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World of Darkness: Attrition - [IC] The Rumor Mill


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Okay all. We had one of these for WoDA prior to the reboot, which you can find further down in the WoDA general board. Here is the new improved rumor-mill.

This is a thread for posting tidbits, rumors, and factoids about your character that other people might know. These are mainly notes that other players can use when deciding what they know and what to believe, as well as flavor-text for how NPC's in various groups see your character. The format for the rumor should be:

[Group aware of the rumor] <Text of the rumor>

So, for example:

[uCLA Students] Lucien Hunt is Batman

There you go: easy peasy.

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Declan Perault Rumor Mill

1. [uCLA staff] Declan was in the U.S. Army and saw heavy action in the Middle East. He came unhinged there.

2. [uCLA] Declan made a frat boy wet himself last year, just by staring at him. All the frat boy had done was to flip a cigarette butt onto the grass.

3. [uCLA students] He's been seen going for runs around the campus at night, having been seen out very late and sometimes very early by some students and staff. He's probably a peeper; either that, or he's a serial killer looking for a victim.

4. [uCLA Staff] He drops out of sight at least one weekend a month. Most people think he goes hunting or fishing upstate.

5. [uCLA students] Declan was actually part of a black ops unit in the Middle East. He was captured by Taliban forces, and went crazy after one too many interrogations. He escaped by ripping out his interrogator's throat with his teeth one night. The V.A. put him here at UCLA so he would be close to the hospital if he needed his medication.

6. [uCLA & LAPD] Declan was briefly arrested earlier this year on an assault charge. Upon being interrupted doing business on the campus grounds, a drug dealer flashed a gun at Declan in an attempt to intimidate him. The dealer subsequently spent a lot of time in hospital for multiple everything, and has not been seen near UCLA since.

7. [uCLA] Declan is sometimes seen sketching when he's not working, though attempts to peek at his work are not received well. It's believed that he draws the things he saw as a soldier as part of his therapy.

8. [uCLA] The reason Declan doesn't date is that he has hideous burn scars on his lower body that he doesn't want anyone to see.

9. [L.A. Vampires in the UCLA region] Several vampires have gone missing on UCLA campus and there's whispers about a big wolf that roams there sometimes. It's probably a Lupine that claims the whole damn campus. Best to stay away.

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Sarah O'Neally Rumor Mill

  • [L.A. vampires] This Gangrel is nuts. Just plain nuts. Won't join a covenant or a coterie, just hates us in general. Keep out of her turf; something other than her helps defend it.
  • [L.A. werewolves] This leech is nuts. Just plain nuts. Tries to be like us, instead of like them. The Topangas seem OK with her for some damned reason, but who knows with them? Best avoided.
  • [L.A. werewolves] Sarah? She's a Dead-Wolf. Hell, she's fought right alongside us. Claims to have sworn the Oath, and from what I can tell really believes it. Probably crazy, but who wouldn't be if they were dead?
  • [Holmby Park neighborhood] Isn't it nice to have such a clean and safe park in our backyard? I used to love taking Rover for walks there; wish I knew what happened to him.
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Jeremy Noctis Rumor Mill

[LA Amphora Workers] Jeremy is nice, but he never talks about himself that much. Whenever you ask a reasonably deep question about family, college, whatever, somehow he always manages to steer the subject away.

[LA Changelings] Noctis regards the Amphora as very much his own territory, it's nearly a second home for him.

[LA Amphora Patrons & Workers] Have you ever noticed that when Mr. Grenhouser bought the bar, Jeremy came to work there right at the same time? He's buddy buddy with the boss' son, you think this was a favor of some kind?

[LA Vampires] The LA Amphora used to be a good hunting ground, but lately, Kindred have been hearing mysterious warnings to stay away, though no one is there to speak them. Best stay away.

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  • 1 year later...

[uCLA students] August supposedly had some kind of breakdown in the mountains this summer. The faculty know about it, but they’re covering it up for her.

[uCLA students]The girl has started to react funny, like she’s having hallucinations.

[uCLA students] She lives with that weird girl – they have some kind of bizarre sexual thing going on. August is definitely the bottom in that relationship.

[uCLA students and staff] August’s father was a serial murderer and her mother is in a mental facility. August is one mental snap from becoming like one or both of them.

[uCLA faculty] August should take some time off from the program. Too much is going on right now for her to be able to complete her schooling.

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