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Aberrant: 200X - A Surprise For Mother

Firanis 'Fi' Flux

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Three days after her glorious eruption into novahood, Katya called her mother, not to tell her about her change, but to push back their family Christmas dinner to Anya's birthday on the 30th. She wanted to share her surprise at the same time Ryusei gave her his secretive present. Katya was confident she could pry it out of him if she tried, but found the anticipation more fun.

Even using all her new found subtlety and persuasive skills, Katya still thought her mother suspected something, though Anya readily agreed with no hint of disappointment. She simply mentioned in passing that Jason had already called and been invited to join them, of course, and that she would try to teach her how to cook a turkey. Katya giggled at the thought, told her mother that she loved her, and would see her soon.

Two weeks at the Hideoyoshi residence flew by. It had been an interesting time, interacting with the other guests as a true equal. If anything, the Mansfields had been even more intrigued with her, though thankfully, Katya found herself considerably better equipped to deal with their formidable attention. Ryusei was more than enough for her, though, with a curve to her lips, it did cross her mind to see if she could have haunted Tomas as much as he had haunted her.

After the Mansfields had left, Katya spent the following time, with Ryusei's help, learning the limits of her new capabilities. Unlike Jason, Katya hadn't changed into an almost entirely new person, she was still herself, just enhanced in every way. She was astounded by what she could accomplish now with ease, yet it felt completely natural, not strange at all, as if she had always been this way. Ryusei found himself hard pressed to keep up with girlfriend's seemingly inexhaustible energy.

Ryusei's family welcomed her continued presence with open arms, her quantum-boosted personality charming them effortlessly, even Takashi having a smile for her now. Ryusei was more than willing to provide her with a new wardrobe, as long as he got to choose some of it, to which Katya gave him free reign with his choices - she was willing to try anything on for him.

All too soon, it was the 30th, and it was time for them to cross to the other side of the world. Katya couldn't wait to show herself off to her Mother, and Jason too.

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Ryusei dressed nicely, yet it wasn't what would be called extremely formal. He had been in Heaven these last two weeks. Katya had been a Godsend to him initally, now as a truly equal partner in the relationship, He found he couldn't be any happier.

Her abilities were impressive, the difference between before and after staggering. He smiled. He'd meant what he told her, he loved her regardless. He was flattered that for all intents and purposes she'd errupted for him. She hadn't figured out his plan yet, though he felt she would certainly approve of it.

He made his way to the Foyer and smiled at her, "are you ready to go?" When she nodded She felt his presence expand, and then he smiled and they reappeared half the world away. They had gone over this, and she carefully stood behind him as he knocked on the door, waiting for Anya to answer it. Katya was truly going to suprise her mother, and Ryusei smiled as he thought of the gift he'd decided on.

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The stunning nova couple heard a muffled, accented voice telling to come in and when Ryusei tried the door, he found it unlocked. Stepping in, the smell of fresh baking and roasting turkey assailed them, a husky voice singing in Russian floating from the kitchen. Katya unnecessarily pointed the way with an elegantly arched brow and a toss of her head, trailing behind Ryusei with the silken whisper of her slacks, her delicate grace rendering her high heeled steps as quiet as cat's breath.

Entering the kitchen, Ryusei knocked on the door frame, and Anya glanced over her shoulder with a warm smile. She finished cutting out one more cookie, wiped her hands on a towel, dried them on her apron, then glided to Ryusei, stretching up to give him a welcoming hug and a kiss on either cheek.

"Ah, Ryusei, I did not know if it was you or Jason who had arrived. You're looking as handsome as ever. My little Kat, she is right behind?"

"Little no longer, mom," Katya declared with delight as she pirouetted with supple grace pass Ryusei into the kitchen, face painted with a wide grin. "Your little Kat is all grown up, now. What do you think?"

Anya looked up at her stunning daughter, stunned and awed. She used to be three inches taller than her diminutive daughter and more buxom besides, even if time was taking a harsh toll. Now, Katya stood more than half a foot taller with her heels, with a figure far more glorious than hers had ever been.

"<Is... Is that really you, Katya?>" Anya stammered, reverting to her native language in her shock, a surprised smile curving her lips. "<You look... simply amazing, Kat. This is unbelievable! I am sure, Ryusei, he is completely enthralled.> Katya, how did this happen?"

Anya stepped forward to give her daughter a fierce embrace, and Katya hugged her back with carefully controlled strength, lifting her mother's feet off the ground with effortless ease, spinning her in a breathless circle.

"It is unbelievable, mom. There are no words I can use to fully describe the experience. It's like being born again, only this time, you're truly alive for the first time. As for how it happened, well..."

Katya's lips curved into a wicked grin, and she gave Ryusei a sidelong glance that flashed dimples made even more devastating by her eruption. "... I may have brought the breasts out of Jason, but Ryu brought the best out of me." Her smokey giggle made her boyfriend go weak in the knees.

"Let me just go put our bags away and take off my shoes, then I'll help you do the baking and tell you all about it, mom. Promise." Katya's vivid green eyes sparkled at Ryusei, then she sashayed out with that enticing sway to her hips.

While Katya left, Anya shook her head in wonder, then went to place her pan of cookies into the higher of the two grills of her double oven. Then she poured herself a glass of red wine and took a long sip, before offering Ryusei any.

"You are a very lucky man, Ryusei, I hope she doesn't turn out to be too big of a handful for you now," she said with an amused grin, the lines around her eyes crinkling deeply. "She was more than a handful for me, and that was before she reached into novalescence."

Katya returned quickly and slipped on an apron that was hanging on the back of the door, then poured herself her own glass of wine. "So, where are we starting? I vote pie. Oh, and did Jason say when she was showing up? I want to surprise her too."

"Okay, hon, we'll start with the apple pie, I have some of those cookies you like so much baking now." Anya glanced at the clock, then looked at her daughter with amused admiration. "Jason said she'll be here almost any minute now. Said she was bringing a friend and a ham she cooked herself, too. Now you two, tell me about my new daughter."

