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Aberrant: Dead Rising - Chapter 5c: Fire in the Hole

Dawn OOC

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Ira looked down at the ground in thought for a moment before answering.

"Ok Jules baby, can the hot talk, there's nothing spooky going on here. I told you, its been...hard, for all of us. Not everyone has gotten to live in the lap of luxury here in Beverly Hills. Just give us a minute and we'll work it out, ok?"

Ira looked at Jules expectantly over the rim of his shades, waiting for her to walk away.

Jules 'harumphed' giving Ira the stink eye before going back to join Wesson. Ira watched her walk away, then turned his back to them, shielding his conversation with Cassandra.

He leaned in close, talking softly, "Baby, I know you are nervous about the sickness, but this is part of the gauntlet, right? I mean, we can't finish the quest without getting through this."

Ira was hoping that using her terms would help smooth over her fears.

"I'm guessin' since you are so nervous that this is not the Doc we are seeking." Ira moved into his 'thinking' pose, tapping his head while the other hand crossed his body seeking shelter under his right arm. "I think you'll be ok baby, you don't need to talk, its not uncommon for people to lose their voices, just play the trauma card sugar."

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Cassie nodded, then said. "I am blind to the chirugeon," she murmured. "Perhaps I will be struck by lightning, but perhaps I will remain dark. I have to read the stars, to see what is true." She stepped forward, leaning against him for the moment.

She'd been willing to lean against him and touch him before, but there was something different about her now. She felt more, well, the word wasn't desperate, but it was close. As if she were taking every moment with him that she could get.

Jules stopped by Wesson, seething with anger. "Lap of luxury my ass," she said, loud enough for Ira and Cassie to hear.

"She's fire-kissed," Cassie whispered, "and it makes her blood boil."

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"Just when I thought I had a handle on you baby..." Ira sighed "...maybe he'll figure you out, maybe he won't, hope I got that right."

Ira held her tight as she clung to him, more than willing to give the comfort she was seeking. Ira's head whipped around at Jules outburst, but he just smiled and leaned back into Cassandra, waiting for Min to finish with the Doc...not the other way around...

"You got the blood boiling part right baby."

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Min came out of the back room after a time, smiling. "Clean bill of health, no sickness," she reported to Wesson.

"She is sick," Cassandra whispered softly, her words for Ira alone.

"Who is next?" Dr. Singh asked, smiling.

Jules looked back at them. "Ira? You ready?" The anger was still in her eyes, though her voice managed to be civil enough.

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"Yeah baby, wouldn't surprise me." Ira replied, though probably not in reference to the same sickness Cassandra was implying.

"Cassandra'll go next if that's alright." Ira hated pushing her forward, but the more time he had to think of an excuse for his arm, the better.

Cassandra started to protest, but he pulled her out at arms length, holding her by the arms.

"Be strong baby, I'll be right here if you need me, just holler ok?" He whispered to her, nudging her in the direction of Dr. Singh.

"Your knight eagerly awaits his fair maiden's return."

It was cheesy, but anything to try and lighten the mood would help. He was worried more about Singh than he was Cassandra. Who knew what crazy shit that girl could do? She had managed to escape Death and walk half-way across some seriously desolate terrain naked after all.

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Originally Posted By: Dawn, OOC

Jules stopped by Wesson, seething with anger. "Lap of luxury my ass," she said, loud enough for Ira and Cassie to hear.

He should say something mean to this stuck up girl, but knew that in the long run it wouldn't gain him anything, and the short term gains were not likely worth it.

"Jules, nothing I can say will express my empathy with you, my desire to see you live, a long and healthy life. A life of ease and comfort. As in all things, you do not get what you want all the time. To me, the simple things are what really mater , so I am deeply sorry you find the resources we were given to be lacking. I truly am sorry. If there is anything I can do to help you in these harsh times I will gladly do it."

