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Aberrant: Quantum Zero - Quantum Zero


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Or were you talking about your Masters International credit card?"

"Hardly, I'm not even sure my MI credit is good anymore."

Stepping out of the cab as it reaches the restaurant, the driver refuses point-blank to accept any money for the journey, & keeps thanking Terry for the honour of allowing him to transport the couple. He promises to - if Terry wants - wait outside until they've finished.

Terry thanks the cab driver graciously but informs him that his services probably won't be further needed.

"It's sad really, the effect we have on them - if more could develop beyond such petty fantasies, then I'm sure that more of them would find their own paths & erupt. They fail to realise that eruption & evolution are personal, not corporate, journeys."

"Would we have been any different prior to our eruption? Its easy to judge once we're on the other side..."

"I can see why many Novas like these islands, but it's all just more of the same social web that traps us & prevents us from developing further as Novas. It's easy to be worshipped, but difficult to be a god."

"And what constitutes a God in your opinion?"

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On their way out of the cave, the others notice that Michael is lost in thought, seemingly staring at the computer screens.

Glacier shakes his head. "No! Will, get Nat out of here. You-" He points to Zia "-tell him where she is. We both want her safe, and this is no place for a baseline. Consider it the price of our help. Will, if you can get out of the jamming field, you can also place a call to some of our warper friends and start an evacuation."

Hearing this, he snaps out of his meditative state; “Will, I need you to come with me, NOW.” Not having time to explain why, he activates persuader.

He then starts heading off down one of the other caves, hopefully with Will in tow.

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Harvester Tunnels:

“Will, I need you to come with me, NOW.”

Will (thankfully not moving at his usual rapid pace at the moment) stops short as he moves to follow Eel, Interface, Glacier & Emelia out of the 'lab' cavern.

He then starts heading off down one of the other caves, with Will in tow.

As the others rush towards the troops assaulting the tunnels, Mike heads off down a much quieter path - seeming to know exactly where he's going, as if he'd been living in the maze-like tunnels for years. Will, realising the absolute, perfectly reasonable, & very compelling need for himself to accompany Masters International's latest recruit follows on at a brisk pace...

Elsewhere Eel, Glacier & Interface confront a squad of Masters International armoured troopers...

Glacier snarls, the bear hardening into a animated opal statue as he strides for the intruders [Force Field on], flanked by Eel and co. Suddenly he stops in his tracks as he recognizes the Masters Inc. logo. Hesitating, he looks around to Derek, unsure how to proceed, wondering if they're any chance he might be able to pull rank on them..

The small electrical discharges over Eel's body suddenly flare & intensify into rippling arcs of lightning coursing over her entire length - the tang of ozone fills the air, & the rock beneath her massive tail chars as she lunges towards the armoured men. One webbed fist slams into the chest-plate of the first trooper, & is accompanied by an electrical flash. The advanced ceramic plating shatters - front & back - as the force of the blow sends the contents of the man's rib-cage showering out the back of his suit, even as his body flies back along the tunnel - trailed by an arc of lightning, & twitching slightly from the voltage - causing the rest of the squad to scatter up against the rock walls. The struck trooper's body impacts somwhere far down the tunnel with a sickening crunch - the impact shakes the passage, & some dust falls from above. Eel grins ::devil ,

"Evolve or die, zips."

The remaining squad members move to return fire - several dropping their electro-shock pistols where they stand in order to draw weapons which may prove slightly more effective against the electrical Eel. Glacier's keen hearing picks up the muffled sound of rapidly barked commands from one of the troopers (presumably over a radio link of some kind), as they move with professional co-ordination. Some of the men draw bullpup assault carbines with intergral grenade launchers & laser sights (recognisable as more Masters' tech'), & a couple unsling bulky high-tech looking rifles connected via heavily insulated cables to large backpacks. One rolls a spherical grenade down the tunnel...

... 'dink'...

... 'dink'...

... 'dink'...

... ::blink FLASH! ::blink ...

... In a blinding flash of white light, accompanied by a loud 'Foom!' noise, the Novas' senses of sight are knocked out. Glacier's roar can be hear immediately after as he 'snaps' ::crazy & 'goes postal' ::angry , followed by the dull 'Thump!' & 'Hiss!" of a second grenade filling the air with gas of some kind. Still reeling from the flash / bang, Interface still has the presence of mind to adjust his own molecular structure to that of the gas as he gets the first whiff, disolving into to rest of the cloud... [After that power use, Interface is starting to feel drained.]

Slashing out with his claws at the nearest target, the blind & enraged Glacier rakes across Eel's electrified back - the lightning sending a painful jolt down his arm. [Glacier is Bruised with Bashing damage].

Several more 'Thud!"s, followed by 'Ka-Boom!"s, sound as the remaining troopers discharge their grenade launchers; & two 'Zzzz' noises, accompanied by the smell of barbequed Eel-flesh & an inhuman scream from the Terat female confirm that the high-tech rifles are, in fact, lasers. The focused explosions & laser burns cause Eel to squirm & trash about, knocking back into Glacier, & threatening to bring down the whole tunnel.

An electronically distorted voice can be heard as one of the troopers replies to Eel's bravado of moments previously,

"Burn in Hell, monster."

... Navigating the quieter tunnels, Mike & Will turn into a short side-passage that dead-ends, but which has several chambers hewl into the walls - chambers sealed-off with heavy metal bars. A quick glance shows that only one chamber is occupied. In the shadows of the stinking, filthy, dank cell, chained to the wall via a metal collar around her neck, huddles the beaten & shivering form of Natalia Masters... ::nervous


"Would we have been any different prior to our eruption? Its easy to judge once we're on the other side..."

"Does knowing the truth when others don't invalidate the value of that knowledge? If we act in a manner to encourage the baselines' petty idolatry are we not just making it harder for them to find that truth, denying them the potential to follow their own paths?"

"And what constitutes a God in your opinion?"

PathFinder smiles, & pauses to take a few bites of sushi before answering,

"Interesting question, Terry. I wasn't, of course, were refering to 'Godhood' in strictly religious terms, but rather to the nebulous personal journey to kindle that spark of the divine which resides in us all. There may well be no end to such a journey, but the path itself is well worth traveling. Those who are content to bask in the approval of public opinion don't even take the first step on such a path. To evolve beyond human weaknesses, to journey towards godhood, we need to cast off the limitations of the society which bore us. What is a god? One who exceeds limitations."

The Terat female leans back & regards Terry with her all-white eyes,

"So - what do you think constitutes a god?"

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"Burn in Hell, monster."

*Oh, crap...*

Somewhere behind the troopers, a flying figure is approaching. Navigating through the twisting tunnels of the Teragen complex, he hears the sounds of gunfire coming closer, until he suddenly comes upon the corpse of one of Master's boys. Seeing the broken body chases the last flicker of doubt from his mind, and - fighting back the impulse to throw up - he grits his teeth and rounds the corner.

The blazing glow that surrounds him flares up and hardens as he flies towards the fray, his heart anxiously beating faster. Taking in the scene he mentally curses his luck...

*Sh!t! ::crazy Eel and Glacier. And he looks pissed off as usual. I just hope he'll charge the right way...* ::sarcasm

Moving fast to take optimal advantage of the element of surprise, his voice can be heard on the tactical radio.

"I'm on her! Hold your fire!!"

As the troops scatter he stretches out a hand towards the snakelike terat, and fires off a searing, white-hot bolt of plasma. Hoping that the bolt will at least unbalance her, Blaze (for it is he... ::ninja ) continues his charge and tries to bowl her over and force her further back down the tunnel. Hopefully, that will also turn Glacier's attention away from the troops...

[is there an Interface-shaped gascloud, or is it impossible to tell him from the rest of the gas in the tunnel?]

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A quick glance shows that only one chamber is occupied. In the shadows of the stinking, filthy, dank cell, chained to the wall via a metal collar around her neck, huddles the beaten & shivering form of Natalia Masters... ::nervous

"Oh God!" Sprinting to her, and using all his might to rip the chains away from the wall.

He wills his eufibre to stretch and cover her "Oh God Naty, what have they done to you?" ::confused Rememberring his vision he checks the back of her neck for a mark or a spot of blood.

After a few moments William's anger surfaces through all his worries, but keeps himself restrained, through clenched teeth he can be heard ::angry "Zia!"

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In a blinding flash of white light, accompanied by a loud 'Foom!' noise, the Novas' senses of sight are knocked out. Glacier's roar can be hear immediately after as he 'snaps'  & 'goes postal'  , followed by the dull 'Thump!' & 'Hiss!" of a second grenade filling the air with gas of some kind.



Glacier, somehow blinded for a third time, quickly falls to the rage and dives for the soldiers, not even noticing as he accidentally slices Eel with a stray, arcing swipe, and barely registers the pain from the shock.

