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Aberrant: XWF game ideas


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So, after watching far too much 'Celebrity Death Match' & re-reading 'Streetfighter - the Storyteller Game', I've decided to write down some of the ideas that have been rattlin' around the ol' noggin' about a possible XWF game. I'm not saying I'd run such a thing (well, maybe...) but right now I'm more interested in what people think of these ideas.


Obviously we're talking fighters here, & the XWF has its standards, so we have the following minimums: a minimum Style dice pool (i.e. the whole Appearance + Style rather than just the Style alone) of 5, a minimum Perform dice pool of 5, & a minimum combat dice pool (Martial Arts or Brawl) of 5. These are 'cos the fighters need to look good, act impressive, & actually have some ability to fight.

Powers would need to be of a suitable type. XWF rules ban fighters with Aggravated damage attacks, so they're out, & Lethal damage attacks, although allowed, tend to change how the other fighters think about you, so bear a little thought before being taken. 'Boring' powers of all types aren't helpful (an invisible, purely mental, Mental Blast may win fights, but isn't gonna' win fans - an X-Men style 'psi-blade' Mental Blast may be acceptable though).

Damage & Soak levels will indicate the 'circle' a fighter is in:

15 or less is Silver Circle

15 to 20 is Red Circle

20+ is Black Circle

In practical terms this means the average (when rolled at all) damage or Soak a character can generate. For normal dice pools figure 1 success per 2.5 dice, for Mega-Dice figure 1 success per 1 Mega-Die. Other factors can alter which circle a fighter is placed in, as can having widely differing damage & Soak ability (e.g. a guy with normal strength punchs as his attack, but a Soak of 50 isn't so easy to place).

New Traits:

Three new traits indicate the character's standing in the XWF: Ranking, Honour, & Glory.

Ranking is based on your character's win - loss ratio, & the number of fights he's had (although it can be 'tweaked' by the promotors). Rank has a straight 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) rating. More than one character can be at the same rank at a time. Generally a character needs a ranking of 10 to have a chance at a title shot. Most fighters boost ranking early on by defeating lots of 'jobber' fighters, before moving on into the big leagues:

[Rank - win:loss ratio, minimum number of fights]

1 - 1:20, 0

2 - 1:10, 5

3 - 1:5, 10

4 - 1:3, 15

5 - 1:1, 20

6 - 2:1, 25

7 - 3:1, 30

8 - 5:1, 40

9 - 10:1, 50

10 - 20:1, 60

Ranking of up to 5 can be brought as a Background (representing a history of easily won preliminary matches Vs jobbers).

Honour is a measure of how the other XWF fighters see you - it helps to determine whether you're liked or not, & how much mercy they'll give you in a fight. A character with consistently low Honour can expect little mercy from his opponents, whilst a guy with a high Honour is well liked & can expect to avoid being the target of fatal power Maxs & the like. Publically it helps to determine whether you're seen as a 'hero' or a 'villain'.

Permanent Honour of up to 5 can be brought as a Background.

Glory reflects how popular you are with the fans (&, therefore, how much you're worth to the business). Grandstanding & showing-off help to generate large Glory scores. Quick, professional, no-nonsense defeats of your enemies does the opposite - & the crowd chanting 'BORING' doesn't do much for your career prospects.

Permanent Glory of up to 5 can be brought as a Background

Glory & Honour both use the standard WW ten-dot permanent & temporary track methods of scoring. If you attain 10 temporary dots of either score you then need to maintain that 10 for one full combat, after which it becomes a permanent dot.

Honour / Glory Guidelines:

[Action: Honour / Glory]

Not striking a Dazed opponent: +1 / +1

Taking a turn to successfully pose / show off: +0 / +1

Botching an attempt to pose / show off: +0 / -1

Striking a Dazed opponent: -1 / +0

KOing a Dazed opponent: -2 / +1

Accepting a challenge from a higher-ranked fighter: +1 / +1

Challenging a higher-ranked fighter: +0 / +1

Challenging a lower-ranked fighter: -1 / +0

Defeating a higher-ranked fighter: +0 / +2

Defeating a much (4+) higher-ranked fighter: +0 / +3

Getting beaten by a lower-ranked fighter: +0 / -2

Getting beaten by a much (4+) lower-ranked fighter: +0 / -3

Winning in less than three turns: +0 / +1 (but not if you do it too often...)