He moved back to Min. To him this was Hell. Not the Zombies, not the death. The petty whining and moaning. The vanity. The pure greed. The spite. He for a moment death was better than this.
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Shakily, Cassandra nodded and let go of him. Her hands brushed over the sleeves of his shirt before she let go and walked into the room with Dr. Singh. The door shutting was very loud.

Ira was alone with two women, both of whom looked like they wanted a piece of him in very different ways, and Wesson, who was the grandfather of one of those women. Plus, he was still trying to think, which wasn't helped by Min making her move.

She walked toward him, smirking a little. "So, what's her deal? Is she your girlfriend?"

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Originally Posted By: Wesson
"Jules, nothing I can say will express my empathy with you, my desire to see you live, a long and healthy life. A life of ease and comfort. As in all things, you do not get what you want all the time. To me, the simple things are what really mater , so I am deeply sorry you find the resources we were given to be lacking. I truly am sorry. If there is anything I can do to help you in these harsh times I will gladly do it."

For a moment, her face was blank. Then she spoke in a bellow that was impressive for having come from such a previously quiet woman. "You motherfucking son of a bitch! How dare you come here and talk like you know shit about what's on here!"

"Jules," Ger said softly and soothingly, their roles reversed, but the woman was on a rant that couldn't be stopped.

"I arrived here two days ago, carrying the body of my only child and with nothing but the clothes on my fucking back! You want to know what I want, you scummy little asshole? I want my son back! I want my baby girl back!" She was crying, and didn't seem to be aware of it. "I want to have not seen my husband eating her, or him die of a sickness that made him a monster! I want to undo the things I've had to do to keep my son alive, only to lose him just before I found a place of peace. So you can shove your empathy so far up your ass you choke on it!"


"And you, prick!" She spun on Ira. "You can keep your assumptions about what I've been through to yourself!"

"Jules, c'mon, we're going for a walk, now." Ger put a firm hand on her shoulder and pushed her toward the door. For a moment, she looked like she was going to fight him, and then she just sagged and let herself be guided away. Ger glanced back. "I'll be right back, let me see to her first." And then it was quiet again in the kennels.

"Wow," Min said. "That woman's a loose cannon, huh?"
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That was it. He had enough.Raising his voice

"Jules, you do not own the book nor the title of pain. I had to kill my wife of 46 years. I watched her die, screaming for me to kill her, and I couldn't. I damn well couldn't, she was my fucking sun rising,she was my fucking sun setting. She was everything to me. I watched her com back form the dead. I then had to kill her again."

Holding his hands out to her.

"I still see her blood,her brains, her bones on these hands. I learned two days later that both my children are dead, and a few days after that that Min, is my only grand child alive out six. I know about pain, and suffering. I understand you are in a lot of pain. Well, what you want me to do about it? Make a time machine? Because I would if I could. Oh lord knows I would. But I can't, and you going around like the way you are doing is not going to bring you son back."

With that he wrote Jules off for now.Sigh as he spoke softly

"That was smart of me.Oh well."

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"She's nuts, Granddad. You can't help her, she has to help herself," Min said comfortingly, patting him on the arm. She beamed her bright, pretty smile back at Ira. "I'd rather hear about you anyway. You were going to tell me about your friend?"

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Ira couldn't help but shudder as he saw Min approaching, he didn't want to join her breeding program, but thankfully any answer he would have to give was interrupted violently by Jules.

As she ranted, Ira seemed to go to another place, his skin paled and sweat started to form on his brow.

Click to reveal.. (Flashback)

Background Music

The Nova pulled up to the curb of a newer ranch-style house, the lawn just barely giving the ground a hint of green color. A zombie mother was feasting on what appeared to be her boy, having been caught unaware on his Big Wheel in the cul-de-sac.

Ira's parents had been sick with the flu, and had both stayed home. He raced up the steps with Lisa close behind, throwing the door wide. He knew his Mom would be downstairs working, regardless of her condition.

"Mom!...Dad!" He called, desperation tinging his voice with fear. "Lisa, go check on Mom."