The next few seconds are chaos of such a high order that even John cannot keep track of the bear's berserk flurry of clawing punches, mostly directed at the soldiers but also at Blaze if he gets in his way.

Christ.. this has to stop, oh Jesus that's flesh! Calm down! John shouts vainly from within the field.

"Burn in Hell, monster."

John gives up as the furious Glacier roars and dives for the source of the voice.

What, didn't anyone tell you?...

hell is cold.

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After a few moments William's anger surfaces through all his worries, but keeps himself restrained, through clenched teeth he can be heard  "Zia!"

"Will, I understand your anger, but right now we just need to figure out a way outta here without getting us all killed. You don't by chance ave any way for us to get out of here, do you?... Oh, hi Natalia, I'm Michael. I'm here to try and rescue you."

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"Does knowing the truth when others don't invalidate the value of that knowledge? If we act in a manner to encourage the baselines' petty idolatry are we not just making it harder for them to find that truth, denying them the potential to follow their own paths?"

Emerald eyes fix Pathfinder as Terry answers

"I think the real question is "Does knowing the truth, when others don't, allow you to hold it against them." I never act to encourage worship, but I won't allow the mere possibility of idolatry to fetter my actions. Had I hesitated at the airport there would likely have been many casualties instead of the mere injuries that took place. I didn't hold a press conference to garner popularity. I promised the conference to convince the media to leave the area and my word is my bond. The moment the cameras were gone those two reckless sycophantic pay-per-view money mongerers stopped...I hope Hog is enjoying his cell. "

Terry lets a salmon sashimi melt in his mouth before continuing

"As for our denying the masses their chance to fulfill their potential...I don't know about you but I didn't choose to become what I am, it just happened. That slug could've just as easily have pierce my body instead of bouncing off and throwing me out the window. Now that I've changed, I don't think any less of "baselines" as you call them. I didn't work to become what I am. They're just as liable to change as I was."

"Interesting question, Terry."

Terry smiles at this


"I wasn't, of course, referring to 'Godhood' in strictly religious terms, but rather to the nebulous personal journey to kindle that spark of the divine which resides in us all. There may well be no end to such a journey, but the path itself is well worth traveling. Those who are content to bask in the approval of public opinion don't even take the first step on such a path. To evolve beyond human weaknesses, to journey towards godhood, we need to cast off the limitations of the society which bore us. What is a god? One who exceeds limitations."

"Y'know, that reminds me of an attempt at conversation I had with Nullifier. I told him that any learning involves the defining of ones capabilities. Learning your limits is the first step to trying to break them... -Terry rolls his eyes ::rolleyes - Of course you can imagine how well received that was...You have met him haven't you? He was supposedly at the party on an errand for the Count Orzaiz."

Terry gently grabs a piece of sushi proferred to him by the chef personnally. A piece of art too delicate to be put on a plate but pure bliss on the palate.

"The problem with your reasoning, at least in my humble opinion, is that even "baselines" can meet your standard of godhood. The budhist that reaches a veritable epiphany through meditation has exceeded limitations, very real limitations, to humanity at large. - Giving Pathfinder a sly look - I'm assuming you really meant that Godhood was achieved by exceeding limitations...if you happen to have an extra node in your brain."

"So - what do you think constitutes a god?"

"Well, at the risk of sounding lame, I believe that with great power comes great responsibility. Noble ideals such as justice, honor, compassion, freedom and the power to achieve these ideals are what distinguish Gods from mere visionaries."

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Interface glides forward into the cloud, towards the soldiers, hugging the wall and thinking cloud-like thoughts.

"bugger..... So much for talking......." ::angry

Derek drifts forward, trying to get a better look at the squad, and armaments, while trying to be 'not a target'.

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Harvester Tunnels:

... Seeing the broken body chases the last flicker of doubt from his mind, and - fighting back the impulse to throw up - he grits his teeth and rounds the corner...

Blazing down the tunnel, Nate soon spots the rest of the MI squad rapidly backing out of a dense cloud of white smoke - the thrashing lightning-covered form of Eel, & the blue-white anima of Glacier visible within.

"I'm on her! Hold your fire!!"

The reply sounds clearly through the Nova's earpiece,

"Copy that."

The words are matched by actions as the squad moves aside to allow the glowing Nova free access (although their weapons stay trained on their targets - just in case).

Blaze's plasma bolt flies true - impacting the blinded Eel & adding to the scent of charred flesh that hangs in the air. Her scream again echoes down the corridors of the underground lair, & her thrashing threatens to bring down the tunnel.

With no way past the convulsing & huge body of Eel, Glacier must expend his rage in attacking her - if only to claw his way through to the troops he can scent beyond. There's a confused tangle of claws, serpentine body, electrical arcs & bitter cold - the pain from the jolts adding to the bear's rage - but Glacier fails to force his way past the female Terat. The spots start to fade from his eyes as his vision returns [as does Interface's], to be replaced by the thick smoke from the second grenade [some of which is now Interface himself...] - through which he can make-out an all too familiar glow...

Blaze follows-up his charge, only to witness Eel surge forward out of the smoke, eyes locked on the glowing plasma-caster. Terrible burns have ravaged her aquatic body - both laser-scored lines, & Nate's plasma-bolt (which has blasted deep into her flesh to expose vital organs beneath) - although the wounds are already begining to close-over. Throwing both webbed hands forwards, the Harvester unleashes a crackling arc of electricity which jumps the short distance to the flying Nova's body & sends him crashing backwards - although it takes but a moment for Blaze to twist in the air & zoom forward again, undamaged by the blast.

The lightning blast did, however, delay Blaze's charge long enough for the enraged Glacier to finally sprint past (the now calmer) Eel towards his true targets - the first being Blaze himself. His body already healed of the minor damage which Eel's electrical field had inflicted, the mighty bear swings at his glowing friend, anima-claws ripping through his protective force field to cut (lightly) into flesh. [blaze is Bruised with Lethal damage]. The blow is glancing enough that is doesn't prevent Nate from continuing on to impact Eel (which, in turn, frees Glacier to charge the MI troops)...

... Blaze slams full-tilt into the female Harvester - & bounces off, as he impacts the rock-hard muscles of her body, whilst simultaneously being jolted by the electrical field that surrounds her. The Terat hisses, & rears over her glowing foe.[blaze ends up Hurt with Bashing damage, Bruised with Lethal damage]

Seeing Glacier make it past Blaze, the MI team open-fire. The two heavy lasers cut painfully into his flesh, & two shaped-charge grenades explode on his anima, adding to the damage & blasting him off his feet. The other troops stand ready (Glacier being a smaller target than Eel, they can't all fire upon him at once). [Glacier is Crippled with Lethal damage]


Will graps the metal bars of the cell, ripping them free of the rock in his urgency to reach Natalia & casting them aside without a second thought. Just as quickly, he snaps the chain that binds the girl to the wall. Crouching down, he extends his Eufiber over the huddled form...

"Oh God Naty, what have they done to you?"

The girl makes a feeble attempt to flee Will's touch, babbling incoherantly, tears running freely down her dirt & blood-stained face. The Nova has a look for any tell-tale marks on her neck - despite her attempts at protest - but can't really determined if she's been injected or not.

"Will, I understand your anger, but right now we just need to figure out a way outta here without getting us all killed. You don't by chance ave any way for us to get out of here, do you?... Oh, hi Natalia, I'm Michael. I'm here to try and rescue you."

The traumatised girl screams weakly, & tries to scrabble away from the two Novas, then returns to pitiful sobbing.


"As for our denying the masses their chance to fulfill their potential...I don't know about you but I didn't choose to become what I am, it just happened. That slug could've just as easily have pierce my body instead of bouncing off and throwing me out the window. Now that I've changed, I don't think any less of "baselines" as you call them. I didn't work to become what I am. They're just as liable to change as I was."

PathFinder shakes her head,

"You really believe that luck is the only factor in evolution? Terry, you disappoint me..."

"... You have met him haven't you? He was supposedly at the party on an errand for the Count Orzaiz."

PathFinder frowns,

"Yes - I've met him. He won't last long - he's too concerned with secrets & quick personal power to ever embrace a path to true power & greatness. There are no shortcuts on that path."

"The problem with your reasoning, at least in my humble opinion, is that even "baselines" can meet your standard of godhood. The budhist that reaches a veritable epiphany through meditation has exceeded limitations, very real limitations, to humanity at large. - Giving Pathfinder a sly look - I'm assuming you really meant that Godhood was achieved by exceeding limitations...if you happen to have an extra node in your brain."

"Assumption is never a wise choice to make. I mean what I say, & I speak the truth as I see it. Explain how your meditating baseline has achieved an epiphany? Or is that just some media sound-bite you're repeating? How has he exceeded his limitations? I'm not saying it's not possible - far from it - but I question whether you really understand what you're saying. There are fundamental truths to the universe, Terry - I can see them, although I'd never claim to fully understand them. If a baseline was to truly achieve an 'epiphany', to truly begin to grasp those truths that lie behind perceived reality - then they would no longer be a baseline."