Winning a match: +0 / +1

Losing a match: +0 / -1

Using a Lethal attack Vs a non-Lethal opponent: -2 / +0

Using a banned weapon or attack: -1 Permanent / -1 Permanent

Striking a held opponent: -1 / +0

Not attacking for more than three turns: +0 / -1

Losing because you fought honorably: +1 / +0

Beating multiple opponents (two or more on one): +0 / +1-3

Using a move your opponent is vulnerable to in rapid succession: -1 / +0

Winning without taking any damage: +0 / +3

Accepting a fight against a Lethal opponent (if non-Lethal): +1 / +1

Defeating a Lethal opponent (if non-Lethal): +0 / +2

Losing because you were non-Lethal Vs a Lethal opponent: +1 / +0

Disarming an opponent: +0 / +1

Allowing disarmed opponent to retrieve weapon: +1 / +0

Winning the 'pop': +0 / +1

Botching the 'pop': +0 / -1

Using a trademark move: +0 / +1

Outside of matches (but witnessed / reported)

Suffering injury whilst protecting innocents: +1 / +0

Running from a challenge: -1 / -2

Defeating some criminal or terrorist group (or similar combat-related heroics): +1 / +3

Ignoring someone in need of help: -1 / +0

Defeating a much more powerful foe: +2 / +2

Notes: a 'Lethal' fighter is one who has at least one Lethal attack, a non-Lethal figher is one who (duh! ::rolleyes ) doesn't. 'Weapons' are usually restricted to bits & pieces lying around the arena - usually stuff like cars left there for fighters to show off their Mega-Strength & the like. The 'pop' is the crowd cheer at the start of a match - both fighters make a grand entrace & roll Style - the best roll wins. The roll to 'pose / show off' is nearly always Perform, & takes a turn to attempt - it's opposed if the other fighter is doing the same, or Vs a difficulty based on how popular you are with the crowd if tried solo. A 'trademark' move is a Max, Smackdown, or similar over-the-top attack (often a 'finisher') that the character is particularly associated with. Often the character is expected to call out the attack's name when it is unleashed - with popular fighters, the crowd will join it with this yell as well!

Glory & Honour can both have an influence on various Social rolls, adding a die per permanent dot when appropriate, or even acting as an independant dice pool.

Right, thats all I've got so far. Questions? Comments?

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That kicks soo much arse. This has been the type of thing that I have suggested a few times but never got any responce to that anyone wanted to participate.

If you do decide to take (another) game...I am *so* in this one...I havea char I was planning to bring in Warjournals if Frenchie ever died/left that would work perfectly in here with a little modification.

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Some (many) of the things which affect Glory &/or Honor shouldn't be applied to matches with jobbers.

I see where you're coming from in a min-max kinda' a sense, but the crowds aren't supposed to know (or care) who are the 'real' Novas & who aren't - & that's what those two Traits are mostly about - crowd recognition. In practice the various Glory / Honour actions are there to encourage a style of play appropriate to the game - without them there'd be no real penalties for killing jobbers in round one.

But I do see your point - which in particular are you highlighting?

Most of them should be applied only once per match.

Again, I see the whole min-max thing, but these fights are often meant to go on for up to 15 or 30 minutes - without a good reason to 'pose' every now & then, chances are they'll last under a minute. Again - which in particular?

The whole Glory / Honour thing is an attempt to encourage PCs to act in an appropriate manner. It doesn't really do a great deal outside of the XWF world - so min-maxing it isn't really a huge problem (it just means that character is acting as an XWF fighter should). There's also the limit of needing to maintain a '10' for an entire match before gaining a permanent dot which limits things quite a bit.

Some (such as 'accepting a challenge') will be once-per-match by their natures anyway. The others are generally the type of stuff you want characters to be doing. But I'm guessing you have something specific in mind, right? ::sly Some loophole? Go-on, share... ::wink

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these fights are often meant to go on for up to 15 or 30 minutes - without a good reason to 'pose' every now & then, chances are they'll last under a minute.
Actually, several different people in the books have remarked that they don't last very long. I suspect that 30 rounds would be *very* long for one of these.

Some (many) of the things which affect Glory &/or Honor shouldn't be applied to matches with jobbers.

Most of them should be applied only once per match.

I see where you're coming from in a min-max kinda' a sense, but the crowds aren't supposed to know (or care) who are the 'real' Novas & who aren't - & that's what those two Traits are mostly about - crowd recognition. In practice the various Glory / Honour actions are there to encourage a style of play appropriate to the game - without them there'd be no real penalties for killing jobbers in round one.

