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It's nice to be back


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Just wanted to say it's good to be back. I think it must have been two years since I've been here. I think I left due to how slow it was getting...It's nice to see that some of the same people are still here.

I'm sure only one person remembers me, since he reminded me you guys were still around.

Anyway, that's my random comment.

Nice new design. (or not so new, whatever)

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Well, make that two people that remember me. It's good to still recognize a few names of you guys now that I've returned. I'm in Berlin Germany now, and, not speaking German, I'm online FAR too much.

Thought I'd have another go here (since I found out it was up and running splendidly again as opposed to...what 3 years ago?).

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Holy crap. I am remembered. I'm touched.

as for the Website. The answer is yes and no.

my hobby website that is unrelated to anything aberrant and Don Giovanni is


The doodle that has made me a slight whore is at http://www.cafepress.com/thelivingopera/388968 Apparently I'm also getting paid to draw stick-figure Opera for Classical Singer Magazine. :sigh: It's halfway exciting, halfway oh so very lame.

but I digress...

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