"Well, at the risk of sounding lame, I believe that with great power comes great responsibility. Noble ideals such as justice, honor, compassion, freedom and the power to achieve these ideals are what distinguish Gods from mere visionaries."

The Terat laughs out loud ::laugh . Taking a moment to compose herself, she smiles at her dinner companion & shakes her head,

"I'm sorry, Terry. 'Noble ideals'? 'Justice', 'honour'? Are you really so mired in the baseline social web that you can't see the illusion that those things are? Social controls & group conformity can go by many pretty names, but are no more real for the naming."

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Seeing the general carnage occuring in the area, the sight of charges erupting on John, and the innards of Eel's body are too much for Derek. He empties his stomach. ::blink

Wiping away the last tendrils of gas from his lips, Derek looks increasingly upset.

"Stop!" ::angry

"There's no need to fight!" ::angry ::angry

"........." ::angry ::angry ::angry

Becoming increasingly more aware that he can't be heard over the sound of explosions, grenades, laser rifles, plasma bolts, electrical discharges, Glacier's roaring, and the general carnage that has become his life, Interface grows calm.

"Fine. You want it this way..... Let's see what I can do." ::sly

Interface begins to concentrate, eyes focused on the various tools of destruction in the area.....

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Will's eyes are locked on the frightened girl "Don't be scared Naty, please, it me Will" a tears form in his eyes and he blinks them away.

Responding to his companion "If there's a physical entrance to this place then I can get her out to the surface". He stands with Natalia in his arms "Any chance you know of such an entrance?"

After they set off "Michael, I hope you can handle yourself, if we come across any Harvesters we're in for one hell of a fight. And if you see Zia, take him down before I do because so help me if I get my hands on him first I will kill him!" ::sneaky2

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Seeing Glacier make it past Blaze, the MI team open-fire. The two heavy lasers cut painfully into his flesh, & two shaped-charge grenades explode on his anima, adding to the damage & blasting him off his feet. The other troops stand ready (Glacier being a smaller target than Eel, they can't all fire upon him at once). [Glacier is Crippled with Lethal damage]

Glacier snarls and regenerates for as long as his rage will allow him to stay down. From the floor, he roars before getting to his feet and advancing once more on the soldiers.

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"I guess I'll have to, but just remember where your priorities are..."

Will nods "They're to Nat and her safety, but if her safety means the end of Dr. Zia then so be it" Dr. Zia, The Harvesters, The Terragen! None will hurt her again!. With that the eufibre colony surrounding both him and Natalia, shifts some more as he tries to make her as comfortable as possible.

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"You really believe that luck is the only factor in evolution? Terry, you disappoint me..."

"Do you have reason to believe otherwise or only hope that it be so?"

"Explain how your meditating baseline has achieved an epiphany? Or is that just some media sound-bite you're repeating? How has he exceeded his limitations? I'm not saying it's not possible - far from it - but I question whether you really understand what you're saying."

"I cannot know nor claim to fully understand it. A sound-bite? Maybe...but seeing Thich Quang Duc sitting in a lotus position while setting himself on fire, never screaming, not once, never even moving other than toppling at his death, is certainly food for thought. I'm happy to learn that you're willing to accept that its a possibility though I fail to see how by accomplishing this they'd cease to be human."

"There are fundamental truths to the universe, Terry - I can see them, although I'd never claim to fully understand them."

"What truths do you see that others don't?" *show me*

"Yes - I've met him. He won't last long - he's too concerned with secrets & quick personal power to ever embrace a path to true power & greatness. There are no shortcuts on that path."
The Terat laughs out loud  . Taking a moment to compose herself, she smiles at her dinner companion & shakes her head,

"I'm sorry, Terry. 'Noble ideals'? 'Justice', 'honour'? Are you really so mired in the baseline social web that you can't see the illusion that those things are? Social controls & group conformity can go by many pretty names, but are no more real for the naming."

Expecting such a reaction Terry doesn't bat an eyelid as he answers

"Tell me, why is it that you disrespect Nullifier so much? Petty selfishness if I interpret what you've said correctly...Those in power often malign noble ideals as inventions of the meek. Yet, as you've said yourself, ignoring them is but a shortcut. Following those ideals takes much more work than walking over the defenseless to qualm any whims or desires we may have. I don't see how this is social conditioning, Yes many people aspire to attain these goals yet few if any ever truly manage to follow them. The shortcuts seem to always lure them out. If they have a chance to get a quick fix and think they can get away with it, they will.

One of the problems I have with the Teragen, from what I know and I know very little, is the lack of justice and accountability. I can accept the fact that novas shouldn't be held back by baseline laws. For example, today I've been to New York, Tunisia, Ibiza and Tokyo. It would've been ridiculous and unnecessarily burdensome for me to have to ask for VISA's and go through customs for each trip, yet that's what the law would have me do. Also, if I see a crime take place I shouldn't have to worry about local laws before intervening. Maybe its professional deformation, I was a cop after all, but I think novas should have some laws to follow. What Hog and Mephistofaleez did yesterday was inexcusable, they could've just as easily have settled their business in a field somewhere and if nothing is done they'll probably go at it again...If Novas got together and saw to it that such things didn't happen anymore, the world would be a much better place. Nova society as a whole would be strengthened and baselines would respect us for it."

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Throwing both webbed hands forwards, the Harvester unleashes a crackling arc of electricity which jumps the short distance to the flying Nova's body & sends him crashing backwards - although it takes but a moment for Blaze to twist in the air & zoom forward again, undamaged by the blast.

The panic he's been riding on the last few seconds give way to pure adrenaline as Nate realizes that he's not hurt. *The forcefield took it!*

His confidence renewed he rushes forward for the bodyslam, forgetting about the popsicle for a crucial moment...

[...] the mighty bear swings at his glowing friend, anima-claws ripping through his protective force field to cut (lightly) into flesh. [blaze is Bruised with Lethal damage]. The blow is glancing enough that is doesn't prevent Nate from continuing on to impact Eel (which, in turn, frees Glacier to charge the MI troops)...

"John, NO!!!" *The other way, idiot...*

... Blaze slams full-tilt into the female Harvester - & bounces off, as he impacts the rock-hard muscles of her body, whilst simultaneously being jolted by the electrical field that surrounds her. The Terat hisses, & rears over her glowing foe.[blaze ends up Hurt with Bashing damage, Bruised with Lethal damage]

::crazy ::wacko

*Ouch. Did I just hit the cave wall or what? Bad idea, Nate. Bad idea.* ::angry

Shaking his head to clear his vision, Nate looks up at the giant monster threatening to come crashing down on him.

*She's damn strong... But there's no way I'm gonna miss that target.* ::devil

Anger, survival instinct and pure adrenaline combine, and still lying on the tunnel floor he raises two glowing fists in front of him. Rapidly pulsing light surround them as two parallell bolts of superheated plasma shoot towards Eel.

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Harvester Tunnels:

A vaguely humanoid mass of white smoke seperates from the rest of the smoke, & appears to be throwing-up even more smoke for a few moments, before turning to the MI troops & mouthing whisper-silent words which are lost in the cross-fire...


"There's no need to fight!"


"Fine. You want it this way..... Let's see what I can do."

Sprawling on the rapidly icing-over floor of the tunnel, the bear pushes itself up onto all fours, the injuries on the body beneath the anima fading fast. [Glacier is now Wounded with Lethal damage]

Suddenly the icy Nova lets out a thunderous bellow of a roar - sending a wave of chill air bursting forth in all directions. The blast forces the remaining smoke from the area, & coats everyone in a thin layer of frost. The smoke-form Interface is blown a full twenty meters down the corridor - washing through the MI troops & being forced round a bend in the tunnel by the icy wind. As he rushes past, Derek catches a brief glipmse of the remains of the trooper who was slaughtered with a single blow from Eel...

Glacier gains his feet, & turns towards the Masters' International troops...

Lying beneath Eel's rearing form, Blaze throws his hands up - glowing with energy - but the serpentine Terat is a fraction faster. Her lightning-wrapped fist slams down, smashing into the chest of her prone foe. Shards of rock splinter from the tunnel floor as Nate is embedded deeply. Eel draws back for a second punch, but pauses as she sees that Blaze is unconscious, & instead slithers over him to join Glacier. [blaze is KO'd with Bashing damage, & Crippled with Lethal damage]

The MI troops begin to make a tactical retreat, firing as the go, rotating positions to allow those who've fired their grenades a moment to reload. The first shaped-charge strikes Glacier, again blasting him back & off his feet. [Glacier is back on Maimed with Lethal damage]. The next strikes Eel, but does little to retard the forward momentum of her massive bulk - however, a single crimson beam of laser light transfixes the serpentine Terat - which does stop her in her tracks. She stares in disbelief ::blink for a second at the neat, steaming, hole through her abdomen, then collapses, unmoving, in a coiled heap.