As Katya turned to begin gathering ingredients for the pie, she flashed Ryusei a pair of raised eyebrows and an impish smile, as if to say, 'Oh, really. Who could that be?' at the mention of Jason bringing a friend.

She nodded at Ryusei, telling him he could start explaining what happened, while she went to work on the crust.

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Ryusei looked at Katya, unsure of just what sort of detail to provide. "Well it started with the introductions to my family. My Sister Yumiko and my brother Saito immediately took to her, though to my shame my other brother Takashi needed to be taught some manners."

"Sakurako couldn't be coerced into leaving her lab, but My Father and Grandfather certainly seemed to think I was most fortunate."

"Then My Father's Guests arrived." His face darkens. "It turns out that I have not one, but two nova sisters, Saori Mansfield being the other. She came in the company of Re, Tomas and Edward Mansfield, her husbands and family."

"In the end I welcomed four novas into the family along with my siblings and grandfather."

It was somewhat crowded, so as the responsible adult in the group I took Katya to our home in the city. He looked at Katya who just smiled at him and he nodded. "After the stress of the day, Katya sought to help me unwind, and I came to realize how much I care for her. In my zeal perhaps I overstimulated her... and well her subconscious decided torelease her true potential."

"The next day was a funy yet spirited shopping spree because nothig she had fit anymore." He smiled, the pin she'd gotten hom easily seen.

It was a roundabout way of "After a rough day we went to my other home andmade love so hard she errupted."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ryusei watched Katya dance around the kitchen as she helped prepare a belated Christmas dinner with the enticing, effortless competence with which she seemed to do everything now. He smiled to see her inhibited exuberance, shivering as she gave him a caress in passing, or a toe-curling kiss.

Anya smiled fondly at the two youths from her place at the counter, glad to see their joy. Though they had stayed great friends, when Jason had erupted, she had seen a lingering, dissatisfied longing shadowing her daughter's features. That longing looked to have been filled, and then some, as she shook her head wonderingly at her amazing, Nova daughter.

Anya listened attentively to Ryusei's account of the Hideyoshi Christmas Gathering, amused and sympathetic to what had transpired. "That sounds rather... eventful, Ryusei. It must be a hard thing, finding out you had a sister you never knew about, who is... married... to two men and a woman, no less." Her eyes widened in bewilderment at the antics of these new gods among men, who seemed they felt they could do anything.

Anya gave Ryusei and Katya a wry smile, voice rich with amusement. "Only the next day was taken up with shopping, when my daughter had the perfect excuse to acquire an entire new wardrobe? I'm impressed, Ryusei, you have much better control over my daughter than I ever did." Anya chuckled as Katya stuck her tongue and ran her fingers through her boyfriend's inky mane.

The light banter continued for a while, Anya sitting down at the table to cut vegetables when standing so long was getting tiring for her, when there was a rap at the door, familiar to Kat and her mother.

"There's Jase!" Katya exclaimed, lips stretching wide in a gleefully mischievous grin. "Ryu, hon, can you get the door for her and her friend, while I get ready to present the new me? 'Kay, thanks!"

Katya skipped out of the kitchen and up the stairs, hips swaying, giggling as she wondered how Jason was react to her new her.

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Ryusei nodded. "Less than you think, just lucky in that the stores were hit hard, and there's a limit to my transport ability."

He made his way over to the door still smiling from the kiss. He opened the door to find the Dazzling duo of Bombshell and Knockout, or in polite terms, Jason and Danielle there in all their beauty.

"Nice to see the two of you again. Come in, Come in. Katya and Anya won't let me help cook, so I get door answering duties."

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Jason gave Danielle a playful squeeze on the ass as her golden-haired girlfriend bent over to get their contribution to the Christmas dinner at the Skovskaya's. Actually, it was the second attempt at the ham, since Jason had ruined the first one - she was able to catch bullets, but apparently couldn't measure out a pinch of anything. It was a good thing losing a night of sleep was no big deal for the impossibly stunning couple, though cooking hadn't been their only excuse for doing so (grin.gif). Jason had helped with the second ham, mostly by just fetching things at Dani's pointed commands. The silver haired amazon had never really had to cook for herself until she bought her own house and Dani was still teaching her the joys of fine, home-made cuisine, something beyond BBQ.

It had been six months since her debut in Havana and she'd met the woman she had erupted into a facsimile of, and Jason was happy, content with her new self in a way she had never expected she would be. She carried herself with a new confidence and easy acceptance, even pride. Her body felt natural, felt like hers, and it didn't bother her anymore, not even the ass length hair (okay, the hair still bothered her a teensy bit). She had stopped worrying so much about how others saw her, what they expected from someone who looked like her, and that had let her feel like she was still Jason, at least someone she still recognized as herself, even while it granted her a freedom to explore her new life, experience new things she had never considered before.

Danielle could certainly attest to that, after seeing what was in Jason's lingerie drawers and her closets, though admittedly, the vast majority of that was worn purely for her and Dani's benefit - and Conrad's, that one time. Katya had been the main instigator in Jason's expanding wardrobe, but it was Danielle who was the main source of Jason's new equanimity with being literally one of the most spectacular women in the world. Jason may still have occasionally stumbled on the heels of femininity, but she got right back up, fine with just being herself.

Having someone else who truly understood exactly what your exceptional predicament was like was a remarkably large step for the growing relationship between the two former men. Due to their unique circumstances, they could just hang out like best buddies, simply shooting the shit, playing video games or whatever, then almost seamlessly shift into more intimate activities. It was like taking a bromance and a romance, sticking them in the blender, and making an awesome cocktail.

It worked for them.

