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Aberrant: Infinite Earth - Fiction - Operation: Returning Shadow


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"And we're on a Emergency transit... The Ship somehow has this coordinate in it's database marked as a safe place to transit to in the event of an emergency. How the hell we'd get a coordinate like this?"

She adjusts her glasses. "Wait a sec... Sarah, be ready to head to Shadow's quarters. Bring any computer-type devices to the bridge... I have a theory but I have to check things on my end."

"Shadow, do you have any way to communicate with your home universe?"

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Shadow turned her attention upon the professor after a few moments, "Emergency Transit, your computers do not have that location on file...." She nodded slightly, "Indeed its basic equipment that all explores have to send messages and open the FGS.... But the device is programed not to authorize anyone access it but the users bio matrix ID..."

"The device is under my satchel on the table, you can verify what I have said to be true. I dout the device would of malfunctioned as it has no AI and has a very strong encryption encoding."

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The Professor nods as she moves her hand and accesses all operating protocols and programs in her main computer. "Okay Sarah, you got your orders."

Sarah nods and runs off through a turbolift door. "Anything to distract the kid. She's... very paranoid about space flight. Should have seen her when we were exploring a Sol II that never developed an atmosphere."

She brushes her labcoat off as the running programs show up. "Hmm... nothing here. No viruses or other odd programs but... there seems to be one issue. The main CPU is reporting a loss of .001 efficiency and a program in use that isn't reported in the program manifest of the OS..."

She closes her eyes, thinking. "I sure as hell can't run a diagnostic in a situation like this. I'm going to have to go into my computer core directly and sort out this rogue program."

Sarah runs back in with the device Shadow mentioned. "Good work."

Sarah's out of breath. "Yeah, I came back as fast as I could. literally flew here."

"Right, the magnetic alteration powers you have."

She looks over the device, closing her eyes and feeling out the device with her cyberkinetic talents. "Hmm... this is what it says on the tin. A basic Class III emergency dimensional return device with limited data and communication capability. Seems there is some cracks in your firewall caused by a outside force I can't tell. Not cyberkinetic or human method... seems automated. No... too intelligent to be automated. Shadow, you've had some cowboys up in here." She states, tossing it back to Shadow.

She turns to her console and closes her eyes. "I'm going to be diving deep into my core systems for a moment. If I should fall, Chris... catch me."

She exhales, almost in meditative calm as she enters her computer terminal. "Going in..."

The professor starts ferreting through the drifting data strands and hardened limits of the hardware of the computer core driving the ship. She calls all running programs to attention before her, lined up almost in military presentation. She walks among them like a discerning drill sergeant, looking to find a program that has the dirt of intrusion similar to the evidence seen on the device Shadow has. As she does so she sees what looks like footprints of data fragments from Shadow's device. She follows the crumbs until she walks into a shadowy portion of the data core.

She then hears a click, like a gun being cocked.

"Webley... I recognise that sound anywhere."

"Shut up, spy." A female, britsh voice says, pushing it's revolver up against her.

The Professor holds her hands up. "I'm not a spy or a threat. If anywhing you're spying against me. Who are you and where are you on the ship?"

The odd voice moves to the front then steps out of the shadows, dressed in a outfit that would make any female super-spy jealous. "Talk, Spy."

What is more obvious is that it was a program herself, but highly defined.

"I am The Professor. Captain of the Hikari Maru."

"You're... my user?"

It holsters her pistol. "I apologize, Mistress. I am Three. I reside here in your computer system." She bows before turning into a mariner wearing foul weather gear and safety equipment. "Unfortunately we are in a bad state. The system crashed and I had to find a emergency coordinate to evacuate to so we could safely depart."

"I was looking into an alien device, thinking it was what caused the system issues, which it wasn't, when everything went offline. I was... scared. So I burrowed in looking for a safe place. I had made a back door in it when I was observing the alien and what she did in her quarters. I was curious. When things went to hell I hopped on board her device with the door prepared and used it like a lifeboat until I noticed things coming back online. I saw a little string of data that matched a dimensional coordinate, so I used that."

"Used it to transport us to a safe location?"

"Correct, Mistress. Was I mistaken?"

"Yes... we're heading somewhere very unknown and potentially very dangerous to the alien and us."

"I... I am sorry, Mistress."

"And you are a trespasser in my system." The Professor says, her hand glowing with digital destruction about to be unleashed.

"I... accept my fate, Mistress, but I am the last of my kind. Like you... All I wish is to explore other worlds and survive. I am the last AI from my universe before the Hive claimed it in Heat-Death like your universe."