With the second laser aiming towards the fallen Glacier, an electronically distorted trooper's voice can be heard in the suddenly much quieter corridor,

"Stay down... Please, stay down..."


... Natalia appears oblivious to Will's words - or even to who he is - but her weak struggles offer little resistance to his protective embrace.

After a few moments, both Will & Mike hear the faint sounds of explosions from somewhere back the way they came...


"Do you have reason to believe otherwise or only hope that it be so?"

"I have reasons for everything I believe, Terry - can you say the same?"

"... I'm happy to learn that you're willing to accept that its a possibility though I fail to see how by accomplishing this they'd cease to be human."

"Cease to be a baseline human.", she corrects.

"What truths do you see that others don't?"

PathFinder shrugs a little wearily,

"The thoughts behind words, the structures behind reality... It's... complex."

"Tell me, why is it that you disrespect Nullifier so much? Petty selfishness if I interpret what you've said correctly...Those in power often malign noble ideals as inventions of the meek. Yet, as you've said yourself, ignoring them is but a shortcut. Following those ideals takes much more work than walking over the defenseless to qualm any whims or desires we may have. I don't see how this is social conditioning, Yes many people aspire to attain these goals yet few if any ever truly manage to follow them. The shortcuts seem to always lure them out. If they have a chance to get a quick fix and think they can get away with it, they will..."

The Terat again shakes her head,

"Again you filter my comments through your own social conditioning. Nullifier wraps himself in layers of falsehood & deceit, tries his best to obscure the truth, & pats himself on the back for his ingenuity. He steals the gifts of others, instead of developing his own talents, & sought to use the teachings of Teras as a fast-track to power, rather than as the life-path guide they are meant to be. He claimed kinship with the ideals of the Teragen, yet chose to not use his talents to prevent Nova blood being shed when he could easily have done so. I claim no 'nobility' for the ideals of Teras - as I recognise that the concept of nobility is an entirely subjective one - but Nullifier acts consistantly against the fundamental laws of truth. He isn't damned to 'disrespect' because he fails to protect the 'meek' or 'defenseless', but rather because his actions threaten the true paths that others strive to follow."

"... One of the problems I have with the Teragen, from what I know and I know very little, is the lack of justice and accountability. I can accept the fact that novas shouldn't be held back by baseline laws. For example, today I've been to New York, Tunisia, Ibiza and Tokyo. It would've been ridiculous and unnecessarily burdensome for me to have to ask for VISA's and go through customs for each trip, yet that's what the law would have me do. Also, if I see a crime take place I shouldn't have to worry about local laws before intervening. Maybe its professional deformation, I was a cop after all, but I think novas should have some laws to follow. What Hog and Mephistofaleez did yesterday was inexcusable, they could've just as easily have settled their business in a field somewhere and if nothing is done they'll probably go at it again...If Novas got together and saw to it that such things didn't happen anymore, the world would be a much better place. Nova society as a whole would be strengthened and baselines would respect us for it."

"The only true 'laws' are the fundamental truths of the universe. We Novas can strive for justice in our society, but law is an outmoded set of rules for children who don't know any better. The 'respect' of baselines is meaningless - a simple illusion to keep their primative fears in check, & a sad dependence for those of us who still crave it. If your Hog & Mephistopaleez had any failing in their actions it was that their combat was obviously staged to garner baseline admiration & monetary rewards that are unnecessary for evolved beings - their 'crime' was failing to live up to their evolved potential, & acting just like the primitives they used to be. We're better than that, Terry - but just as a baseline human can act like an animal, so can an evolved Nova act like a baseline - with similar implications."

The Terat looks thoughtful for a moment, then a sly smile crosses her beautiful features,

"Ask yourself this: if there were no baselines in the world, & no baseline society, how would you act in this situation we two are in right now? Then ask yourself if the actions you would take would be right or wrong."

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With the second laser aiming towards the fallen Glacier, an electronically distorted trooper's voice can be heard in the suddenly much quieter corridor,

"Stay down... Please, stay down..."

If Glacier can bring himself to stay down, he'll do it, but I doubt very much if the rage will have subsided. If it hasn't, he'll get to his feet again and charge a final time with suicidal, animal perserverance.

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"I have reasons for everything I believe, Terry - can you say the same?"

"I told you my reasons. I never felt particularly special, never tried to become a nova and don't think I merit any special consideration. Maybe it isn't pure luck and there is an order to it all...but I sure didn't have a say in it. Why should we malign baselines when they may erupt themselves? If not them then perhaps their children...If it is evolution, we shouldn't have to force it on them. From what I hear novas are shooting blanks anyway, we may need baselines if we're to stay for more than a generation..."

"Cease to be a baseline human.", she corrects.

"Well thats just begging for some development ::smile What is a baseline human exactly. Simply a way of saying "the majority of people", normal folk? If so then I wholeheartedly agree, he's out of the norm and so are we."

"Again you filter my comments through your own social conditioning.

"Well, as much as I try not to be too ethnocentric, its hard to disassociate oneself from social conditioning. You shouldn't presume that you're free from it either, though we probably don't share the same social roots..."

[...] but Nullifier acts consistantly against the fundamental laws of truth"

"Please, enlighten me as to what these fundamental laws of truth you keep referring to are exactly."

He isn't damned to 'disrespect' because he fails to protect the 'meek' or 'defenseless', but rather because his actions threaten the true paths that others strive to follow."

"So you admit that our freedom is limited insofar as we don't interfere with other individuals' freedoms?"

We Novas can strive for justice in our society, but law is an outmoded set of rules for children who don't know any better.

"Laws can be rewritten. How can novas strive for justice without some mutual agreement as to what our rights are? Failing that, might makes right. Anarchism only works if mutually respectful individuals try to join into non-coercive relationships. With so many power disparities among Novas one can hardly expect this to work. Without a coercive body abuse is bound to arise. Is that really what we should all strive for?"

The 'respect' of baselines is meaningless - a simple illusion to keep their primative fears in check, & a sad dependence for those of us who still crave it.

"I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss baselines. They could still pose a danger to Novas if we gave them reason to truly fear us. Is it truly so awful to live together in peace?"

"Ask yourself this: if there were no baselines in the world, & no baseline society, how would you act in this situation we two are in right now? Then ask yourself if the actions you would take would be right or wrong."

"What situation are we talking about exactly?"

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Harvester Tunnels:

Glacier's wounds close over as quickly as ever, & Eel starts to stir behind him - wounds healing quickly, but nowhere near as rapidly as the bears. [Glacier is Hurt with Lethal damage]

As the polar bear anima begins to again get to it's feet, one of the MI troops swears quietly under his breath - & signals the laser-gunners to prepare to fire. The power builds in the high-tech weapons with an audible hum, as a crimson glow builds-up in the barrels. Glacier regains his feet, & starts his charge. The order is given,


Unseen by the troopers, the roughly Interface-faced cloud of white smoke has drifted back 'round the corner of the passageway. Pain erupts through Derek's head - or where his head should be - as he pushes his powers, & the last of his reserves, to the limit - & beyond. Just as the lasers are about to put an end to Glacier's life, they suddenly turn to dust in the hands of their operators - as do the other troops' rifles & grenade launchers, the laser power packs, the disgarded electro-shock pistols, & any other visible weaponry ::blink ! Left with nothing but a couple of handfuls of dust with which to defend themselves, the MI troops face the rage of the charging Glacier... ::shocked [Derek is out of QP & Bruised with Lethal damage]

The baseline troopers scatter - the (ex-)laser-gunner whom Glacier is aiming at barely managing to dive under the swipe of the bear's claws & roll to his feet behind the enraged Nova. One of the troopers throws himself bodily at the anima - in an attempt at a football-style tackle - only to glance off the force field & sprawl across the floor shivering, a thin layer of ice coating his armour. Another adopts a fighting stance, drops low to the floor, & spins a sweep-kick into the legs of the bear - but to no effect, as Glacier remains steady. The trooper crawls back, shaking his ice-covered leg & cursing. The others - unable to engage the Nova in the confined space of the tunnel - back off, radioing for back-up, & searching through pockets & packs for back-up weaponry (or anything that might buy them some time...). They also make sure to report what Interface has done - even though they don't bother trying to do anything to hit the gasseous genius.


... Why should we malign baselines when they may erupt themselves?..

"Who's maligning who? I don't wish any evil on baselines - I just recognise them as being irrelevant to my current state of evolution - & won't tolerate their attempts to restrict my freedoms."

"Well thats just begging for some development  What is a baseline human exactly. Simply a way of saying "the majority of people", normal folk? If so then I wholeheartedly agree, he's out of the norm and so are we."