Ira left Lisa behind, running through the large house back to his parents bedroom, praying silently in his head.

He threw open the door, a destroyed carcass that he could only assume used to be his father, strewn across the bed.

"Oh my God!" Ira cried collapsing to his knees, tears already pouring down his face. He didn't have much time to mourn though as the sound of breaking glass could be heard across the house.

"Iraa-!" Lisa's scream was stopped short as Ira sprinted across the house and nearly lept down the stairs into the finished basement.

The scene the gruesome, Lisa was trying to scream, trapped under robe-clad Zombie Mom. The undead mother was tearing into Lisa's chest where her halter top left the skin exposed, one zombie hand holding her head pinned to the floor sideways, which also prevented her screaming.

Ira didn't think, there wasn't time to, he grabbed the fire poker from the hearth and started beating his mom with it.

"Let her go!" Ira screamed hysterically, the log hook impailling her skull repeatedly.

"Let her go..." he sobbed, collapsing, as his mom finally stopped moving, "...let her go."

"Ira! Help!"

The scream echoed in Ira's head as he came back to the present, tears welling in his eyes.

"Yeah," He said quietly, "Loose cannon."

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Originally Posted By: Dawn, OOC
"She's nuts, Granddad. You can't help her, she has to help herself," Min said comfortingly, patting him on the arm. She beamed her bright, pretty smile back at Ira. "I'd rather hear about you anyway. You were going to tell me about your friend?"

Ira looked at Min quizzically, "Yeah, Cassandra...what about her?"
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"Yea , I guess she is but fuck me if I am going to let her act s she is the one with a painful past..Min, The blessing of youth is the ability to move on, and recover. I don't remember a time before your grandmother. I see glimpse of my life before and the horrid I can't forget the time we were parted..But war is war"

Turning around.He whispered into Min's ear.

"Please, remember, stay safe.Stay safe."

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Ira looked at Min, obviously no longer in a playful mood for whatever reason.

"Babe, I don't see how its any of your business, but if you think she's hot, then be my guest." he said with a tone of exasperation.

Ira had had enough of her seductive word-play and it was starting to get irritating.

"But one way or another sugar, make a move and stop all this hussy shit." he said, his arms flying around to emphasize his point.

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"Ok, if that's what you want," Min said eagerly and leaned into him. In front of her Grandfather, she tried to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him.

The door at the end of the hall slammed open, and Singh stepped out too quickly, holding the door for Cassie. She looked disheartened, and her expression didn't improve when she saw Min.

"Next?" Singh said pointedly, eyeing the tableau he'd found warily.

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Ira's head and hand moved simultaneously, almost in anticipation of what Min was going to do.

Ira's gloved left hand whipped up and planted itself in the center of Min's chest, stopping her progress, just shy enough that when his head whipped around to see the door thrown open, Min barely planted a kiss on his cheek.

Ahhh craaap.

Ira struggled, but managed to break her grip and finished pushing her away. "Sorry sugar, time's up."

He looked irritated as he approached Cassandra and the doctor. He paused to put a hand on Cassandra's arm, looking at her apologetically before turning to Singh.

"That'd be me Doc...shall we?" he said as he walked in the room.

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Min looked irritated for a second before her expression became amused. She stepped back after Ira's inital shove, her hands rising in a "no foul" position. She didn't look discouraged by the rejection.

Cassie's expression was impossible to read, with most of her face hidden behind Lisa's glasses. After Ira released her arm, she turned and darted into one of the kennels, slamming it shut with a metallic clang.

Dr. Singh closed the door and turned to him with a smile. "How do you feel? Any coughing, aches? Fever?"

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Ira cringed as the kennel door slammed shut, taking off his shades.

"Fucking ray of sunshine Doc...you?"

"As good as expected. Please remove your clothes and sit down." Singh instructed in his heavy accent.