"Universe 3-01... A neighbor to my former home... You sought sanctuary..."

She extinguishes the digital fire around her hand. "Very well, your actions were for your survival. You will have to apologize to Shadow and show yourself to the other passengers on the bridge and apologize for your actions after the crisis is over."

"Very well." The AI changes form to wearing a school uniform similar to what The Professor wore in her youth. "I have... still so much to learn."

The Professor nods. "Log into the forward bridge console. There is a Holo-Projector you can use."

The Professor returns to the real as the AI projects herself as a hologram on the Bridge. "Everyone... this is our errant little orphan. Everyone, meet 3. The last Artificial Intelligence of Universe 3-01. A universe claimed by the Hive. Shadow. She had hid on your device thinking our ship was being destroyed and got the info in regards to those coordinates. She had been observing you previously, making a back door into your system to investigate the world you came from."

The hologram bows. "I am sorry, everyone, if I put anyone in danger it wasn't my intent."

Just then the ship is rocked.

"Professor..." Sarah says. "The chameleon system just went to it's default state."

The outer form now looks like a large space freighter or cruise ship.

"Well, it beats a life raft... when will it fully reboot?"

"A couple days."

The Professor nods. "Okay, Shadow... what do we do?"

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"Ooooo ... kay."

Zeph thinks about his words for a second.

"3-01, you do realize that committing a crime against a person or group is not the best way to gain their trust, right? It is one thing to be a criminal, it is another to commit crimes on those you seek to travel with. It's really a good Rule of Thumb."

"Beyond that, I think a 'Welcome Aboard' is in order. Welcome Aboard. Now that you are no longer a stowaway, will you be joining us on group discussions on what we are doing and were we are going? You are an AI after all."

He nods to the Professor,

"The Captain has the last say, of course."

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"We already came to terms, Zeph. If she has a guilt process it is probably nearing kernel panic levels." She says, smoothing our a wrinkle. "Thing is, the system issues themself were not caused by the AI, but a misunderstanding between I and Shadow... so she is not truly do blame for our current predicament."

The Ai looks to everyone. "I am truly sorry, no matter my extent."

"That... and I cannot bring myself to destroy the last sentient being of a world destroyed by the Hive... digital or not, she is a life form."

She looks at the chaos still swirling outside. "And we do have bigger fish to fry."

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Shadow nodded slightly “You can recover my device if its needed... Although I am pretty sure it is not the cause of this...” As she watched sarah quickly leave.

After watching The Professor work mumbling about certain computer checks to herself and coming up mostly a blank sarah soon entered heavily breathing and looking tired. In Sarahs hand was the device she brought with her oddly enough some lights were blinking. She could of sworn she switched the device off earlier.

Shadow watched closely as the professor looked over her device and nodded slightly, “Yes those are the basic specifications of that device.” Although truth to be told there were a few other functions as well built into it mainly for scanning biological life forms and processing other data on worlds that she visited. A puzzled look crossed her vulpine face slightly catching her tossed device “Cowboys?” Clearly not understanding the meaning behind that term. “So... Someone broke though the bio encryption and security features of my device your saying? That would possibly explain why it was on when Sarah retrieved it.”

“So the question is whom? An how did the coordinates with in this device get uploaded into your ship's emergency jump system?”

The professor quickly turns to her console, “I'm going to be diving deep into my core systems for a moment. If I should fall, Chris.... Catch me.”

It is a short time later before The Professor eyes start to blink and head snaps slightly back coming out of her trance like state. Soon she explains what she has found and the holo of the AI makes its appearance and formal apologies to everyone for causing any trouble it may have caused. Although still the problem was they were traveling though the Fangs Gate and shadow knew exactly what was on the other side awaiting them.

Zeph takes a moment to add a few of his own concerns about 03's actions and welcomes the AI aboard a bit openly and readily.

After a few moments shadow remarks, “The AI is the least of our worries at the moment...” She pauses, “Granted once 03 has leaned the personalities of her hosts and their natures. I would suspected she would have come forward sooner or later depending on the timing. I do not blame 03 for being careful...”

Shadow scratches behind her right ear a bit taking a moment to come up with the right words, “Honestly you humans and novas in general are a very dangerous species. What little I have learned of your history is quite a violent one at, that is directed towards one another. The self destructive nature of both humans and nova kind is at the very least confusing how you cull your own packs.... but.... Yet there is a faint glimmer of hope and unity that shines though the darkest hours of your history persevering your species from utter self extinction. That alone is quite a interesting quirk if not a feat in itself.”