"Anyone who really grasped the truths of the universe would already have erupted - any who claim to have done so without being evolved are either sadly mistaken or are lying. Those who choose to follow a path that may one day lead to such a transcendant state are no longer really baseline - although they are still human."

"Well, as much as I try not to be too ethnocentric, its hard to disassociate oneself from social conditioning. You shouldn't presume that you're free from it either, though we probably don't share the same social roots..."

"I know full-well that I'm not free from my 'social roots', but at least I make the effort, & recognise where my limitations lie."

"Please, enlighten me as to what these fundamental laws of truth you keep referring to are exactly."

PathFinder laughs,

"Come now - if I knew exactly then my journey would be complete. I can't give you enlightenment - at most I could help you on the path, if you so wished."

"So you admit that our freedom is limited insofar as we don't interfere with other individuals' freedoms?"

"If by 'individuals' you are refering to my evolved peers, then yes, I'll freely admit that."

"Laws can be rewritten. How can novas strive for justice without some mutual agreement as to what our rights are? Failing that, might makes right. Anarchism only works if mutually respectful individuals try to join into non-coercive relationships. With so many power disparities among Novas one can hardly expect this to work. Without a coercive body abuse is bound to arise. Is that really what we should all strive for?"

"You persist in your beliefs that if given free reign the evolved would act just the same as the baseline masses in the same situation. I'm trying to tell you, Terry, we're better than that. The Teragen - those of us who really follow Teras, at least - have proved that individual freedom need not be be brought at the price of the freedom of others."

"I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss baselines. They could still pose a danger to Novas if we gave them reason to truly fear us. Is it truly so awful to live together in peace?"

"I never dismissed them as a threat, & never suggested that there couldn't be peace. All I pointed out was that, to those in our position, the baselines are meaningless - just as insects are meaningless to a normal human. If bugs bite you, they get swatted. If they leave you alone, then you ignore them."

"What situation are we talking about exactly?"

The Terat grins ::biggrin ,

"I thought you were attracted to me, Terry - or has our conversation dampened your ardor? ::wink

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Troops engaging in hand-to-hand

Derek looks aghast at the MI Troops attacking the Novas in hand-to-hand. ::blink

Taking a moment to shake himself out of his reverie....

Derek roars at the men.

"Run! Run you morons! Or they'll kill you all!!!"

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"Who's maligning who? I don't wish any evil on baselines - I just recognise them as being irrelevant to my current state of evolution - & won't tolerate their attempts to restrict my freedoms."

"They're acting out of fear. Perhaps if we gave them reason to let us be, they would. The terrorist acts of the Teragen seem counterproductive to me. I know not all terats condone such activities but failing to react only hurts the movement. - Terry smiles - its the reason I won't join your cause after all... ::wink "

"Anyone who really grasped the truths of the universe would already have erupted - any who claim to have done so without being evolved are either sadly mistaken or are lying.

"But new Novas keep erupting every now and then. Will only erupted a few months ago at the Masters party. How can you arbitrarily declare that all those worthy of eruption would have done so already? Evolution takes time."

"You persist in your beliefs that if given free reign the evolved would act just the same as the baseline masses in the same situation. I'm trying to tell you, Terry, we're better than that. The Teragen - those of us who really follow Teras, at least - have proved that individual freedom need not be be brought at the price of the freedom of others."

"Like you've proved with Natalia? I believe that Novas would act the same as baselines because that's exactly what they're doing. Look around you, Novas are selling their talents to the highest bidder whereas others are are starting cults. Novas are fighting amongst themselves in the hopes of one-upping their peers. Some - Terry nods meaningfully at Pathfinder - have even resorted to blackmail. So far Novas have failed to demonstrate their capacity for an evolved social order."

"I never dismissed them as a threat, & never suggested that there couldn't be peace. All I pointed out was that, to those in our position, the baselines are meaningless - just as insects are meaningless to a normal human. If bugs bite you, they get swatted. If they leave you alone, then you ignore them."

"Bugs don't ask for pity before you swat them and they never, ever, change into humans."

"Come now - if I knew exactly then my journey would be complete. I can't give you enlightenment - at most I could help you on the path, if you so wished."

"I might, as long as it doesn't bind me into fealty or anything. Right now I'm not so sure the path you'd be leading me on is one I'd be willing to follow."

The Terat grins  ,

"I thought you were attracted to me, Terry - or has our conversation dampened your ardor? 

Terry leans back and looks to the side, shaking his head in exasperation before letting out a sigh and looking back at Pathfinder with a sly smile

"Y'know, this is exactly why people shouldn't talk politics during social occasions. To answer your question, if there were no baselines around there'd be absolutely no matter of contention between us. But...there ARE baselines and I AM here so take that as you will."

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"Any suggestions? I'd rather not take her through a warzone right about now..." Will asks Mike.

"My recommendation would be to wait it out and see what happens. Once things calm down, I can turn us all invisible and maybe we can sneak through during the chaotic aftermath. I'm not very combat oriented myself, but I'll back your play, whatever you wnat..."

(edited because I made an erroneous assumption)

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Harvester Tunnels:

"Run! Run you morons! Or they'll kill you all!!!"

One of the trooper's electronically distorted voices calls out,

"Don't listen to the traitor, it's a trick! Glacier has been clocked at over twice average human running speed - we'd be slaughtered the moment we turned our backs!"

By now Glacier's wounds have vanished, whilst Eel's have closed, but aren't completely healed. [Glacier is now undamaged, although starting to feel a little drained]

Eel darts forward, easily encoiling the trooper who dodged past the bear, & squeezing - hard. Lightning dances over the armour, & cracks spread all over it - with a fizz, a pop, & quite a bit of steam, the armour - & the man inside - shatters. The Terat gives him half a glance as she discards the broken rag-doll of a body, calling down the corridor as she does so,

"Good work, Interface - you set 'em up, we'll knock 'em down!" ::thumbsup

The 'talking cloud' however, has drifted closer to the combat. It's arm-shaped appendage reaches for the cavern wall, & the whole cloud shudders as if in pain...

... Suddenly stalactites form smoothly from the ceiling, & matching stalagmites rise from the floor - not quite long enough to touch, but effectively sealing the tunnel with the rocky fangs - creating a barrier between the raging Glacier & the troopers.

"Glacier! Pull back! Let them run!"

"What th'...", comments Eel, sounding confused at Interface's change of team ::confused .

The troopers stare at the new rock formations for a moment or two ::blink , backing off slightly, then one shouts,

"Ok - now we run."

They run.

With an incredible effort of will, John manages to hold the bear back - for a few seconds. As the MI troopers vanish around the corner of the corridor, his 'control' snaps, & Glacier swipes at the rock barrier - easily shattering it with a single blow (but, in the time he takes to do so, allowing the baselines to retreat a bit further).

Elsewhere in the tunnels, Will & Mike, unsure of exactly who the Harvesters are fighting, can hear the sounds of battle getting even closer...


"They're acting out of fear. Perhaps if we gave them reason to let us be, they would. The terrorist acts of the Teragen seem counterproductive to me. I know not all terats condone such activities but failing to react only hurts the movement. - Terry smiles - its the reason I won't join your cause after all...  "

PathFinder frowns,

"You refer to the activities of Nova Vigilance? I'm a member you know - although I'm told the media consider me one of the nicer ones - I suppose because my powers aren't combat-related. Still, the fact that you both condem us because of what the baseline media had told you, & appear to consider the defense of our fellow Novas our cause & not your own, speak volumes about how far you have to go in your own personal evolution."

"But new Novas keep erupting every now and then. Will only erupted a few months ago at the Masters party. How can you arbitrarily declare that all those worthy of eruption would have done so already? Evolution takes time."

"Again you hear, but don't listen - enlightenment is just one of many ways in which Novas have erupted. Those who truly grasped aspects of enlightenment have erupted as a result. Others - such as yourself it appears - erupt out of neccessity, or for many other reasons."

"Like you've proved with Natalia? I believe that Novas would act the same as baselines because that's exactly what they're doing. Look around you, Novas are selling their talents to the highest bidder whereas others are are starting cults. Novas are fighting amongst themselves in the hopes of one-upping their peers. Some - Terry nods meaningfully at Pathfinder - have even resorted to blackmail. So far Novas have failed to demonstrate their capacity for an evolved social order."

"Dealings with baselines, by their very nature, tend to become mired in petty baseline issues. You can't talk philosphy to a dog & expect it to comprehend you - to interact with it, you need to stoop to it's own level of instinct & dominance. That doesn't, of course, excuse those who choose to act in a less evolved manner, rather than doing so out of need. As for Natalia..."

She pauses to eat some more sushi,

"... Ask yourself this - normally an 'intelligent' & mentally stable baseline wouldn't wish to be shot, correct? If they did wish to be shot, then others would consider them insane, & try to prevent that them from acting on that wish, correct? Now - consider your own eruption. If you knew then what you know now about the results of getting shot, would you have wanted it to happened? If someone told you they could go back in time to prevent the incident, would you wish that? If another had arranged for you to get shot - knowing the results, although you yourself, at the time, didn't - would you now thank, or condem them for their actions?"