Both of them were busy with commitments, Danielle to being the municipal defender of Calgary, Jason to her expanding entertainment career, so their relationship was mostly a long distance one, but they made it work. They visited each other when they could, planned or surprised and spoke most days on the phone or met during various online video games. With the golden-haired twin needing no sleep and the silver haired one needing little, they had lots of time to talk and rack up some monstrous online scores.

Jason was a rising star and the gorgeous darling of the XWF, participating in both the Red and Black Circuits, as her skills and capabilities grew. So far, she had only one loss, to Babezilla, which cost her a chance at the Red Circle Title. Babezilla had been the first woman Jason had faced in the ring, and she had hesitated when a bit of her leftover ingrained male instincts had reared their head and screamed, You don't hit girls!

Unfortunately, the fifty foot woman had no such compunctions about hitting the new woman who had the temerity to be more attractive than she was. Babezilla had been vicious and pasted Bombshell before she really had any time to react. Jason had learned a valuable, and painful, lesson, and redeemed herself at the Manhattan Meltdown, decisively slaughtering her oversized rival in the Black Circle Battle of the Beauties, and winning the unofficial title of Sexiest Woman in the XWF, to the chagrin of more than a few.

Jason's XWF promotional posters and swimsuit calender were among the season's best sellers, and she had acquitted herself very well on the talk show circuit, with a blend of wry humour and a restrained vivacious class. A friendly, if business oriented, call from Ausrine earned her a few more modeling gigs, though thankfully, it was sportswear (and swimsuits) rather than haute couture, which even now being a woman, Jason still didn't understand. Jason seemed to have some great innate style, both active and elegant at the same time, but was actually somewhat embarrassed by how much they were paying her to just sit or stand, wearing this or that. All the while, the offer from Playboy kept rising, Jason starting to waver.

With her modeling giving her exposure, Jason was approached for a bit part in a movie, though they told her directly that is was for the pure cheesecake/sex appeal factor. Both Katya and Conrad begged her to do it, but mostly, she choose to do it just to see what it was like. To her surprise, she had a lot of fun. To everyone else's surprise, Jason was actually a very good actress and turned her little fluff part into a shockingly stirring role.

And that's how Jason Bellefleur ended up in Ragnarok, a modern day re-envisioning of the Nordic Armageddon as a doomed Valkyrie. There were vague rumours about Golden Globe and Oscar nominations and a possible TV series. Jason didn't care, she just had a fun. So did Danielle, when she saw her tall girlfriend dressed in her outfit from the movie, bits of leather and chain mail, as a member of the biker gang, Ride of the Valkyires.

It was impossible for Jason and Danielle to avoid the tabloids, but for the most part, it wasn't really that bad, except for a few more risque shots, especially after they stopped reacting to the negative or more outlandish tales. Ottawa, despite being Canada's capital, actually had a very low key paparazzi presence, and Calgary fell in love with the Dazzling Duo, who were seen around town on several occasions. The only thing that still really annoyed Jason was the goddamned persistent rumour that she was in fact, just a quantum formed replicant of Knockout, a fuckin' clone.

They had an easy time hanging out together, having fun with mutual activities or introducing the other to their own hobbies. Dani helped Jason set up her computer and the high-end electronics that Ryusei had given her for a housewarming present, and began teaching her to cook. Jason managed to coax Dani into attending other sporting events and trying various sports themselves, finding out in the process that Dani liked skating. The two of them were seen on more than several occasions at the Olympic Oval in Calgary.

Both them had a fondness for video games, though of slightly divergent tastes and to Jason's everlasting shame, Dani and Conrad managed to get her addicted to Guitar Hero and Rock Band, so badly in fact, that she actually made an effort to learn to play the real guitar she had bought several years ago. Singing and music was another area that Jason showed a rare talent, but she never shared it with anyone beyond Dani, Conrad, and Kat.

Jason had been a little surprised, and more than a little pleased to have been invited to Thanksgiving dinner with Danielle's family. She envied Dani's acceptance by her family - her own had disowned her immediately - even if had been a little odd. Dani's father treated them as if there were still boys - somehow - and just good friends, whereas her mother treated them as a darling pair of twin daughters. Dani's sister was cool, glad that they had found each other, and really dished on the dirt from when Danielle was younger. As much as she enjoyed her time with them, it had still been painful, knowing that her family was lost to her.

That was the first time Danielle had seen Jason cry, holding her in her arms, back at her place that she shared with Conrad.

In return for the Thanksgiving Dinner, Jason had invited Danielle to a belated Christmas Dinner at the Skovskayas, which was the closest thing she had to a family nowadays. Since in was after the twenty-fifth, Dani had been able to make it, much to Jason's joy.

And that was how Danielle found herself helping Jason cook a ham, two hams, for dinner. Jason wrapped the ham up in the pot, collected the bag of presents she'd gotten for Katya and Anya, then the two of them got in Jason's big Dodge Ram Hemi-HC, and were cruising down the 417. About half an hour later, they were walking up to Kat's door. Jason knocked with an instinctive cadence.

Originally Posted By: Ryusei
"Nice to see the two of you again. Come in, Come in. Katya and Anya won't let me help cook, so I get door answering duties."

"A man in the kitchen? Don't be absurd!" Jason laughed, sounding like sultry silvery bells, then gave Ryusei a one armed hug. "Good to see you again, Ryu. Glad you're keeping Kat happy. Kitchen you said, right? Me and Dani have our contribution right here."

Jason raised a hand slightly, showcasing the covered pot and unconsciously her stunning figure to devastating effect. Ryusei couldn't help but notice the change in Jason, and it was more than just the way her glowing, twilight eyes rested on Danielle fondly. She was comfortable in her own skin in a manner that had been lacking in Havana, highlighted by the charcoal, cashmere sweat dress she wore, along with stylish, knee high, low-heeled boots. Her long, gleaming silver hair was tied back in high pony-tail, artful tumbles of argent locks falling around her face.

