as attentively as he could. Once the voice stopped talking, he took stock of how he was, where he was, what he could remember, and what he had to work with. First off, either he’d been out for a while or he’d gotten some medical treatment (or some other form of healing), because he felt great. Secondly, he was nowhere that he recognized (unless you counted the dorm rooms at college), though it appeared to be a ‘stock’ room; as in there didn’t seem to have been anyone living in here recently, and no distinguishing marks on the metal ceiling, walls, floor, doors, or anywhere else. The last thing William could remember was a bazooka blast heading his way.

So, last things last; what did he have to work with. Well, there was air, that was a given. William walked over to the bathroom area, and checked the amenities as he relieved himself and washed his hands and face; there was water. He snapped his fingers, producing a small flame that he just as quickly extinguished; there was fire. There was a metal desk and chair, cold and hard, but functional. He didn’t see any change of clothes, and he felt relatively clean, so after locating (and using) the generic deodorant in the medicine cabinet, he decided against a shower (plus, you never knew who might be watching…). So, that left his ‘stretching’.

William moved out to the largest open area of the floor and started doing some warm-ups. He stretched his arms, legs and torso, and then started with some light katas. While going through these familiar motions in a very unfamiliar place, William reached out and tried to see if he could sense any earth that he could control. He wasn’t actually trying to manipulate it, right now, just seeing if it was there to be manipulated, under the floor or behind the walls, or even over their heads.

Once he was finished warming up, and idea struck him. He went over to the shower, and turned on the hot water, all the way. Then, he put the drain in the sink and filled it up with water. He took a little bit of that water and, on the wall of the shower stall, hit it until there was a small but visible vertical line.

Day 1.

Once the hot water from the shower had sufficiently steamed up the room, William turned it off. That should increase the general moisture level in the air, and between that and his stock in the sink, he should have enough to work with… should the need arise.

Preparations complete, he decided that it was time to go out and see who else there was to see.

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John woke up and realized he'd lost. He considered his situation as he took stock and freshened up. I was out resourced, but also out played. The first four were there to get me to underestimate what's going on. There was a backup team/plan, and maybe a fall back behind that. Someone smart set it up.

The jail is smart too. I could walk through the wall but without knowing where I am I could end up suffocating. Guests, pleural. So it's more than just money at stake.

Dr. Aeon walked out to see who was around, seeing William he asked, "Greetings... would you be our host? Or just another guest?"

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Davian woke with a silent suddeness as the voice began speaking. He listened with half an ear while it spoke and took stock of his surroundings with as little movement as possible. His most recent memories told him that he should be furious, and his self-preservation told him not to show any of it. Still laying on the bed, he attempted to move himself somewhere else.

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Riana frowned as she was rudely awoken. She knew therey were under observation, and as such didn't alter her routine at all taking care of biological needs and washing up before looking to the door. She had a feeling even she might not be able to break out if she tried, so instead she just tried to open it, suprised that it actually worked. The next order of buisness was simple, Find Tomas and Davian.

To that end she called out to them. "Davian, Tomas, I trust you're both awake.."

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Caroline was not happy about this at all. They had to have a telepath to know about her, the big question was still whether or not she had been the target or just a target of opportunity. Arising she took care of the bodies needs and took a quick inventory of it's abilities.

Click to reveal..

Caroline will probe the host's mind briefly to determine it's abilities.

Moving out into the hall she looked around at the other guests.

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"I am here." Tomas stepped out of his cell into the corridor, emerald-green eyes glittering with frozen malice. He glanced at Davian and Rianna, nodding briefly, then regarding the other occupants of the corridor with an impassive mien. "And I am most displeased."

There were no shadows to work with here, nothing to draw upon. And in his gut, Tomas felt certain that whoever had possessed the gall to imprison him would naturally be as familiar with the workings of his powers as was possible and had countermeasures in place to prevent any chicanery. It was just that kind of setup. The young novus was not afraid, however. He was furious, a deep, frosted, focused rage that grew exponentially with every moment he was subjected to this indignity. Whoever was behind this had better kill him, because sooner or later, through random chance or tireless design on Tomas' part, the opportunity would arise for him to leave the party responsible choking on their own offal while everyone and everything they held dear was ripped apart before their dying eyes.

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William stepped out into the hallway and looked around. Then someone else stepped out of their room and asked if he was the host. He was about to reply when some others walked out of their rooms, and apparently at least some of them knew each other. He walked casually over towards the one who bad spoken to him before he answered, "I'm about as in the dark as I assume you are. Any idea where we are or who our illustrious hosts are?"