"If baselines can grow into Novas, then they are, at most, to us as children are to adults. Children don't always know best - sometimes the adults need to take control with a firm hand to insure the best results."

"Bugs don't ask for pity before you swat them and they never, ever, change into humans."

"If they did, but still kept on attacking you, would you let them do so? Would you advocate granting them equal rights, even though, at that moment they're still bugs? Would you allow your life to be dicated by the rules of their society?"

"I might, as long as it doesn't bind me into fealty or anything. Right now I'm not so sure the path you'd be leading me on is one I'd be willing to follow."

The Terat smiles softly,

"Neither am I - all I'm looking for is a willingnes to be open to non-baseline ideals, the potential to walk the path of the evolved - rather than a bloody-minded clinging to the apron-strings of baseline society, like so many Novas are prone to."

"Y'know, this is exactly why people shouldn't talk politics during social occasions. To answer your question, if there were no baselines around there'd be absolutely no matter of contention between us. But...there ARE baselines and I AM here so take that as you will."

"I see."

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"You refer to the activities of Nova Vigilance? I'm a member you know - although I'm told the media consider me one of the nicer ones - I suppose because my powers aren't combat-related. Still, the fact that you both condem us because of what the baseline media had told you, & appear to consider the defense of our fellow Novas our cause & not your own, speak volumes about how far you have to go in your own personal evolution."

Terry raises an eyebrow

"So I take it that you support these actions? I'm sorry to hear that...I never said that I don't consider the defense of Novas a worthy cause or your cause. I'm saying that actions such as murdering mayor Rubert does not help novakind. It only confirmed the Mayor's fears in the eyes of the public, garnered the respect of a few petty sycophants and annoyed most of the other Novas. Now don't get me wrong...I'm not saying we should all join Utopia and blindly follow baseline law, far from it. However, instead of working against each other and against baselines perhaps we...Novas, should try to work together."

"Again you hear, but don't listen - enlightenment is just one of many ways in which Novas have erupted. Those who truly grasped aspects of enlightenment have erupted as a result. Others - such as yourself it appears - erupt out of neccessity, or for many other reasons."

"Out of curiosity, how did you erupt?"

"Dealings with baselines, by their very nature, tend to become mired in petty baseline issues. You can't talk philosphy to a dog & expect it to comprehend you - to interact with it, you need to stoop to it's own level of instinct & dominance. That doesn't, of course, excuse those who choose to act in a less evolved manner, rather than doing so out of need.

"Surly you don't believe baselines dictate how we react? I never had to bark or smell my behind for a dog. As novas, we should be above such petty ways."

As for Natalia...""... Ask yourself this - normally an 'intelligent' & mentally stable baseline wouldn't wish to be shot, correct?

Terry nods in acquiescance

If they did wish to be shot, then others would consider them insane, & try to prevent that them from acting on that wish, correct? Now - consider your own eruption. If you knew then what you know now about the results of getting shot, would you have wanted it to happened?

"Hindsight is 20/20...of course I would."

If someone told you they could go back in time to prevent the incident, would you wish that?

"No...I wouldn't"

If another had arranged for you to get shot - knowing the results, although you yourself, at the time, didn't - would you now thank, or condem them for their actions?"

For a moment Terry seems unsure but soon finds his resolve

"If they had truly known the results, I would not condemn them...but if they had arranged the same thing, for many different people, only a few erupting whereas others died at the bullet, you can be sure that I would find that person and put a term to his "experiments"."

"If baselines can grow into Novas, then they are, at most, to us as children are to adults. Children don't always know best - sometimes the adults need to take control with a firm hand to insure the best results."

"And as children play amongst themselves the adults organize themselves amongst each other. I like this analogy. The adults never kill or harm the children however."

"If they did, but still kept on attacking you, would you let them do so?

"No, but I would not swat them. I would either accept the annoyance of being stung or fan them away. Violence isn't the only solution..."

Would you advocate granting them equal rights, even though, at that moment they're still bugs? Would you allow your life to be dicated by the rules of their society?"

"No, I wouldn't. Its also not what I'm proposing. I think Novas should develop their own rules while respecting baselines for what they are. Baselines don't get angry at gorillas for not being human, even if the silverback leading the pack tries to keep humans away. Instead of killing the Ruperts of this world we should give some leeway to Baselines. Keep your Tampa, it's a shitty town anyway! We could then concentrate on forming a by Novas for Novas society. With a governing body we could prevent more tragedy from happening. If we don't act as tyrants baselines won't be given reasons to overthrow us."

The Terat smiles softly,

"Neither am I

Terry eyes Pathfinder intently and returns her smile


all I'm looking for is a willingnes to be open to non-baseline ideals, the potential to walk the path of the evolved - rather than a bloody-mined clinging to the apron-strings of baseline society, like so many Novas are prone to."

"I think I'm open to non-baseline ideals, just not at the cost of baselines themselves. At least I'm willing to listen though. [unless she seemed receptive to the rest of what's been said] Are you"

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"Ok - now we run."

Hearing that, the collapsing form of Interface breaks into a near-grin.

In a weak voice, possibly intended as a shout, but coming out only slighltly louder than a whisper:

"And don't fscking stop, neither......"

Derek drops (slowly) to his hands and knees, bits of vapor trailing away from him. Where they touch the ground, they become droplets of blood.

Not looking up:

"Eel.... Let them run..... They're no threat to us anymore......"

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With an incredible effort of will, John manages to hold the bear back - for a few seconds. As the MI troopers vanish around the corner of the corridor, his 'control' snaps, & Glacier swipes at the rock barrier - easily shattering it with a single blow (but, in the time he takes to do so, allowing the baselines to retreat a bit further).

As Glacier lunges forward, John manages, through a tour de force of will, just enough control to squint slightly, causing Glacier's vision to blur just as the rocks close on Glacier's intended path. He runs into the rocks and is bumped backwards slightly, where he does not move for a split second, clutching his head in a struggle for control. The struggle is over almost immediately, and Glacier blasts forward, causing the barrier to shatter like so much glass. He bounds after the soldiers.

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Harvester Tunnels:

"Eel.... Let them run..... They're no threat to us anymore......"

Eel pauses to grin at Interface ::biggrin as Glacier bounds off after the MI troops,

"Hey - don't look at me - I'm just keeping up with lover-boy. Man, when he gets p!ssed, he really gets p!ssed, doesn't he?"

Rushing around the bend in the corridor, Glacier gets another face-full of flash grenade ::blink , dropped by the fleeing troopers (not that it'll do much to slow him down...). Not delayed for more than a couple of seconds by the blinding light & deafening noise, he continues in his pursuit, following the scent of his prey - then, suddenly, he catches more scents up ahead, mingling with those of the fleeing troopers - maybe a dozen more people, waiting round the next turn in the tunnel...


"So I take it that you support these actions? I'm sorry to hear that...I never said that I don't consider the defense of Novas a worthy cause or your cause. I'm saying that actions such as murdering mayor Rubert does not help novakind. It only confirmed the Mayor's fears in the eyes of the public, garnered the respect of a few petty sycophants and annoyed most of the other Novas. Now don't get me wrong...I'm not saying we should all join Utopia and blindly follow baseline law, far from it. However, instead of working against each other and against baselines perhaps we...Novas, should try to work together."

"Public opinion was hardly the issue - you're still missing the point. That baseline had harmed a Nova - he had proved himself a threat to our kind, so he was eliminated - like any dangerous animal."

"Out of curiosity, how did you erupt?"

PathFinder frowns again (not that it does much to mar her perfect features...), then sighs, & replies quietly,

"I was another person then, petty & blind to the truth. My eruption was as a result of my primitive baseline urges, & the actions which they led me to take. Back then I was a thief, motivated by simple greed & the thrill of lawlessness. I set off an alarm whilst stealing a set of jewels - the guards responded, I panicked - & the truth was revealed to me."

She looks up, into Terry's eyes,

"Not the tale of enlightenment you expected? Fuel for your misguided arguments? It's not really important now - the person I was ceased to exist that day - now just PathFinder remains."

"Surly you don't believe baselines dictate how we react? I never had to bark or smell my behind for a dog. As novas, we should be above such petty ways."

The Terat laughs ::laugh ,

"Well - that's an interesting image! No - you're right, humans don't behave like dogs when interacting with them, they just don't behave like they do when interacting with humans - they act in a manner which will get the results they require from the animal - which was my point. Baselines can't act like Novas - but Novas can act in act in an unsophisticated way in order to get the results they want (money, fame, power) from baselines - in fact, they have to act in such a way to be able to interact with baselines at all."

"If they had truly known the results, I would not condemn them...but if they had arranged the same thing, for many different people, only a few erupting whereas others died at the bullet, you can be sure that I would find that person and put a term to his "experiments"."