Her attention falls upon 03, “Although it was very clever in how you got past the bio-matrix security feature and the encryption. Although......I... I......”

Shadow suddenly begins having trouble speaking as her words become more and more unintelligible almost becoming feral in nature. Her body lurches slightly forward taking a step her ears splay back. A few growls and snarls escape her lips before her muzzle opens slightly in a gasp. Her eyes soon roll back as her body suddenly falls towards the floor like a sack of potatoes.

Act 3, Close encounters of the weird kind.... A massive amount of quantum washes over the ship and at the same moment shadow passes out. Whatever happened also leaves everyone else a bit weary if not groggy, as if they were suddenly winded for a moment. Although that feeling soon faded.
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Zephraine staggers against a bulkhead. He shakes his head, clearing his senses. Looking over the situation, he rapidly makes it to Shadow Walker's side. He quickly begins assessing her situation and then begins trying to figure out just what he can do.

Medicine Roll
[Adrian Moss] 8:43 am: Base Dice

Adrian Moss *rolls* 8d10: 6+4+7+3+7+4+3+3: 37

[Adrian Moss] 8:44 am: Mega Dice

Adrian Moss *rolls* 5d10: 6+7+5+4+4: 26

4 successes

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Zephraine finds Shadow completely unresponsive when he knelt down and quickly realized she wasn't breathing. His hand went to her neck as he felt for a pulse and found none. He quickly checked her over and but the best he could tell she could be dead or dying.

Her body seams to be getting lighter and her armored suit seams to be sagging on her body. This would be very noticeable to some one holding her or moving her at first.

OCC GM Note.
I'll now be playing a part of a entity whom is responsible for what just took place. They will be making appearance shortly to allow time for the crew to recover and respond to what has just taken place. Shadow isn't dead, its her immortality kicking in. Btw the bonus exp points for X-mass and those at the start of 1/1/12 may be used and spent for this session if they are character changing in some manner role play it accordingly.
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Chris shook his head, his expanded perceptions ringing, everything being a near total whiteout. He had fallen back to the one of the chairs, and rose at the professor's voice, holding her in his arms to steady her, still trying to reconcile what had happened to words.

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"What in the bloody hell was that?"

The Professor sees Chris, and for a moment everything seems alright again. Until she sees Shadow's body. "Shadow!"

She kneels down beside Shadow's body, noticing the strange change. She looks Shadow over then scans her with her Ionic Screwdriver. "Looks like I'm not the only one that cheats death around here... Her Quantum Template is not dissipating, but her body's been hit with something that has put her into a regenerative state. In fact... whatever has happened to her has started to cause her body to regress into it's original animal form! Must be her genetics re-configuring and conserving energy to revive! Fascinating..."

Sarah wanders over and looks at Shadow. "Should I move Her to Sick Bay?"

"No, I need everyone here... pull out one of the bed packs out of storage and deploy it on the floor here... I need to personally observe her. Also since her body is putting off a abnormal amount of Quantum at the moment, we shouldn't move her around where there may be unshielded equipment."

On that note, Sarah puts on her helmet. "Umm... it shouldn't be lethal to you... although you might feel creeped out. It's not like actual radiation."

Sarah pulls out a white football-sized bio-foam capsule and hits a switch and it expands out to a white mattress. "That should be welcoming to her when she wakes up." Sarah drapes Shadow's cloak over her body. Keeping her head uncovered. "This is the most peaceful I've seen her..."

"Yeah, you're telling me?" Just as The Professor says that she gets a feeling like someone is walking over her grave... "I'm getting a bad feeling..."

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Slowly shadow's body kept getting smaller and smaller as her armored suit begun to become to big for her smaller frame. As she lay deadly still with out a single draw of breath her body was taking on more of a feral fox look, clearly becoming more fox like by each passing minute. The only movement to be seen was one of her tails started to split in two before everyone's eyes. That tail soon fully formed and grew its fur in rather quickly only to lay deathly still afterwards. It was clearly strange and somewhat unsettling how peaceful Shadow looked laying there dead and yet very interesting to watch her humanoid form regress to that of animal once again. The Professor was right Shadow is indeed regressing to her base form becoming clearly what she once was.

It was not long before everyone started to sense another presence aboard the ship, at first it was nearly unnoticeable but this presence started to make itself more known as if it was drawing closer to the bridge. The nagging feeling grew until indeed there was a presence with in the ship as the sound of foot falls ehcoed down the hallway walking towards the bridges door slowly and casually. The door soon opened but no one was near it to do such and yet the foot falls become louder and louder. A vague outline of a lone figure could be seen in the darkened hallway. The lighting in the corridor was completely out as if power to that section was turned off. It was hard to tell who or what it was but it clearly was casually taking its time, perhaps assessing all those around their fallen companion.

