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Aberrant RPG - What is... "TERMINAL"?

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When Jaya, Mask of Connection, became the Last, she gained control of the Absolute Consciousness and the entirety of the Earth planet-mind -- but in return, it gained control of her, and her indomitable force of will.

She saw joy and triumph and marvelous things... but more than anything else, she saw sorrow, pure and crushing, stored from the beginning of time within the depths of the planet-mind.  She felt the wounds of every soldier who ever died in every meaningless war, and every soldier who truly believed in the cause; she shook with the impotent rage of everyone who had ever been abused, cast aside, or sacrificed for the good of a greater cause; she listened to the death rattle of every creature that noticed the looming, unstoppable predator behind them just a moment too late.  With every nerve, with every sense she possessed, she experienced the scream of the planet.

She was destroyed by the cruel hand of injustice.

She was reborn in the fires of purest, howling agony.




What is "TERMINAL"?




Hope you enjoyed this painful little teaser, folks... you'll be seeing more of these, and more about Terminal, throughout the next several months or more.  Just wait and see, wait and see... heheheh...

A bit more detail... Terminal is my upcoming project on EON, a completely new story world based on the mechanics and powers of Aberrant, but with a completely different twist on things.  More info... eh... well... whenever I feel like tormenting you people again.  :P  Or whenever one of the staff members of this project (once I get some) decides to spill the beans.  Don't ask Chill about it, though, as he already knows a lot, and I don't want to put him in the position of having to continually refuse people's requests for info.  Just wait and see, wait and see...

~Doctor Flossenstein

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