There's also the limit of needing to maintain a '10' for an entire match before gaining a permanent dot which limits things quite a bit. But I do see your point - which in particular are you highlighting?


DMD's first match he calls out the "Squid-Man" (aka Mega-Flex), aka that nova wantabe (mitoid).

It's DMD's first match, but Squid has had a few victories (over other mitoids).

We show off. I throw a car in the air and then rip it in half. He throws a motercycle at me, I catch it and throw it back, which stuns him. I let him recover and get his bike back (while I'm making the Dark Matter Power Sword), then I one punch him. The following apply.

[Action: Honour / Glory]

Not striking a Dazed opponent: +1 / +1

Taking a turn to successfully pose / show off: +0 / +1

Challenging a higher-ranked fighter: +0 / +1

Defeating a higher-ranked fighter: +0 / +2

Winning a match: +0 / +1

Winning without taking any damage: +0 / +3

Disarming an opponent: +0 / +1

Allowing disarmed opponent to retrieve weapon: +1 / +0

Winning the 'pop': +0 / +1

Using a trademark move: +0 / +1

Total: +1 Temp Honor / +12 temp glory

And that's in one fight. Presumably I'd be doing this every week.

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Ah right. Yes, that's what I thought your point about the jobbers was. Kinda' a 'too easy to gain Glory' thing.

Well, the simple fix is that characters wouldn't be fighting jobbers for long - since it's not really interesting to play out - but that doesn't really answer the issue directly.

Gaining a load of Glory off of easy matches is probably something the promoters actually want - after all, the better loved their stars are, the more they make as well - so they'd try to arrange as much Glory as possible for everyone.

Does that make the Glory trait pointless? Hmmm, that's a good question.

However, the character still needs to maintain that Glory for another full match before gaining a permanent Glory dot (not too hard fighting jobbers, true); & soon he's gonna' run out of jobbers to fight. Why? Because no jobber is ever going to reach a high rank. The most famous jobber has a 0-36 win-loss ratio: i.e. he's ranking 1. Sure jobbers get to fight each other & have occassional wins, but that earns them a 'shot' at the real Novas, & then they always loose; plus they tend to not last very long in the first place. I'll admit that it's not clear the way I listed the ranking win-loss ratios, but technically you do need at least 1 win to rise above ranking 1. A jobber at ranking 3 would be doing very well indeed, 4 would be a legend, & 5 would be unheard of. So yeah, a Nova could easily gain 10 permanent Glory if all he ever did was fight jobbers - but that's very unlikely to ever happen (the managers & promoters all want a real Nova to get into the money fights pretty quickly).

So, at least a couple of the actions you listed aren't likely: no Nova is gonna' call-out a jobber ('challenging a higher-ranking opponent') unless he wants to be an industry laughing stock (the DMD claiming he has a grudge against the Polyp isn't gonna' look too good...). Since a vast majority of jobbers will be ranking 1, it won't class as 'defeating a higher ranked opponent' either. You also presume that DMD wins the 'pop' (some jobbers can be pretty flash, if nothing else), & have him using a trademark move - which he could well do, but in doing so risks killing his opponent outright (which, I'd say, has a negative effect similar to using a Lethal attack on a non-Lethal foe). In fact, if he forms the sword, then he looses some honour anyway...

But yeah - jobbers are there to make the real fighters look good, that's their role. It's also kinda' why I thought it reasonable to allow characters to buy Ranking, Glory & Honour as Backgrounds - to represent those traits they've built-up fighting jobbers.

Maybe it'd be an idea to rule that fighting jobbers has no (positive) effect on your Glory / Honour if they're at 5 permanent or more? That'd mean fighting the easy fights can take you so far, but not into the big leagues (although they could still cost you Glory / Honour if you foul up). Does that sound reasonable? I wouldn't want to eliminate the benefits of fighting those guys entirely, since they are there for a reason.

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I guess that half or so fights are Jobber vs. Jobber.

Not the most promoted fights to be sure, just the average weekend not broadcasted fight. Why?

Because nova fights are fast, most of the league is jobber, the general fans can't tell the difference, jobbers are cheap, and novas are expensive.

There are what, 30 novas in the league? That's 10 for each circle.

RE: Not letting jobbers boost stats above 5

I suspect that works pretty well. It should be easy for a nova to get some fame in the XWF, everything works for him.

RE: DMD vs. Polip

Calling him out would be a stage thing. Everyone inside the XWF would know that. A jobber who was lucky enough to win his matches against other jobbers is being sacrificed to the unknown nova newcommer.