The Dress

"Anya, Kat, we're here, finally, me and my friend," Jason called out in her gorgeous soprano as she sashayed to the kitchen, hips swaying with a natural enticement, which suited her much better than the way she used to try to suppress the movement, which just made her look constipated.

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In contrast to Jason, Danielle was wearing her hoodie and jeans, certain curves making themselves known despite her earnstwhile attempts to stop them. She was carrying a stack of presents, and waved with one hand. "Heya everyone. Merry, uh, non-denominational whatever, I think."

She kicked off her boots and looked for a place to set her parcels down. "The heavy ones have special sheeting so I can't peek. Her idea - " She nodded to Jason. "I mention one thing from a comic and the next thing you know..."

Could be worse. I could be wearing that costume again. Outside the bedroom, that is.

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Ryusei smiles. Jason seemed happier now. Havanna had been good for both of them, in at least one similar way. He looked to Danielle and smiled. He led her to where the rest of the gifts were, noting the ones he and Katya had gotten were not present he sighed. He'd have to go get them sometime, they were sitting in the corner of his room, as his bed had been occupied.

"So how have you been?"

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"I know... none of those people," Jason said, glancing at Ryusei over her shoulder, an inquiring smile on her lips, "and married to three other people?!" She shook her head in flabbergasted wonder. "That's a lot of family to find out you just had. Congratz?" Jason cocked her head, questioningly, then grinned. "Kat is an awesome girl, you totally lucked out with her, dude."

"You have no idea," Ryusei said under his breath, concealing a grin from Katya's preternaturally gorgeous ex.


"Nothing. You'll see."

"Oooooh-kay." Jason bent over, smoothly removing her boots and tossing them neatly next to Danielle's, while still holding the potted ham easily in her other hand. She straightened up with a pleasant bounce that Ryusei couldn't fail to miss and Danielle was well accustomed to. "Oh, Dani, when Kat gets down here, you gotta tell them about the guy with the sword." Jason snorted with hilarity as she remembered Danielle telling her about the encounter - and it was a snort, definitely not a giggle. Never a giggle.

"Anyways, things have been going great for me too, busy, but great." Her grin grew more playful as she glanced at Dani, giving her girlfriend a wink, before turning around and leading them to the kitchen.

"I'm still surprised by how much fun I had on the set of Ragnarok. Don't tell anyone, this is still hush-hush and junk, but they are thinking about either doing prequels following some of the heroes - like yours truly - or maybe a TV show. It's all still in the air."

Gliding into the kitchen, Jason set the ham down on the island, then wrapped Anya in a firm hug, giving her a kiss on either cheek, which the older woman returned. "Anya, it's great to see you again. I've should've visited more often."

"Nonsense, Jason, you have your own life to live. But look at you! You're lovelier than ever. And in a dress no less, that my little Kat didn't have to talk or trick you into wearing. Is this your doing?" Anya asked Jason's golden haired companion, an amused cast to her worn features, though Danielle could still see where Katya had gotten her looks.

"It's mine. It's cashmere, I like the way it feels." Unconsciously, Jason ran a hand down the side of her dress, caressing the soft fabric, at first, unaware she was also outlining her staggering curves. Sudden blooms of red appeared on her cheeks. "I mean, I'm trying to surprise Kat - she'd never expect that I'd where a dress on my own account, right?" Jason facepalmed. "Damn it! Where are my manners. Anya, this is my good - close - friend, Danielle Waters. Dani, this is Kat's mother - who has been like almost a second mother to me - Anya Skovskaya. She's a certified accountant, yet still manages to be cool."

"Ah, Danielle, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Jason and Katya have said many nice things about you. Please, be welcome in our home." Anya gave her a welcoming hug, and a greeting kiss on either cheek, then settled back on her heels, lips curved with broad amusement - she seemed on the cusp of open laughter - as she studied the two spectacularly figured women. "The resemblance is truly uncanny. I can really see who blessed Jason with her beauty."

Said spectacularly figured women both blushed, though Jason's faded first. She gave a sharp sniff, but the edge of her mouth quivered with a suppressed grin. "Yes, well, where's the girl you blessed with your beauty, Anya? I still want to surprise her with-"

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Jason was interrupted by a smokey chuckle from the doorway. "Oh, I think my surprise it much better, Jase. Don't you?" Katya asked, her tone an impossible blend of mischievousness and innocence.

Jason whirled with fluid grace, then froze, jaw dropping open at the sight of the new Katya, her wicked grin sprouting a pair of dangerous dimples at the sight of her former boyfriend's awed shock. Jason could hardly believe her eyes. It was Katya, but a flawlessly formed one, every feature elegant perfection. For a second, Jason's veins roared with a bitter envy.

I erupt, and become an exaggerated fantasy of a woman. Kat erupts, and becomes a super perfect version of herself. Why couldn't I have erupted that way? Awesomely perfect... and male. But then her incandescent, indigo eyes shifted to Danielle, and the jealousy flowed away.

A part of her would always love Katya, they'd been together too long for it to be otherwise, but it was now more of a best-friend/sisterly type of love. Katya had helped her get comfortable with her new body and gender, but it had been Danielle who helped her to enjoy it. Jason shifted next to Danielle, their hips brushing, as she continued to stare at Kat.

"This... is... really unexpected. Incredible and amazing for you, though, I'm sure. Er, congratz? How'd it happen?"

"Oh, you know, Jase, the usual way. Boy and Girl get their freak on. One of them gets up from the bed a quantum powered babe." Katya glided into the kitchen, snuggling up to Ryusei, the soft touch of her hand on his back making him shiver. "This time, it was my turn."

"Are you shitting me?!"

"Seriously. I guess I just have the touch. I'll share all the details with you and Danielle over some girl-talk, if you like." Katya smirked as she felt Ryusei tense a little, and covertly slid her hand inside the waist of his pants, giving his firm behind a naughty pinch.

Katya watched the Dazzling Duo, both of them still surprised and a little pink cheeked, her greens eyes twinkling. "That aside, I'm glad both of you could make it and are still together since Havana. You guys make an adorable couple."