Ira stripped, neatly piling his clothes on the table beside him, the Presley shades resting on top. As Ira's left arm became exposed, Dr. Singh sucked in a breath through his teeth. "That does not look good." He stated obviously, grabbing the arm and twisting it to and fro, examining it thoroughly.

"Been that way for six months, hasn't healed, hasn't got worse. You tell me."

"Let's check the rest of you first." Singh said, pulling the stethoscope from his neck.

Singh did a thorough physical, heart, lungs, spine, reflexes, cough-to-the-side, the works, before coming back to the arm again.

"I do not like this Ira." Singh said, Ira sounding more like eeeruh.

"Well doc, I'm as interested as you, what we gonna do about it?"

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The doctor probed the arm further, testing its range of movement and even bending to sniff at it. "I do not know," he said tentatively. "I would like you to stay in quarantine until Dr. Shattuck returns and can see to it. She..." He grimaced and sighed. "I and Dr. Chen were still residents. Dr. Shattuck has practical experience and knowledge that I do not have. I will confer with Dr. Chen as well." He seemed to be speaking aloud, rather than to Ira.

He peered up at Ira closely and asked again, "There is any... um, is there any pain? And... You do not seem infected now, but have you ever been exposed to the z-virus in such a manner as to catch it? We have found that in some humans, this triggers... changes. Mostly beneficial, from what we have seen." His dark eyes were gentle and compassionate as he asked.

Wesson & Company

The strange girl sat on her cot for only a moment. Then she stood back up and walked out of her chosen room into another. Grabbing that cot, she carried it into the room she'd claimed. Without saying anything, she set up both cots side by side before sitting on one and folding her knees against her chest. It was clear she meant to have a roommate.

After another moment, she was up and moving again nervously, poking around the empty kennels, looking for something. Occasionally, she would find something and pick it up, dropping it into a small but growing pile in her hand.

"So... the boss's sister-in-law is crazy, this girl is crazy..." Min muttered, watching Cassie do whatever it was that she was doing. "What are we doing here again, Gramps?"

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"Doing what we have to do. Doing whatever we have to do to rebuild what we once had. We will have to do things we don't enjoy to do it. I am likely going to have to show Dick what power really is. But I have given him time. Maybe he will see reason. Maybe."

Pity, shame, and pain. All these were clearly on his face, and his tone.

"Min, I can either lay down and die, or try to save the world. Maybe if I save enough of the world, the world will pitch in and..."

He stopped. He didn't want to say the rest, it was bad enough he though so much of himself.It was even worse that he thought he needed saving.

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"The Lionheart will be killed by Prince John soon and he will lead them into pain and suffering," Cassie said suddenly. Min and Wesson looked at her, to find her looking at them, still with those glasses on, giving her a strange, almost bug-like appearance. "To save the Lionheart's people, you must find Robin Hood and put him on the throne."

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Originally Posted By: Dawn, OOC
The doctor probed the arm further, testing its range of movement and even bending to sniff at it. "I do not know," he said tentatively. "I would like you to stay in quarantine until Dr. Shattuck returns and can see to it. She..." He grimaced and sighed. "I and Dr. Chen were still residents. Dr. Shattuck has practical experience and knowledge that I do not have. I will confer with Dr. Chen as well." He seemed to be speaking aloud, rather than to Ira.

He peered up at Ira closely and asked again, "There is any... um, is there any pain? And... You do not seem infected now, but have you ever been exposed to the z-virus in such a manner as to catch it? We have found that in some humans, this triggers... changes. Mostly beneficial, from what we have seen." His dark eyes were gentle and compassionate as he asked.

"Doesn't hurt...and yeah, ...you could say I've been exposed." He said nonchalantly.

Ira wasn't volunteering anymore information than that and just stared at the doc. The changes he had seen in himself were hardly beneficial and the last thing he needed was getting run out of the refuge with Cassandra stuck in a kennel.