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"I don't know, Zeph, but something tells me that we are about to find out."

She pulls out her ionic and starts scanning. "Sarah stay behind me and no one do anything to provoke... whoever... that is."

She holds her tool up to use it like a flashlight. "Who goes there? What is your purpose here? I don't take kindly to invaders and my generosity is wearing thin with refugees lately!"

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Zeph staggers upright and turns to face the intruder.

"And me without my sonic screwdriver," he mutters.

He takes a few steps back. Confronting the dangerous wasn't h is specialty. Still there was something he could do.

{Translation On}

"We mean you no harm. Now why are you on this ship?"

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The words to not provoke this entitiy came just in time, ans Chris was preparing to go for war.

"I have honestly had enough at this point. If this is some weird thing, I am not going to be happy." He brought all his defenses up, readying for anything.

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"Understandible... you have my permission to go to town with this invader if they are indeed hostile." The Professor says to Chris. "My patience is thin itself."

Sarah pulls out a hold-out blaster from under her console and readies it. "Gotcha covered too, guys... Okay mister mysterioso, pony up! This cloak and dagger is really beginning to work on my last nerve!"

"Sarah... not too threatening. We should show ourselves ready to act not eager to act."

Sarah stops leveling the gun down the hallway. "Of course..." She says with a sigh.

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Slowly the figure emerged from the darkness into the light it was a old man stood before them casually glancing over each crew member aboard briefly regarding how they were responding to his arrival in a very casual manner. He was dressed in a simple but elegant uniform, he was clean shaven and oddly decently toned for a man of around sixty years of age. He carried no weapons upon him but he emitted a small amount of quantum. "Greetings, I am the keeper of what her species calls the Fangs Rift...."

His attention fell upon the professor, "You on the other hand are not suppose to be here...." He paused slightly in his brash statement giving the professor a more curious glance. "So I see..... Never mind what I have said for the moment miss......"

"As to how I boarded your ship, well that take a bit of time to explain and time is what you do not have plenty of..." A coy grin played across his lips as he stood casually before the crew.. "Indeed not much time..."

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"Spit it out... I don't have time for..." Sarah beginns to spit out before The Professor calms her down, holding her arm in front of her.

She walks up to the man. "Not supposed to be here? I'm here completely by accident..." She says, looking down, before looking back up. "She told me we would cross paths sooner or later. Explain yourself."

She straightens herself out presenting herself fully to the man. "I am Sakurako Hino... The Professor. And if you know a way out of this predicament, your advice would be more than helpful."

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The old mans interest in the crew and the professor as to why they are here seams to vanish in an instant as his eyes lay upon the covered up body. He turns with out a word and walks over to where shadow lay. He knelt down and carefully pulled back the blanket covering her body and what was below clearly wasn't shadow but a feral vulpine with six tails none the less. "Interesting... She regressed..... I did not expect this to happen..." He mumbles to himself as he takes the time to examine the feral fox closely clearly taking notes and assessing what is taking place. The whole time he ignores everyone for several long minutes. "Interesting indeed she has been progressing nicely."

The old man preformed a very detailed examination.

"I am Orion Sigma..." he pauses for a moment, "Why would I have to explain myself to someone invading my domain. The creature lying here before me is a native, you are not." He simply puts.

"Although I am curious, what implications and effects your presence could have... Do I.. Or don't I?" The old man rubs his chin thinking out loud. "Humans are such self-destructive creatures and novas in general tend to be the extreme one way or the other...." He slightly frowns.

"Ah.. Yes.. As for your current state.. You shouldn't worry your just trapped for the moment in a continuous loop for the moment that's all. I advise you make no course changes though unless you feel like being atomized."

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"How about I just reach out and make the fabric of reality do exactly as I say? Quantum generally allows me to do this."

Chris looked at the old man suspiciously. "I'm not in the mood for games. Tell us how to get out safely, or get off this ship. I microns away from dealing with this in my own fashion. Now I'm trying to be nice, but my patience is VERY thin."

"Between shadow's condition, our unknown location, and every other damn thing that has happened to me as of late, I am simply ready to take matters in my own hands at this point."

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The tremors of quantum stagger The Professor back. This wasn't the Chris that greeted her in the hallway. This was a walking god.

She gulped when she realized this was yet another piece of a warning she was told in her dream. "Chris... I think Orion Theta is going to straighten this out. Once he knows that we are here by accident, that should subside his anger..."

