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Aberrant RPG - Other Names for Quantum Gadgets


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kay, I need some help on coming up with a name.

When a nova creates a device that utilizes quantum to create an effect it is officially called a gadget. Truthfully, though I dislike that name and would like to call it something else. I also don't want to call it a novatech item, or a quantum item, or an artifact, or magic item. So like I said above I am asking you guys for help on coming up with an alternate name for these quantum-charged devices.

I really need help on this. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks


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Neither Machina nor I have ever much cared for the name 'Gadgets'. I use it OOC so as not to confuse, but Machina has always had a penchant for calling his novas-only power replicant devices "quantum manifestation replication technology" or simply "quantech" on paper and "fuckin' toys" in conversation.

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Tough one. I always said novatech or quantumtech, simply because it highlighted its origin. Unless you make up a campaign-specific techno-babble (as above), or a name-specific origin (gimme that Alinsky-tech), there's no easy answer. Will continue to ponder.

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A great example of the sort of think I want (though I can't and won't use it) is the name Angreal, Sa'angreal, and ter'angreal from Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time Series. See for me quantumtech is just finding a way to wrap the essence of quantum energy into a matrix of a physical device. Basiclly, in the setting of Aberrant its just a scientific form of magic items.

I know that this is somewhat against canon in which such devices are unique and expensive but I like it and plan on using it.

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Well... In all likelihood the inventor, each inventor, would have their own way of describing the thing they've created and the principles underlying it. Something like the way the old pulp inventors described their creations. And for the same reasons. Just like each power is unique to the nova that possesses it and their view of how the world works, each invention is the culmination of the belief of the nova inventor.

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Hugin (when he was Prodigy) would really only ever have thought of them as machinery or devices. That they required his spark to truly work wasn't really of a concern for him. They were still devices while true quantum expression required no such mechanical camouflage.

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I don't know if you ever placed the game Exalted, also by White Wolf. But in that game they have these things called Artifacts that are basicly magic items. These Artifacts function on a highly sophisticated system of rules using Essence.

In my Aberrant setting that is how I think of Gadgets. They are devises that utilize particular pathways and lines of quantum energy to manfiest a power. They are not truly one-use one-inventer items but rather items of power that can be made taken apart and studied. This is because quantum moves in particular patterns - patterns that can be studied, understood and replcited to create devises.

I am looking for a name of those devises considering that I don't want to use Gadget and Artifact won't work either.

Hugin, to me they are machinery. Machinery that function under their own laws and rules but that require quantum to function. They are completely different than the crutches some novas need to use their powers. The powers in those cases come from the nova, in these cases the power actually comes form the imbued lattice of quantum force in the devise.

I understnad that this is not canon, but I want a techno-magic setting to develop and I will make any changes I need to get that result. smile

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