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Aberrant: Dead Rising - Search for the promised land. [Complete]

Mr Fox

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James sighed and said, "Sure. Let's do that."

Vatican is probably a non-starter. Fox can only warp to places he's been and the nearest American military base is quite a distance.

Merging enclaves... maybe. I like Gabrielle. I expect she'll keep her flock out of trouble. On the other hand these are the same people who poisoned enclaves. One of them set the charges that blinded me. I don't think I want to know who.

And... Fox is the only one who wants to plan for the fall of this refuge. I'll bet whatever government we form won't want to think about it either. Unpleasant truths people. Always have an exit that won't get you killed.

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Wanting to make sure she had understood everything, Gabrielle briefly recapped, "Alright, we're going to talk to the entire combined populations of the refuges and offer up the ideas of combining into one refuge, seeking a new place to live with the current ideas of here, Hayes, the Vatican, or an island somewhere, and also discuss the construction of a permanent governance structure. Right?"

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Myfwany laughs and makes a 'time out' gesture.

"Okay, we really need to get this organized. First, we're not going to get anywhere by collecting everyone in both refuges into one place and trying to have a conversation with them all. I think the first thing we should do is get representatives...voices the people are used to listening to and trusting. They need to be part of this discussion. Then, once we're all on the same page, we can distribute flyers that outline the ideas we come up with."

"Then, we can start planning some kind of town hall or something, where people who have questions or reservations can come and have them heard."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gabrielle flushed at Myf's laugh, looking every bit her seventeen years at that point. She smiled at the doctor, though, happy for a friendly counter to what they were talking about.

"Umm....can we make flyers? I mean, do we have the paper and pens or markers? Maybe we could make a general announcement for people to pick out spokesmen, say like one for every twenty people? That'd be..." she did the mental calculation, "About 30 people? Maybe every one for every 50 or so? That'd be 15 people or so, but it seems a little slim for getting to hear all sides of the debate."

She shrugged, her cheeks still a bit red, "I don't really know. St. Magdalen's has been small enough at this point that we usually do just do a town-hall like meeting when we need to decide something that affects everyone."

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"I think for this first meeting we need to let everyone have a chance to speak, even if it means we don't get much accomplished beyond choosing those representatives. It will probably take half a dozen meetings total before we get a workable constitution. After the first meeting we'll have a representative group maybe that can work on the document and they can post the progress that is being made for the people to comment on and discuss between meetings and meet with their representative to express their concerns. That would give everyone a chance to have a voice but still keep the actual meetings productive." Fox hoped that would work, he could see the initial meeting being a major headache for someone used to military chain of command efficiency, but what could he do?

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"Maybe not a meeting....maybe a...caucus? Not something where we're trying to get stuff decided, other than people grouping off however they're going to naturally and picking out representatatives. That's what we did when we were doing a mock-up of the political parties and primaries in Amercican Government in school."

She seemed to be getting into the idea now, "We could set up the buffet tables we brought and put out the rest of the general supplies and food for people to take. Make it a bit of a party and just give people the numbers: get together however many people per rep we decide on and pick your representatives. Then, we can start holding meetings to get things done."

"I think a positive, get-to-know each other setting would help ease some of the tensions around here, and spreading out the supplies would help as well. It might get some of the women from the prison out and about more, and show that this isn't going to be the kind of dictatorship that created the nightmare that they came from." She looked around the room, "Does that sound like a good compromise for everyone?"

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