She walks up to Orion Theta, putting her screwdriver away.

"I assure you, we are not invaders nor interlopers. Our ship's trans-dimensional navigation system was temporarily bugged. During this time frame of approximately 5 minutes an AI encoded a D-Coordinate. One located in negative space. One in our fallen friend's communication device or whatever it is."

She paces over to Shadow, stroking her fur. "We stumbled into this situation because the said AI was the last surviving entity of her universe, as am I... My ship used the accidentally entered coordinate when it did an emergency jump to trans-dimensional space. It's programmed to jump to what is considered a safe coordinate when there is a potentially fatal system error. A place where I can render repairs on my own or the ship's own self-repair system can safely work on itself."

She walks back over to the odd man. "And I have a message... one told to me in a dream from a now mutual friend you should know."

"Yurushi wa, kōkina doryokudearu... Forgiveness is a noble endeavor."

When The Professor says that it almost seems it is in another voice, as if she for a moment channeled someone else.

"I am on the Hikari Maru, Does that name ring a bell, Orion Sigma? A Pink Haired girl lost in the sea of time and space? A castaway of a long wrecked universe with no where to call home except her raft? You must remember her... As for Me... I am The Professor. Last Daughter of a Dead Earth. If you have any question to my sincerity, ask the one from whom also had a ship named Hikari Maru. I am forever in her debt for my life."

Her tone is surprisingly confident. As if behind her was the weight of royalty or an ancient order.

"We honestly don't want trouble. But our friend is indeed in peril and if this ship is going where I think it is going... she'll need me before too long."

"You have to trust me. On my life I am not the enemy you stand against. Please... Help us."

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Zeph leans against the bulkhead and pulls out a fingernail clipper. His head was pounding and he felt like crap, but he kept up a daper facade. He flips out the file portion and begins cleaning under one of his nails. He looks over at the three (The Professor, Shadow Walker, and Omega Sigma) and says,

"Oh, I'm not bored. I'm waiting for this infantile antics to cease and for us to be allowed to travel on our way unmolested. After all, CIVILIZED races and beings understand accidental trespass. We clearly don't mean to be here, so why are you keeping us hostage? For that matter, why are you examining someone who does not appear to be one of your race, nor has shown any indication that she 'belongs' to you."

"For starters, get the hell back from Shadow Walker. She's with us."

"Next, be so good as to let us go. You may be a BULLY and a THUG, but you also make the appearance to be someone with a passing familiarity of intelligence. I doubt you know what Chris can do. I certainly don't. Do you really want to see what he can do to break us out of your trap? Do you want to see what he can do to you?"

"And yes, that's threat for threat. You have chose to be an Asshat and I have responded in a language I hope you can comprehend. If not, I'll endeavor to use smaller words."

The entire time Zephraine hasn't raised his voice beyond polite conversational tones, except to emphasize those seven words. His eyes indicate anger over Omega Sigma's treating of Shadow Walker like a piece of roadkill. He is clearly beyond disappointed with this invader and its antics.

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The Professor begins to lose her cool. In her way. "Guys... that roiling maelstrom isn't of his creation. What is out there, is the very fabric of what contains every single universe, pushed out and warped for something huge. It's like the neck of a very huge balloon we're flying in except there is only one way out back into the normal part of the continuum of universes. Thing is for whatever is on the other side of this has a equal "pressure" as where we came from. So the two competing "flows" has us stuck here. Short of ripping a hole in the very fabric of the continuum and being dematerialized on the quantum level soon afterwards I see no real way out."

"Now... I'm wagering is that what is on the other side of this is a universe of your creation, am I right?" She says, adjusting her glasses.

"Also if I am not mistaken you've been having problems. And you are protective of you creation, correct?" She says, straightening out the labcoat she was wearing.

"If anything we are here to help if you require assistance in payment for safe passage. Everyone here has had their share of trouble."

She whispers in Orion Sigma's ear. "Fifth Dimensionals, I assume?"

"Now please, we are getting very tense, and every one of us could unleash a boatload of power that would prove disastrous for all of us. While we are all in this together, I personally would like to see some restraint and show we are the better people. For Shadow."

She looks to those assembled, with a "Please... let's hear him out" look.

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"Zephraine my dear boy, I am neither your captor or savior..." He turns his attention upon the professor, "Nor a god or a mortal." His gaze then fell upon chris, "Neither am I a warrior or wish to partake in such barbaric actions."