Katya moved around the kitchen, an extra sway to her hips, and welcomed the twin beauties just as her mother did, with hug and kisses, her embrace inhumanly firm and supple. Only now, did Jason realize that Kat wasn't so little any more, with a few extra cup sizes and half a foot of height. She released them and put on an apron, then removed the pies from the oven, replacing it with the ham that Jason and Danielle had generously provided.

"By the way, Jason, I love the dress, very flattering. Us nova girls will have to go out and spend a day shopping sometime." She laughed again as she felt Jason's flash of piqued annoyance.

Jason stiffened, standing straight and crossing her arms beneath her awesome assets, unintentionally emphasizing them. She was now wishing that she had settled for her more standard jeans and shirt or sweatshirt combo, rather than trying something a little (a lot) more daring. She wore similar or even sexier garments when modeling or when acting - or in private, just for Danielle - but she still had some difficulty wearing the like in a casual setting.

Why do I even bother trying to tease Kat. Ever since I grew my own pair of boobs, it never worked. And I'll have even less chance now.

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Ryuse smiles, watching Jason's reaction to the new and "improved" Katya.

"Just let me know and I'll play pack mule for you all."

He chuckled. "About how long do you think before we eat?"

"By far that has to be the only "curse" of novahood I suffer. I find I can and almost require four times the food I used to eat."

"Thank God I don't retain any of that weight..."

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Jason turned her luminous eyes on Ryusei, a nonplussed scowl crossing her luscious lips. Lots of her more feminine clothing was purchased at Kat's direction - or given to her by her modeling gigs - but she also had some stuff she didn't want Kat to ever see, let alone Ryusei. She glanced at Danielle, a private grin tugging at her lips at the thought.

"Er, yeah, sure, Kat, let's. And thanks for the offer, Ryusei, but I'm sure Dani and I can manage any heavy lifting. Don't you?"

Anya checked on the turkey. "Should be ready in about half an hour, Ryusei." She looked at all the impossibly gorgeous women and one man sharing her kitchen, giving them an amused smile. "I hope we have enough to satisfy everyone."

"Oh, don't worry Anya, Ryu exaggerates," Jason laughed, "I think I barely eat three times as much as I used - and still have no idea where it all goes - and Dani here, eats more for fun then any need. Makes her a discerning cook." Their legs hidden by the island in the center of the kitchen, Jason ran a dexterous foot down Danielle's leg as she gave her a fond smile.

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"Hhnnnnnnnffwwwwwyes I don't really need to eat so I'm really good at 'food that tastes good' but not that great at counting calories." Danielle blushed at the contact under the table. "So, uh, I won't take much unless we run out."

Danielle caught herself staring a bit too long at Katya, and tore herself away, feeling briefly ashamed. Hot damn. I was staring at my girlfriend's ex. Awkward. Hope she didn't notice.

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"After," Katya and Anya said in unison, then shared identical smiles. Anya gracious gestured for her daughter to continue as she began to set the table in the cozy dinning room, trusting Katya to keep an eye on the cooking and baking. They shared the cooking before she erupted, Katya should be more than capable of helping now as well.

"After supper," Katya expounded lightly, keeping a casual glance on the oven, "we usually just curl up on the couch in front of the fire place with cups of coffee or hot cocoa. Then we reminisced as we took our time opening the presents. After all, it was usually just us two, though the last few years, Jason stopped by when he - she could."

Katya gave her voluptuous ex-boyfriend a fond smile, which included Jason's almost exact twin of a girlfriend when she noted Danielle's lingering glance. She was oddly amused. Once, she had thought she had wanted a figure like the stunning, curvaceous duo she was sharing the kitchen with. Now, the woman who was a model for Jason's gender-bending eruption found her eyes drawn to her quantum-enhanced beauty.

Life was a funny - ha-ha-huh? - kind of place.

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Originally Posted By: Ryusei
"Well yes you could. I was just saying I wouldn't mind."

"I'm sure you wouldn't, Ryusei," Jason said with a wry grin. She glanced at the other two nova women, then down at herself, her projecting figure occupying a remarkable amount of her field of view, before turning her softly glowing gaze back on Ryusei. "I can't say I really blame you."

Jason missed her girlfriend's appraisal of her ex-girlfriend due to her own covert glances at the new nova. She still loved Katya, but that love had changed almost immediately after she 'busted' out, turning more sisterly. They had tried to maintain their intimate relationship, but Katya's firmly heterosexual orientation was only part of the reason for the shift in their relationship.

The one time they had shared a bed, Jason had been acute ware of her changes - the differences between her being a nova and Katay still a baseline. Katya had felt tremendously fragile in her arms. Jason had almost been afraid that she might kiss or hug her too hard, let alone what kind of damage she could have caused with more vigorous bedroom activities.

Looking at the new Katya, realizing those concerns were no longer valid, Jason was surprised that her feelings for her didn't change. Sure, Katya was even more babelicious than ever, and her eyes appreciated the sight, but she didn't feel the sexual stirring that she thought she would have. She really did feel more like a sister than a potential lover.

Besides, glancing at Danielle, Jason was more than content with their relationship and with her. She liked the way being together could be both casual then intimate. She liked the feel of their bodies pressing together, the way Dani's breasts overfilled her hands and the way her own overfilled Dani's. She wasn't sure if she loved her yet, but there was more than fondness and she was willing to see how far it went.

With dinner just about ready, the Skovskaya women encouraged their guests to sit down, filling glasses with wine or whatever beverage they preferred, then served each of them a sizable plate, which looked rather out of place in front of the slim waisted women.
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Ryusei sat down and waited, confident in the cooking ability of the women of the house. He could smell the diverse aroma of many spices and waited eagerly to sample their cooking. Te'd asked for tea, not really accustomed to wetern beverages, but kowing asking for a Coke was probably bad form.

