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Aberrant: 200X - Introduction Thread


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Well, Sunshine currently lives with, and Jael is around an awful lot. Maybe I'll see about dragging them out to the March Madness Pay-per-view event. With everyone watching, neither of us want Alex to miss any school (without a good reason), but it'll be March break anyway.

Maybe I'll even be able to entice my girlfriend to come too. Calgary has been pretty quiet lately. Biggest problem they've been facing is absorbing several thousand of the hundred thousand of citizens displaced by The Crush.

Regardless, I'll see you there, Micheal.

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Hey, that reminds me:

Bombshell, you wanna join me and a few others and see if we can't strongarm the XWF into getting some sort of charity drive organized? It'll be like a Jerry lewis telethon, except with superpowers and explosions. Who wouldn't want to turn in for that? grin

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-- Interrupt---

attempting to trace....

unable to find location of connection....

Nova Status..


Access Granted..

"Hello Micheal, welcome to the ranks of Novahood, in answer to your question, the factors that allow for one to Erupt can produce extremely varied results, I've even heard of a case of a woman in her 90's erupting, and becoming as young as a teen as a result of the eruption process. How, what and why of eruption is the scientific question of our time."

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Originally Posted By: iGod
Hey, that reminds me:

Bombshell, you wanna join me and a few others and see if we can't strongarm the XWF into getting some sort of charity drive organized? It'll be like a Jerry lewis telethon, except with superpowers and explosions. Who wouldn't want to turn in for that? grin
Originally Posted By: Bombshell
Funny, Katya and a few others were thinking about trying to stage a Nova-Charity Auction - and talk me into it - for the victims of The Crush. So sure, I'd be willing to add my voice to the chorus to get some of the XWFers on board.

I'll help, but it can't be in the ring. My contract with the XWF prohibits me from fighting in the ring. Something about how it isn't good for the Escorts to be seen waling on the Fighters. I guess if you need some drama, you can work out something with Crimson Light. I'd tolerate having you two fighting over me, for a good charity.

Call me, babe. wink

Originally Posted By: Minerva 'Mainframe'
-- Interrupt---
attempting to trace....
unable to find location of connection....
Nova Status..
Access Granted..

"Hello Micheal, welcome to the ranks of Novahood, in answer to your question, the factors that allow for one to Erupt can produce extremely varied results, I've even heard of a case of a woman in her 90's erupting, and becoming as young as a teen as a result of the eruption process. How, what and why of eruption is the scientific question of our time."

Did... did you just hack into a board when you could just log-in it and talk like everyone else? WTF is up with the interrupting and tracing?
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Guest Anonymous

Ms Mainframe,

Pretty and talented though you are may I ask you to desist from hacking, even harmlessly, this OpNet board which I and some associates maintain for the common and inviolate use of nova-kind. I understand the need to show off one's talents to one's peers, but not *here* in *that* way, if you please.

I trust nothing more will need to be said or, more importantly, DONE about this.

Thank you.

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I expected you 2.735 seconds ago, I apologize, boredom, and the desire to seek a thrill now and again, even if a minor one, causes one to do things one might not otherwise. Incidentally, besides my apology, I found a back door into the system that I closed, so your system is more secure now... unless you needed that back door for something wink

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Guest Anonymous

Okay, chica, my compadre there gave you the Good Cop routine. He's like that. He's polite and Olde Worlde. I'm not. I'm the Bad Cop, and since you ignored being treated like a fucking adult, messed with the system some more, and tried to pull your little high school superiority shit Bad Cop's all that's left.

I'll put this in unequivocal terms for your narrow ass.

Stop fucking with the system just to show how big your cyber-cojones are, or you'll find them cyber-removed and cyber-shoved where the sun don't cyber-shine. I don't come into your house and redecorate the fucking kitchen just because my wallpapering hand is itching and I want to show the world the interesting painting technique I perform using my cock and balls. But if you pull your smug shit one more time here I'll do just that, sweetcheeks.