He slowly walks towards the view screen and stands before it as his hand stretches outwards towards the display. The ships display comes active giving everyone a clear view of what is around the ship. "Indeed you are correct in your assumption that I have no real control over the fabric that surrounds this ship, but I do control the space with in this tunnel as its apart of my creation. I do have the power to help you or not its my choosing. An yes you are correct in your assumption I am taking more an active role in seeing whom is traveling though my space." The picture on the screen changes to a world much like earths from a space view. Around this planet you see some space stations and a fleet clearly an advance race.

"The creature you are with as you so fondly call shadow is one of the life forms that have evolved upon this world. Not only a few days ago in my sense of time I had some interlopers meddling with my products and thus these beings came to be. "He looks over to were shadow lays. "At first I was not fond of the natural order of things being messed with as the invaders stripped my worlds and my creations bare and uplifted the beasts of each world to do their bidding. But curiously the beings started to think for themselves and become less and less desiring to be slaves. I took notice rather quickly key elements that were not present with the natural evaluation of man until much later already in the works. That gave rise to our kind as nova's..." He lets his words sink in.

"I awakened with in these beings that potential and watched silently as they used this gift to free themselves of their oppressors and was curious to see how far they would evolve. A very curious experiment that has brought quite bounty of knowledge and understanding that you would find no were else. Since then I have kept watch and marveled at the ability of how quickly they adapted and relearned lost knowledge. Even with the fact that most of their knowledge is encoded with in their own genes they are able to pass on new information this way as well. So each generation learned and improved feral in many ways and very advanced in others. Oddly wars in which different species never cropped up and unity easily established as casts formed. Indeed... "

He turned slowly back around and faced the crew, "Any time my thralls come with in close proximity the beings will experience a temporary loss of time and as well as become unconscious. Even for me to actually be psychically on this plane of existence at this moment would most likely cause some of you to pass out as well." He turns and looks towards chris, "A few could with stand such... Which is rare to encounter. Even though, this is my creation and I will not allow it to be despoiled and destroyed by those wishing to do harm. Neither do I want my knowledge of my existence to be known to these creatures for knowing that I have created what is before them will damage the data and knowledge I have been collecting for so long. So I am at a bind into what to do with you.... Although I am curious to see how your kind will interact with theirs. So few have interacted though the gate system already the impression they have of your species is quite savage unable to form any communication ties."

He chuckles softly, "So... Tell me this.. How will you proceed if I allow you to? In all honesty the more I think about it the more it amuses me."

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"First off we get out of here. Preferribly a safe harbor. To be honest I do not know how much of a stir we would cause to her civilization and I honestly don't want to damage it. It sounds very fragile even for all it has achieved."

"Two we let Shadow recover. I do have a advanced medical facility onboard this ship. With Sarah's help she can watch Shadow's vitals and hopefully we'll see that little rascal back to normal and on her feet in no time."

"Third... Quite honestly we will have to adapt to changing circumstances as we go along."

"If we end up there, we should do our utmost to be representatives of our kind."

The Professor spoke calmly, but then suddenly she staggered back. Some blood trickling from her nose. Sarah grabs hold of her. "It's alright Sarah... Don't come any closer to him, I need you concious."

Indeed the blood trickled from Sarah's nose as well, but not as much. "I'm fine, Professor. I'll take Shadow to the infirmary." Sarah says, carrying Shadow in her arms wrapped by Shadow's clothes and cloak like a blanket.

"Very good..."

"Orion Sigma... You now know where I stand. I hope we've... come to an understanding."

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  • 2 weeks later...

The old man rubs his chin slightly for a moment considering the many out comes that can happen. A slow nod is seen as he snaps his right hand fingers and suddenly the chaotic vortex of energies vanish in a slight flash. The ships systems seam to come back online instantly and the monitors are showing they are in clear space. "Granted... It will be interesting indeed. Indeed.." He grins in a cocky way looking over the crew for a few moments longer. "I'll allow you to continue.... I'll be watching very carefully but due try to not interfere with the development of the native species. They are very interesting creatures and I find them highly creative so be warned things are normally not what one would expect in this universe the laws you know are much different here."

His fingers snap again as a flash of light engulfs Sarah and her ailing effects soon vanish and she feels much better not affected no longer by his presence. "That should help for a while young one... I forget even my thralls tend to be a bit strong for those sensitive to their presence this close. Its been so long since anyone has been this close."

"You are all now in a safe area of space with in the confines of my galaxy as for how long you would be safe is entirely up to you.." He chuckles and turns to leave. "I'll be watching... Just remember.." He waves and walks towards the door to the bridge and passes though it as it closes quickly behind him. His presence suddenly vanishes as quickly as it came. "Just remember.." His voice echo's.