"So - you'd agree that, if I knew that Natalia possessed the capability to erupt, then any means to bring about that eruption, in the end, would be valid? In fact, it would be the greatest gift I could give her, & she'd probably, in the long run, thank me for it?"

"And as children play amongst themselves the adults organize themselves amongst each other. I like this analogy. The adults never kill or harm the children however."

"Never? What world do you live in, Terry? Adults harm children every day - punishments are a necessary device for the child to learn, even if they're just emotional in nature. If a child is disruptive in a school class, the it is removed from that environment. On the larger scale of things, removing a few disruptive baselines is hardly such a radical procedure."

"No, but I would not swat them. I would either accept the annoyance of being stung or fan them away. Violence isn't the only solution..."

She laughs again ::laugh ,

"Oh, Terry - whoever suggested it was? If all we were interested in was violence we could solve the baseline problem overnight. I've met several Teragen members who possess enough power to wipe baselines from the face of the planet single-handed. With just a few of us we could eliminate them all in no time at all. But why bother? They're just not that important."

"No, I wouldn't. Its also not what I'm proposing. I think Novas should develop their own rules while respecting baselines for what they are. Baselines don't get angry at gorillas for not being human, even if the silverback leading the pack tries to keep humans away. Instead of killing the Ruperts of this world we should give some leeway to Baselines. Keep your Tampa, it's a shitty town anyway! We could then concentrate on forming a by Novas for Novas society. With a governing body we could prevent more tragedy from happening. If we don't act as tyrants baselines won't be given reasons to overthrow us."

"The Teragen is a Nova society - you're the one still stuck with the bugs. It's not about Nova / baseline relations, it's about Nova / Nova relations. Novas shouldn't be tyrants to baselines, of course they shouldn't, they shouldn't have any such roles in baseline society at all - it's beneath them &, ultimately, an exercise in futility."


"Hardly - if nothing else, you're pleasant enough eye-candy..." ::sly

"I think I'm open to non-baseline ideals, just not at the cost of baselines themselves. At least I'm willing to listen though. Are you?"

"Oh, I'll listen - just don't expect me to agree with you when you're wrong..." ::wink

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"Public opinion was hardly the issue - you're still missing the point. That baseline had harmed a Nova - he had proved himself a threat to our kind, so he was eliminated - like any dangerous animal."

"Harmed? How was this Nova harmed? Perhaps his ego was shunted at the capture by Team Tomorrow. His Liberty temporarily restrained. I hardly think this calls for deadly retaliation. If Mayor Rupert was a threat to Novakind then Geryon's actions only created more threats."

Terry sighs and gestures for some more sake before returning his attention to Pathfinder.

"We find ourselves in a period of transition, Pathfinder, both for baselines and novas.. We can either make it easy for us by acting smartly or make it nigh impossible by aggravating all parties concerned. Instead of attracting Novas to your side you repulsed them. Rubert's actions were wrong but Geryon's reaction was not only crude but base and more animalistic than many baselines ever lower themselves to. You'd think Novas could react differently than simply by lashing out at whatever irks their ire. - Terry shrugs - Most Novas still respect baselines and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I'm one of them. But offer them a Nova body, willing to fight for their rights, both against baselines and other novas, while respecting both, then you've got something."

"The Teragen is a Nova society - you're the one still stuck with the bugs. It's not about Nova / baseline relations, it's about Nova / Nova relations. Novas shouldn't be tyrants to baselines, of course they shouldn't, they shouldn't have any such roles in baseline society at all - it's beneath them &, ultimately, an exercise in futility."

"Then why don't you show it?"

PathFinder frowns again (not that it does much to mar her perfect features...), then sighs, & replies quietly,

"I was another person then, petty & blind to the truth. My eruption was as a result of my primitive baseline urges, & the actions which they led me to take. Back then I was a thief, motivated by simple greed & the thrill of lawlessness. I set off an alarm whilst stealing a set of jewels - the guards responded, I panicked - & the truth was revealed to me."

She looks up, into Terry's eyes,

"Not the tale of enlightenment you expected? Fuel for your misguided arguments? It's not really important now - the person I was ceased to exist that day - now just PathFinder remains."

Terry takes Pathfinder's hand into his and looks into her eyes while smiling benignly

"Don't take it like that. I'm not trying to belittle you or your ways of thinking...but you do see what I'm saying. "

The Terat laughs  ,

"Well - that's an interesting image! No - you're right, humans don't behave like dogs when interacting with them, they just don't behave like they do when interacting with humans - they act in a manner which will get the results they require from the animal - which was my point. Baselines can't act like Novas - but Novas can act in act in an unsophisticated way in order to get the results they want (money, fame, power) from baselines - in fact, they have to act in such a way to be able to interact with baselines at all."

Terry smiles, apparently happy at having made the Terat laugh at that comment.

"I thought interaction with baselines was beneath us... ::sly Baselines are not dogs, you'd be surprised at what they can understand."

"So - you'd agree that, if I knew that Natalia possessed the capability to erupt, then any means to bring about that eruption, in the end, would be valid? In fact, it would be the greatest gift I could give her, & she'd probably, in the long run, thank me for it?"

Terry sips at his sake before answering

"No, the ends don't always justify the means. Simply knowing she has the capability to erupt is not enough to sanction blind experiments. If you knew something was blocking her eruption then you could inform her to allow her to take the proper steps in avoiding that. If you knew a specific way to make her erupt then maybe you could do it if she was willing and it didn't deprive her of her sanity, meaning torture would be out. The fact that Zia needed the book doesn't show that he knew how to make her erupt. Seems more like he's fishing, to me..."

She laughs again  ,

"Oh, Terry - whoever suggested it was? If all we were interested in was violence we could solve the baseline problem overnight. I've met several Teragen members who possess enough power to wipe baselines from the face of the planet single-handed. With just a few of us we could eliminate them all in no time at all. But why bother? They're just not that important."

"I think you underestimate the baselines. Even the most powerful Novas tire out eventually..."

"Never? What world do you live in, Terry? Adults harm children every day -

As Pathfinder speaks Terry's smile slowly melts into a mask of fury. A low rumbling is heard as the walls and beams above start creaking. The eyes of the angry nova turn midnight black, specked with constellations if the observer ever dared to take a closer look and his hair starts moving slowly in a bizarre underwater effect. A sound of crashing dishes is heard as a waitress is pulled to the floor under the weight of her tray. The angry nova's voice rolls off the walls as he answers in a slow, articulate, wrathful manner:

"NO child should ever be harmed...ever." ::nervous

Silence, other than the creaking of the building, fills the room for a few seconds. Terry's expression soon takes a mournful seeming as his eyes slowly revert to their normal emerald green aspect. The rumbling stops and the restaurant's patrons all seem afraid to move.


Looking up Terry apologizes benevolently in japanese to the people, asking them to please continue as they were which, amazingly, they do.

The Nova, now feeling a bit guilty, looks up at Pathfinder

"I'm sorry...I got...carried away..."

Regaining his composure Terry continues almost as if nothing ever happened ::unsure

"There is a difference between teaching and causing harm Pathfinder. A slap on the wrist isn't hurting the child. It's also quite possible to instruct through positive influence, its even recommended. It shouldn't be any different between Novas and Baselines..."

"Hardly - if nothing else, you're pleasant enough eye-candy..." 

Terry rolls his eyes at Pathfinder and answers sarcastically.

"You really know how to make a guy feel wanted" ::wink

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Elsewhere in the tunnels, Will & Mike, unsure of exactly who the Harvesters are fighting, can hear the sounds of battle getting even closer...

"Let's get out of here, choose a direction quickly and we'll go. Right now anywhere is better than here".

(OOC: sorry been busy last few days, and will be for the next few, so my posts are going to be even shorter than usual. Sorry to put you in a bind Prince of Bordom but you're in charge)

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(no problem, but I'm going out of town friday or saturday so we need to get out of here quickly ::tongue )

"Let's get out of here, choose a direction quickly and we'll go. Right now anywhere is better than here".

"Hmmm, well it sounds like the battle is heading the other way, so maybe we should just follow it out of here, I don't know any other way out..."

With that the group starts walking towards the direction of the fighting...

"Ok, I'm going to turn us invisible, but when I do you and Natalia won't be able to see each other or me, but I'll be able to see you, so don't let go of her and you lead the way..."

assuming he agrees...

They start walking towards the direction of the battle...As they get closer Will suddenly notices that he can't see himself, Natalia, and Mike, and what's even more interesting is he can't hear any sounds from the three of them...

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Derek picks himself up, and heads back towards the lab, limping slightly.

As he walks, he shifts back to his normal form. He's suffering from a nosebleed, and has several small cuts on his hands and face. The edge of each cut looks like metal, that's been roughly cut. Even the flesh under the skin looks metallic.