Got that? The rules are very simple, kid - you can be as asstarded as you want in your posts, but don't fuck with this Op-Board. It's neutral sacred ground, kept safe and secure from censorship and more importantly the zips so that all nodelings can shoot the shit without it being all over N! tomorrow.

Bad Cop out.

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What can I say, I was feeling childish, and a bit bored, I have to be serious all the time elsewhere, so I'm playing here. But I'm done playing with the board, and your registration process.. I'm almost curious as to seeing how you'd go about it. On the plus side, I'm not bored anymore.

We're not here for your fucking amusement, you pretentious debutante. And you don't seem to grasp that you're not the only whiz-kid megabrain that can talk to machines out there.

That is almost, I was done, actually, your friend.. as you call him.. good cop, as you called him, had me convinced, No he didn't. You had to have the last word and establish your leetness. then you came along. I haven't hurt anything, or even erased anything, that you can't put back with ease if you really need it.

Not the point, and you would know that if you had any fucking decency.

In fact..

... cutoff.. message deleted..



Now, that wasn't nice at all, but, really if you want a cyberduel, let's take it out of the message forum, catch me if you can..

It wouldn't be a 'cyberduel', candypants. There's more sysops here than Good Cop and me. If we decide that you're getting to be a pain, we'll club you like a baby seal, skin you, and toss your naked ass in the snow. Don't fuck with us, girly. We admin this board as a sideline, and you might be good enough to beat one or two of us, but we won't fight fair if we decide we really want to kick it up a notch.

.. this chica has logged out.. bad cop..

Feel free to come back when you get some fucking manners. Enjoying the Vancouver DV office? Piss in my pond again, and I'll trail you home and take a huge dump in yours.

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WTF is your problem lady? You come into someone else's sandbox and kick down another kid's castle, then whine that he can just rebuild it if it bothered him. That's not the point. The admins here provide a service for free which they don't have to do. Hacking into it and altering their code is not only inexcusibly rude, its also so childish I won't be able to dumb it down enough to explain it to Sunshine.

(Speaking of... Sunshine, don't read the part hidden in the spoiler, please. Thanks!)

Click to reveal..
But I bet you think you're just cute and adorable and that what you did was the height of hilarity. I bet you think you're so cute that you have all of your fingers crammed in your dripping pussy, coming as you giggle about your little prank. I've met brains like you, who get off on how fuckin' smart they are and what kind of things they can make a computer do. You fucked with our sandbox and then when called on it, you had the audacity to act like you'd done us a favor.

Next time, if you want to 'play' I have a list of places that will think your hijinks are cute. Who knows, maybe they'll jerk off to you, too.

And come and get you? I'm sure that Bad Cop has better things to do than engage in some juvenile game - like maybe fix his sandcastle.

If you want to prove your mad computer skillz, go hack the Pentagon, like the cool cyber-kids do. Breaking into this place and then declaring how it was a great boredom reliever is like reading "See Spot Run" because you have an hour to kill.

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Ok, logging back, this time on a approved manner, didn't really expect to upset that many people, so I apologize.

Ms. Carver, with all due respect... what you know about computers can be counted on one hand, I didn't alter anything, or even kick over the sand box, if you want to break things down to that level, I didn't do much more then make a commit about the shape of the sand box, and the sand castle they were building, perhaps a mean one, but I didn't kick anything over. If I had, that would have taken things from just playing to something worse, which I chose not too do, which may be the only reason my friend there didn't do anything more drastic. It would certainly have justified him coming after me with some of his friends, but I didn't do anything like that.

As to the rest of your commits, maybe I deserved that maybe I didn't, but really, that was uncalled for, I didn't throw around crude comments like that in your direction. As to hacking the pentagon, if I had wanted to do that, I'd have done it years ago. Maybe, just maybe, the reason the brains you've met act like that because of how uncomfortable people are with them, or how much people avoid them, or even the attitude others take with them? ever thought of the possibility your own attitude exasperates the problem, Ms. Carver?

Now, to speak to our friend, who is apparently still irritated at me.. Of course I'm not the only person our there who can talk to machines, never thought that I was... or that I could take on all of you.. and I hope to meet you again in the future.