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The Professor looks at the view screen, seeing it back to normal space. She adjusts her glasses as she looks.

"I don't believe it... Readings indicate we are in a standard-form universe with typical physics near my home universe's baseline... If that Nova indeed created this universe..."

Sarah recovers her stance and kneels down to Shadow... "I think... I think Shadow's recovering, I'm sensing synaptic activity in her brain."

Everyone starts Shadow's body start to change back to a familiar form... but it was still stretching. "I'll get some water and some protein gel for her to consume for a caloric boost once she awakens."

Sarah runs down to Sickbay to grab said items as The Professor Nods. "Her people will be glad."

She sighs. "Now... we take her home for medical help if she requires it... now to just figure out where that is."

"Or for that matter if it is possible to get back..."

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Shadow's body was slowly shifting back to normal slowly but surely as the professor suspected her body will most likely need to be re-hydrated and she'll need lots calories as well. It was odd if not disturbing watching a feral fox slowly reshaping back into a humanoid form. Slowly her vitals started to register one after another but it was going to be some time before she will fully recover.

The ship itself was placed in a unknown area of space to all those aboard the ship maybe expect for shadow herself. The systems were coming back on-line one after another as the power itself flowed though the ship with no problems. As the power from the ships systems spooled up its energy signature didn't go undetected for to long as it caught the attention of a few scout vessels in the area. These three smaller ships soon changed course towards the unknown energy source at high speed. The sleek craft skittered though the solar system at 10% the speed of light hauling it towards the unknown energy sources location. Unknowingly to the crew aboard just yet they were about to be located and scanned by unknown scout vessels.

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Chris nodded. "That's over at least. Alright, let's find out where we are Professor if you'll come with me we can get some medical supplies for shadow, she's going to neednutrients as I imagine a form shift like that took a great deal out of her. Let's have that ready to go so we don't risk loisng her."

He looked to Sarah. "If you can get the sensors online and see what's out there. I've got a bad feeling about this."

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The Professor grabbed Shadow's body and moved it to the Captain's seat, keeping her covered for now until she could get decent on her own.

"Odd... she recovered so fast yet..."

The Professor looks at her watch and compares it to the chronometer on her chair. "Wait a second..."

"Three, Diagnostic the timer onboard the ship. What is it reading?"

"Sir, it is August 12, 2012, 15:38 Greenwich Mean Time."

"That is odd, because mine is reading it as two days prior. This watch is set to the old time of my universe, powered by a stabilized micro-singularity. This can't change. We've... slipped forward in time..."

Sarah sets the emergency supplies down and starts scanning Shadow with a medical scanner. "She'll be awake soon."


"Sir, My sensors came online." Three responds before Sarah can get to the sensors herself. "I'm detecting multiple small spacecraft approaching at a high rate of speed. 0.1c to be exact."

"10% of the speed of light? That's hauling for system travel... Attack vector?"

"Unknown, but it is an intercept course."

"Energy signatures?"

"High, Professor."

"Hmm... When we came online we may have stirred up a hornet's nest. Chris, Prep for heading outside. We might have to defend ourselves. The Hikari Maru is not a battleship by any means. But... I'm sure you can provide a defense."

"Sarah, tend to Shadow. Zeph, you've got navigation for now. I might need your negotiating skills later."

"Me... I might have to head outside for a stroll myself..."

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Chris nodded, Heading for the airlock It didn't take him long and he was in deep space again. He didn't shift yet, though he did choose a form, hiding under the ship, already in his metal form, his shields up. If they came in peace, great if not, well he wasn't letting them bust up his ride home.

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It only took a few minutes for the first ship to arrive with in sight of the professors ship a very bold move indeed, as a burst of light announced its arrival and location. The ship itself was very angler resembling much like a dart. It had short primary wings and clearly powerful engines built with in the frame of the craft clearly built for speed. Upon a visual inspection it was hard to tell if the ship was armed as no sign of external weapons could be attached to this vessel. There were no markings of any sort other that anyone could see or notice the ship itself was painted in black to blend into the back ground of space making it harder to visually pick up on its presence at longer ranges by sight. Clearly to those with a military mind or tactics would realize this was some sort of short range scout ship.

