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  • 3 weeks later...

I've just started reading the 2008 forums so I wasn't around for all of your discussion and votes. Just started reading this tonight in fact, and was intrigued. Not sure if I want to join yet or not.

So, from a totally outside perspective, I wouldn't much want to join a game a year, or two years from now where the vast majority of the characters were much higher power levels than me.

On the other hand, it also wouldn't be fair for a starting character to have the same power level of folks that have been around for the whole time working for the xp they have.

Nor, were I playing would I want to start completely over from scratch after two years of work on a character that died.

So you might consider a compromise.

Perhaps, after the start of the forums, new characters get half the exp of old characters. That way, the folks that have been playing a long time get rewarded, and the new folks aren't intimidated by drastic difference in power levels.

Just a thought from an outside perspective.

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  • 1 month later...

I think that the way it's set, where you always start off at the bottom, is a good idea. After all, one shouldn't step into something without knowing full well what they are doing.

If you don't want your character to kick the bucket, simply put, pick a safe career. Otherwise there will ALWAYS be that chance you won't be seeing another sunrise.

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Originally Posted By: SuperCav
If you don't want your character to kick the bucket, simply put, pick a safe career. Otherwise there will ALWAYS be that chance you won't be seeing another sunrise.

As novas, is there really any such thing? And, even should you choose a safe career, there are always anti-nova groups who may pick you out of a crowd simply because you've attempted to "fit in" or even hide what you are.

I'm in agreement with Mr. Fox. I believe a compromise with respect to character death would be appropriate (a percentage of their original character's experience, perhaps?), with completely new characters beginning at a decidedly lower level of experience than the average.
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