RE: Butcher (i.e. the most famous mitoid)

He is known because he has lost so many times and because one of his losses is in the opening credits. Basically this is a guy who spent all his background points on "fame".

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This would be awesome! Finally a game where Johnny Atomo would fit perfectly, as a sort of Golden Age Stalwart who later erupted or something like that, or I could make another equally ludicrous character. If you ever do this, which would be insane ::wink, I want in big time::biggrin

And now, ladies and gentlemen, from Providence, Rhode Island. Weighing in at two hundred and seventy-eight pounds, the Blonde Bomber, the Golden Boy, JOHNNYYYYY ATOMOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

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Okay, I've had a few more thoughts on this. How about we seperate 'demonstration' fights & 'shoot' fights? Nova Vs jobber fights kinda' have a middle ground (they're technically 'shoot' fights, but the Nova is always gonna' win, & knows to take it easy on the jobber - so it's basically a demo' for the crowds with the jobber as helpful scenery) but for this count as 'demo' fights.

So, shootfights are the 'real' battles role-played out between characters. Demo' fights are the rest of the stuff, & aren't played out. Instead a character in a demo' fight gets to roll Perform (with the 'shootfighter' speciality if he has it ::wink ) to represent how impressive he was. Difficulty of the roll equals the character's permanent Glory (since, after a while, it gets boring watching the DMD one-punch nobodies ::sly ) - success adds that many temporary Glory to the character's track, failure just results in a so-so match of little interest, a botch indicates some sort of disaster - usually either the jobber opponent was accidentally killed (the Nova looses one permanent Honour & Glory), or the jobber - through some miracle - actually wins (usually a disqualification, but maybe the 'power monger' juiced him before the fight & no-one told the Nova, or he just got in a really lucky hit with with a Volkswagon up-side-the-head attack when the Nova was striking a pose for the crowds... ::crazy the Nova looses one permanent Glory).

There are what, 30 novas in the league? That's 10 for each circle.

There's 24 Novas permanently signed to the league, & an unknown number (the vast majority) on short-term (usually 20 fight) contracts. So, however many is needed for the game ::wink . In any case, even with jobbers making up the bulk, they don't last long enough to rise high in the rankings (they're injured badly before they've completed that many fights), & the 'successful' ones get their 'shot' & are injured even quicker...

Taking a turn to successfully pose / show off: +0 / +1

This requires a successful Perform roll. Botching isn't good...

Botching an attempt to pose / show off: +0 / -1
Challenging a higher-ranked fighter: +0 / +1

Challenging a lower-ranked fighter: -1 / +0

A 'challenge' is a pre-match calling-out. The character only gets the bonus / penalty for the challenge once (until they've actually fought that opponent), & is generally expected to only challenge one opponent at a time. That means if a new fighter calls-out Core the first time he steps in the ring, he gets the Glory bonus, but then can't gain any more from challenging people until he's actually fought Core - who is under no obligation to fight the little scrub (until he's a more appropriate rank).

Winning in less than three turns: +0 / +1 (but not if you do it too often...)

It can be impressive a couple of times, but quickly gets boring (& generally indicates that the management aren't pitting you against the right opponents). If it happens too often, then the character will be put up against vastly superior fighters (it's what the fans want), or told in no uncertain terms that they need to toe the line & string out their fights longer.

Using a banned weapon or attack: -1 Permanent / -1 Permanent

This includes killing your opponent. Accidents happen, & no-one will be prosecuted, but it's not the point of the fight, is technically banned, gets the league in trouble, makes the sport look bad, & causes parents to prevent their kids from buying your action figure...

Striking a held opponent: -1 / +0

Includes a target held by your own powers (e.g. Immobilize), but not wrestling style moves ('braincracker' away all you like).

Not attacking for more than three turns: +0 / -1

These people paid to see a fight, damnit! So fully defensive all the time, Density Control - Decrease to take a breather, etc., is gonna' cost ya'.

Beating multiple opponents (two or more on one): +0 / +1-3

It happens - tag-team matches & the like can occur, but are rare.

Using a move your opponent is vulnerable to in rapid succession: -1 / +0

It's a cheap shot, & is un-sportsmanlike.

Accepting a fight against a Lethal opponent (if non-Lethal): +1 / +1

Defeating a Lethal opponent (if non-Lethal): +0 / +2

Losing because you were non-Lethal Vs a Lethal opponent: +1 / +0

Obviously, because if the other guy is using a Lethal attack, then the penalty for losing tends to be death, rather than mere defeat. The XWF generally doesn't like Lethal attacks much.

