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Aberrant: Children of Quantum Fire - [Interlude: Warren & Alex] Finding other Planets


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{The next day after Butch's "Where do we go meeting".}

Warren hit the intercom aboard Primus and said, "Alex? You too busy? How big a list of potential Earth stars do you have?"

Retrospectively he was shocked it'd taken Butch's poke to motivate him. He'd spent so much time staring into infinite time that doing the entire star search thing had become a lesser priority. Alex willing, that changed now. Alex unwilling, he'd just pick the closest stars and fan out from there.

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Shockingly, there was a slight pause before Alexandra replied. She must have been neck-deep in whatever it was she was doing.

"The A-list is three hundred sixty-two," her voice came back. "The B-list swells that to over seven hundred. C-list is over two thousand. And actually, if this is something you want to pursue now, I have some ideas I want to try out with you. Now that I'm a bit more...durable, it expands the potential for exploration a lot. Plus, my ability to observe your wormholes is a lot greater than it was before. Come down to the lab and I'll fill you in."

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Alex was busy... but this was important, presumably more important than whatever else she was working on. Warren replied, "I'm on my way" and quickly strode down the hall, then just opened a gate out of impatience and stepped through.

Warren added as he was stepping through, "I've got some ideas myself; Clones, a sun-dive for quantum recovery, and I'm much better at this stuff now. This will go much quicker than last time."

{Q-pool 73/75, he pulled his punch}

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"Speed isn't of the essence," Alex assured him. "But I'm going with you this time. It'll let me get a better look at how your warps work...and I can create the telescopes and other gear needed to take measurements of the system on the spot. That way you don't need to crash into suns to try to recover your power. And since I don't need a space suit anymore, you won't feel quite as limited by my presence, I trust." She grinned.

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Warren grinned back and said, "You're never a burden Alex. Just moving from infinity down to two thousand is pretty huge. I'm not sure if we'll need telescopes, I may just *know* where are the planets are by simply going into the system, but that's one of the things we're here to test. Shall we?"

Assuming Alex presented appropriate stellar coordinates, Warren said, "Since you want to look at gates, on the count of 3... 2... 1..."

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