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She considered a moment, then decided she would go ahead and take care of basic needs as requested, then she would walk out the door, silently fuming as she did. Of course, she had been a captive before, in a much less friendly sort of captivity at that.

"I am not very happy myself.. but I suppose, I am willing to remain cordial, as long as our hosts do.. for now." The last two words were said in a manner that was almost a promise for a later time.

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Voices identified themselves as Riana, Tomas and Davian, then people appeared and John was able to put faces to the names. Novas, though no one I've personally met.

Originally Posted By: Stargaizer
William stepped out into the hallway and looked around. Then someone else stepped out of their room and asked if he was the host. He was about to reply when some others walked out of their rooms, and apparently at least some of them knew each other. He walked casually over towards the one who bad spoken to him before he answered, "I'm about as in the dark as I assume you are. Any idea where we are or who our illustrious hosts are?"
John said, "No... but they're well resourced and well equipped with novas. Smart too. Four novas showed up to grab me, I eluded them and walked right into what I assume was the backup team. Their leader called himself 'Sharps'."

"And I'm John Smith, aka Dr. Aeon."

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Siyu woke with a start. He looked about and examined his surroundings. Incredible, I've been captured. It wasn't the first and almost certainly wouldn't be the last time. Job risk. He didn't appear to be any worse for the wear. In fact he was quite well he noted as he stretched. As he set about his morning exercises he heard the voice.

In no hurry to set off he continued and finished his routine. Here we go. He stepped into the common area and was greeted by several Nova faces. At least this place had one good thing going for it. He scanned the faces in the room and landed on that of Doctor Aeon.

"And here I'd thought you'd gotten us out of there Good Doctor", Siyu quipped with a smile. He bowed to the room, "Yan Siyu commonly referred to in Nova circles as Graviton."

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John didn't reply as he evaluated Siyu, Is he here because he was with me? Odds are very good one or more of us is a plant. Siyu would be a good choice... if they had a way to track him then they wouldn't have needed a 3rd team. On the other hand they didn't exactly go easy on him and he was basically unconscious when we got nailed.

How does that joke go about Secret Service investigators into counterfeit money? Something about getting them to spot the obvious counterfeits, then you give them better and better copies, and at the end they're spotting the 'flaws' in real bills.

John replied, "Well... keeping in mind that we're probably being monitored, did you want to continue our conversation? And on that note, I have a power that can defeat electronic and normally even psychic surveillance. It's not true telepathy, it's more like a psychic telephone."

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Siyu laughed, "there is no probably, we are being monitored in more ways than one I'd imagine" he made no attempt to hide the mirth in his voice.

This wasn't the work of his 'employers'...at least not insofar as he knew. "Doctor this...prison is built to house people of our lofty caliber. Possibly specifically to house us" he looked to the others "but don't let my obvious cynicism stop you" he waved and nodded deferring to Aeon.

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William took a step back and got into a defensive stance as Caroline's host walked up. "Us? Who captured us?" he asked incredulously, "You're one of the ones that came after me! Like hell you don't know who's behind this!"

William was ready for anything. He remembered how much this guy's punch to the gut had hurt, and it wasn't an experience that he cared to repeat. "I may not remember everything about last night, but I put you down once, and I can do it again!" At this particular moment it didn't occur to William that he'd probably lost several days, if not weeks since he was last conscious.

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Before Will could act, the voice came back on the radio. "No chance, Mr. Smith. That's not our guy... well at least since you body-hopping friend took him over. Regardless, you've got a minute to calm down, or you'll not be coming in with the rest. Instead, you'll be very unhappy at what you would be doing."

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Caroline frowned up at the speaker, "Thanks ever so much. Just put up a billboard and advertise while you're at it!" The 'man' looked at William, "In case you haven't guessed, this body is just a vehicle that I'm driving at the moment. I was the girl you were waiting on at the restaurant before we got so rudely interrupted. I jumped into this clown to try and figure out who was after me when you took him down and got me stuck in here."

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Riana watches the interplay with a bored look on her face. "Are you going to tell us why you've kidnapped this many novas?"

There were other questions but she didnt want to give up anymore information than she had to. She easily recognized the tech that they'd been taken don with. It was only mildly embarrassing.

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Davian stayed in the small cell he'd woken up in, leaning in the doorway with crossed arms and a cross mood. He nodded to Tomas and Riana, acknowledging their presence while he puzzled out the others. He took his time watching every part of the room he could see from his vantage as well as taking stock of what was available for use in the room.