Winning the 'pop': +0 / +1

Botching the 'pop': +0 / -1

I'm thinking that permanent Glory should add dice to the 'pop' roll - the more popular you are to begin with, the bigger cheer the crowd gives your entrance. What does everyone think?

Using a trademark move: +0 / +1

This isn't 'punch', even if you give it a cool name. Generally it refers to those 'finishers' that take an extra turn to prepare - Maxs, Smackdowns, & the like. Generally each fighter only has one major 'finisher' that counts for this bonus, although they can have a whole host of 'named' moves (to make their characters interesting in the XWF video-game) if they want.

Background Notes:

Allies - this can include fellow shootfighters.

Backing - indicates the character's level of actual control within the XWF. A character with a permanent contract will have some Backing, but the upper levels are reserved for the guys behind the scenes.

Cipher - your fighting & private personas are different, & your private persona is unknown to the public. You could be a Mexican-style masked wrestler, or a Nova with 4 or 5 dots in Dormancy, or a guy who stays Bodymorphed for all his fights (watch the QP costs though... ::wink ).

Eufiber - it's allowed in the league, but some fighters frown upon its use (after all, it's technically a source of 'external help'). Real men don't use eufiber!

Followers - fighters often have helpful staff: a paraphysician ringside doctor, a butler, photographer, fashion consultant, bodyguard (to keep the groupies in check - not to defend you from Pax or Mal), chauffeur or pilot (you do own a private jet, right? ::sly ), maid, etc..

Influence - Glory & Honour indicate how your character is perceived within the XWF scene, but not all fighters can turn that fleeting fame into real Influence (although, in some cases, Glory & Honour can act in a manner similar to Influence).

Mentor - there are two main types of Mentor that fighters have: Managers & Trainers (or 'Sensei's for those of a more Martial Artist bent). A character can pick the Background twice to have both, if he wants. A manager looks after the character's business interests & fighting career &, to some extent, their entire life, & usually has plenty of Contacts & suchlike. A trainer advises the character in fighting style, training (duh! ::rolleyes ), & often life as a whole (if you've seen Rocky or The Karate Kid then you know the type).

Resources - shootfighters should start the game with an absolute minimum of 2 Resources (that's equal to a jobber's pay), but can easily justify up to the whole 5 dots just from their job.

Ranking :

A character who starts with Ranking is presumed to have won several matches, & lost none, before play begins.

1 - 3 matches won

2 - 8 matches won

3 - 13 matches won

4 - 18 matches won

5 - 23 matches won

These are all fights Vs 'jobbers', & a player should provide a list of interesting names for the 'fighters' he's defeated in the past.


Starting honour means that the character has gotten a reputation for fighting fair, being a 'face' (having a heroic image), & generally being a nice guy. Honour adds to most friendly Social rolls to interact with people from the XWF scene (fighters, jobbers, fans, promoters, etc.). It also means that the character's fanbase is going to be more 'family orientated'. A fighter without Honour is a 'heel' (has a bad guy image) & can have the sort of fans that most sane people wouldn't want (borderline psychos & the like). A heel can have loads of Glory, of course...


Whereas Honour covers your image, Glory covers your popularity. The more Glory you have, the more famous you are. The more famous you are, the more you're worth to the XWF. The more you're worth to the XWF, the better your life. Starting Glory means that you're already well on the road to household-name status.

Honour & Glory - Gains & Reduction:

During a match a fighter's temporary Glory or Honour can't go above 10, but can go into negative scores. If a fighter ends a match with a negative score, then a dot of their permanent score is converted back into 10 temporary dots & reduced accordingly. To gain permanent dots the character must start & end a match with a temporary score of 10, & suffer no reductions to that score during the match (even if they lose, then regain, temporary dots during the fight, they don't gain the permanent dot).

Certain actions (killing your opponent, using an Aggravated damage attack, using a missle launcher, etc.) can automatically reduce a character's permanent Honour & Glory scores. Losing a fight Vs a jobber also automatically reduces a Nova fighter's Glory.

Ranking, Honour, & Glory can be taken as Backgrounds before play begins, but can't be increased via XP later on - only through actual game play.

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Taking a turn to successfully pose / show off: +0 / +1

This requires a successful Perform roll. Botching isn't good...