Once the food was served he ate and a moderate pace, savoring each unique tase. Once everyone had been served, he went for seconds, not even blushing as eyes looked to him. "I knew I should have eaten something this morning."

He smiles to the quartet of beautiful ladies present. "You know if someone had told me last year I'd be sitting down the day before New Years Eve eating with a quartet of beautiful women I'd have laughed and suggested they have their heads examined."

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"I totally believed I'd be havin' dinner with at least four gorgeous babes by now," Jason offered with a teasing boast, flashing her current and ex girlfriends a dazzling smile. Her grin turned a touch self-deprecating as she looked down, thrusting forward the most obvious signs of her new gender. "Just never thought I'd be one of 'em." Jason's captivating smile returned to Danielle for a second before she turned her attention to her own plate. "To be fair, there have been some pretty sweet advantages... And I hadn't expected I'd ever come to accept that."

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"I can honestly say that I didn't expect that I'd spending my mother's birthday with my ex-boyfriend, who was now a woman - and even prettier than I am - and her girlfriend, nor how much it would amuse me." Katya took a savoury bite of the ham, then gave Danielle a small salute of kudos with her fork. "This is excellent, Danielle."

Anya ate her meal, a soft smile on her lips, letting the young, new god and goddesses banter with abandon. All of them moved with a minimum of exquisite grace and were inhumanly attractive. She chuckled softly in wonder at the thought that two of the women, who would be beautiful beyond belief is she hadn't been sharing a table with them, were once men. One whom had dated her daughter for three yesrs no less.

The world is full of surprises.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anya shook her head, white-touched black hair swaying, as she chuckled warmly. "I guess this year, there's no leftovers. Everyone ready for dessert and coffee or cocoa?" At the vigrous nods and murmurs of agreement - and one squeal that none of the women would own up to - Anya smiled and began gathering the dishes.

Immediately, Jason, Danielle, and Ryusei all stood up to collect the empty plates and trays for her, then froze, looking at each other in surprise. Two voices rose in merriment, Anya's husky chuckles and Katya's sultry giggles. "Please, Ryusei, Danielle, stay seated. Jason practically lived here, did live here for a while. Jason, if you would be so kind - thank you dear. Kat and I will serve the desserts and coffee and cocoa."

"Of course, Ann," Jason said, gliding around the table and gathering up all the dishes in a pair of inhumanly balanced stacks, while Anya and Katya set out a pair of warm apple pies, fresh made cookies, and variety of other desserts made from scratch. Light banter and anecdotes flowed cheerfully and soon dessert was as decimated as supper.

As the ones who had done the least cooking, Ryusei and Jason were nominated to dishwashing duty while the others made themselves cozy in the den with coffee and cocoa. Standing beside Jason at the sink, Ryusei was struck aknew by just how... preternatural Jason was, the stamp of Nova-dom more evident in her than most Novas.

She moved like nothing human, entrancingly fluid and supple, her awesome beauty vivacious and sensual without being wanton or crass. She radiated an aura of strength and vitality Ryusei could hardly imagine. Her silvery hair possessed a flawless, shimmering sheen, and her indigo eyes literally glowed with an inner luminescence. Despite having seen pictures of Katya and Jason together, before either erupted, Ryusei found it nearly impossible to picture Jason as ever having been human, let alone male.

Ryusei blinked, finding himself staring at Jason's awe-inspiring, captivating face, a face that after only six months, probably filled the fantasies of many a man, and not a few women. It took him a moment to realize she had asked him something in her inherently enticing soprano.

"So, Ryu, how is Katya really handling being a member of the in-crowd?"

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While Jason and Ryusei were dealing with the dishes, Anya, Katya, and Danielle moved to the den. A fire crackled in the fireplace, bathing the comfy den with cozy warmth. Anya settled in a worn leather recliner with a tired sigh, taking a sip of her coffee and resting her eyes.

Katya glanced at the tree, a real tree, bright and tastefully decorated, the smell of spruce pine subtly permeating the den. She eyed the presents sitting beneath its branches with a small smile, then curled up on one end of the couch. Over the rim of her mug of cocoa, Katya's compelling green eyes lingered on Danielle as she choose her spot to sit. After the curious twin of her ex-boyfriend found a place to sit, Katya spoke, her smokey alto managing to sound both off-hand and intense at the same time.

"Mmm, time to open presents next. I've gotta say, on TV, with the XWF and her movies and modeling, Jase seems to be really comfortable with herself, maybe even having fun. But I have to ask, Danielle, how is Jason really handling being a member of the fairer sex?"

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Ryusei nods. "The novelty is still there I think, but I know she's enjoying herself. She was wonderful when she met my family. Beyond the obvious I haven't really seen her use any big flashy abilities, but that's not to say she isn't keeping another of her "Woman's Secrets.""

"There's no telling what all she can do, and I figure she'll tell me as she sees the need."

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Kat smirked and leaned forward, giving Danielle's shoulder a surprisingly firm squeeze. "I'm well aware of how Jason handles the fairer sex," Kat said, voice low and amused. "And from everything I've seen, she's doing pretty much everything right."

"But..." Katya added, her amused tone turning concerned, "... I also know when things are really bothering Jason, she tends to bottle them inside. She did it when she was a guy and I don't know if joining the fairer sex has changed that. You've spent far more time with Jason than I have these last few months, Danielle. You notice anything like that?"

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Jason smiled ruefully, an almost envious expression crossing her stunning face. "It seems Kat was meant for... this!" Jason raised a supple hand gesturing at herself, outlining her spectacular figure with fluid grace. Whether she meant being a Nova or a woman was impossible to say. "Much more than me."

A last elegant flourish and the last of the dishes were cleaned. "Kat always kept secrets, or at least made it seem like she was. Eruptin's ain't gonna change that I think, Ryu, so get used to it." Jason turned back from putting the pots and pans away, a crooked grin on her face. "Just watch out. There were a couple of girls in school who used to give her a hard time and I bet you she's gonna wanna rub the new her in their faces."