Quantum powers are the only gifts we have, he thought to himself. And here, they're probably less than useless.

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William was taken aback by both the voice that responded before he acted, and the statement and attitude of the 'man' in front of him. Maybe that's why she was acting so weird.

William returned to a neutral stance, neither aggressive or defensive; though he still remained poised to defend against any threat that posed itself.

William thought about responding to the disembodied voice, but decided against it. He wasn't about to get into a debate about what he had and hadn't been about to do with someone that wasn't even there. I was simply getting ready to defend myself. I wasn't about to make the first move... was kind of hoping to scare him off... And with that, William pondered what he'd heard and waited for something else to happen.

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William was it? He seemed to have a fair bit of fight in him judging from the way he stepped back in order to distribute his weight unevenly thereby increasing his defensive capabilities. Quite the martial artist this one. Siyu laughed to himself.

I hear you. The next questions are who are they and why have they taken us? It goes without saying I'll be keeping my eyes open for and opening. You should do the same, Siyu thought back at his fair weather ally.

The woman had spoken truly. Siyu added to her question.

"Yes. Why have you? And who are you?" he queried of the disembodied voice.

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(To John) I'm as much at a loss as you are. I represent a group called Novus. As far as I know this is not their work. I was sent to recruit you. I can't imagine them imprisoning me. To what end?

Siyu waited patiently for the unlikely response from the disembodied voice.

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The voice spoke back over the speakers, laughing. "Me? I'm just your liaison. You can call me the Voice. Now, as to your issue..."

From the wall, a panel slid open to reveal a passage way to a room beyond that resembled a command station.


There was several computers and TV's at the far end. From a noticeable speaker from across what appeared to be a computerized table, the Voice spoke there as well as from the present speaker. "Come in, and we'll discuss your being here."

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William looked around this new room and wished that there were some way that he could control electricity or metal as well as earth, air, water and fire. Not that he was wanting everything... just... yeah.

Not being one to be extremely afraid, William went ahead and walked forward, before anyone else did. He maintained his guard, though, from his neutral stance. He was ready to blast, slice or otherwise deflect any incoming attack or surprise.

He walked around and took up a spot on the far side of the computerized table as he looked around and waited for everyone else to follow.

Click to reveal..
(18:21:38) (William_Smith): Per + Awareness

(18:21:44) ChatBot: (William_Smith) rolls 5d10 and gets 7,1,5,7,6.

(18:21:48) (William_Smith): 2sux

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(To John)Agreed. I am happy to hear that as will be my superiors once we have been freed.

After William entered Siyu followed suit. "Good, now to whom does this fine facility belong?" he asked as he took up a corner seat. A seat from which he could see as much of the room as possible.

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"And more to the point," Tomas said in an softly sibilant voice as he drifted into the command center. "Why should I work for them?" He looked around dismissively at the high-tech trappings, green eyes glittering with ancient malice in his beautiful young face. "And spare me any melodramatic threats, Voice." He leaned against the wall, hands in his pockets.

"Yes, I am in your power. At least, for now. But I see no reason to abase myself to anyone, and your only power over me is life or death. Trivial at best." Handsome lips curved in a disdainful sneer as he ran his eyes over the room and the others present. "I am no slave, Voice. To you, this 'Research Group', or anyone else. I will die before I am made a slave. Happily, in fact. So if your leash-holders want me to work for them, they will need to find some incentive."

"In short, what's in it for me?"

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Rianna looked at the equipment and layout and sighed. It was extremely pedestrian and cliche.

"Well this is going so well." She was annoyed and her temper was starting to fray.

"First you try to screw with my company, then you kdinap me and my associates now you want us all to work for you? What exactly are you aiming for here?"

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William simply nodded at what everyone else was saying, adding nothing further himself. The job that he was at wasn't necessarily they be all and end all of jobs, but he didn't want to be forced to work for someone.

He started leaning towards what the brooding one... Thomas he thought, had said... though not necessarily to that extreme.

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Caroline laughed, it was a strange sound in the rough man's voice. "I already died. What do I care what happens to me? I've already done the things that kept me tied to this world, you have no hold on me. As the others have said, why should we do anything for you?"

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Kendra chuckled, she had to give the others around her a certain amount of credit, and she walked into the room prepared for them, then she shook her head. "I agree with my new associates here, I am independently wealthy, I no longer need to work unless I want to, why should I work for you? And understand, threats here mean nothing to me."

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