Or worse, they would probably blow his fucking head off.
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"So you are one of the superpeople?" Dr. Singh said, smiling. Apparently, he was fond of making assumptions. "Excellent. I'm sure Captain Fox will be happy to hear that. I see no sign of the z-virus - aside..." He waved at Ira's arm. "And just for the record..." He picked up a piece of paper and, using a medical text as a backboard, asked, "Do you have an medical conditions we should be aware of? Allergies, is you appendix out, cavities? So on..."

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Fox will be happy...

"Yeah, I'm one of the superpeople, ...basically." Ira said, his tone saying that was 'assumed information and why did it take you so long to get that?'

"As far as conditions...aside from the pain in my ass..." Ira said with a leer as he leaned over and pointed to his rear. "I don't think so, you heard my heartrate, slow but strong."

He moved to grab his clothes, doctor or no, he was tired of exposing his dirty underwear. "Are we done doc?"

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Originally Posted By: Dawn, OOC
"The Lionheart will be killed by Prince John soon and he will lead them into pain and suffering," Cassie said suddenly. Min and Wesson looked at her, to find her looking at them, still with those glasses on, giving her a strange, almost bug-like appearance. "To save the Lionheart's people, you must find Robin Hood and put him on the throne."

Wesson, just listened hoping that madness was just way to filter something she couldn't understand. Just as comic book were way of filtering the world down to ways people could understand.

Listening carefully. He calmly walked over to her, and reached his hand out.

"Please tell me more, you seem to think that what I am trying to do will cause suffering. I want to know why you think that.I would want know if you think there is anyway I could stop this suffering. I just want to rebuild the world."

He was feeling a bit of insanity in his blood, but listening to this child's stories may help him, and should at least calm her down.
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Cassandra pulled back from him. "The flower turns to the sun and it doesn't know why. It gains only what is given by the light. But I'm not your hammer," she said, her voice thick with fear. "The baby bird that is touched will be abandoned by its mother."

"Whoa, she's nuckin' futs," Min said softly. She had followed Wesson and now she stepped forward, hunching down again. "What's the matter? Can't you speak right?"

The girl ducked around them and hurried back to her chosen kennel. Kneeling, she began to arrange her bits and pieces into a single word: ADMIT. It didn't make her happy, though; she scowled at her word and seemed frustrated.

Meanwhile, Dr. Singh said, "Yes, you can dress and are free to return to your friend." He paused, then said, "Please remain in the quarantine until Dr. Shattuck can see you."

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Ira dressed quickly, pausing at the mention that he may be in quarantine longer than the 24 hour requirement.

"How long is that likely to be Doc?" Ira said pulling his 'The Who' shirt over his head. "The conditions here aren't exactly Hilton-like or anything."

Ira stepped into his shoes, as he donned the gloves, the last piece of his ensemble.

"And there's a hot shower with my name on it, waiting to be abused." he said as he walked out of the exam room holding his shades.

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Nodding to Cassie he returned to min and patted her on the back.

"She may vary well be, but she is far more scared than she is insane. As for that, there is no point in trying to blame her. So, please relax. She is going threw enough torment in her head to ned you,me or anyone else adding to it."

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Dr. Singh frowned. "I hope her to be returned tonight," he said softly, looking tired. "If not, then tomorrow. I doubt you'll be in here longer than you thought. But she is going on an attack, and may have wounded to tend to." He shook his head. "I wish that I didn't feel that your arm is a bad sign, but it could be. But if that is the case, I'll try to get you to a shower anyway. I know it will break the quarantine, but most of the supers are immune to the virus and don't appear to be carriers. So it should be safe to let you shower somewhere." He smiled. "I will speak with the authority here."

Min shrugged. "I'm not the touchy-feely type, Granddad," she muttered. "I'll leave her the fuck alone, but she gives me the willies, ta be honest. Something's wrong with her."

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"Thanks Doc."

Ira stopped and turned back to the Indian, "Think you could manage that shower for two?" He winked at Singh as he put on the shades. "I sure would appreciate that, and it would go a long ways toward showing us two newcomers the generosity that can be found here at Fox's."