Jason made herself a large mug of hot cocoa then pointed towards the den. "I think we should go join the rest of the girls now, time for presents. Who knows what Katya and Anya are saying about me to Danielle." The modern-day Valkyrie gave a long sigh that strained her snug dress, took a sip of her cocoa, then glided for the Den, hips swaying tantalizingly with the natural gait of her stride.

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Ryusei chuckled. "I agree, she's certainly taken to being a nova." He smiles. "Don't take it the wrong way, Jason, but you seem to have taken to it quite well also."

He smiles and follows back into the Living room. "I'm more worried what stories she's telling of me that she learned from my family."

He took a seat next to Katya and smiled. It had been hard not to watch Jason walk in, but thankfully Katya was there, and he was more than happy with what awaited him.

"So ladies, who would like to go first?"

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"Uh, well - sometimes Jay closes off, yeah. Like something's bothering her and she doesn't want it to bother her and pretending it doesn't bother her is the next best thing. But that's just people, I think - "

Danielle looked at Ryusei. "Go first for... uh, presents?"

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"I'll go," Jason offered with a wide grin. The voluptuous Valkyrie bent over and picked up a pair packages from beneath the tree, wrapped in shiny, golden wrapping paper. She tossed one to Ryusei, then sat down next to Danielle, pressing the other into her hands and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

"I've been wantin' to give you this for a month now, Dani. I hope you like it." Tearing the wrapping from the present, it was revealed the back side of the golden paper was the dark grey of lead foil.

Tossing the wrapping paper aside, Danielle found herself looking at a graphic novel, entitled 'The Dazzling Duo: Fair Reflections.' On the cover was a pair of women she knew well, with the superheroic proportions she would have called exaggerated if she didn't see one set of them each morning in the shower, and had a fair bit of experience with the other. Knockout and Bombshell stood tall and caped on the cover.

"Agent Orange was trying to talk me into a comic series and... well, whatever. He got me in contact with Czerka and Morrison, those guys that wrote that other series you were raving about. I may have mentioned another idea. We made a deal - I can be surprisingly persuasive, y'know," Jason boasted lightly with an arched brow and an arched back that emphasized her feminine charms, which really didn't need any emphasizing.

"Anyway, you hold in your hands, the one and only copy of The Dazzling Duo. At least, it better be." Jason reached over, sliding the graphic novel in Danielle's hands, revealing a second book under it. "They also bound all the concept art too. You're gonna have to tell me if it's any good though, babe. It was hard, but I stopped myself from reading it. You get all the honours."

Ryusei pulled his eyes from the well named Dazzling Duo and looked down at the package in his hands. It was long and narrow, about four feet long. Removing the wrapping paper revealed a long, flat box of polished ebony with an embossed dragon on the top surface, curved into a circle and biting its own tail.

Opening the case, Ryusei's gaze fell upon a katana, such as was only seen in anime. It was beautifully designed, with immaculate lines and made of clear vitrium with a faint prismatic sheen. The tsuba was again the dragon biting its own tail, elaborately wrought.

"One of the prop guys on Ragnarok was a master bladesmith and wanted to try something new, Ryusei. Kat mentioned that you were really into kendo, so I thought..." Jason smiled and gestured gracefully at the thirty inch blade in his hands. "Tap the bottom of the hilt."

With his brow furrowed, Ryusei did as instructed, brushing his index finger over the poiished kashira on the bottom of the hilt. Suddenly, the glass-like blade began glowing with a soft, sapphire incandescence.

"Pretty cool, huh? Brock assured me that the blade is fully functional too. It's not just a pretty toy. There's instructions on the proper maintenance in the case."

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It was a wonderful gift. He had no idea the importance of the people Jason had spoken of to Danielle, but he assumed they were writers Danielle was fond of.

When he opened the sword, he nodded once, smiling. "It is a beautiful blade." He handled it with the reverence one would expect from someone who cherished swords. He felt the heft of it and smiled.

"Such a gift makes me think my own gifts unworthy." He went back here his coat was and returned with two large flat boxes, and two smaller cubical ones.

He handed one of each to Danielle and to Jason. "I figure our gifts may be abit less, but I tried to think about what you all might like, and of course got a good deal of input from Katya."

Inside each gift was a suit of Beunida Eufiber, and the smaller boxes each held custom game controls.

"This way, there will never be another wardrobe malfunction, and since I was told you're fond of gaming, I had my sister create a control that's guaranteed to work any game, on any system, fully wireless of course."

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"Haha, that's cute." Danielle suppressed the urge to zip through it at super-speed, figuring it to be rude. "Thanks, I'll read it later. Scans will not show up on the opnet, honest - "

She opened the box from Ryusei, and stared at it a long moment. "I - Ryusei, I - is this real? It - " She touched it, feeling a tingle of quantum energy. "It is! I - "

She looks embarrassed. "I got you a documentary on bluray. I can't cover this!"

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Ryusei smiled. "It's not the cost, it's the thought that counts Danielle."

He chuckles. "Besides, what's the point of having money if you can't use it to benefit friends and family?"

It was his "go to" response, and he meant it. "It is real yes, both I and my father still have some connected friends."

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"Hey, cool! One controller fits all." Jason had opened the smaller box first, pulling out the customized controller. It fit her hands as it made for her... which she guess it was. "Thanks, Ryu-"

Jason trailed off as she looked over at what her girlfriend had found in the larger of the presents. "That's?!" Without waiting for confirmation, Jason ripped open her own box, revealing the outfit of man-exuded material. Better not think about that part.

Jason ran a hand across the material, finding it to be smooth and silky, yet almost rubbery at the same time. Her hand tingled, as if asleep, and she almost flinched when she felt the fabric, if it could really be called that, flex against her touch. "Jesus fuck! That's disturbin' and cool at the same time. I've been wantin' to get - Hey! What's it doin'? What the fuc-mmphrmgh!"