[spoilertag:Info]The ship has begun a active scan the moment arrived learning all it can for the moment. The burst of light you see is the ships engines being cut off suddenly as they come into normal space at a full stop for brief moment.There are active encrypted com's being transmitted as well the moment this ship arrived not directed towards the professors ship.[/spoilertag]

Soon the other to vessels much like the one arrive with in a minute from the first, as a burst of light announces its presence. Two of the ships slowly moved forward maneuvering very carefully in a defensive loose formation while the third started which was the first started to back away obtaining a safer distance from the strange vessel. All the while these ships seamed to work in unison with one another as the two flew close to the professors ship circling around it getting a visual up close look. They knew exactly the professors ship was unarmed and become slightly bolder getting an eye look on the strange new craft a very bold move on their part. A few minutes have passed and these vessels have yet to broadcast any type of message to the professors ship.

[spoilertag:info]The two vessels have also begun to active scan as they can take more of a detailed account of the professors vessel at such a short range. They will notice mech's presence shortly attached to the hull of the ship unless he can some how fool the sensors and visual inspection. The com chatter continues mostly between the three vessels as its still highly encrypted. [/spoilertag]

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The Professor turns on her comlink.

Although the conlinks only translate others not wearing them within 20 meters of the subject. The comlinks do translate between users at any logical range (From horizon to horizon), Since the ship is present consider the communication range is out far enough to reach Earth's moon if we were at the Earth's surface.

"Okay, these have to be scouts. Their profile doesn't fit anything else. I recommend staying frosty until we have actual hostiles. We've probably shown ourselves already to every sensor in the area I wager so being stealthy is right out." The Professor says as she starts to suit up, connecting a HUD equipped helmet to her suit. "I will be outside shortly."

She walks into the massive cargobay of the Hikari Maru. "And no, you won't be hallucinating when you see my ride."

She walks up to something large in the cargo bay covered by a blue tarp.

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Chris didn't answer, instead he shifted, seeming to meld with the ship, his body flowing out until he was an indistinguishable part of the whole, looking like nothing more than the bottom of the ship. Scouts they may be but unarmed they might not be. He waited patiently, scanning for the first sign of active targeting and tracking gear.

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The two scout vessels continue the close scans for a few minutes longer before pulling away heading in a different directions. A few moments later the two ships enter high speed transit with a sudden burst of light and a powerful ripple that slightly rocks the professors ship. The professors ship can easily detect them suddenly on long range sensors clearly having entered a state of warp. A few moments afterwards the two scout ships are completely out of range of the professors ship long range sensors. The one left behind keeps its distance observing the unknown vessel very closely as it keeps actively scanning the professors ship.

[spoilertag:Info] The com chatter is constant.... Most likely uploading scan data and reports to some unknown location or ship.[/spoilertag]

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As The Professor regains her footing, she then sees Three appear next to her. "Mistress..." She says, now looking like a seaman of the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force. "Orders? I picked up on long range scans a large gravity well approximately 2 AU out and closing. It has just exited transwarp."

"Transwarp? Never heard of it."

"In my universe that was the main method of FTL travel, using a warp to hyperspace via a higher dimension."

"Most likely the 5th dimension since that encompasses all of space and time. Dammit. Estimation on ship size?"

"Compared to us? Minimal ELE capable asteroid. Roughly 5km by my estimate. The gravity well prevents all FTL travel capable by this ship and using the Trans-D drive is too risky due to the possibility of ending up in that odd dimension again."

"Right... The people of this universe must have some way to transit safely between here and other universes... We'll have to figure that out. Hopefully they're not hostile as well."

The Professor enters coms. "Looks like we're stuck here for the time being... CTT is inadvisable, and we can't warp-jump with a massive gravity well approaching. It's two AU out, roughly 5 KM in size. Sarah, pull up that region on sensors and put that to everyone's visual feed."

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"Checking the gravity well now, Professor." Sarah says, scanning the region from the tactical terminal while keeping one eye on Shadow as she recovers... Then she sees it.

"Oh my god... look at that everyone..."


"Should we radio our surrender over all channels?"

"Negative, Sarah, stay strong. I have a hunch regarding Shadow's kind... showing you're prey means you'll be treated as such. Raise our power to shields to maximum and bring our bow to face them as they approach. Mech... I know you're listening... perhaps it's for some gunbarrel diplomacy. Feel like a show of power if necessary? Perhaps... being in that nifty robot mode standing on the bow... that would be helpful for my bluff."

Our space ship's "default" mode by the way... at a svelte 400m long...
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Chris Detached from the bottom of the ship, and shifted again, This time into the Superior Gundam. He came to stand on the prow of the Gikaru Maru and waited, Golden yellow eyes shning from beneath the vee-shaped crest on his forehead. He crossed his arms over his chest and waited. Even as a mechanoid, he was impressive and imposing, looking like he was capable of taking on a fleet all by himself.

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