Now that I've said my piece, I apologize for manner and attitude, I wasn't intending to be insulting, or start a fight, just looking for something to do besides number crunching, or looking at thousands of files, it can get boring at times, always being serious, or cleaning up a mess left by someone who has less then appreciable competence. That's an excuse really, but the apology is sincere, I didn't mean to irritate everyone.

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Originally Posted By: Sunshine
Oh, and Jason swears too. Quite a lot sometimes.

Was it bad pictures? I heard Jason make a joke about 'goatse' once and she said it was a really, really bad picture of a guy's butt. Sounds pretty weird to me.

It is a really gross picture. I didn't put up a picture but I painted one with my words. Very clearly.

And Minerva, apologies are better if they aren't accompanied by justification for why you acted the way you did. If you didn't mean to irritate, maybe you should just apologize instead of going on and on about how what you did wasn't a big deal.

My ire for brains is because they all act like you - do something dumb while expecting you to treat it like its the cleverest thing on earth. And when you don't, they insult your intelligence, Ms. "what you know about computers can be counted on one hand". So far, you've proven to be a fine example of why I can't stand most brains - if they don't perceive you to be as smart as they are, then they treat you like a moron. I'm not super-smart, but I know to treat people, something you obviously need to learn.

If you get bored again, may I suggest a computer game? They do make them for ages 5 and up, so you're in luck!

And also: fuck you, you're still a childish bitch. Have a nice day! grin
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Maybe, I insulted you, my dear, because you felt it necessary to be so insulting, but honestly, I suppose it takes a childish bitch in order to see if someone else is acting like one. So far, I've restrained myself, but honestly, I feel less like doing so then I did before.

What I was telling you, in a round about way... but apparently you can't hear unless it it's spelled out for you.. Butt out, Bitch.

The Admin made their irritation clear, my apology was for them in particular, and a general one to everyone, but consider it withdrawn in your case, I no longer feel the need to apologize to you for anything.

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Hey, I wasn't talking about me - I know my faults. And as far as I'm concerned, you haven't apologized. Your 'apology' was laced with "but it wasn't so bad" whines that, as far as I am concerned, nullified your half-assed attempt.

And withdrawing a 'sincere' apology because someone was a bitch to you is so classy.

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My dear.. the only reason I said as much as I did, was because of your crude interjection. Besides, when someone makes a mistake, you like people to understand why it was made, you understand that don't you.. or is it too small a concept for your simple mind. I made a mistake, and misjudged how people would react to it, that I admit too, but your crude and insulting manner, is as bad as my error, and one good insult deserves another.. or two or three.

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Why shouldn't I? You've already made up your mind about me, I can't imagine being able to change your opinion, since your so closed minded. I may as well confirm all of your expectations, playing to your prejudices is more honest then listening to you try to tell me how I should make an apology. Oh, excuse me, you wanted a response rather then a insult, how interesting, I thought you just wanted to trade insults.

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Wow, so little of your response made sense that I'm not sure where to begin.

Playing to my prejudices is more honest than... being honest? This is some quantum logic or ten-string truth I don't get because I don't have frontal lobes like Dolly's frontal loads?

If you must know, I don't want a response as much as a real apology. However, I know you won't give that because you've made it clear that your whinery from before was your version of an apology.

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There's no point, you wouldn't believe a real apology from me, you apparently don't even believe my apology was a real apology, do you always seek ever greater clarity from folks, or do you just want to be right all the time, I thought that was supposed to be my job.

I actually have begun to think you have such a degree of prejudice against folks you consider brains, that you always see things from the worst possible light with regards to them.

At this point, I'm convinced, even if you got an apology from someone who was a known brainiac, you'd still think it's some mega-brain plot or scheme, or way of talking down to you.

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And hey, now that the half-time song-and-dance is out of the way, I'd like to take this opportunity to let folks know that me and a colleague of mine plan on doing some serious negotiating for an XWF charity series. Anyone who feels like it...well, contact me off this channel.

Thanks, and on with the show.

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