When he gets back to the lab, he makes sure that the book is where he left it, and finds a chair to plonk himself down in......

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Though suprised not to be able to see his own form and especially Natalia's, since he is holding her. Will does his utmost to follow Mike's instructions to the letter, he doesn't even try to talk incase ths risks exposing them. Should Nat 'freak out' at all, he physically reasures her with a (hopefully) comforting hug.

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Harvester Tunnels:

Heading cautiously towards the sounds of combat, Mike & Will (with Natalia in his arms) soon come across a pitched battle between soldier-like troops in advanced body armour, using carbine / grenade-launcher combination weapons [similar to FN Herstal's 'F2000' integrated weapon system in appearance if anyone's interested], with a few carrying large power packs on their backs linked to oversized laser rifles [think 'Akira' for those babies ::wink ], & various Harvester Novas. True to Mike's word (& reputation), no-one appears to spot the trio as they pass quietly through the combat...

...On their left a hulking Nova who's flesh looks like melted wax slams his club-like fist into a trooper, smashing the baseline back into the cave wall, & causing cracks to spread across his armour, whilst blood oozes out, & the man slumps lifeless to the ground. Moments later, a crimson beam intersects the wax-man's right shoulder & slices down through his torso to exit at his left hip, severing him in two. The Harvester gurgles a few words, whilst his cauterised flesh pops & hisses, & joins his victim in death.

On the right volleys of shaped-charge grenades pound into the space just in front of three teenage children - two boys & a girl (who all bear a family resemblance), stopping just shot of the Nova youngsters & leaving them unharmed - the kids' intense stares towards the troopers they face are rather unnerving... Moments later the lead grenadier drops his weapon & clutches the sides of his head, his agonized scream sounding alien though the suit's electronic filters.

Above the battle, the insectoid Emelia scuttles across the cavern ceiling, pausing to discharge a spray of acidic vomit on the troopers below - who furiously start to wipe at their armour as it begins to sizzle & melt.

Everywhere they look, aberration-heavy Novas clash with the more numerous, but much less powerful, baseline troopers. It doesn't take long for Mike & Will to realise that the troops are using equipment that Masters International manufactures.

Passing the battle, the small invisible group follow more tunnels - many sporting evidence of violent combat - until they again return to the 'lab' cavern, where they spot a wounded Interface limping back in...

... Limping back into the lab cavern, Interface looks 'round for the book - only to find it missing! There aren't any other people in the 'room' either - not even Dr Zia is present.


"Harmed? How was this Nova harmed? Perhaps his ego was shunted at the capture by Team Tomorrow. His Liberty temporarily restrained. I hardly think this calls for deadly retaliation. If Mayor Rupert was a threat to Novakind then Geryon's actions only created more threats."

Terry sighs and gestures for some more sake before returning his attention to Pathfinder.

"We find ourselves in a period of transition, Pathfinder, both for baselines and novas.. We can either make it easy for us by acting smartly or make it nigh impossible by aggravating all parties concerned. Instead of attracting Novas to your side you repulsed them. Rubert's actions were wrong but Geryon's reaction was not only crude but base and more animalistic than many baselines ever lower themselves to. You'd think Novas could react differently than simply by lashing out at whatever irks their ire. - Terry shrugs - Most Novas still respect baselines and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I'm one of them. But offer them a Nova body, willing to fight for their rights, both against baselines and other novas, while respecting both, then you've got something."

PathFinder is (unusually) quiet as she permits Terry to make his points. Then, with a rather sad sigh, she replies,

"Rupert declared Novas illegal in Tampa. That's a violation of his own country's consitution right there - if you happen to accept the 'Zurich Accord', which the USA claims to. The only 'crime' Sluice commited was being a Nova in Tampa. For that T2M claimed he was a terrorist, & took him to the Project: Utopia death camp at Bahrain. Rupert was advocating the death penalty for Novas who broke his little 'law'. Sluice 'did the right thing' by the standards of the baseline law which you're so fond of - he challenged an unconstitutional law by the most peaceful & non-violent protest possible, he was just there - just like various civil-rights campaigners have in the past. So don't tell me we haven't tried it 'your way' - we have, & it doesn't work. The full force of T2M - a group that represents the interests of the United Nations, which in turn claims to represent the interests of all the people on the planet - was brought down on his innocent head. By any standards that law was unjust & plain wrong. The people of Tampa could have rejected it, & the man who made it. The government of the USA could have rejected it. The United Nations could have rejected it. Yet none of them did - all agreed to it's enforcement. They all agreed that Sluice was a dangerous criminal simply because he was a Nova who went where they had declared he wasn't allowed to go." ::angry

"How many times have you looked at pictures of the Holocaust & wished that you'd been around to kill Hitler before it all happened? So don't try to tell me that Geryon was in the wrong when he snapped Rupert's neck. You call that 'simply lashing out at whatever irks his ire'? You yourself appear to believe that it's right for the strong to protect the weak against their oppressors. That's all Geryon did - I'm proud to call him my friend."

"And what of my other friend, Sluice? You're happy to have him vivisected by the 'Utopian' butchers at Bahrain, as long as your precious baseline law & baseline sensitivities are protected? Is his suffering an 'acceptable loss', as long as the law is obeyed? Which 'proper channels' would you like us to have gone through? Would you now condem me if I did everything in my power to rescue my friend, & make sure that those who tortured him could never do that to another Nova again?"

"Then why don't you show it?"

"Give me one example of a Terat who lives as a Tyrant over the baselines."

"Don't take it like that. I'm not trying to belittle you or your ways of thinking...but you do see what I'm saying."

"Of course I do - I'm suffering through the thoughts that go with those words as well. You're wrong Terry, it's really that simple. I could just rearrange your memories so that you were inclined towards seeing the truth, but I'm not going to do that. You need to walk the true path willingly. Stop looking at the world with baseline eyes, take a step back, & see what's really happening out there."

"I thought interaction with baselines was beneath us...  Baselines are not dogs, you'd be surprised at what they can understand."

"Of course they aren't - but I presume you understand the metaphor? Baselines are animals - that's a scientific fact which even they tend to admit. We are so much more."

"No, the ends don't always justify the means. Simply knowing she has the capability to erupt is not enough to sanction blind experiments. If you knew something was blocking her eruption then you could inform her to allow her to take the proper steps in avoiding that. If you knew a specific way to make her erupt then maybe you could do it if she was willing and it didn't deprive her of her sanity, meaning torture would be out. The fact that Zia needed the book doesn't show that he knew how to make her erupt. Seems more like he's fishing, to me..."

"If we know then how can it be 'blind experimentation'? Are you so arrogant that you claim greater knowledge of Nova biology than Dr Zia - one of the greatest intellects on the planet, & the foremost authority on the subject? If someone had told you that they could make you erupt, but that they'd need to shoot you point-blank with a shotgun to do it, would you have gone through with it? Like you said, hindsight is 20/20 - but isn't it better to take that step for someone who's unwilling & doesn't comprehend, & allow them to achieve their full potential, & gain that hindsight - than it is to leave the choice up to them?"

"I think you underestimate the baselines. Even the most powerful Novas tire out eventually..."

"And I know you overestimate them. You still think it's about them & us - it's not, it's just about us. Whether they're a threat or not isn't the real point - when they threaten us, we'll remove that threat. When they leave us alone, we'll ignore them. Who cares who has the most stamina in a fight? You can't be denying that we have the power to destroy them can you? Trust me, even if you don't believe it, we do - but, like I said, why bother?"

"NO child should ever be harmed...ever."

PathFinder waits patiently as Terry expresses his distaste in no uncertain terms. The locals, when it's all over, back away slightly from the gravity controlling Nova, & look at him with newfound awe replacing the more mundane hero-worship in their eyes.

"I'm sorry...I got...carried away..."

PathFinder leans closer to Terry, takes his hands in hers, & says quietly, but firmly,

"Never apologize for being your true self."

"There is a difference between teaching and causing harm Pathfinder. A slap on the wrist isn't hurting the child. It's also quite possible to instruct through positive influence, its even recommended. It shouldn't be any different between Novas and Baselines..."

"Even if that child, like Rupert, is trying it's damndest to murder all the adults, & get the other children to join in? Sometimes a slap on the wrist just doesn't cut it Terry - no matter how much that may contradict the rosey world-view you so want to be true. Allowing the children free-reign to do what they want, allowing them to dictate the rules to the adults, granting them the power to be a threat - that's just madness. While you may wish to believe that baselines are to Novas as children are to adults, you can't possibly believe that they have the same inherent innocence as a new-born, can you?"

"You really know how to make a guy feel wanted"

PathFinder leans close, whilst running the tip of one foot up Terry's leg under the table, & gives a devilish smile,

"Would it help if I mentioned that after that little display of power you just had - that glimpse of your true nature - I was feeling really aroused?" ::devil ::sly

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