Ira turned back around and noticed Cassandra kneeling in one of the cages, someone having placed a second cot in it.

"Hey baby, mind if I join you? Looks like you got the suite with the California King."

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Singh chuckled. "Finding a shower for two will not be much more difficult than one," he said, giving Ira a knowing guy-smile. "I will ask, indeed."

Cassie beamed up at him and said, "Admit!" She scowled at her own word, then sighed and just waved him in. "Attempting to create with broken fingers," she told him sadly, tilting her head so that he could look her in the eyes over the lowered shades. "Too much temporary healing, too much effort."

Dr. Singh looked at Wesson. "Your turn, sir. If you would?" He gestured into the room behind him.

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Looking to Singh, waved him two fingers.

"Doc I will be right with you but I have something important that I just thought of."

Going to Min, he leaned down, and handed her a key.

"Min, go tell the guards you forget some cloths, and get the box labeled c3. You are then going to like Cassie pick what she likes out of it.If the guards ask you look in the box let them. It nothing but clothes anyways. If they don't let you go, give them the key, and tell them where c3 is.You know in the way back.Please be kind to Cassie, at least as kind as you can"

Turning around he walked to Singh, still unnerved by the nature of man.He sat on the table.

"Doc, I know the drill, but honestly I am in better shape than when I was 20."

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"Gah, Granddad, you can't be friends with everyone," Min sighed, rolling her eyes. She took the key and stood up anyway, adding, "I need to get something to read anyway or I'll lose my mind."

As she left, stopping to talk with a guard - one, Wesson noted, who was all too eager to talk and flirt with her - he went back with Dr. Singh. The doctor started with, "How do you feel? Any coughing, aches? Fever?"

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"Hey...hey baby...now I didn't mean it that way." Ira said reaching around to console her, "You just have to be patient with me. It is not better to be a saw, and I better not hear that outta you again sugar because you do matter."

A shotgun blast echoed through Ira's memory, briefly sending him to another time and place.

"You matter to me, I was two mile markers shy of losing my cool when you saved me. It was you that kept me from driving off a cliff all Thelma and Louise style, so don't go telling me 'bout not mattering, or some spanking will be in order, kapeesh baby?"

Ira said the last with a playful smile, trying to lighten the mood.

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Originally Posted By: Dawn, OOC
"Gah, Granddad, you can't be friends with everyone," Min sighed, rolling her eyes. She took the key and stood up anyway, adding, "I need to get something to read anyway or I'll lose my mind."

As she left, stopping to talk with a guard - one, Wesson noted, who was all too eager to talk and flirt with her - he went back with Dr. Singh. The doctor started with, "How do you feel? Any coughing, aches? Fever?"

He would talk to Min later.He wasn't here for friends.He was not helping people to gain favor but rather he was helping them just to help them. It was just what someone had to do.

"Doc, I have no aches, no pains, no coughs, no stiffness, no weakness. I am an old man, and really I had my share of doctors in the war. So if you don't mind get the tests you need to run on me done with and I will be on my way."
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She gave him a hesitant smile before pulling off the shades - they weren't quite hers yet, there was a ghost still holding on - and leaning into him. "Heaven is with you, too," she murmured. "You make me more than I have ever been."

"Yeah, hey..." Min's voice was both gentle and nervous. "Look, I know we all got off on the wrong foot, but Gramps wants to give Cassie something. I dunno, it's want he wants, so..." She set down a rather large box and added, "She can have whatever she wants out of here. And, um... I didn't mean to call you nuts, either. Sorry." The lid was removed to show lots of nice women's clothing. As Cassie blinked, Min got a good look at Cassie's eyes. "Whoa... those are some pretty eyes there. Pretty amazing color. You really shouldn't hide them."

"They are a sign of my sickness. I'm sick. So are you," Cassie said simply, biting her lip as she looked at all the pretty clothes. She then looked at Ira, waiting for him to say something.

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