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Adventure! RPG - Innovations


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If you're a by-the-rules kind of person, you'll want to just ignore this post, as I play loose and fast, bending, twisting, and making the rules scream Uncle.

Then I go Mal on 'em.  :Devil

For the Optimized Metabolism one, I can think of a couple of ways of going about it. Perhaps the innovation is a special drink that really takes the spirit out of you for a day, thus requiring an Inspiration point expenditure. Most drugs have some serious side effects, and the loss of some Inspiration can reflect that.

I wouldn't be so kind, though. I'd also toss in some other ST vileness. Give the character an addiction to it, requiring the brew at least once a week. Perhaps he fels mighty and invigorated for the first couple of days after taking it, only to become sullen and depressed until the next batch. What happens if the character has to go without for a time? Are the ingredients even legal?

See where I'm going with this? Lots of things can be done to enhance the story effect, even if you so choose to ignore the Inspiration expenditure. Whatever makes it more enjoyable to the player and ST. Though I wouldn't let the person get off scott free...


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  • 5 months later...

now you all see what he's really like, see what i have to put up with every week? ::whatsthat

then again, on the other had i do have that ever handy

Orbital Plot Hole Cannon laying around, i think i'll bring that baby out of retirement. ::halo

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Seeing how I just wrapped up two games, go for it. I'm sure MaxStone will enjoy the chalenge.  ::sly

Also, you're up after he is, missy. I have a nice stash of Plot Hole tac nukes waiting. If needed, the light mollusk launcher is standing by.  ::devil


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