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Aberrant: In the Beginning - Chapter 2b - Something New Under the Sun


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Aeon Society Headquarters

London, England

Back at the 'homestead' as it were, things were fairly quiet on the morning that Nathan, Katalyst and the others went to check out the distress calls. Or at least it was.

Wei Fang and Jedi both had messengers come for them wherever they had gone on grounds, and whatever they were doing. The message was the same as well.

"The Director says we got a ring from Scotland Yard. There's been a new Novus found, and she's right here in London! They're asking if you'll come help bring them in for an examination and debriefing."

(OOC - This is for Wei Fang and Jedi. Vassily, I'll bring you in too in a little bit, if you're still watching the threads. :))

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Fang considered the note for a moment, thinking. It hadn't been that long ago that she'd been the new Novus, and now she was being called on to guide another one into the public light. Nodding, she tucked the message away and headed for the Director's office.

It was her duty as one of the first to serve as mentor for those who followed.

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Colin smiled at the message. Nice, send the fox into the chicken coop to collect the eggs. "Tell them I'll will join them immediately." He folded the message and put it in his pocket and headed for the Director's office at a determined stride. He didn't know if the little man that had delivered it would scurry ahead or phone or just ignore him, but it was important to maintain a business like image.

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Fang got to Maxine's office first, by virtue of having been closer to start with. Director Mercer gave the Chinese novus a slightly harried smile and opened her mouth...just in time for Colin to burst in.

"Oh good, you're both here. Well, this isn't exactly an emergency, but given that you've already had a successful time dealing with a newly erupted novus, I'd like you two to handle this. I've been informed that we just got a call from Scotland Yard. It seems THEY just got a call from one Michelle Rassner, a local musician and barfly who was apparently struck by a bolt of lightning last night while..."

She looked down at a fax in her hands and squinted slightly as she read it.

"...screaming obscenities at the Creator while waving a bottle around during a thunderstorm."

Maxine looked back up at Fang and Colin with a tired smile. "Given the evident temper involved, I thought it best to send the most experienced personnel we have on hand. No word on what powers to expect, though the police stated that Ms Rassner does not seem violent or angry from her call. She was told to expect Aeon to arrive, so hopefully this will all go smoothly. Are you willing to do this, and if so do you have any questions?"

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Fang looked at Maxine, waiting for the Western woman to break into a grin and laugh at the 'clever' joke, then tell them what the fax really said. It took Maxine to finish talking for the fast-witted Chinese woman to realize that this wasn't a joke.

The Universe has an odd sense of endownment, Fang thought, trying to not shake her head. "I will do it," she said in English, nodding. "And while I have questions, I believe they will best be answered by Ms. Rassner."

She glanced at Colin, waiting to see what he thought.

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Collin nodded politely to the two ladies when he entered and then listened attentively to what Director Mercer had to say. "Certainly, I would be honored to assist. I am prepared to leave immediately if you wish." He considered this turn of events. Hopefully this new nova would be interested in hearing his proposal. There was soo much work to do getting Novus inc up and running, but his company motto was going to be "People First". Well, it was one of the mottos he was considering, but the point was valid, the plan required that he staff a large number of novas and so meet and greet was right up his alley.

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Maxine stood up with a grateful smile and handed over a sheet of paper. On it was printed an address, and under it two phone numbers.

"Thank you both. I know your time is valuable, and I appreciate you being willing to do this. As you may have noticed, Aeon's been in the midst of shifting gears and restructuring itself, and while that process is nearly complete, it has left us less...efficient...than I'd like during a crucial time. Your help makes the difference between novus going lost on their own, and them having guidance and access to medical care."

Her smile turned rueful then. "Of course, I forget who I'm talking to. Both of you know exactly what's at stake. I shan't keep you any longer. If you need any assistance, anything at all, call my direct line. It's on the page there, under Miss Rassner's. Godspeed."

With that Director Mercer sat back down and watched the two chosen novus leave her office. She'd heard from Pax about Colin's talk, of course. There was a lot of buzz about it, with opinions ranging from enthusiastic support and trying to get in on the venture, to dark mutters and lamenting the commercialization of miracles.

She herself wasn't sure yet...more observation was required. So she'd wait, and watch, and when the time was right, she would act.

(OOC - You guys are free to go join Voltage's thread by knocking at her door. How you get there is up to you. You could teleport, or use one of Aeon's fleet of vehicles. You have full access, so pretty much anything within reason goes for this. :))

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