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Nova OOC

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The official date is today, whatever today is. 200X is a real-time forum.

The IC explanation for the OpNet is that it was set up by a (heretofore) anonymous nova who set up the board as a non-denominational meeting ground on the OpNet for novas. Registration requires verification of novahood, except for one thread, tentatively titled "Ask a Nova", where baselines can post questions to members of the board to be answered at their discretion.

As I understand it, the exact origin of the forum is being encouraged to sit in the realm of "Leave it the feck alone!" It's assumed that this forum is affiliated with no group and welcoming to all groups and that there are measures in place to assure that only novas can join.

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It seems a character has been given almost the exact powerset I planned on using. (Next time I won't post what I plan to have for a character). While imitiation is the sincerest form of flattery, it did ruin a lot of stories I had already planned. (I strive for uniqueness, so I won't keep the same powerset)

Oh well, time to redo his character sheet.

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Originally Posted By: Dr. Robert White
It seems a character has been given almost the exact powerset I planned on using. (Next time I won't post what I plan to have for a character). While imitiation is the sincerest form of flattery, it did ruin a lot of stories I had already planned. (I strive for uniqueness, so I won't keep the same powerset)

Oh well, time to redo his character sheet.

There are a very limited number of powers in Aberrant so it's very hard to have a unique powerset. The originality comes from what you do with it and the character's personality.
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Actually, as much as it physically pains me to type out these letters... I agree with WR to some extent. Sometimes, a lot of a character's concept is tied up in their powers. If someone copies them almost precisely, especially if your selection has been made public or you've specifically told them that their theme is identical to yours, it's a bit of a slap in the face.

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That would be ideal, I agree. If they elect not to cooperate with you, though, you're still more or less borked. wink

Oh, and thanks again for spearheading all of this, Nova. Here's hoping it'll be as awesome as you envisioned it!

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