DMD doesn’t need to pretend to be impressive, he is the real deal. Watching him rip a tank in half is much more impressive than watching Polyp brag that he *could*.

Not attacking for more than three turns: +0 / -1

These people paid to see a fight, damnit! So fully defensive all the time, Density Control - Decrease to take a breather, etc., is gonna' cost ya'.

How about DMD just standing there and taking it? Against a real nova?

Accepting a fight against a Lethal opponent (if non-Lethal): +1 / +1

Defeating a Lethal opponent (if non-Lethal): +0 / +2

Losing because you were non-Lethal Vs a Lethal opponent: +1 / +0

Obviously, because if the other guy is using a Lethal attack, then the penalty for losing tends to be death, rather than mere defeat. The XWF generally doesn't like Lethal attacks much.

DMD has a lethal attack, but he generally doesn’t use it. There is a difference between having it and using it.

Winning the 'pop': +0 / +1

Botching the 'pop': +0 / -1

I'm thinking that permanent Glory should add dice to the 'pop' roll - the more popular you are to begin with, the bigger cheer the crowd gives your entrance. What does everyone think?

I agree.

RE: Aggravated Attacks.

Using one, or just letting it be known that you have one, gets you banned from the league.

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Dual stats.

Perform works for just about everything, interviews, showing off in front of the fans, the "pop", etc.

However, some of the XWF types substitute Intimidation, and I'd think that many Q-powers and/or M-Str would substitute for showing off.

RE: Lethal attacks

DMD *shouldn't* be considered to be a lethal fighter (although that would change the first time he actually used a lethal attack to do lethal damage).

RE: Not attacking for more than three turns

I would say that appearing to cowardly avoid combat for three turns is the problem. If the other guy (even if he is a mitoid and you are trying to do him a favor) want to fight you, and you stand off, then it looks bad.

Letting him attack you for three rounds and faking that you care, that probably doesn't look bad.

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RE: Not attacking for more than three turns

I would say that appearing to cowardly avoid combat for three turns is the problem. If the other guy (even if he is a mitoid and you are trying to do him a favor) want to fight you, and you stand off, then it looks bad.

Letting him attack you for three rounds and faking that you care, that probably doesn't look bad.

I would also think that makeing a show of not being hit would be a good thing. Parrying, blocking and coming out clean as a virgin after a scalding hot shower and makeing it look like your toying with him...

Lose some internal, but that marks would eat that up (I mean hell...look at how many fans DBZ/GT has...and half of DBZ/GT is just that right htere)

(EDIT....while im here...)

1. Getting beaten by a lower-ranked fighter: +0 / -2

1. Getting beaten by a much (4+) lower-ranked fighter: +0 / -3

2. Using a Lethal attack Vs a non-Lethal opponent: -2 / +0

3. Using a banned weapon or attack: -1 Permanent / -1 Permanent

4. Not attacking for more than three turns: +0 / -1

5. Losing because you fought honorably: +1 / +0

6. Using a move your opponent is vulnerable to in rapid succession: -1 / +0

7. Winning without taking any damage: +0 / +3

8. Losing because you were non-Lethal Vs a Lethal opponent: +1 / +0

Outside of matches (but witnessed / reported)

9. Suffering injury whilst protecting innocents: +1 / +0

10. Ignoring someone in need of help: -1 / +0

1. I think this should have an honor penalty as well...especially if he just gets his arse whupped by a pitiful jobber (Man...That wuss got his ass kicked! Haha! You suck!)

2. I think there should be a glory bonus for this...after all marks lub dem fireballz!

3. Again...add glory for this. The marks eat that shit up!

4. as stated before

5. There should probably be times when this gives a glory *penalty*...its just not kool to be a nice guy!

6. Add glory to this...as long as its kool and its not used too often

7. I would say you may want to give a honor add/penalty depending on who and how this happened. Making Core seem like a fool is going to make you some enemies, but giving Joe New-blood-Nova a good fight is going to give you some respecs.

8. Possible glory penalty...your not kool enough to beatr him after all

9. I would give some glory to that if there is some media coverage.

10. possible glory penalty if there is media coverage...hell you could have helped.

I would also make some stuff for guest appearances...like in the XWF book Superbeast does guest appearances...he tells kids to stay in school. Thats some glory there if I do say so myself.

Tkae this for what its worth...keep in mind im in the middle of Kentucky and went to school with a buncha redn...errr...major wrestleing fans (the kind that only the deep south can create)...and thats all they talked about...

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