The Eufiber, as if with a will of its own, slithered up her arm and beneath her dress, thinning and spreading, until it enveloped her entire body and a fair portion of her face. The colour flowed like a melting kaleidoscope and the shape of the outfit keep shifting randomly, one rippling permutation shredding her dress apart. Jason chewed on a full underlip, stifling a noise that sounded suspiciously like a giggle.

"How do you make stay in one shape - and one colour!" Jason asked, finishing with an eeep! when the Eufiber faded to sheer translucency before darkening once more.

Katya chuckled with wicked mirth. "Very becoming Jace. I believe it's still acclimatizing to your quantum signature. Try picturing something concrete... Not actual concrete, by the way," she added with a smirk.

Looking around with wide, twilight eyes, still trying to resist giggling from the tickling, almost erotic sensation of the slithering, shifting substance sheathing her figure, Jason's eyes fell on the cover of the commissioned comic book. Immediately, the wild variety of colours and style of her Eufiber slowed, then stopped, as it settled on a distinct appearance. A figure hugging outfit of dark blue and gleaming silver, spike-heeled thigh-highs, and an enticing magic cleavage window. Inexplicably, it somehow managed to avoid looking completely whorish. Maybe it was the cape.

"Well then. I guess it will only prevent wardrobe malfunctions after it causes a few, eh?" Bombshell's sultry soprano was incredibly wry.

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"Like everything else, Jace, you'd look amazing in a wardrobe malfunction. Own it." Jason turned to give Katya a scowl, her incandescent indigo eyes narrowing as she saw her ex-girlfriend, and still close friend, hide something behind her back.

"Oh, nothing," Katya replied smoothly, flipping her OpPhone closed and stuffing it between the cushions of the couch.

Jason thought is was unfair that someone so obviously guilty could still sound completely innocent... well, as innocent as Katya ever got. "Bull."

"Alright. Here. I helped with Ryusei's gifts, but I still got you and Danielle a little something." Kat reached beside the couch and pulled out a flat package with two small jewelry boxes hanging from it.

"I was going to get you guys some really fun clothing, but the eufiber takes care of that. I'm just giving you some options to work on. And you can still accessorize."

The wrapping on the flat package shredding beneath a perfectly shaped nail, Jason found a stack of catalogs. Catalogs depicting women's clothing - business, casual, sport, underwear, underwear, underwear, and more, styles ranging from sophisticated to trashy to Oh-My-God (but still intriguing). Jason looked down quizzically as she caught a flashdrive falling from the stack of catalogs.

"What's this."

"Digital catalog, with a program for continual updates. Catalogs are just for a basic start."

"Riiiight." Jason sat down the stack of catalogs in the box her eufiber had jumped out of, then opened the pearly felt jewelry box that had tag with her name on it. In aide nestled a gold pendant and chain, wrought in elegant simplicity.


"I think it suits you two perfectly, don't you agree?" Katya's emerald eyes twinkled in her dimpled grin was both teasing and sincere.

Anya watched the antics of the young Novas with amusement. She shook her head eying the glowing blade by Ryusei's side, the 'superhero' costume that Jason's new outfit currently appeared as, the phenomenal beauty of the women themselves. Just over ten years and the world was almost unrecognizable.

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Ryusei smiled at Anya. "You haven't been forgotten. I have a gift for you as well."

He smiles. "Please, give me your hand." She did, abit unsure of her Daughter's boyfriend.

Ryusei pushed his power hard, he wanted to get this in a single shot. His cerulean eyes flashed momentarily. Katya had told him once how her mother hated growing older. Well, it was her birthday, and he figured more Time was a fitting gift. He reached out at Anya's own temporal feild and signature and resculped it, restoring it to when she was in her physical prime, twenty years before.

Click to reveal..
Ryusei just used age Alteration from Temporal manipulation while Powermaxing. he scored a phenomenal 10 successes, De-aging Anya to the way she looked when she was 25.
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Anya gave a soft gasp as the ravages of time receded from her. The influence of Ryusei's power consisted of thousands, tens of thousands of surprisingly subtle effects, that combined, produced a drastic, and immediately visible, result.

Her thinning hair thickened luxuriously, wings of white darkening to a glistening black. Wrinkles faded as her face and complexion grew smooth and clear once more, pale skin and tired, grey eyes regaining the luster of youth. The excess weight she strove futilely against melted away as her figured tightened and there was an obvious shifting beneath her loose shirt as her heavy breasts rose up, sitting high, full and firm again as they sloughed twenty years of gravity. A soft moan escaped lush lips, the roughness of her voice easing back to a velvety, mellow alto.

Where seconds ago stood a tired woman, bowed with the losing battle against time, there now was a vibrant and stunning young woman, standing tall and straight. There was a restored grace to her every movement, youthful vitality singing in her veins, her bearing retaining the sophistication and maturity of a woman twice her apparent age. The woman, looking nor more half a decade older than her daughter stared at Ryusei, her mouth open, utterly speechless, eyes overflowing with sheer gratitude that no mere words could express.

It wasn't so much that she hated growing older, it was the age seemed to delight in taking a heavy toll on her. And now, that toll had been payed back, with interest, on her behalf. Anya couldn't come up with a way to adequately express her thanks and simply hugged her daughter's boyfriend with a renewed strength and suppleness.

"Wow!" was all Jason could manage to say at witnessing the transformation of her ex-girlfriend's mother, a woman who had been almost a second mother to her.

Katya twined her fingers in Ryusei's and squeezed them in appreciation. The raw spike of desire and pleasure that flared through him nearly made him faint and he felt more than heard Katya's seductive voice. Looking to his intoxicatingly captivating girlfriend, a mysterious smile gracing her lips, he couldn't tell if she had actually spoken aloud or caressed his soul itself.


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