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Hey all! ::hijack


Just wanted to post up a trawl for new players. It seems our old friend Du0 is back with a new PBeM game.


The game starts on N-Day with players being among the first ever Novas. :speeddemon_sm:


Du0 has some interesting house rules for chargen and powers but so far what I have read is really good. i have also seen notes from the A! game that leads up to it. He seems like a pretty seasoned ST.


So far its only Cottus and Myself, but we would like you to join us!


Serious inquiries only please. We would rsther not have people join and then drop the game in the first week.


Interested? Post up here or PM myself or Cottus and we will forward you Du0's email...



(yeah Im Du0's pimp, that's right. Cottus's too but my fee is double... ::tongue )

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As I stated in my ad, this is a canon game with us as the first erupted Novas and starting on NDay. The ST has extensive house rules for quite a few things including many powers.

Please email him at his home adress: zanbatou@hotmail.com with character concepts and any concers. BioAgent you are the 10th player now interested and while the ST says there is no cap, I question his sanity in that regard! Hopefully too many Novas dont overwhelm him the way Prometheans overwhelmed Blue Thunder.

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